
President Administration Information

President Donald Trump Website

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USET / USET SPF President Kirk Francis on National Native News January 11 Archived information from pre-inauguration

Ryan Zinke Sworn In as 52nd Secretary of the Interior March 1

The Hill Article: Senate Confirms Zinke to Lead Interior March 1

CQ Article: Trump Budget Would Boost Defense Spending, Cut EPA and More February 27

Which Trump Cabinet nominees are still awaiting confirmation – February 22

Text of President Trump’s DAPL Memorandum January 24, 2017 Press Release: NCAI Expresses Concern with Presidential Actions to Short-Circuit Environmental Review Process for Dakota Access Pipeline January 24, 2017 Article: Trump advances Keystone, Dakota Access pipelines Jan 24 NPR Article: Trump Gives Green Light to Keystone, Dakota Access Pipelines January 24

Chicago Tribune Article: Trump administration tells EPA to freeze all grants, contracts January 24, 2017

LATimes Article: Trump names new FCC chairman: Ajit Pai, who wants to take a 'weed whacker' to January 24

NPR Article: Trump's Telecom Chief is Ajit Pai, Critic of Net Neutrality Rules January 23, 2017

Presidential Memorandum Regarding the Hiring Freeze January 23, 2017

Exec Order on ACA and OMB notice re federal hiring freeze – January 20, 2017

Tribal Nations Health Briefing January 2017 The Hill Article: Trump team prepares dramatic cuts

New York Times Article: Senate Confirms Mattis at Defense and Kelly for Homeland Security

Republican Party Platform 2016

CNN Article: Trump puts freeze on new regulations

Trump Administration Cabinet Nominations

Politico Article: Trump issues executive order freezing hiring for federal workers

CNN Article: Trump and Obamacare: Where we go from here