Name of Deceased (Surname First)
Name of Deceased Address, description and date of death of Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be Date before which (Surname first) Deceased given and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives notices of claims to be given TAYLOR, John Tandy Pennant, Llangwm, Near Corwen, Clwyd, Retired Layton & Co., 30 Exchange Street East, Liverpool 2, Solicitors. (Alfred James Pinning- 31st March 1978 Stevens Engineer. 4th August 1977. ton and Ralph Harrison Meadows.) (488) Low, Dorren 81 Moor Lane, Crosby, Liverpool 23, Spinster. Layton & Co., 30 Exchange Street East, Liverpool 2, Solicitors. (Alfred James Pinning- 31st March 1978 29th November 1977. ton and Ralph Harrison Meadows.) (489) WEARING, Norman 500 Leasowe Road, Wallasey, Merseyside, Build- Bell & Joynson, 51/53 Wallasey Road, Wallasey, Merseyside L45 4NN, Solicitors. 25th March 1978 Alexander ing Contractor, Retired. 12th December 1977. (Midland Bank Trust Company Limited.) (490) COCKPIT, Alan Arthur ... 26 Woodsorrell Road, Liverpool 15, Merseyside, Latin & Masheder, 43 Castle Street, Liverpool L2 9TQ, Solicitors. (Ronald Julian Ison.) 27th March 1978 Retired Company Director. 28th October 1977. (491) SMITH, William George ... 48 Rock Lane East, Birkenhead, Merseyside, F. S. Moore & Price, 6 Hamilton Square, Birkenhead, Merseyside L4J 6BQ, Solicitors. 6th April 1978 (492) Shipwright (retired). 4th January 1978. (DT/JK/SMI) (William Alan Smith.) WATKTNSON, Beatrice 40 Warbreck Avenue, Liverpool 9, Widow. 7th Albert Parker, 38 Warbreck Avenue, Liverpool 9. Stuart Shirley Rayner, 34 Castle 31st March 1978 Tillieas otherwise January 1978. Street, Liverpool or the undersigned. (Albert Parker and Stuart Shirley Rayner.) (493) Beatrice Tillie Q THOMSON, Roy George ..
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