An unusual splicing in the HEXB is associated with dramatically different phenotypes in patients from different racial backgrounds.

B McInnes, … , S Tsuji, D J Mahuran

J Clin Invest. 1992;90(2):306-314.

Research Article

Sandhoff disease is caused by affecting the beta subunit of lysosomal beta- (EC and displays a wide spectrum of clinical phenotypes. We report a 57-year-old patient with a very mild phenotype, although residual hexosaminidase A activity in his cultured fibroblasts was less than 3% of normal activity, a level observed in juvenile onset patients. Northern and Western blot analyses confirmed a similar low level of beta subunit-mRNA and mature beta-protein, respectively. Two mutations of the HEXB gene were identified in this patient, a partial 5' gene deletion (a null allele), and a C----T transition 8 nucleotides downstream from the intron 10/ 11 junction affecting the splicing of the beta subunit-mRNA. In their homozygous forms, the 5' deletion has been previously shown to result in a severe infantile phenotype, and the C----T transition in a juvenile phenotype. The genotype and the low level of residual hexosaminidase A activity would be expected to produce a juvenile Sandhoff phenotype in this patient, as well as in four of his six clinically normal siblings. The biochemical basis of his mild phenotype is uncertain, but may result from genetic variations in the RNA splicing machinery.

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Beth McInnes, * Michel Potier,t1 Nobuaki Wakamatsu,11 Serge B. Melancon, * Mans H. Klavins,* Shoji Tsuji,11 and Don J. Mahuran*§hI *Research Institute, Hospital for Sick Children; tService de Gengtique Mgdicale, H6pital Sainte-Justine, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; ODepartment of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G IX8; and I1Department ofNeurology, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan

Abstract GM2 (assayable with the artificial substrate 4-methy- lumbelliferone-(3-N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfate [4-MUGS]) is caused by mutations affecting the (3 subunit (1 ), and the (3 subunit confers stability to the active dimer. The of lysosomal fl-hexosaminidase (EC and displays a (3subunit also contains an active site that is primarily responsi- wide spectrum of clinical phenotypes. We report a 57-year-old ble for hydrolyzing neutral substrates; e.g., oligosaccharides patient with a very mild phenotype, although residual hexosa- (assayable with the artificial substrate 4-methylumbelliferone- minidase A activity in his cultured fibroblasts was < 3% of fl-N-acetylglucosamine [4-MUG]) ( 1 ) which are stored and/ normal activity, a level observed in juvenile onset patients. or excreted in elevated amounts only in Sandhoff disease (re- Northern and Western blot analyses confirmed a similar low viewed in [2, 3]). level of d subunit-mRNA and mature fl-protein, respectively. Like other lysosomal storage diseases, Sandhoff disease pre- Two mutations of the HEXB gene were identified in this pa- sents a wide range of clinical phenotypes, from the most severe tient, a partial 5' gene deletion (a null allele), and a C -- T infantile form (reviewed in [2 ]) to an adult form in which the transition 8 nucleotides downstream from the intron 10/exon primary symptoms are progressive motor neuronopathy (4) 11 junction affecting the splicing of the (3 subunit-mRNA. In (Table I). Sandhoff suggests that as little as 10% of the normal their homozygous forms, the 5' deletion has been previously level of hexosaminidase A is compatible with a normal life; i.e., shown to result in a severe infantile phenotype, and the C -0 T it represents the "critical threshold" of activity necessary to transition in a juvenile phenotype. The genotype and the low prevent GM2 storage, and that patients with the infantile onset level of residual hexosaminidase A activity would be expected form lack any residual activity towards GM2 . Varia- to a produce juvenile Sandhoff phenotype in this patient, as tions within the 1-10% range of normal activity may be respon- well as in four of his six clinically normal siblings. The biochem- sible for the majority of the less severe phenotypes (2, 5, 6). ical basis of his mild phenotype is uncertain, but may result There have been more than a dozen mutations in the from genetic variations in the RNA splicing machinery. (J. HEXA gene described (reviewed in [3, 7]). However, only a Clin. Invest. 1992. 90:306-314.) Key words: hexosaminidase. few HEXB mutations have been characterized. Surprisingly, Sandhoff disease * GM2 - lysosomal * one of these, a 16-kb deletion of the 5' end, accounted for 27% storage disease of the Sandhoff alleles we analyzed (8). This deletion allele is incapable of transcription due to the absence ofthe 5' promoter Introduction region, and in the homozygous form (line GM 294, Table I) produces a severe infantile phenotype (9). A patient with the There are two major (-hexosaminidase isozymes in normal juvenile phenotype (line GM 2094, Table I) was found to be a human tissues, hexosaminidase A (af) and B genetic compound of the deletion mutation (8) and a G -) A (33). Tay-Sachs disease is caused by mutations in the HEXA transition in intron 12. The latter creates an alternate splice site gene which encodes the a subunit unique to hexosaminidase A. and the inframe insertion of eight codons; i.e., 24 nucleotides Sandhoff disease results from HEXB gene mutations which (10, 11 ). A third mutation, found in an asymptomatic individ- affect the common a subunit. Thus, patients with Sandhoff ual with low enzymatic activity, involves a duplication of a disease have deficiencies of both isoenzymes. The small region encompassing the junction of intron 13 and exon 14. amount of residual enzyme activity (< 1%) in tissues of these This defect generates an alternate splice site and an inframe patients is from the labile a homodimer, (3-hexosaminidase S insertion of six codons In the . ( 1). juvenile and asymptomatic (aa) The stored substrate responsible for the severe neurologi- individuals, a low level of properly spliced cal disorders (3 subunit-mRNA characteristic of hexosaminidase A deficiencies is (which would produce preprofl-polypeptides with the normal GM2 ganglioside. The a subunit supplies the catalytic site for (3-primary structure), produces 3-6% and 9-10% of normal hexosaminidase A activity, respectively ( 11). Address correspondence to Don J. Mahuran, PhD, The Hospital for Recently, a novel splicing mutation has been identified in a Sick Children, Research Institute, 555 University Avenue, Toronto, Japanese patient with juvenile Sandhoff phenotype (Japanese Ontario, Canada M5G 1X8. patient, Table I). The patient, whose parents were first cousins, Receivedfor publication 21 October 1991 and in revisedform 10 was shown to be homozygous for a C -) T transition in exon March 1992

