Transcript of Rachel Anne Ketton’s Diary

MS/109 1863

July - December 1865 July 1st July Mrs Nickels and Elliott requested to go down to for a last visit before Elliott left. They went at 3 and did not return till 9 o’clock. Called upon Mrs Upcher, saw Mrs and Miss Mott this afternoon.

2nd July Sacrament. in the morning. Mr Govett gave a sermon for the Jews in the evening at Felbrigge. Several strangers from Cromer were there.

3rd July Went to call on the Beauchamps and found them at home very busy gardening.

4th July Priscilla very busy with some people who were going to the Horticultural Show. Called on Miss Custance and had a clear understanding with Mrs Minns.

5th July The Horticultural Show. A very fine day, plenty of company there and tea on the grass afterwards, a better show and much pleasanter show last year. Mr Mott gave away the prizes and made a speech.

6th July Breakfast at ½ past 7 that John might get to early. It rained very heavily so they could not go till eleven. The four girls went to tea at the Cremers and met the Norgate family. They came home in the pouring rain with Chamberlin wet through.

7th July Went down to Cromer. The first time since I have been here went on the jetty. John came home tonight and brought Gertrude with him having been absent a whole month.

8th July Pouring rain all day, no one able to go out. John came tonight for the Sunday.

9th July Departing for Aylmerton Church when a message came, there would be no service till the evening. A violent thunder storm while they were at Felbrigge a young woman went into hysterics, another storm prevented our going to Aylmerton.

10th July Violent thunderstorm all the morning. A party were taking shelter under a tree striking the house. John asked them in. They proved to be P Roy and Miss Johnson etc. The latter played the harp and very much pleased Anna by her performance. Expecting the Douglas’s all day but no one came, their luggage arrived this morning. Smith getting the fruit etc ready for the Holt Show tomorrow.

11th July Note from Mrs Douglas today. Her husband was taken ill on Sunday. Went with John, Minnie and Bobbie to the Holt Show most of the usual people there, but it was very disagreeable. We gained only one prize for melons. When we came home the Douglas’s had arrived.

12th July Sent eight of the party to Cromer. In the afternoon the three Mr Upchers called with Jenny and Laura. The three Cremers came to tea and croquet. Russell and Warner were elected for Norwich.

13th July A most dismal cloudy day with slight squalls. Mr Spurgin came to tea on his way to Cromer to preach for Mr Fitch, Mr and Mrs Gay came for croquet.

14th July Eight of our party went to Cromer and saw Freddy Mott. Mrs Pigott and Edmund called. After lunch went with John, Anna and the Douglas 4 to a croquet party and Mr Beauchamp, Mr and Mrs Feilden, Colonel and Mrs Feilden, the Andersons and Mrs and Miss Mott were there.

15th July Saturday too hot to move about. Everybody more or less tired. Sat about the garden all day. John came at eight. Nomination day – Howes and Read for the Tories.

16th July Went to Felbrigge Church in the morning. Part went to Aylmerton in the afternoon. Mrs H there and a strange clergyman.

17th July 8 went to Cromer. John went with Morley to see Bond Cabbell. Whilst he was gone Mr Mott came and told me he wanted to see John about politics and said he was a Whig himself and had been so all his life. I told him Mr Ketton was a Tory and had been so all his life. He asked if there was any objections to his canvassing the tenantry. I said Mr K had promised his vote and interest to Howes and Read and he said it was of no use his stopping. The little Andersons came to tea in the afternoon, it poured with rain all the time.

18th July County Election day. John and Captain Douglas set off at eight o’clock for and did not come home till five, the Tories got in by nearly 1000 majority.

19th July Eight of our party went to Cromer, Captain and Mrs Douglas, Anna and I went to a croquet party at the Motts. The Andersons, Rogers, Miss Cremer, Miss Hanley and young Hales and F Partridge there. Very slow and all came home very hungry. John too ill to go.

20th July Anna, Captain Douglas, Amy and Minnie went out riding on the sands. In the afternoon called on Mrs G Barclay, who was at home and Mrs Birch who was out. When I came home I found I found D Pigott and Mr Payley playing croquet with the girls, asked them to tea but they said they were going home to dinner at six. And they did not leave till 10 minutes past. Asked the girls to croquet on Saturday.

21st July The D’s went to see the young pheasants and in the afternoon Mrs D and I drove John to Roughton as he was going to the next day for the West Election then went to to see the pansies???, Lady B was out but I into the garden. In the evening the D’s and Anna went to Cromer and found everybody on the jetty.

22nd July West Norfolk Election. Both Tories got in. Pouring rain the whole day, none of us could get out. Captain D feeling rather queer.

23rd July Went with the children to Aylmerton. Mr Hutton there but seemed suffering from toothache, no Litany. Captain D not able to get up had arrowroot and cream four times in the day and came to tea looking as well as ever, neither able to go to church. Amy went twice.

24th July Went to Norwich with Anna and Bobbie shopping all the afternoon. Spent the evening with Ellen. Intensely hot. The Douglas’s left in the afternoon.

25th July Anna quite faint and ill; Bobbie complaining of sickness, Calver too ill to be of any use. Dreadfully hot. Had to go twice up to town. My brother came home with us. The G Barclays called and found no one at home.

26th July An intensely hot day, no one able to go out.

