G!ass E~SFS-- ,C-

Book sr -- I * ; rid? - TJ-IT11 -4 LIST OX

Sa_su;a!tieoaP QRclera and Nee,

A T [I



From Organization to Musk-Out,

JYhS1IISGIOS. D. C. GIGSC1S RIZOTHERS, PRISTERS, 1835. Tl~cbra\-c Dragoons ! the 'orare Dragoons! God bless the home that gave them birth ! That land has gained a fairer fame Than any other land on earth. Hail ! hail, ye heroes ! Fill the 11ow.l ! And lxoudly greet these sons of Mars! Fill high the bowl! Gire thrice three cheer? For every valiant hero's scars!

They come from Dixie's boasted land : Bring laurels for each hero's brow, And let them feel: (though ever loved:) We fly to greet and bless them now. We know how boldly they hare fought. And Ivan full many a bloody field ; Ho! cheer we then the brave Dragoons. Wl~oforced the traitor foe to yield!

Come maid and matron, sire and son, From mansion. hall, and cottage, come- .Ind come with song axid joy and wine To ~velcomeerery hero home. Bling floacis to wreathe each battle blade- Bring garlands For tlieir scars and wounds : And let the rerl- hills unite In cheers to greet the brare Dragoons !

Roc~:es~ea,June 20.1'4:. KEGINEXTBL HISTORY.

