4. Multichannel Seismic Survey of the Central Izu-Bonin Arc1
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Taylor, B., Fujioka, K., et al., 1990 Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, Vol. 126 4. MULTICHANNEL SEISMIC SURVEY OF THE CENTRAL IZU-BONIN ARC1 Brian Taylor, Gregory Moore, Adam Klaus, Martha Systrom, Patricia Cooper, and Mary MacKay2 INTRODUCTION navigation and the data were sorted into 16.7-m common mid- points. After velocity analysis, normal moveout (NMO), and Multichannel seismic (MCS) data were collected in the central muting of severe NMO stretch, the data were stacked ( — 48 fold). Izu-Bonin island arc in preparation for Legs 125 and 126 of the The data were then deconvolved (200 ms operator, with 3% Ocean Drilling Program, and as part of our continuing research white noise added), time-varying band-pass filtered, migrated into the evolution of intraoceanic arc-trench systems (Fig. 1). using finite difference migration, band-pass filtered at 6-10-50- Our seismic investigation focused on the processes of arc, fore- 60 Hz, gained using 500-ms automatic gain control, muted to arc, and backarc formation, tectonics, and sedimentation. In water bottom, and plotted. the forearc basin, the MCS data provide insights into the nature and mode of basin formation, lithospheric flexure that results FOREARC BASEMENT from arc volcano loading, and forearc sedimentation processes Figures 3 (in back pocket) and 4-6 show our migrated MCS and evolution. Major issues addressed by the MCS survey in the profiles from the volcanic arc to the outer-arc high. The acous- arc/backarc region include the nature and style of arc volcan- tic basement surface is strongly reflective on the outer-arc high, ism and backarc rift-basin sedimentation, faulting, and volcan- but it becomes less so beneath the forearc basin where the veloc- ism. ity contrast with the deep basin sediments is less. Basement can- For an overview of the tectonic evolution of the Izu-Bonin not be followed west to the volcanic front, primarily because of Arc, see the "Introduction" chapter (this volume). In this paper the water-bottom multiple reflection. The basement is seismi- we present the processed MCS data from our surveys of the cally stratified, with strong reflectors that dip both east and Sumisu Rift (Profiles 3-6, 8, 9, 13, and 14) and the arc to outer- west beneath the outer-arc high. The high is presumed to be arc high portion of the forearc (Profiles 1-5 and 8-14; Fig. 2). formed of Eocene boninites and island-arc tholeiites, similar to Interpretations of the trench-slope MCS data appear in Horine those cropping out on the Bonin Islands along strike to the et al. (in press). Papers presenting our interpretation of the back- south. The basement surface has significant relief, commonly arc rift and forearc basin MCS data are in preparation. Detailed 500-1000 m, but more than 2000 m in places. The outer-arc correlations of the MCS data and the Leg 126 drilling results are basement high is bounded on the west by a series of west-dip- presented in the "Seismic Stratigraphy" sections of each site ping buried escarpments that are probably normal faults. Fur- chapter in this volume. ther west, basement blocks form numerous ridges with interven- ing troughs beneath the forearc sedimentary basin. Several of DATA ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING the troughs appear to be half grabens (e.g., Profile 14, 1300- We collected over 3000 km of 96-channel seismic data from 1600Z near 5 s; see Fig. 3, in back pocket). The strong east-dip- the Izu-Bonin Arc during two cruises of the Fred Moore (FM ping reflector within the basement at 1600-1700Z on Profile 14 3505, 17 June to 7 July 1987; FM 3507, 4-16 August 1987; see (Fig. 3, in back pocket) may be from a crustal detachment sur- Fig. 2). The seismic source consisted of a tuned array of six Bolt face. Profile 2/3 crossed the northern flank of a large buried air guns (total = 1065 in.3) and a single large air gun (2000 in.3), seamount at 0500-0600Z (Fig. 3, in back pocket). Frontal-arc which resulted in sources that ranged from 1065 to 3065 in.3. basement highs, spaced about 100 km apart, are present east of Shot intervals ranged from 16 to 67 m (average ~ 35 m) depend- Aoga Shima, Sumisu Jima, and Tori Shima. Our survey crossed ing on ship speed and shot repetition rate. The streamer was only the smallest of these highs (Profile 10, Fig. 4), which are configured into 96 groups consisting of 40 hydrophones each. reflected by shallow bathymetry (Fig. 2). Where dredged further Groups were separated by 33.3 m with a near offset (channel 96) south (25°-30°N) by the Geological Survey of