J. Clin. Invest. 1. Abbreviations used in this paper: CRM, cross-reactive material; © The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc. MCBs, membraneous cytoplasmic bodies; 4-MUG, 4-methylumbellif- 0021-9738/92/08/0306/09 $2.00 erone-,B-N-acetylglucosamine; 4-MUGS, 4-methylumbelliferone-(3-N- Volume 90, August 1992, 306-314 acetylglucosamine-6-sulfate; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.

306 McInnes, Potier, Wakamatsu, Melancon, Klavins, Tsuji, and Mahuran 11. This mutation, located eight nucleotides downstream from patient was referred to the Service de Genetique Medicale, H6pital the intron IO/exon 11 junction, impaired mRNA splicing. Sainte-Justine, Universite de Montr6al, for further study. Two abnormally spliced transcripts were characterized and The patient (II-7, Fig. 1 ) is one of seven siblings. One of his sisters, shown to produce premature stop codons, which are presum- age 58 (11-3, Fig. 1), has also complained of diarrhea for the last 10 yr ably responsible for their instability ( 12). A small amount and of postural dizziness for 5 yr. Clinical investigations similar to of those described above were carried out with normal results. There has normally spliced mRNA was detected in the patient's cells. been no reported change in the state ofour patient or any of his siblings Because of the C - T transition, the resulting polypeptide during the past 5 yr. contained an substitution, Pro417 -> Leu. A second Measurements of residual hexosaminidase isozymes and urinary mutation was also found, an A -* G transition in exon 2. This oligosaccharides. Fibroblasts (three T-75 flasks) derived from normal mutation, which results in conversion of Lys121 - Arg, was individuals and patients with Sandhoff disease were harvested and thought to be a benign polymorphism, for COS cell expression lysed in buffer that contained 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 10 4M DTT, of a fl-cDNA encoding both the Lys,212 Arg and the Pro417 -O 10-3M EDTA, and 5% glycerol within 3 wks of reaching confluence. Leu substitutions produced levels of intracellular hexosamini- Protein was determined by the method of Lowry. Separation of the dase B activity similar to that of the wild type cDNA. The fl-hexosaminidase isozymes (Hex B, Hex A, and Hex S) was accom- authors concluded that the splicing mutation plished by chromatofocusing and the hexosaminidase activity in each (intron IO/exon fraction determined by assay with 4-MUG as previously reported (4, 11 C -- T transition) alone is responsible for the observed 9). Alternatively, hexosaminidase A (aB) and B ((3j3) were separated clinical phenotype ( 12). from hexosaminidase S (aa) by immunoprecipitation with sheep anti- In this report, we describe a patient with a very mild disease # antiserum coupled to Protein G Sepharose (Pharmacia Fine Chemi- (line 2557, Table I) whose genotype and low residual enzy- cals, Div. of Pharmacia Inc., Piscataway, NJ) as previously described matic activity was considered predictive of much more severe ( 13 ). The hexosaminidase A bound to the beads was assayed directly juvenile Sandhoff disease. We demonstrate that the patient is a using the a-specific substrate 4-MUGS ( 14). The total precipitated genetic compound ofthe infantile 5' deletion mutation (8) and hexosaminidase activity (A and B) was assayed with the common 4- the juvenile intron IO/exon 11 C - T mutation. The patient's MUG substrate. The hexosaminidase isozymes in plasma and leuco- fibroblasts contain < 10% of normal # subunit-mRNA levels cytes were assayed with 4-MUG by the thermodenaturation assay and are totally method ( 15). Oligosaccharides in a 24-h urine collection were deter- deficient in hexosaminidase B activity; however, mined by thin-layer chromatography ( 16). they retain 2% of normal hexosaminidase A activity. Despite Western blot analysis. Samples ofcell lysates (Table I) were individ- these data, this individual is 57 years old and has few clinical ually mixed with sample buffer containing 3% SDS and 25 mM DTT, symptoms. Enzyme analysis of the patient's six clinically unaf- and incubated at 60'C for 15 min. The proteins in each sample were fected siblings indicated that four of them (ages 51-62 yr) are separated by SDS-PAGE using the Laemmli gel system ( 10% gel) ( 17 ). also genetic compounds for the