Tl!c i~lontliof July, 13.2. will ever l!c rciiie~nberedfur the cu1uiin:ltion at IIarrison's Landing of JlcClellan's dis- astrolls ~i~nipaig~ion t!ie Peninsnl:~. ,I gigantic e%rt had been put fort!^, and !lad resulted in a sign:~lfirilurc. Tlic c:dl for 111iircIrlen to fill up tlic cleci~~~atedregiments nncl to crc:rtc an army adequntc to the task of llurling back tlie hitllcrto resistless tide of rclcllion was imperative. Thanlis to the l)atriotis~liof the 11atirt11.in tilose dark I~OII~P, t!iat call mas not u~il~eccleil. JTlinle rcsgi~nentssprxng illto e~ist~~ic:::IS if bj- :nagic. At this ti~iietlic 1:3Itli Serr TorliYoiunteers was organized. The Kegini~iltwas niade up of tlie sturdy yeomanry of Alle- gauy, \Vj-oniing 2nd Liringston-111en who took tlie field, not for their monthly shilling; not fro111 n illere lore of personal advc~iturc,but from a stern sense of duty. At the suggestion of Geueral 3IcClellan, Alfred Gibbs (a class- illate at West l'oint,) mas made Colo~icland conlmandant by the Governor of tlie State of New Porlc. EIe brought with him tlie experience of twenty years' scri.ice in the Regular Army. Lieutennut Culoncl Thonias J.Tiiorp :~ndl\Iajor Rufus Scott llad fought side by side in tlie liotly coiltested battles of the Peninsula campaign, and both had received wounds. h large number of the newly organized regiments were ordered to Suffolk, Va. Here was to he colleoted an offen- sive ar~nyto threaten the approaches to the rebel capital from the south, and ercntnally to effect its illvestment on that side. The 180th New 1-orlr Volnntcers arrived on the 13th of September. -1 camping ground llad becn selected for the Regirllent in the im!nediate vicinity of the Dismal Swamp. The hos- pitals in town were soon filled witli sick, and notmithstand- ing the most skillful meclical treatment many fell victim\ to the fat.11 nlnlarin of the swamps. TlleRegiiiient. ncrcr- theless. was rapidly perfected in n~ilitarydiscipline. Keconnoissances in large force were pushed as f:~r a< the Black 7Trater, which. home~er, generally failed to develop any considerable force of thc eneniy in that ciuarter. In one of these espcditions the celcbrateil I'itts7r)urg Bat- tery rias recapti~redfrom the enemy in a spiritecl en,rrngc- inent at Bethlehem Church. During thcsc niarche~the strength and endurance of the inen was sorely tested. Oftentimes a hundred milcs of burning ~andsmere trnrersed. with three days' rations curried in harersackb, ancl strag- gling was unknown. In order that Sufillc n~igllt wit11 safety be made a base of supplies for future operations, iinnlense earth~orliswere thrown up, which co~npleteiy enl-ironed the town ; pending their completion, autuiiin ancl early winter wore away. Large cletails for picket duty became necessary, for the country ma* infeetcd witli guerillas. On the 30th of January, 1PG3, the Regiment was arouzed at the hour of midnight to takc part in a secret expedition, commanded by General Coreoran. The troops, numbering eight thousand in all, with a proper proportion of caralry and artillery, were soon moving noiselessly over the rotid leading to Carsville. After a rapid march of ten miles the enemy's videttes were driven in upon the main force, commanded by Gen. Roger 9.Pryor, encamped at Deserted Farm. Then ensued an artillery duel which, for precision and rapidity of firing, has seldo~llbeen equalled: )lever surpassed, in the experience of those WIIOparticipated. ;I dozen guns or more on either sidc were worked with a zeal which gave proulise of annihilation to either party. 17lhe pyrotecl~nicdisplay, i11 the n~id-nightdarkness, pos- sessed all tlle elerncr~tsof subli~ilityand terror. By the fitful light of bursting sllells could be seen the ghastly features of the dead and dying, and the ground strewn wit,h slain horses, n-l~ileriderless ones galloped ovcr the field, tramp- ling under t~otfriend nnti foe. At the co~~lnlenecrnentof tlie er~pgu~lentttlic infantry mere l~clilin rescrvc, savc those orclcreJ to support tile artiilery, nil11 but little cfyort was luaclc by (;r>l~c.r:~l(:'orcor:~rlto flank or tlislotlgc the encllly, :]I! attt:11ti011 '1::;i:;g :~b.vr\jc~Sby th:: tcrri?i<: ccci~~kt::t (jf the ~~r!illc~ists. Thc ~lrorr~ing~~;IIYIA 1:-itncssetl tl~c'c!sciti~~g rpectacleof t!?e rebd arlrry i!r fui: rt'trcat, ~ithtile :r!1111c1,111icrn force c-lnse Lip011 its II~T!~.;IIAC~ fi~:?lm110:~ !.ll:t(.!'~s ii Ollly e~eapcd!I3' tlie p;i-s:!gts of the 1;inck J\-ater n11;1 tl~c.dc.