29, 1969 y ,1 ,

ent of the coneemin. tuatlon of coneemln. ties, and tlves' and nd the opo the func. y." ----_.------:--_-_--"--~c------, , poet , gs tongdera, ,P~i' Psi cO.r:;> .post positions in trial • I panyln. Lollllden Hall, the defendlni c:haplplon of LlUle 500, once again dla· conaos, and played Ita individual talent and overall team atrenith lut Sunday In the 'a topic will time trIa1J at Blackatoc:k Speedway. The squid combined for an e1iht te ShIp," In lap time of 5:11.9, nearly five lIOCOIlda ahead of their nearest contender, people" be· Phi Kappa PI!. , , of the 1Ih1p. The followln. I. a complete rundown of half·mlle times of the par· t!clpanta and the team tota1a, beglnn1n. with the futest founome (cap­ ~ bookJeta of Wna noted): CADRE of ~ An! Strano I. Lon.den Hall ••••••••• ••• Loc:ker, Cal 1:18.0 " and l-rhe 5:11.9 Thom... Ray 1:2Q.4 .. F..,..,her, Jim 1:21.2 'PulIln, Bill (c) 1:11.3 2. Ph! Kappa PI! . Nunery, Bill 1:17.1 - 8:30 5:18,4 Bowen, Paul 1:21.9 Trottman, Bob 1.18.1 ftrwtaa~ 'Rhoades, Jeff (c) 1:18.1 3. Sigma Alpha EpsIlon _ 'Meyer, John (c) 1:20.8 .. 5:18.8 W1laon, Bob 1:20.0 Aker, CharUe 1:20.4 Baum, Bill 1:11.8 4. • • ••_ 'Tatham, Paul (c) 1:11.2 5:20.3 ' Alcorn, Merritt 1:20.8 Pearson, wUey 1:23.1 Hatch. Jay 1:18.5 5. Slama Cl11 • ._.__ • Doyle, Bill 1:18.0 II' 5:23.5 Frederick, Bill 1:28.0 'Trowbridge, Bob (c) 1:2Q.4 Horst, Pete 1:18.1 8. Lambda Chi Alpha ••_. Kroeger. Bill 1:18.1 5:30.0 Tam, Bob 1:30.4 500 events be Month 'Shively, Chuck (c) 1:18.0 tittle 5 queen candidates Marlowe, Steve 1:22.5 7:30. 9:30 7. ••••_._ 'OUver, Bob (c) 1:19.3 The .teering committee tor Little ee - Z:08 5:30.8 Blkin; Bruce 1:2402 500 has announ.oed. the achedlile f!lr_ Johnson, Doug' 1:28.8 the weekend. "resent apiA;ons on-race""""'--; Wynkoop, Dave 1:20.5 Friday afternoon at 4 p.m. an 011­ Phi Gamm.a Delta •__ • __ .____ Spear, Dan The purpose behind selecUng a 8. 1:28.5 campus water pull will be held In 01 enthusiasm. She added that the 5:35.0 EltaxladlJ, Thraaos 1:22.8 the lreshman quad. This is actually Lltlle 500 queen and court IJ reigning coed 01 the race ahould 'Bridger, Mike (c) 1:22.8 a tug.ol.wor. The losers In eac:h viewed dillerently by this year's .lso be a representative of the cam· live contest tin.llsts. pus, .0ci y Norrl., Dave 1:22.8 heat will be pulled right Intll a pool ''personable and all 9. Blahop Roberta HaU _ aware:' Braund, Randy 1:21.1 of water set up lor the occasion. 5:40.8 Jackson, Gene 1:33.3 Sally Draper, a linalist represent­ 1:25.3 Friday the concert-dance will be ing Mason Hall and PhI Gam, aaId The lifth linaUst, lreshman Lou­ Metz, Jim ise Few, representing Lucy Row­ 'Town, Don (c) 1:20.8 held at 8 in Bowman Gym. ThIJ she feelJ the queen selection "gen· land Hall and , 10. Delta Upa110n __ ••_•••_...__ • Nash; Chuck 1:27.8 event w11l leature Bobby Taylor erates Interest" In the race Itself. added that the purpose of the 5:50.4 Crist, Bill 1:28.5 and the Orilinals (formerly the Getting a participant Involved helps people In her Uvln. unit become queen'. court I. "10 support the 'Tomsic, Bill (c) 1:24,8 Vancouvers, who appeared In last excited and enthused, she said. guys.1I I May, Chri. 1:31.3 year'. Little 500 concert with Smo­ (c) 1:214 key Robinson and the Miracles). Other Little 500 queen candidate 11. L_ •.