Process Approximate Timeline Total Time (years)

Provisional Filed A is filed if and when data supports a filing. Provisionals must be filed within one year of a public disclosure. Establishes a priority date.

1 year US Only International Non-provisional Patent Application Filed PCT Patent Application Filed A non-provisional US patent application is filed within PCT patent application filed within one year of provi- one year of the provisional application. This applica- sional, if seeking international protection. Public dis- tion will be examined by the USPTO. closures eliminate the possibility of foreign protection. 6 months 6 months

Patent Application Published International Received

A restriction requirement may be received during The International Searching Authority issues a this time if the USPTO determines there are multiple report detailing their search and preliminary in one application. opinion on .

1 year Patent Application Published

1 year First Received The provides notification of National Stage Entered which claims in the application have been rejected or accepted along with reasoning. Countries in which patent protection is desired are selected and separate patent applications are filed for 3 months each. Due to cost, proceeding with foreign patent protection requires a license. Respond to Office Action issues response to USPTO in three months, extensions possible, but costly. National Examinations 3-12 months Patent is examined independently by examiners from the in each selected country. Additional Office Actions Received

Patent Issued

Patent Issued

UTRF: Health Science Center 901-448-7827 Multi Disciplinary Office 865.974.1882 •