same two Sandhoff alleles. The The proteins were transferred to nitrocellulose overnight ( 13 ). Nitro- variable phenotype associated with the intron 10/exon 11 C -* cellulose was blocked by exposure to 5% skim milk in Blotto (10 mM T transition indicates that other unidentified factors determine Tris base, 150 mM NaCI, 0.05% Tween 20, pH 7.5) for 4 h with gentle the pathological outcome of this mutation. We speculate that shaking, then incubated with a 1:800 dilution ( 1% skim milk in Blotto) the severity of the effect of the mutation on the levels of prop- of rabbit anti-# IgG, overnight. Nitrocellulose was washed 4x with 1% f skim milk in Blotto and incubated with a 1:10,000 dilution ( 1% skim erly spliced subunit-mRNA may be determined by individ- milk in Blotto) of goat anti-rabbit IgG/horse radish peroxidase conju- ual variations in the RNA splicing machinery. gated (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) for 1 h. The nitrocellulose was then washed 4X 15 min with 1% skim milk in Blotto, quickly Methods rinsed with Blotto (no skim milk), and dried between filter papers. It was then incubated in equal volumes of Detection reagent 1 and Detec- Case report. The subject was a 57-yr-old non-Jewish French-Canadian tion reagent 2 (ECL system; Amersham Corp., Arlington Heights, IL) who presented in 1986 with a 9-yr history of severe watery diarrhea, for precisely 1 min, dried briefly on filter papers, covered with Saran intermittent moderate and diffuse abdominal pain, 17-kg weight loss wrap, and exposed to Hyperfilm-ECL (Amersham) for 1 min. over a 7-yr period, and increasing weakness. Cholecystectomy was Cell culture. Fibroblast cells were cultured in a-minimal essential carried out 6 yrs previously without any improvement. medium (MEM; Flow Laboratories) supplemented with streptomycin, The only other abnormalities found during physical examination penicillin (100 mg/I each), and 10% fetal calf serum at 370C under were lower limb hyperreflexia and impaired thermal sensitivity of legs 5% CO2. and arms. The patient also reported a few episodes of faintness and Preparation of genomic DNA. Cultured fibroblast cells, grown to dizziness, usually improving in the supine position but occasionally confluency in 6 X 150 cm2 culture dishes, were harvested in PBS by leading to syncope, intolerance to warm weather due to impaired scraping with a rubber policeman. The cells were centrifuged at 2,000 sweating, impaired sexual function since 1975 and complete impo- rpm for 10 min and the pellet resuspended in 2 ml TE buffer (10 mM tence since 1978, and mild urinary incontinence. These findings sug- Tris-HCI, pH 8/1 mM EDTA). An equal volume of TE/0.2% SDS gested some impairment of the autonomic nervous system. was added and the tube inverted gently to lyse the cells. The DNA was Extensive investigations of the gastrointestinal tract carried out be- extracted with phenol, precipitated with ethanol, and resuspended in tween 1980 and 1984 (six hospitalizations), including upper gastroin- distilled H20 to 0.5% ughld for amplification by polymerase chain testinal endoscopy and colonoscopy with biopsies, retrograde cholan- reaction (PCR). giopancreatography, barium studies of the upper gastrointestinal tract, Preparation of whole cell RNA. Total cellular RNA was prepared abdominal ultrasound and computed tomographic scan, and extensive from cultured fibroblast cells by the guanidinium isothiocyanate hormonal work up, were all normal. [14C]Cholylglycine breath test method ( 18) followed by CsCl ultracentrifugation. Northern blot analy- suggested accelerated intestinal transit speed. '4C excretion peaked sis was carried out as previously reported (4, 9). early (3 h after ingestion; normal 4-6 h), and its total excretion was Reverse transcription ofRNA. Single-stranded cDNA was prepared 9.3% of the ingested dose (normal 4%). from 6 ,g total cellular RNA by incubation at 420C for 60 min with 25 A rectal biopsy taken at the H6pital Saint-Lazare, Paris, France in U of avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase (AMV-RT; Be- 1986, and reviewed by Pr. Modigliani, showed the presence of mem- thesda Research Laboratories, Gaithersburg, MD), 5 U of RNA- branous cytoplasmic bodies (MCBs) in the intestinal neurons. The guard' (Pharmacia. LKB Biotechnologies) and 0.5 gg oligo-dT in 50

