Avatar Locomotion in Crowd Simulation N. Pelechano B. Spanlang A. Beacco U. Politècnica de Catalunya U. de Barcelona U. Politècnica de Catalunya
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract easily extended to large numbers of agents simulated in real time. This paper presents an Animation Planning To achieve natural looking crowds, most of the Mediator (APM) designed to synthesize anima- current work in this area uses avatars with a tions efficiently for virtual characters in real limited number of animation clips. In most time crowd simulation. From a set of animation cases, problems arise when the crowd simulator clips, the APM selects the most appropriate and module updates the position of each agent’s root modifies the skeletal configuration of each without taking into account movement of the character to satisfy desired constraints (e.g. feet. This yields unnatural simulations where eliminating foot-sliding or restricting upper the virtual humans appear to be ‘skating’ in the body torsion), while still providing natural look- environment, which is known as ‘foot sliding’. ing animations. We use a hardware accelerated Other problems emerge from the lack of coher- character animation library to blend animations ence between the orientation of the geometric increasing the number of possible locomotion representation of the agents and direction of types. The APM allows the crowd simulation movement. As we increase model sophistication module to maintain control of path planning, through enhanced path selection, avoidance, collision avoidance and response. A key advan- rendering, and inclusion of more behaviors, tage of our approach is that the APM can be these artifacts become more noticeable.