KILLEESHIL PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Pat Hannigan P.P. 65 Tullyallen Road, Dungannon. BT70 3AF Tel: 028 8776 1211 MINISTRIES Parish Office A very warm welcome to our Parish. We all have different, but valuable gifts and Brenda Mulgrew - Secretary talents that we can use to serve God and each other. If you would like to know Tel: 028 8776 1211 more about Parish life or are interested in taking part in any of our Parish activities Email:
[email protected] or ministries please contact the Parish Office. Website: Parish Webcam: Parish Pastoral Council Masses for the Week Brian O Neill - Chair th 7.00pm Tel: 028 8556 7235 Sat 4 May Ackinduff Paddy & Ann Mc Kenna Sheila O Neill – Secretary Sun 5th May 9.00am Tel: 028 8776 1500 Tony, Anthony & Annie Gormley Aughnagar Parish Safeguarding Rep. 11.00am Geraldine Scullion Tullyallen th Tel: 028 8556 7078 Sat. 11 May 10.00am No 10am Mass: First Holy Communion at Email: Tullyallen 11am in Ackinduff 7.00pm Ben Goodwin St. Mary’s P.S. Cabragh Ackinduff th Seamus Mc Creesh - Principal Sun. 12 May 9.00am James & Annie Montague Aughnagar Tel: 028 8776 7356. 11.00am Panda Cross Community Playgroup Tullyallen Roseanne Mallon (Killymaddy) Patricia Holland - Leader Please note: there will be no Mass on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tel: 028 8776 9090 Thursday & Friday this week. Community Centre Many of our priests are on retreat in Dromantine this week. Bookings - Kieran Please keep them in your prayers. Tel: 07776939351 Baptisms Baptisms are arranged by Gift Aid appointment only and three weeks Recently Deceased A large number of parishioners make their notice must be given.