A Novel Splicing Mutation Associated with Different Phenotypes 307 Al vol of 0.1 M Tris-HCI (pH 8.3), 140 mM KCl, 10 mM MgCl2, 28 mM f3-mercaptoethanol, 0.5 mM each of four dNTP's. The cDNA was precipitated by the addition of 1/ 10 vol 3 M sodium acetate (pH 4.8) and 2 vol of absolute ethanol, vacuum desiccated, and resuspended in II 50 Ml sterile distilled H20 for amplification by PCR. PCR. Amplification of exonic and intron/exon junctions from ge- nomic DNA, and cDNA segments was performed by the PCR proce- 396 44 462 52 52 dure, using the oligonucleotide primers as described previously (12). 15% 5% 3% 20% 7% 5% in 100 Ml vol containing 0.1-0.5,Mg geno- 1 (29 )1 (24 yrs) 3 (26yrs) 6 (28 yrs) The reactions were performed III mic DNA or 2 Ml cDNA, 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.3), 50 mM KCl, 1.5 200,uM each of four dNTP's, 0.5 Mg ofeach 342 258 342 390 282 336 mM MgCl2, 0.01% gelatin, 15% 11% 15% 22% 19% 30% primer and 2.5 U AmpliTaq. Taq polymerase. Amplification was achieved by incubation in a DNA Thermal Cycler" (Perkin Elmer Figure 1. Pedigree of the subject (arrow) and his family. Ages in years, Cetus Instrs., Norwalk, CT) for 30 cycles, each consisting of a denatur- total plasma hexosaminidase activity, and the percent of the activity ation step at 94°C for 30 s, an annealing step at 55°C-65°C (usually at that is heat stable, (i.e., hexosaminidase B) is given for each family 5°C below the melting temperature (Tm) of the primers) for 30 s and member. Based on these assays, each individual is assigned a status, an extension step at 72°C for 1.5-3 min (depending on the length of i.e., normal (open symbol), carrier of one mutant HEXB allele DNA to be amplified). 1 / 10th ofthe amplified products were analyzed (striped symbol), and carrier of two mutant HEXB alleles (solid by agarose gel electrophoresis. All splice junctions and exonic se- symbol). The mother of our patient (1-2) is deceased, but is assumed quences of the HEXB gene from cultured fibroblasts of patient 2557 to have been a carrier, thus the different striped pattern. Normal were amplified and sequenced. mean = 822 nmol/h per ml (total plasma hexosaminidase activity, The region around exon 11, found to be heterozygous for the 4-MUG); and 26% hexosaminidase B; normal range = 552-1374 Pro417 -* Leu mutation in genomic DNA was amplified by PCR using nmol/h per ml, and 18-31% hexosaminidase B (by thermodenatura- oligonucleotides "528" (3' intron 9, sense; 5'-CACCTCTCAAAA- tion). TGCAAGAA-3') and "529" (5', intron 11, antisense; 5'-AAT- GGTTGCTTCACTTACCA-3'). Oligonucleotide "52" (5'-CTC- CAATCTTGTCCATAGCT-3') was used as a primer for direct sequencing. A fragment of cDNA containing this region of exon 11 was lings, had total hexosaminidase levels within the range of pa- amplified by PCR using primers " 18" (sense; 5 '-TGTTGGG- tients with Sandhoff disease. Of these siblings, only II-3 has AATCAAATCCAAAA-3') and "13" (antisense; 5'-CAGTCTGT- shown some symptoms similar to those of our patient (see case CATAGGCGTCAT-3'). report); the others were asymptomatic. Genomic DNA from fibroblasts of a normal control and the subject The above activity data led to a more quantitative evalua- was amplified by PCR using oligonucleotides "2- 1 " (3' intron 1, sense; tion of the hexosaminidase isozymes in fibroblasts (line 2557) 5'-GAGTTAACTACAATGTTACTAG-3') and "2-2" (5', intron 2, Hind from our patient, as well as an estimation of the relative steady antisense; 5'-GGAAGCTTAATAGGAATCATAAACTC-3'; a fi protein [West- III site in the primer is underlined) in the region of exon 2 where the state level of mature (i.e., lysosomal, subunit Japanese patient was previously reported to have a second Lys121 -0 ern blot]). These data were compared to those obtained from Arg substitution, as well as the same Pro417 -- Leu mutation (12) we the fibroblasts of other patients with known genotypes and phe- now report in our patient, 2557 (see Results). The product was se- notypes (GM 2094, juvenile; 2400, adult; 2399, adult; and GM quenced directly using oligonucleotide 2-1 as primer. An area in exon 6 294 infantile; Table I). The chromatofocusing separation of of genomic DNA from our patient, line 2557, was amplified and di- the hexosaminidase isozymes from four of these cell lines rectly sequenced with primers "891" (3', intron 5, sense; 5'-AGACA- (2557, GM 294, GM 2094, and 2400) is shown in Fig. 2. The TATGGAAGGAATTCCAA-3'; an EcoRI site in the primer is under- isozyme pattern from our patient's cell lysate was virtually lined) and "892" (5', intron 6, antisense; 5'-AACTTGTAATGAAAC- the juvenile Sand- PCR with identical to that of cell line GM 2094 from TATACCCA-3'). cDNA was amplified in this region by these lines clearly produced more residual primers "15" (sense; 5'-GGTTTCTACAAGTGGCATCA-3') and hoff patient. Both of "10" (antisense; 5'-ATGTTGTATTCAGAGTAGGG-3'). hexosaminidase A than did the infantile/deletion line, GM Direct sequencing. In preparation for sequencing, DNA amplified 294, and less than the cell line from the adult Sandhoff patient, by PCR was purified from unincorporated primers and extraneous 2400. The quantitation of the enzymatic activity levels is pre- bands by electrophoresis in an 8% polyacrylamide gel. The DNA was sented in Table II (Chromatofocusing). These results were cor- excised and eluted overnight with shaking incubation at room tempera- roborated by a solid state assay that selectively immunoprecipi- ture in distilled H20. DNA was freed of traces of acrylamide by passage tates hexosaminidase A and B, but not hexosaminidase S (aa), through siliconized glass wool and precipitated twice by addition of with an anti-,B antiserum (20), and then quantitates both iso- 1 / 10 vol sodium acetate (pH 4.8) and 2 vol absolute ethanol. zymes using the common 4-MUG substrate, or quantitates DNA was resuspended in 10 Ml distilled H20. Direct sequencing hexosaminidase A alone using the a-specific 4-MUGS as a sub- was performed on 2-5 M1 samples with [ a35SIdATP using a modifica- subunits tion of the Sequenase" protocol (United States Biochemical Corp. strate (Table II, Immunoprecipitation). Mature fl Cleveland, OH), by supplementing all buffers with 10% DMSO and 50 contained in lysates from all four patients' fibroblasts were un- MM NaCl, as described by Winship (19). Samples were electrophoresed detectable when compared with similar amounts of total pro- in 6% polyacrylamide/ urea gels. tein from a normal cell lysate (data not shown). However, when the amount of lysate protein loaded from the patients' Results cells was increased 20-100-fold over that loaded from the nor- mal cell lysate, mature f, protein in the 28-kD range (13) was The identification of MCBs in the patient's intestinal neurons detectable (Fig. 3). As was the case with the enzymatic activity, led to the investigation of residual hexosaminidase levels (by when the variation in total protein load was taken into account the standard thermodenaturation assays [ 15 ]) in plasma (Fig. similar amounts of f protein were present in lysates from our 1). The results indicated that he, as well as four of his six sib- patient's cells and those from line GM 2094, larger amounts

