Newsroom Convergence in Saudi Press organisations A qualitative study into four newsrooms of traditional newspapers 1 Ahmed A. Alzahrani2 A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Journalism Studies University of Sheffield September 2016 1 To cite this thesis: Alzahrani, A. (2016) Newsroom Convergence in Saudi Press Organisations: A qualitative study into four newsrooms of traditional newspapers. PhD Thesis, University of Sheffield. 2
[email protected] Alzahrani Newsroom Convergence in Saudi Press organisations Abstract This is the first study of its kind about newsroom convergence and multi- skilled journalists in Saudi newspaper organisations and aimed to fill a gap in the literature about this particular issue in the Saudi context. The study investigated transformations, implications and consequences of technological convergence at four Saudi traditional newspaper organisations; Al-Madina, Alriyadh, Alyaum, and Alwatan. This thesis has explored the particular impacts of online journalistic production in traditional newspaper organisations to identify changes and perhaps challenges occurring in newspaper newsrooms. The study used the observation method in the four newsrooms and in-depth interviews with open ended questions with 60 professionals. The findings confirmed that there are ongoing transformations in the newsrooms. Yet, these transformations are challenged by regulatory, business, and cultural forces. Alyaum was the only newsroom to introduce new integrated newsroom. Journalists are observing and using new communication technologies in the workplace. However, there are difficulties in this process such as tensions in the newsrooms and shortage of qualified and trained journalists in the Saudi media market especially, multiskilled journalists. Despite embracing online and digital technology in news production and disruption, the four Saudi newspapers are still prioritising the traditional print side as it is generating more than 95 % of the annual revenue.