~t~i~ctio~l of the i,ridpe. This b:~ttle,t!:c~u(rl~ ,.ostly ill life :In11 lilr~b?mas ii?yalu:~blcin the confidrncc it gtt~cthe lrlerl ill their nhility to 5te111t111,t~)ruc*~~tof l~nttle ~~ith(~ut d(~~~~ori~lizatio~~. I.,llltir cotlr;lge nna pnt to n still furt11cr test. (111 tl~c I It11 tl;:y n:' -ipril, I,l.,ngstrcet nppcnrccl bcfoic Sufolk with au :irn,y y;lri~)u*iyrstinlated nt forty tln)usnncI Inen. And now t!it: wisclo~r~of Jlajor General Pecl; beca1l;e 111anifestin thc careful attention 11e 11:lcI giren to t11c dekrise of Snff'olk. Al~t.i.i~di:~g:L zigllal tree of :,ri.e;~taltituclc, Jin~~gstrect beheld :I for~lri~iublcline of eartl~~\-urlrscor~frorlting his :irnry ill every ~lir~:ctiur~,nud sn~-l~iountc~lL! :i I111.ndi-ed guns of large calibre. Fro~uthe nuu~berof enca~rlpinentsrisible, it migl~tbc irlferrcd that General l'eck coi~~i~~nndcd an army but little inferior to his own in nuillhers. After an investment of the town for twenty days, with repeated failures to break through the Federal lines, hc raised the siege and l~astilydecamped, though not in tinle for the rear of his army to escape a severe punishment. During the siege a successful sortie resulted in the capture of a six-gun battery, together with the cannoniers. Untoward events at Fredericltsburg compelled the eban- donment for the time of operations menacing Richnlond and its comniunications from the soutl~,together wit11 the mith- drawal of the troops from Sufolk. Passing by nnii~~portant incidents, we acst find the 130th Xew york Regiment ou board transports, en route for Yorktowl~. Lee's army has assumed an offensire attitude, an11 is already 111oving on JIarylancl 2nd Pennajivania. -111 army of twenty-fi\e thousand 111~11,1111der the irl~n~eC!i,~teCOIIIIII~I~I~ of 3Iajnr General IZcjes, is started 11p the I'eninsula-the ~nanift~st purpose of the expedition, a dirersiu 1 in favor of the Arnly of the Potooiac, mhie!~, ~i-eakenctlby two hard-fought battles at Frcdcriclisburg, and by ~spirationof tern1 of enli\tnre~~t, is in danger of being orerpomc~redby tl~c.irnry uf Sorthern Tirginis, superior i11 numbers, and elated by partial succesr;. lceyes' commaud is moved wit11 great celerity up the Peninsula, notmithstiluding the wretcl~cdcondition of the roads, by reason of frequent rains aid travel of the previous year. Halting i~ clay at White House for supplies. lieye,. pushes on to Hottom's Bridge, where his arllly is brougl~t to a stand. Col. Spear, with the 11th Pa. Cavalry, dashes up to Hanorer Court House and captures Urig. (+en. TY. H. F. Lee, one hundred prisoners, and :r large nunrber of army wagons. Aside fro111 this brilliant exploit, our suc- cess maunimportant. While the battle of Gettysburg is being fought and won, the army on the Peninsula is lying idle, and the golden opportunity is lost. We record only with feelings of sor- ' row the fact that the plan of the campaign, i~iagnifice~itin its conception, liliserably failed in its execution. The t,roops on the Peninsula are now ordered to joirl.the Army of the - Poton~ac,which has just corered itself aith glory at the battle of Gettysbnrg. By uuparalleled feats of marching, througll 111ud and consta~itrain, tllc army arrives at york- tom on tile noon of the third day from the reception of the order. Transports are in readiness to convey the troops to TYashington, and in two dags the 120th S. Y. disen~barks fro111 the cars at Frederick, _\Id.,the balance of tlrc Brigade haring been ordered to Sew York City to assisc in quelling the riot. Lee's army, though sorely punished, has recrn~scd tllc lJotolnae at Falling TVaters. 1Zy a forced night rnnruli, the 1:3!lth Sew l'ork ovcrtakcs tlle 4ri11y of the Poto~iiaeat Berlin; and is assigned to duty at Ar~llyIIeadynarters, under conlniniid of 12rig:rdicr (icrl- erai l'atrick, Provost JIarshal General. It sllares in tllc escitiu~race of the two nrinies, on par- a!!cl roads, as far as ]Tarrenton, \'a,, when tiiis lteginlcnt, wllosc soldierly conduct, while on foc~t,,11~1s elicited especial cunlmend;~tion fro111 Geuer;~ls Yecl;, Sykee, and finally, JIcade hiir~self,is trt~i~eferredinto the n~ountcdservice. l~y spcci:il orders fro111 the I\-ar Dept~rtnlent,bearing date of .July 2Stl1, 1SCi.3. and by the Govcrnor of tllc State of Sew York is designated as tlie 1st Kegiulent of Ilragoons, Sew York State Volunteers. Teluporarily withdrawn from tlie rirnly of tile Potonlac, the ltegi~l~el~tis orJ9rt.d to JIanassas, where it is allowec! ollly a ruonth to adapt itself to the cavalry service. To this end, Col. GiLbs, l~imselfa cavalry officer, bends his whole energies. Drills of eight hours a day are instituted, together with nightly ricitations fro111 