Helping Lost Jewish Communities 11603 Gilsan Street Silver Spring, MD 20902-3122 KULANU TEL: 301-681-5679 FAX: 301-593-1911 “all of us”
[email protected] Volume 10 Number 3 Autumn 2003 Lemba Convene PERFECT FOR CHANUKAH! Announcing Kulanu’s Conference By Ernest Nhandi (Sadiki) Newest Book! (President’s note: Prof. M.E.R. Mathivah, founder and first presi- UNDER ONE CANOPY: Readings in Jewish Diversity was pub- dent of the Lemba Cultural Association, z”l, frequently lamented lished in November by Kulanu. Edited by Karen Primack, it is a com- to me that the Lemba are widely scattered, so much so that they pilation of the works of over 50 poets, essayists, storytellers, and song- are perpetually out of contact with each other. This report by writers. Ernest Nhandi Sadiki eloquently reflects the challenges facing the The 150-page paperback is a trib- Lemba diaspora and that desire to be united despite various di- ute to Jewish diversity by Sephardi, Ashke- vides. The all-day conference was held in Sweetwaters, Ven- nazi, Mizrahi, African, and Asian writers. daland, South Africa on September 13, 2003.) Proceeds from sales will benefit Kulanu’s The Conference, which had a carnival and glorious atmos- programs. phere with pomp and fun, opened with a procession to the Cultural The book’s Table of Contents and Center Hall. The emotional procession was led by the Lemba Introduction will be published on the Ku- drum majorettes. lanu web page, The chaplain, W. M. Masala Mhani, prayed for a fruitful The book, which sells for $15 (10 and memorable Conference and a good agricultural season as well.