•• 'Wriiht, Frank Jon Johnson, a aopbomore final· 1:27.1 Also appearing In the concert and nominees were: 5:52.1 WlIhlte, Ed 1st representing and 1:37.3 tonlght will be Bo Hannon Alpha Chi Omega, Longden Hall I Werner, Tom dance Delta Upsllon, considers the Little 1:25.3 and the Molown Sound. Coc:hran, Kent 500 Queen and court a. people 'who - Debbie Mei01'. Alpha Gamma . 12. __ • • • __ Ross, Dick 1:21.4 Saturday the pre-mce festivities drow together the fun and enthual· Della, Delta Chi - Nancy Priess. 8:28.2 MoUhagen, Bob 1:30.9 • will begin at I :30 p.m. Featured 81m 01 the whole weekend. The Alpha Phi, Sigma Nu - Susy Black­ Tewksbury, -Dick 1:38.1 In these evenll will be the crown­ queen ''personlti.... the spirit at the 'Mont, Jeff (c) 1:29.8 mW\. Delta Delta Delta: Lambda llIll ot the Little 500 queen and the aprlng activity, sold Jan. (2 penalties) . Chi Alpha - Dee Gatea. Delta loculty race. The big race beg\na 13. Delta Kappa EpsIlon ._00 Johnson, Larry 1:41.5 Gamma, Alpha Tau Omega-Nancy '..01 at 2. Dark, petite senJor Evelyn Sevilla, 8:83.1 'White, Scott (c) 1:29.9 a native of the PhlJlpplnes and the Bruce. Kappa Apha Theta, Beta Kledalsch, Bill 1:33.4 The concert Saturday nlght be­ tlnoUst lor Delta Zeta and Sigma Them PI - Carson etawford. Kap­ Conway, Mike 1:48.3 gins at 8 p.m. In Bowman Gym. ChI, sold that ahe conaIden the pa Kappa Gamma, Phi Delta Theta 14. Slama Nu .... ••_. • 'England, Tripp (c) 2:04.7 ~e Byrd. will be featured. queen selection as the women'. par­ 8:38.0 Zunk, Hank 2:01.0 ticipation In a male race. "7 Sue Halverson. Weitzel, Steve 2:20.0 Mason .2 lind 4, Delta Tau Delta BIU-rman, Larry 1:55,3 The lInoJ\at lor Hogale Hall arid - Barb Rogers. Rector I and 2, '15. Delta ChI _. __ ._._••_. ••• NO RIDERS - W11I uaume 15th Biahop Roberta Hil11, aophomore Sigma A I p h a .Epsllon - Nancy poaItion Longden racers Becky Pacay, also indicated thatthe BorUett. Rector 3· and 4, Delta 18. ForelJn Studenll NO RIDERS - are not partici­ queen ahould be a repreoelltatlve Kappa Epo11on - Ann Troxel. pating In race confident of win • • Longden Hal~ last year'. winners and this year'. top quoUfiers, ex­ BVRDS BLAST BOWMAN pecl a third consecutive Little 500 I win this year. " concert by The Byrda anglllg recording band - Bo Hannan and Bill Pullin, Longden's captain, group will be tcatured among this the Molown Sound, ilecordln. 10 sold, "We've kepi going all year weekend'. "Little 500" activities. Twinkle Lavidge, dance chalrman. because 01 the variety In our eye· It will be Saturday nlght al 8:15 Thcy will provide back-up mualc Ung program, and each man has In Bowman Gym. lor Bobby Taylor and The Originals put In between 250 10 500 mlIes a The Byrd. "prefer doillll Ught from 8-11 p.m. In BowJi,an Gym. month on his 10 speed •.. we can, three.mlnute ·song., living the au­ Price 01 the dance I. included in and expect 10 win." dience o. many as possible," ac­ the LllUe 500 ticket, whlc:h may be Planned strategy is for slower cording 10 lead ,Inger Jim Me· purchased Irom cam p u • board exchnnges 10 guard ngalnst penal­ Guinn, who hOI been with the group members for $4.00. ties. Each man will probably ride since their beginning. They plan more Inps than Inst yenr. a repertoire 01 ovcr thirty songs. Speaking 01 the band, TwInkle Jim Fletcher is the team's en­ soid, ''These guys are really out· Originators 01 ''1 urn, Turn. durance mon, while Pullin wlll be Turn." "Mr. Tambourine Mont" and standing." She added that they are utllized lor sprints. Ray Thomas the lirsl good soul·dance band 10 "EJihl Miles High," the ByrdB now and Jim Locker