2016 Volume XVVolume No. 2 XV No. 2 Territorial and Maritime Disputes in the West Philippine Sea: Foreign Policy Choices and their Impact on Domestic Stakeholders AILEEN S.P.BAVIERA Social Media Use by Frontline Government Agencies: Review and Recommendations CLARISSA C. DAVID Do Investments Respond to Taxation and Incentives? Evidence from the Philippines STELLA A. QUIMBO LORAINE GALLEVO XYLEE JAVIER ROMERO FS. QUIMBO MEG REGAÑON Measuring the Performance of the Philippine Scientific Enterprise System CAESAR A. SALOMA Empowering Filipino Women Seafarers in the Maritime Sector LUCIA P. TANGI Mind the Skills Gap: The Case of the Philippines SENATOR JUAN EDGARDO”SONNY” M. ANGARA Speech Review: Mind the Skills Gap: The Case of the Philippines EMILY CHRISTI A. CABEGIN (PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) EDITORIAL BOARD Alfredo E. Pascual, Chair; Emerlinda R. Roman; Emil Q. Javier; Francisco Nemenzo, Jr.; Jose V. Abueva; Edgardo J. Angara; Emmanuel V. Soriano; Edna Estifania A. Co; Gisela P. Concepcion Issue Editor Edna E.A. Co Associate Editor Lea Marie Diño Copyeditors Ramon Fernan Connie Maraan Layout Artist Shechainah Pacariem Proofreader Kevin Mark Gomez Public Policy (ISSN 0118-8526) is published semi-annually by the University of the Philippines. Editorial, Business & Subscription Offices UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies UP Bahay ng Alumni Building 1101 Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines T EL 435-9283 T ELEFAX 929-3540 E MAIL
[email protected] W EBSI T E http://cids.up.edu.ph/ F ACEBOOK P AGE facebook.com/up-cids Public Policy accepts submissions of manuscripts articles following the same format. examining contemporary social, cultural, economic All manuscripts must be original.