27th July Mrs Nickels had a letter to say that Elliott had left her place very ill. Went in the evening to a croquet party at the Pigotts, it rained for about an hour and made ever thing very wet and tea which was to have been on the hills was all brought back. The Tillards, Hamonds, Upchers and Mr Peel, Miss Moore and Miss Sulinow? were there.

28th July Anna drove her uncle round by Sherringham. Mr and Mrs L Birch and their children called. Drove Robert to the coach and went to Misuss’ to see the new calf and foals. Miss Fuller and her niece came in the evening to see the girls?.

29th July Saturday. Went into the woods in the afternoon. While there Lady Buxton called with a party. John Jnr came at night. Calver returned

30th July Felbrigge in the morning. John and Bobbie and his sisters went to Aylmerton.

31st July Bobbie went to see the pheasants feed but had not courage to say goodbye to Meering.

August 1st August Went to Holkham to take Bobbie to Mr Napiers, went over the Hall in the afternoon, left Bobbie very happy looking over a collection of eggs, Priscilla, Anna and Margaret went to a picnic given by the Motts about 40 there. The two Lady Buxtons and F B Johnstone called again though I had not returned theirs on Saturday.

2nd August Torrent of rain, very cold, preparing for a large party tomorrow all day. Arthurton came at night.

3rd August Watching the weatherglass all the morning, fortunately no rain, though there was a great deal in the neighbourhood. At 4 the people began to assemble to the number of 40 without our own family. We had a dance in the evening – it all went off very well.

4th August Anna and Minnie rode, Margaret and I went to call on Lady Buxton who was at home and F B Johnstone – met F Buxton and his sisters in the park.

5th August Priscilla and the 5 girls went to a picnic on the Beacon Hills it began at 5 o’clock and the carriages were ordered at ½ past six. A great many people came who were not invited as Mr Johnson had set it about that the Bishop was going to address them, he having made a mistake in Lady Buxton’s writing. Blowers went out for a week. Mrs Birch and Mrs Powell called.

6th August Went to Aylmerton in the morning. Mr Hutton said it would be the last time he should have the privilege of addressing us for some weeks and he wished to give an address in the evening and administer the sacrament – did not go.

7th August Pouring rain and none of the hay got up. Cleared up in the afternoon. While I was in the garden Mr Johnson’s two ‘jokers’ called and went into the kitchen garden. Shepherd came in the evening much to my indignation and was received with rapture by Mrs Nickels and all the servants – the next morning I told her my opinion on the subject.

8th August Bunnett and Caro came by the omnibus. While they were there Captain Windham called and asked leave for Captain Thackery to see the house which I granted and showed him about myself. Anna and Margaret rode with Mr Upcher and Mary Pigott.

9th August Priscilla, Anna and Margaret went to lunch with Mrs Birch and spent the morning on the beach. John and I went to call on the Gays but did not get in as Mrs Gay was ill.

10th August Mr Barclay and Mr Jebong? called and saw the house and garden. 18 loads of hay were got up. It rained heavily all night. Lord Hastings sent a haunch of venison.

11th August Priscilla, Minnie and John went to Norwich. Cromer Regatta day. Anna, Margaret and I went to see it with Mrs Birch, had 5 o’clock tea with her and they had it at the Powells. Cromer very crowded.

12th August Miss Sloane Stanley called with her maid ‘Isabella’ and saw all over the house. Called on Miss Custance who was out. It poured with rain all the evening. Cook came outside to stay till Tuesday.

13th August Mr Marsh at Felbrigge Church. No music. Mr and Miss Betts having taken a holiday, a strange clergyman at Aylmerton. Mr Hutton having gone for ‘change’ to Scotland.

14th August Incessant storms all day. Calver and Cook went to Cromer in the afternoon. Priscilla, Anna and John also went and saw the Motts and took 5 o’clock tea with Mrs Birch.

15th August Cook went home, Bunnett etc came. It poured with rain to such a degree that John had to wait for the omnibus.

16th August The Mott family came to lunch and look at the china. Storms all the afternoon and a tremendous thunderstorm as they were going away. Freddy and Anna day together.

17th August Went down to Cromer at ½ past 9 to Colne House to hear the Bishop read ‘Phillippias’. Mrs Patterson told us they had altered the day. Went onto the beach, very cold, nobody there we knew. Mr Francis would come and talk to us. Rained nearly all the rest of the day and all night.

18th August Went for a drive with Margaret and Gerty, met Mr Upcher, who gave me a note about the Bible meeting and told me his son Gerald had engaged himself to Miss Annie Hamond. He seemed in great spirits about it and asked Gertrude if she was engaged, told him I was happy to say she was not. Priscilla, Anna and Margaret went to Cromer after tea and went on the jetty with the Motts.

19th August Expecting Mrs Barclay about 12. A note from Mr Barclay to say she was too ill to move and she was expecting her confinement early next month. Went down to the new lodge and drove out with John in the afternoon.

20th August A strange clergyman at Aylmerton and Mr March at Felbrigge.

21st August Priscilla and 3 of the girls went to Cromer to spend the morning with the Motts. At about a ¼ to one B Upcher and R Hamond called and we were obliged to ask them to lunch. Palmer the new Butler came home tonight.