complete the four tealure more 01 a country western come to DePauw. man squad. roc:k BOWld. AssI.tillll Twinkle are Elsie Fer­ UnUke los1 ye.r, the team took no Tickets, If avallable, will be sold guson, Vickie Not!, Debbie Zonslus, pledge to swear 011 Iobacco and at the door lor $4.50. Bob.Wall, Wendy Wegner, TIm En· alcohol. ''The team .plrit and ...c:h Flnall.ls lor Lillie 500 Oueen are lI·r) Loul.e rew, Jan Johnaon. ThI. Friday's LltUe 500 dance wlIl glehart, NallCY V I t Itoe, Pam mon's w11l to win are enough thlJ Becky Pacay, &..Iyn SeYlUa and Sally Draper, -Pholo by Mitchell feature Motown's Ilnumbcr oneil Sloak.., and Sally Reid. Urne," expl.lned Pullin. -----~~=-c-~~~-----;-~-~------~-

PAGE 2 Little 500 Special WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1969 The Squire's Side Race chronicle retold: f Bookie's adds place SAE ~~~ fa\'.onife ~ teams ~o18 tro>phies, , Bf BOB STEBLE T: Ah, yes, erysla1 ball Ume. '!lpclrts fll/ll. But ala.; It may Indeed provide a mighty fait pace for tho activities fonnat altered tor IOIlle peon hu stolen IIl1 coveted fortune-vlew- race-doy crowd. lWhether or not they can challenge lni contraption to send It to the hall-of-tame of iast year'. 1:96.49 record·setUng, winning Ume Is up soothsayen In Nome, Alaska. In the air, however, and only HO'laps of grIndirig What wu orice a 50-lap bicycle board. topped by a gla.. of water. Vol. CJ Consequently. the effort forthcoming here is action wili tell race through crowd. that sp11led It was In thl. rsce that a vlctoriou. -­ off-the-cutf. but remember. worthless criU... 1 did In any event, here Is the way the Squire'. Side onto the street. of Greencastle, Is SAE rider wore a red kerchief manage to "call-the-shot" last year. looks at tomorrow'. 14th annual Spoke. Speotacular now a 140-lap race on the track at scented with ''My Sin" cologne. 'ThIs year'. contlngent of 16 entries looks like prospects... . Blackstock Siadlum - tho annual A ''Little 500" record was set by the Phi Psi. In 1962 With a lime ODDS STABLES JOCKEYS race Known as the ''Little 500." The Idea for what Is now one of of one hour. 41 and 52 tenths sec· s.t Sigma Alpha EpsIlon Sporting a well·balanced squad and two fonner rookle-of-the·yeer . DePa,uw'. blggcsl evenla was bar- onds. . SInce 1964. all proflla made tram rIden, this looks like the year that SAE takes the crown. Lalt year'. rowel! from indiana University and OlIlltanding rookie Bill Baum had the fourth boJst time In the trials bega! here In 1958, thirteen years the evOl\l have gone to scholarship (1:11.8). and his prodeeessor Bob Wilson was close behind. Add to thl. ago. aid. pair 4-year vetel1ln John Meyer and strong rookie Charlie Aker. and you Since that lime; oDiy four d1f. FlIClI1tr _ 'added , certainly have an impressive crew. . forent living unlla have rolled to a I 4-1 • PhI Kappa ~ Winners of five Lltlle 5OO's In the put, the Phi PsIs appear ready I,Spokes SpectaCUlar" victory. The The Phi Psis again ehalked up a to mount a mong cha1lenge for a sixth .title. Second to Longden In the wins Went to Lambda ChI from record Ih 1964. That year the con­ lrials, they sport the second ,fastell qualifier In sophomore Bill Nunery 1956-1960, to SAE In 1961. to Phi cert was put on by "The ·Letter. (1:17.1). Captain Jeff Rhoad.. an drookle Bob Trotlmann were right Psi from 1962-1966. and to Loniden men". as It wa' two years later. behind with Identical 1:18.7 Umes. Granted, they suffer tram