Plate II A-L
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PICNIC TABLES <«- Plate II A-l r icnio U*P)G — — Don nam Otata Carlo — — loras M i in i I- r i i • .1 ri ora is piozuroa tag, moa: asDGalmg oi the, picnic, ones con- i • I r I i j i I I r O • ' . Tl 11 Drivaa root:-: sqoarc-a \umaz-r or room me-rciaf sizes. 1 he- wfrH proporDionaoq splayaa lops are- viae oucszandma lacoor its Tarl'rt«.rt'rtO ok>s iapsnonlyof onis example, iaihe vWiat-2K shown on one opposizo p&ejp. ln*ne is its this spocimzr? an aamirab'c apozaranoW o; bairhip sciostanDiallv bnacea apansst ove-rtcii-n: rig. ii O -CO O 10 Plate II A-2 ->» PICNIC TABLES American Island Metropolitan Park, Chamberlain, South Dakota Millersylvama State Park, Washington PICNIC TABLES OF SQUARE-SAWN MATERIAL The examples here pictured are more or less closely that there are no narrow cracks or joints in which related to the table detailed on the facing page. food and other accumulations can lodge. The Square-sawn lumber of generally commercial sizes South Dakota table indicates a careful rounding is the material used for all, except for the ex of the edges of seat and table tops so that danger ceedingly thick slabs which are the seat and table of damage to clothing is minimized. The Pickett tops of the Millersylvania State Park example. Forest table appears particularly sturdy and well- The freehand lines of these hewn slabs do much braced. The Piatt National Park table is also sub to insinuate this man-made object into a harmony stantially braced and has a center of gravity so low with its surroundings. that it could only be overturned by intent and Two examples illustrate fabrication of table top much effort. All might, and perhaps some do, with spaces between the component members so have a buried length of leg to give fixity of location. Pickett State Forest, Tennessee Piatt National Park I I PICNIC TABLES <«- Plate II A-3 PicnicUml Oucrnscy Labe otate. Pack- — — — Wyoming >A heavy rusfie type- in which the scats are carried or cress- •cams coltcd to the-legs or tr?e> tacle-. I Lore is the possibi lity or extending fcne. length of the lees to allow rot- prantirtd • -*tL_ -. Cl Oi I O . r ii i TLO m roe Orocjoo to prevent casual -moving Or the anr. J pre, basic type or taole is widely used in fbV plains and moun- i • lyi M -I 11 -2 i r fi i- i • tain stares. Happily the very nature or the rwstie materi al employed serves so save any one unit from appearing" to be one exact duplicate or its next neighbor as zhz oppa- •l It I i • I I II O site illustrations demonstrate. 12 Plate II A-4 •m PICNIC TABLES Crowley's Ridge State Park, Arkansas Dollivcr Memorial State Park, Iowa PICNIC TABLES WITH SUBSTRUCTURE MEMBERS IN THE ROUND These variants of the table detailed on the opposite Woods table, certainly, are buried in the ground. page exhibit the quality of handcraftedness in a In point of fact the lack of any longitudinal bracing wide range of scale. The more noticeable differ in the latter example makes firm anchoring of the ences between them are in seat and table tops. At legs a virtual condition of stability under the rack upperleft these are of sawn lumber; at upper right of use. Rigid bracing, both lateral and longi only the top of the table is dressed material—the tudinal, is very necessary if the picnic unit is to seat tops are half logs. The examples shown below withstand the stresses and strains to which a employ half logs for both seat and table surfaces. single season in facilitation of picnicking is certain It will be noted that the legs of the Crowley's to subject it. To this the experienced park man Ridge table, apparently, and of the Gebhards charged with maintenance will be quick to testify. Denver Mountain Metropolitan Parks, Colorado Gebhards Woods State Park, Illinois *3 PICNIC TABLES «-5- Plate II A-5 -KICK) 10 Unit Ooutn Mountain Keservation — - Ne«- Jersey Mquare-d and round timbers in satisfy] no combination that is neither boo -'.marznore-d nor ceo machined in appearance •An excellent compromise- rav'orirjq equally v/i loerne-ss scc- tinq and the need for qrcat numbers or practical picnic- units, and yet not costly, rresent are suitable thick ness 01 saac ana table- planks, adequacy or cleats to prevent thav-arpino or the tabic top, and assurance or desirable fix ity or location by virtue or tnc deep-planted supportino members. 