22nd August Bunnett. No letter from Bobbie. Went with John and Ellen to the Sherringham Missionary Meeting, went into a seat belonging to Mr Upcher. However a young woman came and said it was her seat. John wanted to go out but could not make me understand and the consequence was he was very ill tempered and made us go as soon as it was over, without speaking to any one. B Upcher ran after us and John was very rude to him, he apparently wanted to be asked to fish and said he brought a message from J Hoare.

23rd August The Gates hanging at the Aylmerton Lodge and a well sinking, obliged to shut up the park, people continually getting in on false pretences and a Cromer baker sent word he would come and break the gates open. Mr J Hoare brought 5 boys over to fish. John would not ask then in to lunch but sent some to the water.

24th August Miss Hanly and Mr Nelson came to lunch and when we were in the kitchen garden Mrs Upcher called and brought a Mr and Mrs Jephcott. When they were gone Mrs Patterson and Mrs J Hoare came and Mr and Mrs Spurgin and three other ladies. All the girls and I went to ‘tea’ with Lady Buxton, the Pattersons and Powells were there.

25th August Went to Cromer with Anna and Ellen, sat on the beach with Miss Stanley and Mrs Mott, saw the Pigotts who said Mrs Powell was much worse. John, Pris. And Margaret went to croquet at Mr Beauchamps, Spurgins, Motts etc there, very flat.

26th August Priscilla with a sick headache and continual sickness, which she attributed to British Brandy in the Tipsy Cake. Mr Mott, Freddy and Miss Partridge rode down in the forenoon, Mr and Mrs Beauchamp and Mr and Miss Langton called in the afternoon, Anna and Minnie rode and enquired for Mrs Powell, who was no better.

27th August No service at Felbrigge till the evening. A strange clergyman at Aylmerton and Mr Griffiths in the evening at Felbrigge.

28th August Ill with flying cholera all day, Priscilla, Anna and Margaret went take Mrs Feilden, to take her some fruit and stayed some time with her. The Cremers had a dinner party but did not ask us – John went to see the shooting. Mrs Powell much better.

29th August Bunnett and Co. Very ill all day.

30th August Rather better, went to a ball at the Rogers, about 60 people there, did not get home till three in the morning.

31st August Very ill all the morning. Colonel Fitzroy came to lunch and brought two people with him. John, Pris., Anna and Margaret went to a cricket match at .

September 1st September Went to Norwich with Anna who had a dreadful toothache. She took a lesson as soon as we got there at Mrs L Browns, and spent the afternoon at Boulgers where she had 6 teeth filled and 1 taken out and I went to tea with Ellen.

2nd September Mrs Blogg at 9 Mrs L Bat 10, shopping after all the morning, as soon as I got home Mrs Douglas and Mrs Napier came to lunch. Mrs D took Anna to Boulgers where she had another tooth out. The band played at 5 and we left at ½ past 6. Mr Birkbeck brought 7 boys to Felbrigge, fishing. Mrs Patterson, Mrs J Hoare and nieces, came and Anna Buxton rode down to the water. John came back with us.

3rd September Too ill to go out all day, Anna in bed the toothache having never left her. Mr Betts at home again.

4th September Anna still suffering from toothache. B Upcher came to shoot with Junior, they did not get home till past 7 and killed 17 braces of birds 40 head in the whole, B Upcher had tea with us and seemed to go to sleep between each sentence. Called on the Anderson’s and took them some fruit. Two bullocks sent out of the park very ill.

5th September Bunnett and Co. Junior went home in the afternoon. A great deal of trouble about the Aylmerton Lodge new gates which seem expressly designed for people to get over – what an annoyance the whole thing has been.

6th September Mrs Mott and her daughter came to lunch and sketch in the woods and brought Mrs J Barence? with them, it was nearly 6 when they left and they had a dinner party at 7. Mr Nelson brought a party from Cromer to see the house and Captain Windham called to say the Felbrigge fruit was necessary for his health.

7th September Mr Nelson came to lunch and kept us waiting near an hour. Called on Lady Buxton, Mrs J Hoar, Mrs Birch, Mrs G Buxton, Mrs Patterson, all were out.

8th September Note from Ellen saying Helen was going to be married in a month and go to St Petersburg. Held a ‘garden tea’ in the afternoon, Mrs Birch’s children and Miss Rogers and Mrs Patterson and her 3 girls came, but there was a similar entertainment at Colne House, which spoiled ours, as we only gave a day’s notice.

9th September At home all day, no calls, Anna and Margaret rode in the afternoon. Mrs Nickels went out for three days.

10th September Sacrament. Mr Hutton still out. Gale from the south west.

11th September Very hot. Drove with John, Margaret and Minnie on to the Lighthouse hill to see the shooting, stayed about an hour and half, several people came to talk to us, Gerald Upcher there, looking very ill; upon the whole much more endurable than last year, but not a too fascinating entertainment nevertheless.

12th September Bunnett and Caro. The Holt Show. Priscilla and Gerty went and stayed about an hour. We gained three prizes, vis, plums, apples and cucumbers, 2 second and 1 first, nearly all our wall fruit was over and the rest spoiled by the flies.

13th September John, I, Anna and Margaret went to a croquet party at the Motts, about 26 ladies and 10 gentlemen and a dance afterwards. G Upcher and Annie Hamond there, was introduced to Mrs Jodrell, it was a very pleasant party.

