Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 180 / Friday, September 16, 2016 / Notices 63795 Summit Hill Drive, WT11D, Knoxville, Native Hawaiian organization not Camano Island is located in Puget TN 37902–1401, telephone (865) 632– identified in this notice that wish to Sound between Whidbey Island and 7458, email
[email protected], by claim these cultural items should mainland Washington State; the Cama October 17, 2016. After that date, if no submit a written request with Beach Shell Midden site is on the additional requestors have come information in support of the claim to western shores of the island. Saratoga forward, transfer of control of the the State Parks at the address in this Passage is a waterway between the two human remains and associated funerary notice by October 17, 2016. islands. Along Saratoga Passage, the objects to the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe ADDRESSES: Alicia Woods, Washington shores of both islands are rich in of Texas, the Alabama-Quassarte Tribal State Parks and Recreation Commission, prehistoric Native American seasonal Town, the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana, P.O. Box 42650, Olympia, WA 98504– resources sites. and the Muscogee (Creek) Nation may 2650, telephone (360) 902–0939, email Historical and anthropological proceed.
[email protected]. sources indicate that the Kikiallus, TVA is responsible for notifying the Swinomish, Lower Skagit and SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas Notice is Stillaguamish peoples occupied and had (previously listed as the Alabama- here given in accordance with the village sites in the Penn Cove area of Coushatta Tribes of Texas); Alabama- Native American Graves Protection and Whidbey Island and on the Quassarte Tribal Town; Cherokee Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), 25 U.S.C.