Inexperience Hall In 1967 and 1968. ' Joining "The Lettermen" In .lllee In the nce Itself•.but they know well th-at winning spirit. ,Although the race vlctol'8 have was Dick and Dee. ma1dng this the 5-1 PIii Delta Theta Fourth In the Ume ,trials. the PhI Delts .have one of the top jockey. varied little, there has been much first year for big name entertain­ Ill'OIlnd In Paul Tatham, 'lIho had the third best individual tlme of all varlatlon In the fon,nat of the..nce ment both nlghla. Also, the facul­ qua1l!ien. Merrill Alcorn lends experience and rookie Jay Halch prom- I~lf and of other 'Lillie 590 ae:- ty bicycle race was added to the 1I1ng new bQOd to a mong entJ;Y. UvlUe.. list of ''Little 500" actlvlU.. that year. 5-1 They gnbbed the pole poaltlon In the trials by a good 4.5 secondJ Rae. IUn on dNats Glen Yarbrough and Smoky Ito- over the PhI Psis, and they have the number-ooe jockey In aophornore th btn.on and the MIracles gave the Bill Pullin, who ha~ amazing 37.3 and 94.0 laps In qualifying. But their Only for the first year was e concerts In 1967 and '68, respe<:t1ve- bid for a third consecutive win rests on the ...... --'orm0ft--- of three rookies, lnjnceri rund on GreencuUe ~streets. 'Iy. Two wrecks plagued 1Ut year'. who. although fast In the trials, have never- teatePhi Gamma Delta Athough number eight In the quallflcallon times, 'the Fijls have three Blackstock. veteran riders to their credit lind couJd be a darkhorse come race Ume. The same year. DePauw coeds An early-race wreck thwarted their bid last year: but balance and exper· Joined the bicycle ranks with their Icnce wclgh In their favor. . version of the "Little 500," - the 12-1 Delta Tau Delta Out of the Delt stable comes an entry wlilch could really surprise "MIni 500." Mounted on tricycles, everybody. Captain Bob Oliver lumed In ..fine 97.0 lap In the trials and they began the :I.lap race - one veteran teammate Dave Wyncoop bested him with a 36.9 effort. Bruce lap of which they were requlred to BIIdn and Doug Johnson lend endurance to agood bet at these 12-1 odds. '"llllG -!~rward balancing an au on 15-1 Sigma ChI After picking them for third In last year'a race and seeing thr.m a spoOn In their mouth. come home ninth, I'm bound to be a little skepllcal But the fine Umes Prizes were also given that year of veteran Blll Doyle and rookie Pete Horll In the trials, and the proven for the belt pit decoraUons, and race-day ability of Junior Bob Trowbridge may make thee odds look all proceeds went to a cancer drive. mighty inviting. as they did for several following 15-1 Lambda ChI Alpha Sporl1ng a team that was fifteen seconds futer In the trials than last years. year. the Lambd.a ChIs may press hard on the front.runners. JOCkeys Nineteen flfty-seven marked the Tho Bl Bill KrOeger and Cliuck ShIvely were oulltandlng In their qualifying InIUallon of a pace car for the race. lim.., and they would love to better last year's fifth'place showing. which was set for 145 lapa around will ap . Blackstock Stadium. 