14 Plate II A-6 -V» PICNIC TABLES Rocky Creek State Park, Oregon Riverside State Park, Washington PICNIC TABLES OF FIXED LOCATION Common to these variants of the picnic table de speaking, indigenous only to the Pacific slope. tailed on the facing page is that degree of anchorage The top of the Oklahoma table is not a single which effectively discourages the public's inclina board it is true, but the several pieces that comprise tion to move tables about, and yet does not prevent it are of a very satisfying thickness and are spaced the maintenance crew from moving them when the sufficiently far apart to do away with unsightly, picnic ground must be vacated for a period of clogged joints. recuperation. The two illustrations above show a substructure The subtle differences in these examples hold of squared material in contrast with one in the interest if studied in the light of such potent affect round. The fine slabs which serve for table top ing and related influences as climate, location, and and seats in the Deception Pass State Park example available timber supply. The wide slabs which have astonishing bulk, and show an agreeable dis serve as table tops in three examples are, generally regard for true planes and straight edges. Deception Pass State Park, Washington Osage Hills State Park, Oklahoma l5 PICNIC TABLES «f> Plate II A-7 Picnic Table Crater Lalce National Parle - — — Oredon A table of substantial proportions tbat fully aebno'dedoss tbe impressive' scale or floe trees native to Hoc Kac-irio 3iops and so is appropriate in tlois and otloet-4 western National Partes wkoro it loas been built. A practical advantage in tbe type is tbe absence or undcrbracina so orteto in conveniently restrictive ot led room. 16 Plate II A-8 •m PICNIC TABLES Rocky Mountain National Park Mohawk Metropolitan Park, Tulsa, Oklahoma PICNIC TABLES WITH BURIED SUPPORTS The table and bench combination detailed on the vide the seating. The Deception Pass example goes facing page and the variations here pictured have all the way. Its table and bench top parade the in common vertical round supports buried in the unexcelled timber resources of that region in the ground and benches quite independent of table form of massive slabs having hewn surfaces and construction. freehand edges. At upper left is an example that substitutes three Shifting of tables of this type is not impossible, half logs for the two which form the top of the yet hardly a light task to be assigned annually to Crater Lake table. At upper right is shown a table the maintenance crew. There are other types bet with single half log, roughly squared, serving as ter suited to areas where the wearing-out process table top. The Woahink Lake table frankly adopts is rapid, and frequent relocating of picnic tables is a sawn slab for this purpose, but half logs still pro practiced as a maintenance measure. Woahink Lake State Park, Oregon Deception Pass Stale Park, Washington l7 PICNIC TABLES <«- Plate II A-9 Li C YlI o U r? i b Caddo Lace, SloioPark _ - _ Texas I roc tron? acoqsaxon or rraail ity, yet capable, or beind reloca ted i, occasion demands, this cmffc and tbe variations sbosen ot? "bo Diatc opposite rate well for primitivene-ss and practicabili ty'. 'Wood ccnsLrcic-tion or Ibis bosky cbaraoter is only truly appropriate- it ib?e surroundinp' standind timber is in scale vit'n too ioo members o) bbe table- ana berzebe-a. 18 Plate II A-10 ->» PICNIC TABLES Caddo Lake State Park. Texas Scenic State Park. Minnesota LOG PICNIC TABLES IN VARIETY The table at upper left is a virtual duplicate of the appearance should discourage the persistent whim one detailed and illustrated on the opposite page. of the public for casually shifting tables about. As Both are of interest as illustrations of the subtle dif with the preceding groups, here are differences in ferences of line which can result between units built the construction of table and bench tops, and of from the same blueprint. Though the table tops understructure, which make for considerable indi of these Caddo Lake units are supported by legs, viduality in spite of a basic similarity of parti. With the method of supporting seats on short lengths tables of this type, probably the major shortcoming, of log laid on the ground here makes its initial in a strictly practical sense, is the requirement of a appearance. perfectly level site. Lacking such, it is surely more In the three other tables pictured, this style of desirable to obtain a full bearing by "scooping out" support is variously and interestingly developed to the ground so as partially to bury the supporting logs carry the table top as well. The resulting massive than to resort to a shim as illustrated at upper right. Custer State Park, South Dakota Sibley State Park, Minnesota *9 PICNIC TABLES m- Plate II A-ll KiCntO Unit Ahisstssipoi Ka.ii53.aos ofaU.