14th September Old Mrs Crow at the Farm died this morning. Catton supposed to be dying but revived in the evening. Very hot day.

15th September Mr G Buxton came for Partridge shooting with Mr Rogers and Mr Murray, after waiting an hour for Mr Upcher and Gerald, who when they came asked if they might dress here for a dinner party at Colne House, they shot about 70 head of game and all had tea in the garden after they left off shooting.

16th September Minnie rode after breakfast to Mr Beauchamp’s, the Anderson’s came to tea, Anna and John went to Sheringham for a cricket match – stayed an hour, all the ‘Clan’ there.

17th September Word sent that there was no service at Aylmerton till ½ past 5. Sent the servants to church and no one went to Aylmerton as we did not wish to hear the evening service twice. Blowers at the Andersons all day.

18th September Gave Blowers warning as she spoiled all she made. She said she was going to speak to me as she was told she had been setting her cap at both the Butler and Footman, she spent the day in crying.

19th September Bunnett and a shooting party. Mr Upcher and Berners, Miss Beauchamp and Lenthall, they shot 120 partridges, 10 rabbits and 3 hares, had 5 o’clock tea under the Cedar tree after.

20th September The Baconsthorpe show held at Barningham an intensely hot day, a great many people there. Henry Upcher and Johnny Mott home, Mr Lenthall there who was extremely facetious and had great fun with Priscilla while the prizes were being given away, Anna not at all well and very cross and did not enjoy it at all.

21st September Busy at home all day, went to Norwich in the evening with John and Ellen. Saw F and Charles Buxton and some ladies go past just before we started; they had had a large picnic and tea at Larry’s.

22nd September Shopping all the morning, saw Betty and Helen who is to be married on Wednesday week, at Boulger’s all the afternoon with Ellen, tea at Bracondale, Robert in depressed spirits at being asked to the wedding and Ellen looking very ill but in good spirits.

23rd September Engaged a laundry maid, all but her character, called at the Heavisides, and asked the Canon if ensuing Church congress was worth attending and as he said it would be, John took three tickets. Was at Boulger’s with Ellen from 2pm till 5.45 and found Mrs Douglas in the act of draining the teapot for her husband. We lost hearing the band by our visit to the dentist. Professor and Mrs Sedgwick called and Mrs Heaviside came to hear the band play – A and E Powell lunched at Felbrigge. Junior returned with us.

24th September Felbrigge in the morning, no music, ‘Polly’ being out – Mr Hutton home after an absence of six weeks, Rhoda spend the day and two nights at Weybourne.

25th September Note by post from C Buxton. M P asking the girls to join a shore riding party at 2pm – which was declined, the roads being bad and the day blazing hot – Mr Birch, H and B Upcher came to shoot with John – they shot 82 partridges, 2 hares and 10 rabbits and had 5 o’clock tea in the garden afterwards.

26th September Called with Priscilla upon Mrs Beauchamp and took an owl to Mrs Gay, both were out. During my absence, the Dow. Mr, Mrs and Miss H Buxton called.

27th September Mr J Hoare brought his twins and 2 little girls to fish. Mr and Mrs J Hoare, Mrs J Hoare and Captain and Mrs Hoare; spent the afternoon at the lake. Went with Anna to call on Lady Buxton, Mrs G Hoare and the Hardcastles, the first only at home. Met Mr Upcher in the Park with his brother Abbott and Mr Powell and they went down to the water and saw the Hoare Family

28th September Invitation to Anna from Mr C Buxton to a picnic on Saturday; A shooting party which met at Aylmerton and consisted of Mr Birch, Mr G Buxton, Mr Upcher, Gerald and Reginald Upcher, non of them came to the hall, they killed 13 hares, 110 birds, 4 rabbits, Mr G Hoare and Mrs MacInnes, called when we were out.

29th September Priscilla, Anna and Minnie went to Cromer but saw no one, went to Sustead to see two new cows, met the Buxtons in the park who had been to call.

30th September The ‘Clan’ called for Anna and Margaret to go to a picnic; they found it a truly British entertainment and were very glad to get home. Mr and Mrs Hutton called.

October 1st October Aylmerton Church in the morning. At Felbrigge a sermon for the ‘Church Meeting Any Society’ by the Rev Barlow, formerly minister of the Parish and a curate Johnny Betts ordained last week and went to a curacy in Suffolk. 2nd October A circus in Cromer. Priscilla and 3 of the girls went to lunch with the Powells and see the performance. John, H and B Upcher and Mr Birch shot the boundary and the first woodcock which was sent to the Canon with some pheasants. John, Anna and I went to Norwich in the evening to attend the Church Congress.

3rd October Went to the Cathedral to hear a sermon from the Archbishop of York; the Douglas’s came in to lunch and went with us to the meeting in St Andrew’s Hall. They took tea with us and went to the evening meeting, returned to supper and did not leave us till 11pm. The meetings were very dull.

4th October Went to the morning meeting at St Andrews, subject ‘Cathedrals and Capitular Ladies and how to increase their usefulness’ very amusing. Mr Feilden and the Napiers came to lunch, heard the Band play in the afternoon, went to the ‘Conacrsagione’ in the evening, about 2000 people, nothing but dust, heat and the roar of voices and rattle of cups in the distance; left highly disgusted before it was over. Helen married today.