308 McInnes, Potier, Wakamatsu, Melancon, Klavins, Tsuji, and Mahuran Table I. Summary of Clinical, Biochemical, and Genetic Data

2400/2399 GM 294 GM 2094 (sisters) 2557 (subject) Japanese patient Cell line phenotype infantile juvenile adult novel juvenile references (8,9) (5,8-11) (4,8) (8,thisreport) (12) MCBs in: Peripheral nerve axons Appendiceal ganglion Rectal biopsy Rectal biopsy ++++* ~~+ + + + Oligosaccharide ++++* ++ + ++ excretion Involvement Motor neurons ++++* NR + Neurological ++++* +++ + + Autonomic nerves NR NR + + + Residual Hex A Activity in Fibroblasts 0% 2.5% 21% 2.4% 8V Mutations Allele # 1 16 kb deletion 16 kb deletion 16 kb deletion 16 kb deletion C T exon 11 C -G exon 69 C - G exon 68 C - G exon 68 C - G exon 6 A G exon 2** Results Null allele Null allele Null allele Null allele Misspliced, unstable mRNA mRNA None None None None Reduced levels Mature jl-CRM None None None None Reduced levels Substitution(s) Pro417 -s Leu11 Lys121 -. Arg** Allele #2 16 kb deletion G - A intron 12 Not determined C- T exon 11 C T exon 11 C -. G exon 61 (no exon 2 A -* G) A G exon 2** Results Null allele Misspliced stable Misspliced unstable Misspliced unstable mRNA mRNA mRNA mRNA None Normal levels Normal levels Reduced levels Reduced levels Mature fl-CRM None Reduced levels' Reduced levels Reduced levels' Reduced levels' Substitution(s) None', i.e., normal Not determined Pro417 -. LeuI1 Pro417 XLeu 1 primary structure' Lys,21 Arg**

NR, not reported. * Based on the classical infantile Sandhoff phenotype (Table III, reference 4). * This value was determined by Wakamatsu et al. (12). 1 Indicate the highly probable, but experimentally unproven presence of the mutation. Demonstrated by Wakamatsu et al. not to affect the function of the a-protein (12). ' Translated from a small amount of properly spliced ,B subunit mRNA. ** Demonstrated in this report and by Wakamatsu et al. to be a normal polymorphism (12). were found in line 2400, and no , protein was detected in the normal levels of (3 subunit-mRNA. However, the severely re- deletion line GM 294. duced level of( subunit-mRNA in our patient's cells, which is The enzymatic and Western blotting data indicated the similar to the levels of residual enzymatic activity and fl-cross- presence of mutation(s) in the patient's HEXB gene. In order reactive material (CRM), suggest that his second allelic muta- to predict the type of mutation(s) that could be present we tion primarily exerts its detrimental effect by lowering the level determined the levels of a and is subunit-mRNA in the pa- of( subunit-mRNA. tient's fibroblasts by Northern blotting. Fig. 4 (panels "(3- In order to identify the patient's second HEXB gene muta- Hexosaminidase, a-chain" and "fl-Glucuronidase") demon- tion, all and intron/exon junctions from his genomic strates that levels of a-mRNA transcribed by the HEXA gene DNA were amplified by PCR and the resultant DNA se- and the control mRNA (encoding fl-glucuronidase (21) were quenced directly. Only two changes from the normal sequence similar in the patient's cell line (lane 4), those of the normal were found, both in a heterozygous form. The first was a C - control (lane 1), and those from two sisters with adult onset G transition in the codon for Ser243 in exon 6, which would Sandhoff disease (lines 2399 and 2400; lanes 2 and 3) (4). result in its substitution by Cys (data not shown). The second However, the level of ft subunit-mRNA in our patient's cells was a C -. T transition in the codon for Pro417 in exon 11 (Fig. was decreased to less than 10% of normal levels (Fig. 4, fl-Hex- 5). This transition was the same mutation found in a homozy- osaminidase, ,8-chain, lane 4). We initially determined that our gous form in cells from the Japanese juvenile Sandhoff patient patient (line 2557) and the adult Sandhoff patients are hetero- with reduced (3 subunit mRNA levels (Table I). We suspected zygous for the common partial 5' end deletion mutation (8). the intron 10/exon 11 C -- T transition to be directly responsi- As we have noted (8), Northern blotting at the level of expo- ble for the lower (3 subunit mRNA levels in our patient. The sure seen in Fig. 4 cannot detect differences in levels . 50% of C -- G transition in exon 6 could result in a silent polymor- normal mRNA; i.e., the adult-onset patients appear to have phism or be present on the exon 1-5-deleted allele.