20-1 Bishop Roberts SlarI1ng on the outside of the third row. BR has an opportunity to bolt futo the front-runnen. Vet they lack a really powerful rider to ,---_._- th~m House keep much higher than the middle of the pack. At best, It looks The next.year, the nce was de­ like pretty much of a carbon copy of last year'. seventh·place flnlshen. croosed to' 140 laps. Th1I, too. was Peddling proh 25-1 Alpha Tau Omega Hit by misfortune and injury, the ATO entry Is for irom up to par. the fint yeer that' the pace ear Things have changed this year at Captain Frank Wright looks like 1I1e only bright spot In what might prove was driven by Tony Hulman, owner DePauw - at least for the faculty to be a long day for this entry. . of the lndIanapolla 500 Motor CC( race, that Is. This year, the faculty 25-1 Delta Upsilon TradlUon of the past few yeen has shown this entry as having a Speedway. peddler wili be assisted by .tudenla darn ,ood lime come race day, but scaring nobody with their riding. All evenla of the 1959 contell, and tandem bicycles. U veteran. "Ivan" Tomsic and Bill Crist prove to be sandbaggers at heart with the theme "Back In the 20·.... and Chuck Nash and Chris May perfonn adequately, these boys may be were covered by COli espondents Linda Swanson, a member of the The Imp the "people'. favorite" on race day. .' from Llf. magazine. A jazz fectl­ special evenla commlttee, reports that each male living unit will policies f 30-1 Delta Kappa Eps10n Race day could be rather dim for the Dekes with three-yeoI' veteran val highlighted the event, while the housing w, proceeds th1s year went to the choose a faculty representaUve and Scolt WhIle forced to carry the load, and an otherwise inexperienced discussion GreenCBlt1e swimming pool fund. a Itudent rider. The", two wlll squad of jockeys. ~ of the Co bicycle pande of faculty chil­ ride tandem In the I lap race Sat· 35-1 Bela Theta PI SlarI1ng well back In the pack due to qualifying penalU... the Bele A mlllee. dren, mood music provided by the urday afternoon before the main contingent will find It difficult to gsIn ground In this fast field. Fresh­ "Colton Picken," and the cancella­ race. To expe man Richard Ross, who looked gOCX\ In the trials, will pace this rookie Thl. year, the riders will be Uon policl foursome. tlon of the "MIni 500" marked 1960 race actlvlUes. dressed according to their living ljshed twe 35-1 Slama Nu After being wiped out of last year'. race via a wreck, and exhibiUng The foliowing year saw the addl· unit stereotypes. The race wlll have review vi litlle sklli In the trials, the Snakes appear he~ded for another tall-end. tion of the Rasmussen Trophy, to hoot. In order to avoid p<-.Ible from mer showing. Don't wute your lime belUng money. be given annually to the fast rider congestlon on the track.' . other to " 95·1 Delta ChI WIth no entry In the trials, 'the Delta ChI squad appears doomed to In the race. Also, the '!MIni 500" First prize for the faculty race living un a long afternoon of cinder·tasUng. Abo\It'the only hope for the "ranchers" was reinlUated, the highlight ~ing wlll be a free cup of coffee each were aut! Is that a rainy day may enlighten their unknoW!' ability as "mudders." a lap In which all riders wore mortar day at the Hub for a month. proposals committe< Approval thorizes • that polle Little 5 committees crow~-pleasing It was I Tearns present tactics attenUon The Steering Conlllrlltee Chair· Members of the program commit- had em , committeo man for thI. year's ''Little 500" I. tee are Mike Peeler, Rob Recobs, By RANDY MOSKOP and JOHN CROLEY Tom Lister. Bo Walker, Bryan Orr, Karl Gru· ...