5th October Went to St Andrew’s Hall, rather dull, went to lunch at the Canons. The Fellows, Lord Richard Cavendish, Canon Mosely, the Dean of Canterbury, Mr Beresford Hope, W Gurney and others unknown there. At 5 o’clock started for Mr Havery’s ‘Déjeuné, through a narrow entrance, we were all shown into a large tent where we were kept nearly squashed to death, for an hour and 3 quarters and when we were at last driven in by the crowd we found only bones and dirty plates and glasses,

John was in a terrible passion and told Mr H it was disgraceful, which made us very uncomfortable. We then went to the mutual lecture, had a very bad place from being so late, did not hear a word and came home feeling very dismal.

6th October The Cathedral, to hear the Bishop of Oxford’s sermon for the benefit of the 5 Societies. Again sat in the Triforium and heard but imperfectly, Mr Upcher and Mr Feilden lunched with us and then returned to their Sylvain? shades. Shopped all the afternoon and spent the evening with Ellen.

7th October Saw some young ladies maids and shopped in the morning, the Band in the afternoon. Anna walked about the square with Captain Douglas and Amy. Went home at night. A most magnificent week’s weather it has been, not a cloud and the nights as bright as the day from the full moon and had it not been for John’s hasty expression to Mr Harvey I should have enjoyed it much.

8th October Felbrigge in the morning. A slight drizzle. 7 weeks today without a drop of rain. Special prayers appointed to be read, for the cattle plague and cholera, it rained as they went to Aylmerton Church and Mr Hutton read the prayer for rain, the first time since the drought.

9th October Mr Beauchamp wrote last Saturday to say he was coming, with his wife and brother to lunch we waited an hour but they did not appear and at home all the afternoon but saw nothing of them.

10th October Bunnett. Note from Mr Beauchamp to say the weather prevented his coming. Mrs Birch called and left Mrs Astley in the carriage – went to call on the Hardcastles but found they were gone to their Brother’s wedding.

11th October Very wet in the morning, paid the wages and ‘sacked’ 4 of the juniors. Blowers sent for me to ask if she might go on Saturday and requested me to pay her expenses, it being the law as I had given her notice. I declined doing so and advised her to try if it was the law. Went to the new dairy farm in the afternoon as Minns was moving in.

12th October Pouring rain all day, went with John and Anne to dine at Northrepps. The dullest dinner I have ever had there, all Buxtons except 5. 16 to dinner.

13th October Freddy Mott and Mrs and Miss Carpenter came to lunch and look over the House. Mrs Beauchamp and old Mr Beauchamp called and stayed the whole afternoon, Mrs and Miss Mott came and afterwards Mr Mott and Mr Wykeham Martin came.

14th October Blowers went away without saying adieu to any of the family. Drove with John to Sherringham, no one at home, went on to Cromer and found all the shutters closed. Upon enquiring, heard that Mrs Powell was dead, which was sudden as the Motts told us yesterday that they were going to take her to winter in Brighton.

15th October Note from Mrs Birch giving an account of the peaceful end of Mrs Powell and saying she was going to be buried at . Aylmerton Church in the morning, Felbrigge in the afternoon.

16th October Stayed at home all day, nothing particular occurred.

17th October Bunnett. Rain coming down in sheets. Gerald Upcher’s wedding day. After Caro was gone went with Anna and John to Norwich, arrived at 5 and spent the evening at Bracondale. Took Palmer with us.

18th October Shopping all the morning, went in the rain to see the first sod of the ‘East Norfolk Railway’ turned by Lady Suffield, on Mr Jecks’s ground, who had prepared a slight refreshment of grapes etc. and at 5 o’clock went with John to the ‘Déjeuné’ at St Andrew’s Hall, a very well arranged thing with illumination, Band of the 13 Hussars and Cathedral Boys, Lord Palmerston died today.

19th October Torrents of rain, we waited till 2pm and then were obliged to go through it. A gale blew both the men’s hats off into a field and two pieces of wood came on the carriage but did no harm, got home just in time to dress for dinner at Mr Feildens and went through sheets of rain, when we got there, the Feilden family had not arrived, but they did shortly after, having lost their way. Went into dinner an hour after we arrived. It was a very jolly evening and we did not get home till 12. Saw the new baby. Mrs Powell buried today.

20th October Arranging the china room all the morning. Anna and Ellen rode and met Mr Powell and his sons walking in the Park. Stayed at home all day. Miss Cremer and Miss Wilson called and saw the house. Margaret’s birthday – eighteen.

21st October Mr Feilden and his father, brother and sister came to lunch, just before they came Mr Mott and Mr Davenport were announced and had agreed to stay to lunch but as soon as the Feildens were come, Mr Mott changed his mind and went away after asking us to dine on Wednesday. Mr Upcher and Laura called in the afternoon. W Beals came home.

22nd October Service at Felbrigge. Rhoda did not behave as she aught. It rained all the afternoon but 5 of them went to Aylmerton.

23rd October Carpeted three of the servants for improper behaviour at Church. Russell Upcher and Mr Birch came to shoot, went down to the village to enquire about young Mrs Catton who is said to be dying. Met H Upcher in the park driving the Pigotts. Priscilla, Anna and Margaret went to Cromer and saw ‘Dowager Catherine’ who asked if her Anna could have lessons of Bunnett and Caro as the governess was gone home ill. The cottage rents were paid today.

