English Martyrs, Cornish, Scottish and Welsh Saints
I fiT^ -^ c^ >' THE JLins of tlje Siatnts REV. S. BARING-GOULD SIXTEEN VOLUMES VOLUME THE FOURTH >h- * >}« J^ First Edition puUislied iSj2 Second Edidun .... ,, iSc)-j New and Revised Edition, 16 vols. ,, ^9^4 ^ ^ J <Myj^ EARLY SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MONSTRANCE. April, Frontispiece.] y ^^- * ^ THE ili^esf of tje faints BY THE S. REV. BARING-GOULD,J M.A. With Introduction and Additional Lives of English Martyrs, Cornish, Scottish, and Welsh Saints, and a full Index to the Entire Work New and Revised Edition ILLUSTRATED BY 473 ENGRAVINGS EDINBURGH: JOHN GRANT 31 GEORGE IV BRIDGE 1914 -i< -* 83 Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson ij" Co at the Ballantyne Press, Edinburgh ->i« *- -* CONTENTS S. Abundius .... *^ -* VI Contents PAGE S. Celestine I. ... 94 Gilbert of Caithness 10 „ Celsus 106 Godebertha . .163 SS. Chionia and comp. 34 Gundebert .... 364 S. Cletus 343 ,, Cronan 361 D .S. Dadas 181 Daniel ,, 325 SS. Didymus and Theo- dora 359 S. Dionysius . .122 220 ,, Domnan and comp. „ Donatus yil „ Drogo 217 E B. Eberhardt . 114 S. Egbert . 3V SS. Eleutherius and Antia . B. Elmo . 205 S. Erkonwold 375 ,, Ermine . „ Eupsychius 130 ,, Eutropius . 370 SS. Eutyches and comp 199 F SS. Feli.K and comp. 300 S. Fidelis of Sigma- ringen .... 332 „ Forannan .... 376 SS. Fortunatus and comp 300 S. Francis of Paula . 25 „ Fronto 187 . ,, Fructuosus . .211 G S. George 301 ,, Gerald 74 „ Ceroid 228 *- -* Contents Vll PAGE S. Magnus . .211 PAGE „ Marcellinus, Pope . 345 S. Quintilian . 181 „ Marcellinus of Em- brun . -251 R „ Marcellinus of Car- . S. of Chi- thage . 8g Richard SS. Marian, James, and Chester .
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