the tactics by the officers and non-commissioned officers. By a singular coincidence the instruction llerc zeceived is soon to be tested, ill tile fiery ordeal of battle, on tlic rery (frill-ground. On the 13th of Octobcr, the Keginlent, ~llileon its map to rejoin tile Army of the l'otomae, encounters the corps traius, tlie teamsters urging the jaded mules to their utmost speed with whip and roicc., for the ar~nyis falling back frorn the 1t:lpidaii to tllc defences at Centreville. The .Id Corps turns (-1il tlle enciny, too closely purzuing, sncl at Uristoe Sttition inflicts a terrible blox-, strewing the ground with corpses, captaring a Latt2ry and Iuany prison- ers. After n rest of two d:~ys,the arnly rcsutucs the ol4i.n- sive, and is agiiiil in rt:tdities:j to deliver battle. Tlic 12cser\-c Cavalry Brigade !;i!iee tlie leacl, Col. Gibbs co~u~tla~lding, his ov;n li~'gi~iiciitIinri~~~ tlic atlvarice of tllc Brigade. Cros5i11g I3ull lluu. on the night of October Iitll. it c-ncuniltc~rstile ciic~iiy'scavalry un tlic I'lains of JIanass;~~. .Jets of flaliic, lcnping fru111 pistnl :tud carbine. light up tile horizon. ail11 reveal tl~el)r<>sc~lc.c nf t!ie dusky fee in line of battle Sotnitlista~i~li~igthe g:.ent disp::rity in 1iI;:ll- bcrr, tlic leading 21luatlron ~.etur~~::the cucnlr's fire. lwurin; in volley after volley in rapif1 SLICC~S~~O~I. -,vitll :t(:cot1lpilnj-- iug sllouts of Jefiilnec. >Ie;:nwllile. the: oti1:r a~~:isdro~:a lr;lre, one 1:y one, c~iriiciuto litlc. ant1 tl!e r;itiic: of st11;11i I c ~ c i s i t T!IC IIOL.SCS fi..~:t i!lg ~ln~lertllc rcs:rai~it of tlic bit, ml~iUI~II.~C~ to tl10 ~iiiit:f h;:ttle. :Ire (:(on- trollctl xiti1 tile utmojt tlitiiculty. I'ht: cilc~t~~,shclterell by enrtl~~vorlisthrown up 11)- Be:iurcg;trtl iu 1SCil. still ~ll;tintainthrir position. .i (.!large is rleccyaary to clislt)3ge tllenl ; the worcl is givei~.a11fl ti;e lint: ;tdvsrlces at a pace conti:lualiy acce1cr:~tetl until it reae1:c.s its ciiniax in the charge. r17 IIL' eLlell~ygive ~vny-are driven io Hi.istoe dta- tion, and four luiles of the O~angeand Alesandria R. K. saved fro111destrueticin. rIhc 1 Army of the Yotonlac tiloves ett.aciii~forn:~rd, re- building the destroyed portions of the railroad ; at Happa- hannock St~tiongathers up a thousand prisoners-clrive~ the army of Lee over the Rappahauriock-over the R:~~idan, :lnd goes into minter quarters in its former position. The winter of 1863-'4 is consunled in frequent rcconnoissanceq, :III~the usual routine of picket dnty. -1 ncw order of aE:xirs is inaugurated in April, 1864, for (;rant controls and directs all movements of the armies of the . Let us now follow the fortunes of a hgle Regiment-tile 1st Kern Tork Drzgoons, (for tllc Seld of indiriclual observation is necessarily limited,) so far .IS it is iclentified wit11 tile oijerations of tlie cavalry under Cre~leralSheritlan. In tile month of Xay, 1864, thc Kcgii~~c~itcrows the Rapidan, four hundred strong-the liebellion arrogaut, defiant. ancl full of vitality. Every scc- tion of Virginill has been visited-her fairest ficlds harc been drenclicd wit11 the blood of heroes-11orse and l~orse- nlan have slaked their thirst in erery considerable strean1 ill the State. In t?~cmonth of SIay, 1Sti.5, this Ilegin~eritnpptars again 011 the banks of the Rapidan-one-half of its riuniber ?lain or disnSle6-the Eeljellion utterly cruahecl in the dust. Tlie first engagement, which occurs on the 7th of May, at Todd's Tarern, is of the niost sanguinary character. -4t 3 1'. 31. t?~eRegimen: is disn~ounteclancl ~norcdacrosr: tlic country for Inorc than s rnile at the '.double quick." \~llen the cneliiy are n~et Vith 3 terrible yell, the Dmgoons go to work, loading and firing the Spencer carbine with tl~c utn~ostrnpiditj , and nit11 deadly eEeet. The air seems filled with leaden ~nissilesfro111 either side. For awhile the issue is doubtful, for the support comes up tardily ; but still the desperate, though unerlual conflict, is kept up mi& unabated fury. Night closes in upon the scene. Over eighty of the Dragoons lie upon the ground either killed or severely rnou~~ded.The support 11ns nrrivcrl. and tlie day is won. An Bid-de-Cainp, who witnessed tlie :rffair, reu~nrkedto General Sheridan : .; I never saw n~enfiglit with sue11 desperate ralor as did the 1st Sew Porl; l)rngoo:~s; thc nren fought like c1emons." 011 tile morning fhllowing, the t~nttltb is rcnclred witli great furg. Tllc cnemy is dislodged frcj111Ilia first lint: of works and drircn vn to Sliotts-lvanin. The Car:tlrp arc now rcliel-ccl hy l\7:~rrcn'y('o1.11. in111