24th October Mr Birch, H and R Upcher came to shoot the woods, the former so lame he had to ride the Iceland pony. 88 head shot, Mr Mott sent a note to ask H Upcher to dinner tomorrow, who instantly wrote a refusal. After Bunnett and Caro, went to the ‘Reopening’ of Aylmerton Church, Mr Spurgin presided at the organ, Mr Hutton read the service. Mr Harbord and Mr Feilden the lessons and Mr H Jones preached the sermon. The ‘Clan’ mustered strong and the road was lined with carriages. Mrs Upcher and the Pigotts in our seat. Bobbie wrote to ask to come home. A deputation of old women came to complain that Mr Betts insisted upon their spending the Club Money at Holt.

25th October Note to Anna from C Buxton asking her to ride with them as yesterday, raining all day and a very heavy gale which increased so much that we had to send a note to the Mott’s not to wait dinner for us and at 7 o’clock the gale abated and we spent the evening in unavailing reports that we did not persevere.

26th October Pouring rain all day coming through the ceilings. Margaret got on the balcony and took the leaves out. Began to dine at 6 today.

27th October John very ill with inflammation in the eye. The girls rode to Barningham and asked F Mott to come and stay for a few days with them, which was refused, note from Dowager Catherine asking us to dinner. Which I was obliged to be refused as we were engaged. Bobbie came home today, the first time since he went to school.

28th October Bobbie out shooting went with Priscilla and Anna to call on Mrs Birch, who was at home, called at Northrepps, found everyone out.

29th October It rained the entire day, no one able to go to church.

30th October Shooting, eight gentlemen met at Aylmerton Cross, where John and Bobbie joined them – 109 birds. Mr Napier came today. Mr Upcher and Russell and Henry dined with us. The first attempt at a dinner party we have had since the new Butler came, it succeeded very well.

31st October Mr Upcher, Russell and Mr Birch came for wood shooting, John, Bobbie and Mr Napier went with them. Mr Napier spent the evening in the library looking over books.

November 1st November Pouring rain. Mr Napier left, as he was going to lunch at Sheringham. Bobbie spent the previous evening in crying at the idea of going back, so he was allowed to stay till Saturday. Drove to Cromer and bought some flannel shirts for Bobbie.

2nd November Anna, Minnie and Bobbie rode round by Sherringham and saw Mr Upcher. Walked round by the farm and looked at the ‘Pharaoh’s Serpent’ was lighted in the evening the greatest wonder of the age.

3rd November Priscilla, Anna and Margaret went to lunch at Barningham; only Freddy and Mr Mott at home, Miss Partridge staying there. Went out chestnutting with the other children. Bobbie shot 4 water hens with Meering.

4th November Bobbie went by Windham’s coach at eight and could not get an inside place though we had taken one for him the night before. Mrs Birch and Mrs M Prior and Sir T and Lady V Buxton called.

5th November Sacrament. Old Carron, instead of bringing the plate round, said ‘I have waited upon you all these years, and you have never given me anything, and now you may wait upon yourself’.

The schoolmistress was sent round instead. We afterwards heard that Carron had winked at Palmer and then at Mr Betts and said if I take round the plate I mean to take 2/6 (two shillings and six pence) out of it.

6th November Another day’s driving’ the party consisted of Mess Hardcastle, Campbell, I and R Hoare, E K and G Buxton and Russell Upcher. They shot about 100 head. Note from Mrs G Hoare, saying she must defer our dining till next week as her husband was gone to with Mr MacInnes who was ill. Found Palmer playing with Sarah in Ellen’s room. Mrs E Buxton and Mrs G Hoare called and I saw both. Wrote heard that Bobbie was not the worse for the cold on Saturday.

7th November Bunnett. Reprimanded Sarah for calling Palmer upstairs – she did not seem at all penitent. Pouring rain all the afternoon, no one could go out.

8th November Went to leave 10/- (ten shillings) with Mr Govett, for a parishioner of his who wanted a saw mill. It rained very hard. Robins came up to see ‘Pharaoh’s Serpents’. Miss Johnston called while I was out.

9th November John, Priscilla and Anna went to Norwich. Walked round by the Lion’s mouth and to Minns. Mr Minns did her lessons. One of the pigs ill.

10th November Mr Birch sent a splendid salmon from Scotland weighing 17 lbs. Went to call on Miss Custance. Margaret and Ellen rode. Dowager Catherine sent an invitation for the three youngest girls which I was obliged to decline as we were going to Sherringham.

11th November Very busy writing all the morning. Walked round by Metton with the children in the afternoon.

12th November Went to Aylmerton Church in the morning – Sacrament, but Mr Hutton had not given notice, obliged to leave, as we had it at Felbrigge last Sunday. On reaching home found a note from Miss Betts informing me that her father was taken ill in early morning and had been insensible ever since and there could be no service as they had not time to supply his place. Sent again in the evening but there was no change in him.

13th November Note Miss Betts saying her father had recovered consciousness but his head was very bad. Note from Mrs G Hoare telling us of she must give up the pleasure of seeing us at dinner as they had had a telegram that Mr Ma Innes was much worse and they had to go back to London the next day. Went to dine at Sherringham in the evening – rather flat.

