Chapter Iii Malachi's Eschatological Figures
CHAPTER III MALACHI’S ESCHATOLOGICAL FIGURES: AN EXAMINATION OF MAL.3:1-5; 4:5-6 Ralph L. Smith argues that the Book of Malachi deals with four primary theological themes: covenant, cult (worship), ethical conduct (justice and morality) and the future.1 It is certain that the Book of Malachi contains a number of theological ideas such as God‟s covenantal love, His covenant, the ideal priesthood, the universalistic perspective,2 and the eschatological promises. The word “covenant” occurs six times in the book. O‟Brien argues, “Malachi employs much of the terminology, theme and form of the covenant lawsuit.” 3 In other words, the Book is a kind of the covenant lawsuit. Malachi, as the prophet and representative of the Lord, confronts the priests of Israel for their defilement, reminding them of a faithful priest--a messenger of the Lord--who rebukes the people of Israel for their unbelieving hypocritical worship and unethical conduct, requests them to restore true worship, and proclaims a message of hope by predicting the forerunner of the Lord who prepares the way before the Lord comes. Malachi is commissioned by God to participate in a divine dialogue between Him and His rebellious people who comprise the remnant of Israel. The time of Malachi is the era of covenant breach. The priests violate the covenant of Levi (2:1-9), and the people break the 1 Ralph L. Smith, “The Shape of Theology in the Book of Malachi,” Southwestern Journal of Theology, no. 30 (1987) 24-27. 2 Pieter A. Verhoef, The Books of Haggai and Malachi, New International Commentary on the Old Testament, ed.
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