,gilt in rc;lclincss firr ;: Phcridan's llnicl to Ilic11111ond." _\g;llI;lnt officcr. Capt;liu _ls11.of tl~e.-)tli U. F.C~T-:I~I.>-. 1,uscs his lih wl~ilelzading the inf:untry into battle. (-)II tlie morning of tliz !Itli. (;enera1 Pheridnn se:s out wit11 twelve tl~ousandeal-alrx, with :I dcxign of interrr~pting the enen~y'scontmunicntions with 11is ~C~IT.Alt13e:1ver ~):IIII. on the cvc of tile suiue d;ty, he c1er;troj-s ;I locolnotire, train of cars: aud sevcr;~lnlilcs of the Virginin Centr:~lRailrcrnrl. together with ten cl:~j-.' r;cti,~nsfor Jlec';; clrtirc :trlnS It Tcllom Tarern, on tlic lltli, 11c fights f3tu:il.t'~ C'aralry, kills tlicir lcadcr, and passes ~ritliintl~c firs! line of the dcfc.uces of Kic!~llioncl. Halting until n~idnig!~t,Sl~cridan's column is a~:~ilrin ]notion, aucl making for ~Icchaliicsrille. At daybreak, tlic men, reeling in their saddles for want of sleep, arc suddenly aroused by the explosion of torljedoes under the feet of the horses. -kt i\Ie?dow Bridge, for a wl~ile,tlic onenry dispute the crossing of the Chicliahominy, but arc driven off' by Gibbs' and Devin's Bri,nades ; Grregg opens with his artillery and scatters the n~ilitiahorering about his rear. Ncar Jlechan- icsville a spirited affair occurs, in which the 1st achieves an importa'nt success, without the loss of a man. It happened on this wise : d regiment of the Brigade is sent forward uiounted, but Lcing hard puslled by tlic enemy clisi~iounted,is ubliged to fall back, closely followed by the exultant foe. Lieut. Cul. Thorp obserring the sit11:~- tion, llastily gives tlic coiiimand to llis illen, "Preparc to fight on foot." T.:eg cjuit their horses, go forward at a run, discharging tlicir cicririncs :it el-er- le;ry, mitl ~houtin? vociferously. The euenlg, eurprised at tlic suddeiliic~:. of tl~eoi:~et. hastily retire, with a loss of fifty prisoners. Crossing tlie C11icl;:ihonliny again at 13ottoi1i's Bridge. S11crid:un procures supplies :it IIas:~ll's L3udin,g. on the .Janres, and, crossing the I'a~~in~ikcyat JVliite Hou~i..rcjoinr t!ic .lril~yof tl~cPotoillac at C'llcstcriielti Station. Grant is upoil the pint IJ~csecating ;I flank illovelnelit. 2nd Xhericl;ui is ortlcred to proceed wit11 pvntoons to IIan- t)rer Town, briilge tl~cl'anl~nliey at t1i:rt poiilt, aud hold it uiltil the arrii-id of tllc infiintry. IIc carries out his i~:- structioua: witl~outserious opposition. at tl:c river ; crossc- his cavalry ;~iidcng:igcts tile clic~nysllarplj- at Ilawe's Sliop oli the 2Stli. tvl~ctre( :enera1 (: reglose.: llearily . Tile re1)el caralrg. aftcr lualii~~ga sliglit >tan0 i~tOitl ('liurch. ;rrl. tlri\-cu on to~vnrdsColt1 II;lrlx~~.. JIeallw!~ilc Lee has l~urrictlfornard .iildersoil's dirisi1111 t)f infdntry to this poilit. and Iiis \cholc :srmy is folloming ii~ tlicir fi~otsteys. Sheridau l)ita ag;ti~lstthis division of illfantry liis earulq: disn~c,nnted, aucl the after110011 nf thr~ :ili;t is consumetl in I~cat-ysskir~iiishing. -1s the result of tLc day's \~~li.li,the c:lelllg arc forced out of t!leir breastworks, aud driven a rnile beyond, with a 10s. of several hundred prisoners. in additill11 to the killecl and mounded. During tlio night, dlieritla~lreceives orders to hold the ground already gainal at all 1i;czard~. His men, thong11 supperlees, are sleeping eoundly fro111 excessive wearines:. still grasping the bridle reins. At three o'clock on the following nlorning the 111~11arc aroused from their slumbers, and, without waiting to preparc the lnorning meal, are put on to the line. To each Brigade is assigned its own front, which it must llolcl in any enier- gency. Lieat. Col. Thorp establishes a defensive line 011 the crest of a hill, in front of which is a hea~ybelt of tin:- her. Fencc rails are hastily piled up as a shelter fix th(: Illen, and a slender barricade is thus fornled co-cstensivc~ with the front of the Brigade. Scarcely is this work cow- pleted, and t,he men closely disposcd behind it: n.ilcn brigade of South Caroliiia troops, $is regiment;: i:i a!!. emerge fro111the woods in front of the barricade in tlire:. lines of battle. Gibbs' inen lie ~iuictlj-teliiucl t!lu b;irricacle, reser7;in~ thcir fire until the enemy are ouly fifty j-artls ofi', alien thc-,- (the enemy) are greeted with :I terrisc volley fro~nthe cnr- \lines of the dismounted troops, whicli tl~ron~the first lint. int,o consternation; and co111pcl~the remaining two lines to iie down, or skulk helliid the trees to aroicl t!