14th November Called to enquire for Mr Betts, saw Mrs Betts who said he was rather better but delirious. Took old Lady Buxton some grapes and saw Miss Johnston and Mrs A Johnstone. Went to Colne House and saw Mrs E Buxton and her children. Called on Mrs Birch. Letter from General Windham requesting all the private letters of his late brother.

15th November Raining fast. Stayed at home all day. Priscilla went out and slipped down getting through the wires and hurt her side so much that she thought one of her ribs was broken. Mr Betts rather better.

16th November Letter from Mr Parmeter saying that John was named for the commission of the perch cover shooting. Mr Upcher, Henry and Gerald, Sir Archdale Wilson, Mr Rogers, Mr Hardcastle and Mr Beauchamp. The day was very fine and they shot 380 head of game.

17th November Rain all day, no one able to go out. Mr Betts not so well today.

18th November Letter from Mr Feilden announcing Lady Calthorpe’s death. Ditto from Mr Napier requesting the quarterly payment for Bobbie as these were ‘hard times’. Note from Miss Betts saying her father’s short illness was ended – he died this morning.

19th November No services all the afternoon, when Mr Fitch came in one of the Buxton vehicles. W Betts at church and a very large congregation. Mr Fitch told John of Mr MacInnes’s death. Wrote to condole with Mrs Betts.

20th November Pouring rain all day, no one able to go out.

21st November All hands busy preparing for a dinner party which consisted of 18 persons and went off very well. Palmer managed it very well and we had five waiters including him.

22nd November Awful gales. One tree blown down near the kitchen garden. No one able to go out

23rd November Letter from G Heaviside, the first since he left here. One from Mrs Mott asking for Mr Betts living for Mr Anderson. Mr Betts buried today.

24th November Dreadful hurricane, notwithstanding which a Mr Morant came and asked for Mr Betts living, giving as a reason, that, he was favourite nephew to the Dowager Lady Suffield. He was a dissipated looking man and asked John if he would like to hear him preach, which he declined and bowed him out.

25th November Mr Hardcastle, Mr Rogers , Russell Upcher, Miss A and B Johnstone came for a day’s shooting. They shot 40 partridges and Mr Hardcastle took leave of us as they were going away on Tuesday.

26th November Letter from Robert requesting the Felbrigge living for Captain Mucklethwaite’s brother in law Mr Drake of Colchester. Service in the morning. Mr W Betts doing the service, no one able to go to church in the afternoon as the services being changed they were both in the morning.

27th November Called on Mrs Betts, found her full of anxieties for the future – not at all to be wondered at. Miss Hardcastle called to take leave of us as she was going with her next day.

28th November Bunnett. Lady Buxton brought Anna for a music lesson. Letter from Mr Mott complaining of Mr Morant’s impertinence in bringing a note to us addressed to him without his authority. Went to dine with the Rogers; 19 to dinner, dancing after; reached home at 1am.

29th November Dreadful fog all day. Miss Pyman and the two younger Hardcastle’s came to lunch and stayed till 4 o’clock.

30th November Went to Norwich with Margaret and Ellen, called on the Canon in the afternoon, who has had a bad illness, not asked in. Amy came out and went to the Cathedral with us. Spent the evening at Bracondale. Two more clergymen asked for the living.

December 1st December At Boulgers with Ellen all the morning. Margaret went for her likeness with Amy and Aunt Ellen. Went to tea at Bracondale.

2nd December Rain in the morning. Amy with us all day. Mr and Mrs Douglas called and took tea with us. Went to see the Canon who is better and asked him a few questions about the living. Went home tonight and found more letters about the living. Junior with us.

3rd December A Mr Brown did duty at Felbrigge. Raining hard all the rest of the day.

4th December Drove down to Cromer with Anna. The Prince and Princess of Wales came to stay at Gunton today. All the men lost ½ a day’s work to go to Gunton and see them. They did not arrive till 4 o’clock and it was nearly dark. There was not even a cheer. Junior out shooting with Mr Corsbie.

5th December Bunnett. Anna Buxton came alone for her lesson. The two Miss Johnstone came about 12 to fish. John went to call on Mr Feilden.

6th December Junior went home without any breakfast, the united efforts of the servants being unable to get him up in time. Anna and Margaret rode with Mr Upcher who told them about the ball at Gunton last night. The Princess was the only lady who wore a crinoline. The Prince was flirting with Mrs C Gurney; Lady G Coke was the belle of the room and is engaged to Lord Dunmore.

7th December Word brought in that all the grapes were spoiling from the excessive damp. Raining hard all day. A great mob of people assembled at Gunton for fox hunting; they did not find a fox.

8th December Carpeted two of the servants for quarrelling about the tea and sugar. Very thick fog all day. No one called, in fact this has been one of the dullest weeks we have ever had. The Prince being in the neighbourhood making no deal of difference to us. Several applications for the living.

9th December Note requesting some gravel from Lady C Buxton which I was obliged to refuse. Walked by the Lion’s Mouth and heard that Mr Hutton had a fit yesterday and two doctors were sent for. John went to Barningham and offered the living to Mr Anderson. The Prince and Princess of Wales left Gunton today.