Japan, these highs of 170 m and a far offset (channel 1) of 3337 m. Loran C and yield upper Eocene volcaniclastics (M. Yuasa, pers. comm., the global positioning system (GPS) provided navigation data. 1987). These highs were probably formed by late Eocene and The 2-ms-sampled seismic data were band-pass filtered at 5 Hz early Oligocene arc volcanoes. (24 dB/octave) to 100 Hz (54 dB/octave) and recorded on a GUS 4200 system in demultiplexed SEGD format using an inte- FOREARC SEDIMENTS ger floating point gain. The forearc sedimentary section can be subdivided into three We processed the data at the University of Tulsa on a VAX major seismic-stratigraphic units. The first caps (and is restricted 11/750 equipped with a Phoenix processing system (Seismo- to) the outer-arc high basement. It is a thin, finely layered, of- graph Service Corporation). The processing sequence began by ten-eroded unit of presumed (hemi-) pelagic sediments. It is best resampling the data to 4 ms and removing noisy traces and bad seen on Profile 5 east of 0245Z (Fig. 3, in back pocket). Further shots. Next, the source-receiver geometry was defined from the east, the inner-trench slope is nearly devoid of sediments (e.g., Profile 14 of Fig. 3, in back pocket), except where ponded around the serpentinite seamounts at 5-6 km water depth (Fig. 2). The second unit forms the bulk of the forearc basin sedimentary fill. 1 Taylor, B., Fujioka, K., et al., 1990. Proc. ODP, Init. Repts., 126: College It is characterized by strong, continuous, subparallel reflectors, Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program). 2 All at Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2525 typical of turbidites, which lap onto the basement highs (e.g., Correa Road, Honolulu, HI 96822. 0700-0900Z on Profile 2; see Fig. 3, in back pocket). In areas of 51 B. TAYLOR ET AL. unit thickens to the west toward the arc volcanoes. The reflec- 138°E 142° 36°N tors increase in continuity and amplitude, presumably as a re- sult of the coarsening volcaniclastic facies. Loading by the arc volcanoes appears to have flexed the forearc lithosphere, creat- ing a proximal moat (filled with the volcaniclastic sediments) and an arch (onto which the sediments lap). This is particularly evident on the three northern profiles (Profiles 1-3, Fig. 3, in back pocket), but it can also be seen on Profile 13 (Fig. 6). The 34°N sedimentary sections in the moat and on the arch are cut by nor- mal faults. SUMISU RIFT Figure 7 shows the detailed location, and Figures 8 and 9 show variable-area plots of our migrated MCS profiles across the Sumisu Rift and its margins. Figure 10 (in back pocket) shows wiggle-trace plots of the same data as Figure 8, but at less vertical exaggeration (VE = 2.1). The seismic stratification of the pre-rift margins and "basement" of the 30-40-km-wide rift 32 is highly variable as a result of significant syn-rift normal fault- ing and volcanism. The presumed arc-proximal, volcaniclastic, pre-rift section is often difficult to distinguish from the poorly stratified early syn-rift sediments because of this overprinting tectonism. Only the late syn-rift stage, strong, subparallel reflec- tors are easily correlated throughout the basin. These presumed volcaniclastic turbidites are offset by active normal faults. Fault offsets and reflector dips increase with depth, indicating syn- depositional faulting. The rift-basin development and sedimentation is fault con- trolled. Most of the intra-rift and rift-margin volcanism is also fault localized. Sumisu Rift is bounded on the east by a major fault zone (see Profiles 14 and 3-6, Figs. 8 and 10 [in back pocket]). To the east of this master fault zone, the arc margin has been uplifted, exposing pre-rift arc volcaniclastics. The lack of footwall uplift on Profile 6 may be the result of loading by the nearby arc volcano. In the south, on Profile 13, the master fault zone and rift-flank uplift is on the west side of the rift (Figs. 8 and 10 [in back pocket]). The transfer zone between the two opposing master fault systems is located at and south of Profile 14. It is a relay zone of distributed normal faulting rather than an oblique slip zone (see Profile 8, Fig. 8). Away from the master fault zones the pre-rift section gradually rises up and out of the basin, as seen on Profiles 13, 14, and 3. Fur- ther north, two antithetic fault zones have downdropped the western margin, producing a more symmetric rift profile (see Profiles 4-6, Fig. 8). On all of the east-west profiles, there is an inner-rift graben of maximum subsidence on the eastern side of 26 the rift. This inner rift has been intruded by an en echelon vol- canic ridge (Fig.