~e terribl:, showcr of leaden I~ail. h second ti~ncthey form and atlvancc with ;L siniililr result. Again u third, only to hc tlriren hack in will1 disorder. To add to the horror of tlic scene, the aocids take firc from exploding shells thrown from Williston's Battery, and the shrieks of rebel mounded are fi~theightened, thcn stifled by the flames. The 6th Corps coming up to the assistance of the ca\-a1i.j- is already in sight, and is greeted wit11 lively denionstrationr of joy on tlle part of the men, with the xiorel accompaniment of music froin the band of the 1st N. Y. I)ragoons, whicll has been disoonrsing national airs with great gusto during the entire engagement. Tlie cavalry having been relieved by the infantry at Cold Harbor, Sheridan taking the 1st and 2d divisions, crosses the Pamunkey and sets out on a second raid, with instructions to cut the Yirginia Central R. K. near Gordonsville, and, if possible. cross the Blue Ridge and join Hunter nioring on Lynchburg. Directing his course westward, via Aylett'q and Cliilclsburg, he strikes the railroad at Trevillian Station, wherc he fights tlie \yhole of the enemy's cavalry on the 11th of June. routing them. with heavy loss on the side of the enemy, in killed and wounded, together with six hundred prisoners. In addi- tion he destroys four niiles of railroad. On the s,cond day liis furtlier progress westward is cliecked by Early's infantrj. hrouglit by railroad from C+ordonsville. C'harge after chargi i- made with alniost 6uperhulilan valor to dislodge thcui from a position taken up behind s railroatl elnhanktiicnt. bn: without success. Sheridan's loss is se\ ere-ti,e c~i~u~ltiesin tlie 1st S.T. Dragoons alone aii~ountto eighty-eight killed and woulid~cl Lieut. Col. T. J. Thorp. while clesperately fighting at great odds, is overpowered and tskeri prisoner. Sheridan retires during the night. bringing off his prisoners and inost of his wounded. His return march is associated witl: liiuch suffering on part of the prisoiicrs and wounded men Xo rain has risited the country for thirty days. The road iifilled with minute particles of dust, as in winter time with mud, to the depth of four inches. The line of march can be determined at a great distance by an immense cloudof dust completely cnvcloping the column and hiding man and horse. Many of the prisoners fall out by the roadside by utter exhaustion ; the remainder are carried through on horse- back, regiments being dismoui~tedfroin time to time for this purpose. At West Point, on the Tork River. transports are in readiness to courey tl~r'\\.ou~idecl to llospitals. dheridau. rejoining the Army of the Potolnac, is sent to the assistanccl of TJrilson's dirisio~rof cavalry returning fro111 the destruc- tit)^^ of the Danvillc Kailroiid. Sheridan turns ahout at Rennr's Station: goes intt~camp at Light I-Iouae Landing. aud is allo\vcd n whule mnnth to rcernit his ;~uim:rlr:ant1 reclothc his :neu. -1 clrnron~tratict~i11ort11of the d::u~c:, at I)cep ISotto~ii. together witii :ul incff'ectnal eif'ort to t:~l;c ntl\.:ll~tagcof ttrc~ explosion of the inine an11 cl~argcinto tlrcCity of Petcbrshnrg with his c:~~-nlry,conclutles tl1v operutiilns of Sheridan wit11 the Alrmyof tllc l'otonrnc for tlrc year lSG4. K~crltstranslliring ill tlre Jliddlc Jlilitnry I.,e;r:rit~~re~l~ call for :I Coii~;ittr,ttlcr:III~;tdditio~ralti.oop.<. TIIC 1st i~llil Sd C:tralry I~i\-iri~)nsai.e 11ui.ric:J to \Y:thil~gtunUII trans- ports : t11c11c.e to Plcnsicnt Y:IIIPJ-, 31(1 Sl~critlannon il~ovc.;U~Ithdalle~-\\zit11 tl~rcecor11: of I~rfiu~itry-(itl~. Sth nud I9tl1--a11d h:~!: irt 11ii dixpo.~nl il~icc~lix-iaiona of' ('arulry-JIerritt'8: n'ilsoil'~i~rid -Ircrill'i.. I:;rrly retires fro111 3Iarjland. tiling hack oil Fisllcr',- Hill. T\ro c1ayep:evic)us to its occup:~tioa.wliile Sheridan'> Caralry arc endc:c\-ori~rgto cut off thcb mtrc:it of Early; tl~c 1st Kern York Jhgoons eucouirter :I clirisiorr of 111f'itntr~- at Semtovn, aucl maint:~inalont: b>i. :nl Irnlu :\:I uneciua! contest: wit11 tlie loss of t!~irty III~II. Early 11:1ving rcccired rcinforce~~rcntsat L:isl~el.'sHil!. Shcridan declines battle, :nld \ritl~tll.;iw,~I~ii:arnly to t111, ricinity of Harper's Ferry. After several weeks spent in ui:u~ocu\-ring.11c auccceds irk bringing on a gcncral cngageu~entat Winclicster on the 19th of Septeu11)er. Let us briefly recall some of tile iuci- dents of this terrible battle, which resulted in a disastrous defeat to Earl-j-, and left four thousand of our dead and wounded on the field. The morning of thc l9tl1 opened with the I~cavgroar uf :~rtilleryand rattle of nluslretry, for Sheridan. crossing the Opeiluan: has hurled upon thc army of Early three Corps of Infantry. TT7ilson's Division of Caralry is on the left flank, w!iile Averill is at work on the tastrcrne right. JIcrritt'r: 1)irision is held in reserve until :i P. III. Tllc l~nttlr.raging with tho ut111o~ttlesperation. is still undeeidcd, :~ntlour infantry :lrc ~orelypre~sed. -it this critical rnc~~~~cr~t?I(xrritt is nrrlercil to charge wit11 11;- f.ntirc 1)ivisiou. '' To horse I" i~ .\c~nurl~cl.:~ntl regi~l~ent after rcginre~it i- yapidly dcl>loyctl ill Iinc of !~lttlc. J?ortun:ltely thc confor- nation of thc c,ou~~tryis fi~rrl!.;~bli' to c:t\-ally ~novcn~c~!tn,fo~. 15-ith tllc cx~~ptii)~lof :I ~c\I-ditc.11~~:11111 clilapillatl-d sto~t:

all^> wl~iell GIII c:~sily1~:i~l~~:~rc~d :~t:) 1?:1p: t11erc :ire 110

t)bstrn(:tion+. S~t-:~iIilj-thv !i11:8 :I~~T-~!I(c:sii~ ti118 ~Iirxtion l3unlier 1Iill. :IIII~IIIII:. tl~i'!I;I~::: i- ritlgiil!; i~~crv:~sedfi.0111:, \~sl!itc~:I trot. I;.~IIII:I trot to :t gallop. and still tlis. forul:t- ti011 is us c:tretblly l~rcs:?i.\-c.~l:cs t1111usl1 tllc nlrn \\-?re 1>;1ssi!1g in reriew. Tl~c1,i\-iiic111 ;11ttl Bri~adeco~~~n~an~lcrs ride. i~: front of tllr Iinc. \rl~ilchrtttle fl:lg_r-;tnd guidon. arc gayly flmt,ing on the brecze, :~udl)ngl(~; c;lntinunlly so~111:1ingt11,. :!d\-:lnce. 1Iid\r:rS-on tl~cficl(1 t11;. cneuiy's c:~valvy con17 ~~ntto rnect tl~c:~dvanc.ing coln~!tli : but :~ft~srtl~c first s!~ocli af hattlcb, t11c.y disapl~enras does t!~morning mist hefort. tllc rising ~un-nor Ilalt, until niglit ;~ndc1i1rkn:bsi 01-ertak.' thew many n~ilesfro111 l\-inche~t~.r--:lndnow ensuer: w scene \rhich lauznage V;III hut feehly portray. and w11ic.h may wel! be called tl~eC'arniral of 1)eath. Suddenly upon the visiol~ of the Rebel infantry flas11 four thousand sabres, glittering in the sunlight, while thc solid ground is shakcn by the tread of the approaching colum~~.Fro111 :I con~hatireforcc, they are cluickly converted into a crowd of demoralized fugitives. On the part of Merritt's nlen there is a feeling of supreurc: exultation, as, rising in their stirrups, they ride straight at the doo~nedhorde, dealing blows lustily about the heac! and ears of tlie devoted wretches. Conspicuous in thc charging rolu~nncould bc seen a tall officer (a returned prisoner of warj mounted on a handsome black charger, with t.lic visor of his cap reversed, wielding his sabre remorselesslj-the ilnpersonation of a Gcoil. Scores of the Confederates threv; t~licrnse1rc.supon t,lic ground. and in piteous tones suc!l for thcir lives others stood as if rooted to the grouud, wit11 terror, still grasping their inuskete. Here and tlierc 2 siligle cavalry111u11could be seen bringing to the rear a ~rluudof p'risoners ; thcir eyes dilated with terror ; their lips cnvered v-it11 foani fi.0111 utter exhaustion. In their anxiety to aevure prizonerb, many of the Illen passed by battle flc:ge, ti~ccapture of which is regarded highly honorable. In tl~isIuanner tl~c1st Sew York and other Regiments of the Brigalle gather up illore by far than their own number Only a few men mere missing fro111 the IS New Tork Dragoons at night, aud tl~cbdclies of t!iesc werc found and buried on the niost hotly-coiitczted ground, at,d far to the frolit, by those mllo follomecl after for that purpose Lilong score of wrong and injubtice was on that day wiped out in blood. for, when tile sun went down, scarcely a sabre. I ween, was sent home to its scabbard bloodless. Events im~nediatelyfollowing thc battle of IViucl~ester are vividly inipressed upon tl~emenlory of those who parti- cipated; the hurried flight of Early to Fisher's Hill-the masterly strategy of Sheridan. by which liis army is dis- lodged with the loss of twenty-three pieces of artillery and thirteen hundred prisoners-the retreat kept up, while tbe rear-guard of the rebel army ib constantly harassed by a small portion of De~in's Cavalry Brigade, consisting of detachments of two regiments. Every town on the route is tlie scene of a battle ancl a Federal victory. The pursuit is kept up for nlore than a hundred miles, wlien Sheridan is reluctantly co~npclledto de5ist for mant of supplies. Rc- turning, Ile carries out the instructions from Grant : " To 111alic the T';rlley (once the Edeu of America) a dest:rt," as an effectual barrier to f~~turcraids into Narj-lancl and Penn- sjlvanitr. Diricling llis cavalry into cletachn~cnt~,every ~laatatioli is risited, and olily tl~ed~elling escapes thc torcl~. ;is on fornler occasions llis line of ni:trch was in~!i- cntccl Ly lleary clouds of dust, so now it is nlarkcd l,y \.~~~u!IIsof flilnie leaping froni barn and ~ts-~reiiou~e.TVith rcckless aodaeity Early, having gatlicrccl up reinforce~ilcnts, 11in1;cs his :~ppearanecagain ill rear of the rctiring army. Iris cavalry hovering too near, are run back by Jferritt a1111 Custar fro111To:u's Brooli: a distal~cc?of twenty-five n~iler, wit11 tl~clow (of their cl~tiretr:til!, nrlrl 311 thcir g111is s:lvc 011C. Sheridall halts his arnly ll~idnnybct!i.c.c:il JIiclclletown slid Strnsburg: while E~lrlysetttes down on Pis!ier's Hill. Tl'itll tlie ~~recedentof terrible clefeat at TVinciicster, will the liittcr :)gain offer battle ? The sequel is too well known to nceci repetition in the ~tiain?and we confimc ourselves to n fc~words in relation to tlie psrt sust:?inccl or ~;itncssedby t11e cnrulry in the battle of Cedar Crcelr cn the l!itll of October. Tile assc.mbly " is sounded ;it dagligi~t in Merritt's and Custar's Divisions, and \rholc regiments are deployed wit11 drhwli sabre to arrest the flight of fugitives fro111 tlie 8th and 19th Corps. . The t!?under of artillery :~ndrattle of ~nnsketryfollow close upon the heels of the stragglers, accelerating their flight. -ilthougl1 the 6th Corps makes an obstinate rc-sistance, the entire army is forced back two miles beyond Jfiddletown, when Sheridan appears on the field, having just come up from Winchester. Never before did so much depend upon one man. The two ~lirisionsof ca\-alrg liare just beeu ~nassetl oil the left of tlie pike preparatory to :L charge, ~hichs11:ill either break tlie enemy's iine~and i~~terrupttlic pursuit, or result iu o~-erwl~eln~iagclisaster. The chnrgc is clcf(:rred for several l~ours~vl~ilc the icatterc:d i11fa11trg:ircreturned to tlieir corn- it~ands. J)isn~ouutedcaralryi~ic~~ are put on to the skir~rlisli line and arrest the reflueiit tide of battlr. Two hostile lines of battle uOnl confrunt each otlier, atretching acrvss the rntirc ~:llley,Sheridan confident of his ability to couvert drfent into rict,ory, proceeds to carry intc. execution the plails lic has already formed. Caster wit11 liis dirisio~~i:: sent to the cxtrcn~cright wit!] instruction- :o hurl his c:n-alry upou a liniited portion of tlie enen~j-?,- line aiicl aFect it with a pl~lic,mhc~iup011 a given sig~ial. Sheridan wit11 the rest uf his :rrniy, will cause this yunic to ~.ommunic.;~teitself along the wllole uf thc enenlg's lines. The plan, sin~plein its conception, was sncccssful beyond the expectation of the Coinmanding Genc:ral Iiimsclf. -it 4 P. JI.. the battle is renewed with u~iwnntedfury. The 1st Di~isionlins the right mliilc the illfalltry occupy the centre. The decisire nioiii~ntfor tl~echarge has been indicated. Tlie 6th Corps goes forward :Ln inipetui; characteristic of a deterlllination to win the day. The other corps vie wit11 it in imyetuusity. The cne:%lyope11 on the charging co1un111with fifty pieces of artillery, filling the air wit'li flying niissiles : with \vonderful precision shells arc thrown into thc solid ~u:tsscs of advancing infantry and exploding, scatter and lift up.nlaugled corpscs high in the air. I11 another place might be seen a licatllcs cavalry~nal~ still clinging to liis sabre with a death grip. Ouly once does the line falter, when subjected to aseath- ing fire of n~usketryfrom the e~icn~yposted bcliind a stone wall. The surrivors push on, and with the hayocet drive t!~e opposing force from the wall. Thc enemy no longer a sa11 Tlic men, alike illdifferent to the threats aud cutreaties of their officers: seek safety only in flight. -1 n~iserrtblerabble, they plunge into the strea~n,aud, crossing, hurry on through Ptrashurg ton-nrds the moun- tains, wit11 Sheridan's Cavalry close upon tl~c~n.Over forty guns, together with a large nulubcr of arnly wagons aban- doned on the road an11 in town, fa11 into the hands of the clavalry. De~in'sI

LIST OF PRISONERS, GUNS: TROPHIES, &c., CAPTURED BY THE FIRST S. T.DRAGOOSP, (130.~1: N. Y. V.) Prisoners...... 1,3::3 I Ammy Wagons and Amb~~lancey&I Pieces of Artillery...... I9 1 Animals of Dnugh: ...... 160 Cais9ons ...... ,...... 21 Battle Fl.tgs ...... i .\rtillery IIorses ...... 240 /