A Novel Splicing Mutation Associated with Different Phenotypes 309 Hex AHJPhlenlotype N A A I 100 * 8 G G M 2 2 2 M co 80 2 2 4 3 5 80-- Cell Lines # 0 9 0 9 5 o 60 9 4 -4 pH 4 0 9 7

= 40- w X 20-

P.M. bx :-"4 :.:.,.~ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Fraction Number Figure 2. Chromatofocusing elution profiles of the hexosaminidase isozymes; activities were obtained from total fibroblast extracts. The nmol of 4-MUG hydrolysed per h in each fraction were normalized ,Ba+ as described in (9), by dividing each value by the total number of ,Pa- >-o units of f3-galactosidase activity contained in the cell extract applied to the column (X 100) (9). These values were plotted versus the frac- tion number. Small open circles represent the separation of isozyme Protein from one of two previously described adult onset Sandhoff patients, Loaded 100;1.4; 25; 0 cell line 2400 (4), open squares represent the infantile deletion line (gg): 50;140; ;3.00 GM 294, juvenile onset line GM 2094 is represented by open dia- Figure 3. Western blot of fibroblast cell lysates; the amount of total monds, and closed circles represent the subject of this report (to lysate protein (,ug) from each cell line that was loaded onto the gel compare these patterns with those obtained for fibroblasts derived is indicated at the bottom. Extracts were (left to right) from; cell line from normal and carrier individuals see reference [9]). GM 2094 from a patient with juvenile onset Sandhoff disease (J); a normal control (N); cell lines 2400 and 2399 from two sisters with To determine if the C -> G transversion in exon 6 and/or adult onset Sandhoff disease (A); cell line 2557 from our patient (the the C -. T transition in exon 11 were transcribed, we analyzed subject of this report); and line GM 294 from an infantile onset pa- the nucleotide of our cDNA tient (I) homozygous for the deletion mutation (negative control). sequences patient's in the regions The positions of the most antigenic 3-polypeptide in of the two the mature f3 substitutions. Amplification of the region encom- subunit, ,Ba (28 kD) ( 13), with (#a+) or without (fla-) its single oli- passing the exon 6 transition produced a single fragment of the gosaccharide (33), are indicated. Two nonspecific bands present in expected length (data not shown). Direct sequencing of this the negative control are marked with *. Note that the mutant prof,- fragment showed that it contained only the nucleotide needed protein (> 97% of that translated) in line GM 2094 contains an 8 to code for the wild type Ser residue (data not shown). Thus, amino acid insertion. This protein is trapped and degraded in the en- the C -* G transition is not transcribed and must reside in exon doplasmic reticulum ( 11). 6 of the partially deleted allele. On the other hand, amplifica-

Table II. tion of the region containing the C -* T transition at the codon Activities of the Hexosaminidase Isozymes for produced three major at in Various Affected Fibroblast Cell Lines Pro417 fragments (Fig. 6). One, 425 bp (P1) was the expected size for properly spliced ,B subunit- Chromatofocusing Immunoprecipitation mRNA. The other two, 313 bp (P2) and 255 bp (P3), were similar in size to the two abnormally spliced ,B subunit-mRNA Cell % Normal* Unitst % Normal0 species described in fibroblasts from the line Phenotype Hex B Hex A Hex S Hex A Hex A + B Japanese patient ( 12). P1 was confirmed to be normally spliced subunit-mRNA by GM 294 Infantile 0 0 70 0 0 direct sequencing. Its sequence contained only the mutant "T" GM 2094 Juvenile 0 2.5 31 2.5 1.1 nucleotide at the codon for Pro417 (Fig. 7 A). As was the case 2557 Subject 0 2 16 2.7 1.2 with the Japanese juvenile Sandhoffpatient ( 12 ), P2 displayed 2400 Adult 2.1 25 200 16.8 10 a sequence corresponding to exon 10 spliced to a cryptic site mid-way in exon 11 (a TGA premature stop codon is generated six * Percentage of normal hexosaminidase B (Hex B) or hexosaminidase nucleotides after the junction (Fig. 7 B) and P3 displayed A (Hex A) activity after fractionation by chromatofocusing using the sequence ofexon 10 spliced directly to exon 12 (Fig. 7 B) (a 4-MUG as a substrate (9). premature stop codon would be generated 171 nucleotides * nmol 4-MUG/h per mg hydrolyzed by hexosaminidase S (Hex S) after the junction). after fractionation by chromatofocusing (9). The cloned genomic DNA from the Japanese juvenile § Immunoprecipitated Hex A and B assayed with Hex A-specific Sandhoff patient was also reported to contain a point mutation 4-MUGS (Hex A) or the common 4-MUG (Hex A + B) substrates, that would result in a Lys121 -* Arg substitution (Table I); presented as % of normal activity. evidence was presented that this most likely represents a nor-

310 McInnes, Potier, Wakamatsu, Melancon, Klavins, Tsuji, and Mahuran B - Hexosaminidase intron 10 1 t intron 10 1I \ normal patient |t G [3 -chain (x -chain Leu 415 A GIA Leu 415 A G C A A T C G A T - c 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Ala 416 x G Ala 416 G _ G Pro 417 G nofwTG/A* Pro/Leu 417 C -_ - Gly 418 C - ; ;;~~ C Gly 418 28s 1234 _ C T -&an ~~ Thr 419 G - - G Thr419 I I T T le 420 A A_\A Ile 420 I \I C sKI,. Val421 A \A Val 421 1 8s A Figure 5. Autoradiogram of a 6% polyacrylamide/urea gel showing anti-sense sequence obtained for genomic DNA; from a normal indi- vidual and from patient 2557 at the intron lO/exon 11 junction. Pa- tient 2557 is heterozygous for a C - T transition at the codon for Pro4W7 in exon 11 (indicated by * as a G -- A transition in the anti- V- Glucuronidase sense sequence). This results in the substitution of a Leu codon.

