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[email protected] Website: www.suncraftgroup.com Opportunity Nigeria 3 4 Opportunity Nigeria OPPORTUNITY NIGERIA 2010 Edition Contents 10 29 31 39 03 Leadership 28 Africa Day:A two-day events comprising football and a gala night 06 Opportunity Nigeria Celebrates 10 Years reception 07 A Momentous Landmark, A Shining Future 29 First Lady of Nigeria visits Singapore for Jascon 34 Christening 11 In Remembrance : Late President Umaru Musa Yar’ Adua (1951-2010) 31 Sea Trucks Group Contributing to the Nigerian Economic Development 13 Nigeria at 50: Stable, Progressive Government and Steady Development 33 “Nigeria welcomes investments from Asia” 15 The Pride of Africa, Nigeria Celebrates 50 Years of Independence 36 Exploring the Maritime Sector in Nigeria 20 Nigeria-Singapore Relations 37 Photo Feature Broadening Partnerships 39 Tourism Nigeria: The Splendours of Africa Await 26 Nigeria At The Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games 41 Singapore Businesses & Investments in Nigeria 27 NIGERIA ON MEDAL LIST OF FIRST YOUTH OLYMPIC GAMES 43 Business Guide PUBLISHER Sun Media Pte Ltd EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Nomita Dhar EMBASSY EDITORIAL Uche Frank Ogakwu ASSISTANT EDITOR Richard Lord SUB-EDITOR Neha Lad ADVERTISING & MARKETING Himani Kale, Neha Lad ART DIRECTION & DESIGN Su Mon Thein PRINTING Image Office EDITORIAL OFFICE Sunmedia Pte Ltd 20 Kramat Lane, #01-02 United House, Singapore 228773 tel (65) 6735 2972 / 1907 / 2986 fax (65) 6735 3114 e-mail
[email protected] url http://www.sunmediaonline.com For further enquiries, contact: Nigeria High Commission, Singapore 143 Cecil Street, #15-01 GB Building, Singapore 069542 Tel (65) 6732 1743 Fax (65) 6732 1742 Website www.nigeriahc.org.sg MICA (P) 040/09/2010 This commemorative special is published under the advocacy of H.E.