--- Uons rat correct t AIdIng him In u" work for the endl, Georgie Miner, Steve Weitzel, for the competition by racing trains. race and- the related actlvlUe. are: Barb Train, Chrl. Collyer, Susie Lillie 500 will not only set the Bishop Roberts w11l escort their teo resoh mascot, a rabbit named Wabblt, Said team member Bob Troltmann, publicity cornrnlltee. Bruce Menk, Slbbltt, Steve Powell, Lois Seward, stage for that serious and thrilling the purp while Phi Delta Theta will be ac· "We raced one to Fillmore and beat Mike Peeler, Judy Hawkinson. Sue Vlck~ry. Lucind~ ll'ucker, Can' drama of competlUve bike riding. and the companied by GiadrJe~ a great dane It by 52 cars." Craig M~oll, Craig Sehrnlll, dy Endicott, Steve M11ler. Jan Ryan, but also for the age·old sport of that IIvl and Phipps, a Yorkshire terrier. As for as preparation for thc race Leeu Barker. Kate Haried, Bar)! Glen Lal'S(\n. Dave Perkins. and competJUve comedy, better known guideline Chuck Goldner. as crowd pleasing. bellAr known as Beta Thele PI claims to have for the Delta Upsilon team has done president Beal, Lou Ann Hollingsworth, LIza nOlle. lIWe're savIng our energy Members of the Dance commit. hot-dogging. their mascot a mule named Pete plalned Seaman, Jim Lininger. Carol Ad­ for the race," they said. ney. Jeff Ramsey and Sally Jo tee are T.winkle Lavidge,. Vicki Outatandlng among the hotdog­ Walker.. Dick Tewksbury. a curlous posals e: Bela rider, wUl be reading while An Alpha Tau Omega rider had lines wa Hal1In. Noo, Pam Stokes. Sally Reid, Bob gel'll wlJl be Sigma Nu, whose fo'tr this to comment, "We have no good Wall, Wendy Wegner, Tim Engle· rookies, commenting on their ath· waHlng in the pit. In I'CSJ Other committee. and their memo luck eharms, no fancy knee pads, bers Include: Mini 500; Bob ArIers. hart, Elsie Ferguson, Debbie Zan· letic abUty, said, "We get tired just Sigma Aipha Ep,llon cialms thcy Ing that wlli have the bost dressed pit crew. no skull caps, wlli do no fooling cialiy 'u Nancy Herber!, Molly Cadwa1lader, slus, Cherry Caudle. standing." Dedicating the race to We'~ while the Lambda'Chi riders shall around. here for the exer. intend tA , Bill Sadler. Tom Grauman, Charlie Concert committee members are Maude Fricker!, their main goal Is cise." Gardner. Mary Ann BeIller and Bob Casey. Bill Nunery, Hank to finish It. As a mascot the Slg­ ,port "the latest Pollack fashions menled and Cindy Adolphsen; WhIttet, Bob Guthrie, Jane Schoen- rna Nus will sport their Mom, and and our own beauUfuI fa...." Inslncerl Race, Don Slrathearn, Tom Boel­ welter. Vicki Pickell. Jeff Blancelt, they will be dre,sed In either Air The Sigma Chis. who have two ler, Tom Gudrltz. Seott Deasy, Jetf Mike WooldrIdge, and John Sib· Foree night suits or "sarlorlalsplen- gerbils a. mascots. are dedicating Bushnell, Jeff Gruener!, Eigan Ba· rava. dor." the race to Pete Horst, a brother Read ker, Doug Jones, Joe Voe1cky, Bill The fin a I committee. specIal The Sigma Nus hope to finish rider whose birthday fallS on Little Ice cream social 9 a, sc Hayes, Jim Campbell, Stevie Dale, evenla. is made up of the follow- strong in the eighth. ninth, or tenth 500 day. The Sigs are psyching caiend: Ing: Tom Kruse. Jay Barr, Pat Ro· poslUons and expect their major for the compeUUon by listening to down I Lin d a Hartz. Correspondence, PI Bota Phi HouH Pammy Sue Phelps, Kathy Comel~ berts, Carol Concs, Chris Maron, compeUtors to come from the for­ Knute Rockne records. to FrI Sally Clark, Faith Nichols, and Lynn Swanson, Connie Mork, Sue eign or faculty team.. For substi· The Phi Kappa Psi team, with the ex their mascot Pear, have prepared after the race Steve' Neueu. Leet, and Carol Ause. tutes. they wUl use ru,1l gulfllls.