these we previously reported to be the common Sandhoff 5' 28s- deletion allele which is not transcribed (8). Direct sequencing of PCR fragments from genomic DNA and cDNA revealed that the mutation in our patient's second HEXB allele is a C -> T transition 8 nucleotides downstream from the intron 10/ exon 11 junction (Fig. 5). This mutation in the homozygous 18s form was shown to impair ,3 subunit-mRNA splicing in a Japa- nese patient with juvenile onset Sandhoff disease (12). The accompanying amino acid substitution, Pro4,7 -. Leu was shown to be a neutral change. It was demonstrated to have no Figure 4. Northern blot analysis of total RNA; a normal control, lane detrimental effects on hexosaminidase B activity in transfected 1; two sisters with adult onset Sandhoff disease (lines 2400 and COS cells, and quantitation of the fl-mRNA (8% of normal) 2399), lanes 2 and 3; and our patient (line 2557), lane 4. The blots correlated with the residual 8% activity level found in the Japa- were probed with labeled cDNAs encoding; the preprofl-chain and nese patient's fibroblasts ( 12). However, amplification of this preproa-chain of fl-hexosaminidase, and fl-glucuronidase. region of our patient's cDNA produced three fragments (Fig. 6). The largest represented the properly spliced # subunit- mal polymorphism ( 12). To determine if our patient also har- O C Figure 6. 8% polyacryl- bored this mutation, we amplified genomic DNA from line L L;i4-J 4-2 amide gel showing 2557 and from normal control leukocytes in the affected region .C Eg PCR-amplified cDNA of exon 2. As shown by the sequence analysis in Fig. 8, DNA L_ U U samples; from the pa- from our patient contains only the normal Lys codon 121 (Fig. 0. a + tient 2557 and a normal 8, Patient). Surprisingly, one of the HEXB alleles from a nor- b p b p individual. cDNA was mal control was found to contain the Arg codon substituted at prepared by reverse - 5 transcription of mRNA position 121 (Fig. 8, Normal). Fresh serum and leukocytes 6,- were isolated from the blood of the control individual (R.T.), I95from cultured fibro- blasts of a normal line and they both were tested for total hexosaminidase activity and 42425-5-- 39~~~~~~~92and of patient 2557. B the the thermo- percentage of hexosaminidase (of total) by plasmid denaturation assay (22, 23). The results from both sources of 3 3- cDNA from the 2 551 pCDfl43 (+ control) enzyme were in the normal range (Table III). These data con- 255- _ _ 246 and a reagent blank firm that the Lys121 -> Arg substitution is a normal polymor- (- control) were ampli- phism. Furthermore, they suggest that the intron 10/exon 11 fied in the same man- C -- T transition mutation in our patient's and the Japanese 23 ner. The cDNA prod- patient's HEXB have arisen independently. ucts from the normal cells (425 bp) and from Discussion the patient cells (425 bp, 313 bp and 255 bp, as shown on the left) were subsequently acrylamide gel-purified and directly sequenced. Determination of our patient's genotype revealed that he is a Basepair sizes of the 123 bp DNA ladder (BRL) are indicated on the compound heterozygote for two mutant HEXB alleles. One of right.