10th December Mr March at Aylmerton, no service either at Felbrigge or Metton as the churchwardens could not get anyone. 11th December Grand row amongst the servants about Howard’s temper, obliged to say I would discharge them all next time. Mr Fitch called about doing the Felbrigge duty. Mrs Beauchamp and Miss Peason called while I was out; as I came in Lady Buxton called to ask me to send a maid with my daughters tomorrow and to let them stay till Friday afternoon.

12th December Bunnett. Miss Buxton did her lesson much better. Mr Brown from Overstrand came to lunch while Caro was teaching. As soon as he was gone Mrs Mott, Miss Day and Major and Mrs Cornwallis came and stayed ½ an hour. Anna and Margaret went at 5 with their maid to stay at Northrepps till Friday.

13th December Rent Audit. Mrs Potter came for a subscription for the Xmas dinner at Beckham Union. Mr Anderson came and lunched with us in the dining room and saw John when the Audit was over, about the living. A muddling disagreeable day with thick fog.

14th December John wrote to say that Mr Jeck had been to offer Plumstead Hall and a 1,000 acres of land as he understood he had sold Felbrigge. No foundation exists for the report unless the people have confounded the living with the estate. No one called today.

15th December Mr Fitch came to lunch and to talk over Mrs Betts affairs. Agreed to take the service that the money might be for Mrs Betts. Went to Northrepps for Anna and Margaret. The latter tearful at leaving – called on the Huttons and for the first time got in, not so dismal as I thought. Mr Hutton better and going to London next week for change. Met the Andersons in the Park, they had been to look over the rectory at Metton. Mrs Betts showed them her husband’s grave with 12 rose trees planted upon it tied up with black crepe.

16th December Went with John to see the wood men at work. While gone E Pigott called and saw Pris. And asked Anna to dance the first gallop with him on Thursday. The last coach left off running today.

17th December Mr March at Felbrigge. Priscilla and the girls went to Aylmerton and to their surprise Mr Hutton came to do duty and just as he had got to the first Collect when he turned black in the face and could not proceed and the congregation had to be dismissed. Mrs Hutton said they were going to London next day.

18th December The children rode in the morning and enquired for Mr Hutton who was better. Waited for lunch for Mr Upcher but he did not come till nearly 4 – he swore John in as a County Magistrate before he left.

19th December Bunnett. Miss Buxton took her last lesson today. Went to Cromer shopping in the afternoon.

20th December Note from Mrs Upcher asking as a great favour that I would send my two eldest daughters to dinner as they wanted some ladies. Very much obliged to commit, though sorely against my wishes to send them out alone. There were 9 gentlemen and 6 ladies to dinner and dancing afterwards. In the morning Priscilla, Anna and Margaret carried Lady Buxton some grapes. Mrs Betts had just sent her apples, pears and currants.

21st December Went with Anna and Margaret to Mr Upcher’s to a dance. Very delightful to those concerned in it, but as usual slow to the chaperons. Motts, Jodrells, Andersons, Pigotts, Hamonds and all the Upchers, ourselves, Miss Balderson, Fowler, Hood and Sparke composed the party. Mr Anderson lunched with us and settled the preliminaries about the living.

22nd December John and Priscilla went to Norwich. A very dull foggy day.

23rd December Captain and Mrs Douglas and Amy came in the afternoon. Martins drove Bobbie home. Priscilla and John came home with Mr and Mrs Soanes and their luggage from London, very cold night. Bobbie had one eye shut and sore on shoulder.

24th December Ten of the party went to Aylmerton and heard Mr March, 5 more went to Metton in the afternoon, no service at Felbrigge. Did not go out all day; very long day I found it.

25th December Letter to Anna from Isabel Johnstone and a text book from each of the sisters for Anna and Margaret. Service at Felbrigge from Mr Fitch. Very thick fog all day. Christmas tree in the evening given by Minnie and Gerty. Very noisy round game afterwards.

26th December The gentlemen went shooting. Russell, Berners Upcher and Digby Pigott were with them. The ladies went to Cromer and spent the morning. We did not lunch till 3 and they played billiards, we were 13 to dinner and they played squails.

27th December Captain Douglas, Mr Soanes and John went out shooting. The whole party shot 10 head. Mrs Soanes and the rest saw the most picturesque drives about the place and then went to see the shooting. Mr Anderson came to say the opinions of the Council were against him and he and John had a long talk.

28th December The three Pigotts came fishing and caught 5 pike. Just as they came in to lunch, Mr Mott, Freddy and Mr Sparke and then R and B Upcher and Edith Pigott and then Pris Johnstone came to take leave as she was going to Ventnor the next day. Mr Soanes and John spent the whole day in the woods and took a sandwich in their pockets. We had a very merry evening. Wrote to Mrs Napier to say Bobbie would not return.

29th December Mr and Mrs Soanes left us. A dreadful rainy and windy day. John exceptionally cross all day and upon the whole an unpleasant termination of the week. Junior went with the Soanes party.

30th December Note from Mr Napier saying how sorry he was to lose Bobbie who would long be remembered in their family with pleasure. The Douglas family left us and departed in their pony carriage. John very cross.

31st December Awful gale and pouring with rain. All the children and Priscilla went to Felbrigge. Mr March did duty – in the afternoon they went to Aylmerton and heard Mr Brown – Mr Hutton rather better.