A Novel Splicing Mutation Associated with Different Phenotypes 311 G (Gll 125 A Gin 125 A r A A T Phe4O9 Ah 2557 Phe 409 A1 normal Val 124 Val 124 A NORMAL PATIENT G c cONA *c- largest Asp410 T G Asp 410 T Cil1 12. G A T C G A T C /A Gin 123 exon CT 10 Asp4ll G A T C 0 Asp 411 AT A e'i A , GA Thr 122 ww-..- Thr 122 T U.. A Lvs 412 - Lvs412 _u1--...Im T T Lvs/Arg 121 Lvs 121 r- _> A Ala 413 CiG AlaA~~~~~a~~~~i3~~~414 1CFN T Ala 120 C _ _ Ala 120 T £ Lys 414 Ae I..r G G C (Sic 119 A -~~~~~ GSInI 19 G_ C LCU 415 A Lea415 A C c A Phe 118 T \T Phe I18 Ai~l T / T Ala 416{ Ala 4106 A \A C Cla 117 A / A Glu 117 1 cX11 PrcoPr 41l7GlC,- C Cily 410S C Figure 8. Autoradiogram of a 6% polyacrylamide/urea gel showing for Normal and Patient T the nucleotide sequence obtained (R.T) Thr 419 G TGr 41) T (2557) genomic DNA in the region of the codon for Lys121. Genomic T iv DNA from both sources was amplified in the region of exon 2. In lie 420 A Ile 4210 A. T' each case, the product was gel-purified and sequenced directly. R.T. is heterozygous for A -* G substitution at codon 121 (denoted by *), B resulting in one allele encoding Arg12, instead of Lys12, . The patient's AA. A sample contains only the wild type sequence. Phn 409 A 2557 Phe 409 A'. 2557 A middle c smallest Asp 410 TA Asp 410 T A, C Asp 411 T AT C .Asp 41 1 T G A TC gested that it does not affect the transport or function ofhexosa- cX0I1 A 10 T minidase B ( 12). Furthermore, in this report, we showed that T_ Ilys 412 T .t..._,,.... the Lys121 -- Arg substitution is present in the normal popula- Ala 413 T 10 AIla41i G tion. However, we cannot totally rule out the possibility that it. T T this seeming polymorphism may exert a very small detrimental Lys 414 rr V Lys 414 f v r T effect on the binding the GM2 activator protein/GM2 ganglio- li Val A w side complex that is only significant in combination with the A ecn T Mid- a cis in the pheno- exon STOP L~cu A Pro417 Leu substitution; i.e., effect, resulting G exol T type of the Japanese patient being more severe. This possibility ? Lcu A _ 1 A^Lrg2 C T seems unlikely as the residue in question, Lys,2,, is not present T T Ala Asn T in the mature polypeptide (27), amino terminus Thr,22 (28), _ and a Lys - Arg substitution should not affect proteolytic ; Met T. processing. It should also be noted that the pro-hexosaminidase A is fully active (29), thus GM2 ganglioside hydrolysis can oc- Figure 7. Autoradiograms of 6% polyacrylamide/urea gels comparing 13 the anti-sense sequences obtained for cDNA; from a normal individ- cur with or without the presence of Lys121 in the subunit. ual (normal, A) with the three cDNA species obtained from patient Genomic DNA from our patient did not contain the above 2557 (largest = 425 bp, A; middle = 313 bp, B; and smallest = 255 Lys12, -- Arg substitution. This demonstrates that the intron bp, B). The amplified product from normal cDNA was 425 bp, as 1O/exon 11 C - T mutation is present in two different genetic expected. The products were acrylamide gel-purified and sequenced backgrounds and, therefore, probably arose independently in directly. The largest cDNA from patient 2557 displays a C -* T tran- the Japanese and Caucasian populations. The observation that sition at the codon for Pro4,7 in exon 11 (indicated by * as a G - this C -- T transition affects splicing in exactly the same novel A transition in the antisense sequence). This results in the substitu- tion of a codon for Leu. In this product, exon 10 is correctly spliced to exon 11 (A). The two smaller products display anomalous splicing. 2557 middle shows exon 10 spliced to a cryptic site midway in exon Table III. Activities of Hexosaminidase Isozymes in an 11 (at Asp452), resulting in a frame-shift with a stop codon. 2557 Individual (R. T.) Heterozygous For an A -- G Transition in Exon smallest shows exon 10 spliced to exon 12, to the exclusion of exon 2 of the HEXB Gene Resulting in Conversion of Lys,2, -. Arg 1 1. This also results in a frame-shift, which introduces a stop codon 171 bases downstream (A). Total hexosaminidase activity % Hex B (of total activity) Serum Leukocytes Serum Leukocytes nmol/ml per h nmol/mg per h mRNA (Fig. 7). The two smaller misspliced mRNA species result in premature stop codons that are presumably responsi- R.T. 1130 1280 25 39 ble for their low steady state levels (24-26). The new splice Normal sites identified in Fig. 6 were identical to those identified from range* 960-1950 1130-2020 24-40 36-43 cDNA of the Japanese juvenile Sandhoff patient ( 12). The genomic DNA from the Japanese patient also encoded * Determined from n = 16 samples assayed the same day at The a Lys121 -- Arg substitution. COS cell expression studies sug- Hospital For Sick Children, Lysosomal Storage Disease Laboratory.

312 McInnes, Potier, Wakamatsu, Melancon, Klavins, Tsuji, and Mahuran manner in two HEXB alleles from different genetic back- ual enzyme activity values in plasma or individual tissues may grounds supports the conclusion that this is indeed the cause of not accurately reflect the general in vivo activity, particularly the splicing error (thereby precluding the involvement of some when a partial mRNA splicing abnormality is the underlying other unidentified substitution elsewhere in the allele). cause of the decrease in activity. In these cases, even the deter- The remaining anomaly is the delayed and mild course of mination of the patient's genotype may not result in an accu- the disease in our patient. On the basis of comparison with the rate prediction of the ultimate phenotype. Japanese patient, one would expect our patient to have a more severe phenotype. Biochemical comparisons, such as residual Acknowledaments isozyme activities and fl-CRM in cultured fibroblasts were also predictive of a juvenile onset phenotype. The only clinical evi- The authors thank Dr. Pierre Poitras (H6pital St-Luc, Montreal) and dence of Sandhoff disease in our patient was some indication of Pr. Modigliani (H6pital Saint-Lazare, Paris) for providing some clini- disturbance of the autonomic nervous system. However, there cal data and bringing this case to our attention. We thank Ms. A. Leung was direct evidence for GM2 ganglioside storage in the observa- for her technical assistance with Fig. 3 and Table II, and Dr. J. Callahan tion of MCBs in his intestinal neurons. The same type of MCBs and Ms. M.-A. Skomorowski for the data presented in Table III. We were noted in the Japanese juvenile ( 12) and the French-Cana- also thank Drs. B. Triggs-Raine, J. Clarke, and R. McInnes for their dian adult onset patients; e.g., cell line 2400(4). 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314 McInnes, Potier, Wakamatsu, Melancon, Klavins, Tsuji, and Mahuran