REPORT OF CASUALTIES IS THE FIRST SEW YORK DRAGOONS (130~~N. Y. Vo1.5.) SINCE ITS ORGANIZATION. Sumber of Officers killed in Battle ...... 4 Number of Enlisted Men Killed in Battle ...... I55 Number of Officers Wounded in Battle...... W Number of Enlisted Men Wounded in Battle ...... 101 Died of Disease-Officers...... 1 Died of Disease-Enlisted Men ...... 80 I certify that the abol-e st:~tements are correct, according to Regimental Record$. T. J. THORP, Contma~zding1st N. Y Drogom~a. ROSTER Oi' THE

FIELD AND STAFF. *\Vounded in action. The number of stars indicate the number of'times. .\LI:IIED GIBL!S-Colonel; a11pointeJ Sept. 6, '02; promoted Brig. Gen. Dec. 8.'04; 1:reret \Injor Grn. April 1,'Gj; P.O.,U.S.A 1'11011;iS J. T1IUI:P~~*'~~'*-Lieut. CoL.; apjloiuted Aug. 27,'62: promoted C'ol. .\larch 1, 'ti:; P. O., -\linond, S.T. T'[.FCCjL I,SC()TTd":X' i'--jficjo~; appointcil -\ug. 27. '6": pro::jotrd, 1,ieut. Col. llarcli 1, 'tij:1'. U., Friendalrii). 5. 1'. Glignrd Oct. I?, ;a. .1131~-i\l C. ldA\VRES(~I~-R.Q X.; :~pi~oin.edJulx 28:'62! -1s~. Qr. )laster; p1.omoted successi~elyto C:~pt.,\lajor.and 1,t. Col. 3. T. TiKI5El,.\ Xi)-Strrgcon; a!)pointi.tl 1Iajur July 29. '1;" XI'. O., Sunil~t.S. 1.. .iOilS PATTERSOS-A3st. .Ei/r,geo~,; nllllt. yej~tT,, '62; resigned. ,JAMES SAT;SI)F:RS- .IOSIIUA 1%. PC[ICH.\SI<- .. nppt. .\pri! 1; 'ti31 n qigned . D. C. FO\VLER- .. :ipl~t. .\l~riI I, 3 f13:, resigned: I'. 0. Potupej Ceutre, S. Y. ::OIII.:RT 1.: RhE--4sst. S~rrge/eons:appointed 11.1:; 1, '64: 1'. 0. Portilpe. S. T. .\ 1,IIERT \v: TI\Ll,lIAS-Sergt.-iliajor ...... Perry, X. T. .!OHN I+'. DUSSUSD-Q. iM. Sergt...... lngelia, do .iKURE\V J. L(JRISB-Corn. Sergt...... Attica, do GI3ORGF: D. IVALDO-Has. Steward...... Nimda, do -1DELBKRT J. IVORCLEN-Zios. Stelcard...... Belfast, do WL\LTER I1 .J.\CKSON-Chief Bugler...... Are, do ROBERT (:.\\I EILOS-S(cdd1er ...... Dnnsville: do

LINE OFFICERS. Company A. .J Ail ES E. B11,LS-Captain; appointed Aug. i,'62; resigned Oct. 1. '64. JOHN P. HOBINSON*-Id Lieu(.; appointed Ang. i,'62; made Captain Oct. 1, '62; P. O., Perry, N. 'k'. CIIARLES L. DAILY-'?d Lieut.; appointed .lug. 7, '62; rrsigued Oct. G,!ti?. GEORGE T. H;i\IILTOS.*-1st Lieut.; appoirlted Oct. 1,'ti2; from civil life; made Cap!iiin Co. F Jau. 1, '65; P. O., West Rloon~tield,N. T. \VILT,IAlI S. 1,UTHER-?d Lieut.; appointed Oct. 6, '62, fro3 1st Sergeant; resigned Feb. 5, '63. TIIOMAS J. BURK*I'-ld Liet~t.; appointed Feb. 5,'63, froin Ser- geant; P. O., Castile, N. Y. \VILLIAJI IT. \VINEGAR--1st Lieut ;appointed \larch 31, '13: from 1st Pergt. Co. B; P. O., Mount Iforris, ?;. T. Company B. ilO\TARI) .\I. SJI1TfI"-C'aptain; appointed Aug. 11, '62; ~~ii:dt. llajor Aug. 1, '63; IIrevet 1,;eut. Colorlel .lpril 1, '65; P. O., Jluunt Jlorris, S. Y. S. IIE:RBEI1T L:\SCEY-1st Lieu! ; appt'd Aug. 11,'t;Y; rzsi~r~cd Jan. 1, '63. S:i\II'EL CULBE:RTSOK-2d Lieut,; uppoi~ltetlAag. Il,'ci?; w:~dc 1st Lieutenant .Tau. 1: 'ti:<; Capt;rin AII~.1, 'ti::; resigncll Oct. 31; '64. C+II.GI:I:T 1.;. I3UI:SIJEY-2d Lieut.; ;rpl)oirited Jitn 1. '13,fro^:^ 1st Sergt.: resigned \lay 11, '63. :iE:Si:l' (;.I i,!i.---?rl Lielit.; appointed \lay 11, '62, fi~;tuSeryl.- Jlxj~~r:ni::dr 1st Lieu:. Arrg. I, 'ti::; resigned Sept. 7, 'tit. FRI.:IJI.:RI('Ii A. BATI.:R"'-2dLielit.; appointed Dcc. 17: '6:;; fruit1 Ser-eln:; resigned Yeb. 27, '65. JCSTIS S.\llTII-1st Lieut.: al~poilite~l.\pril ti, 6:; fiot:~Sergeant: PO.. Jlonnt .\lorris, S. Y. .1( )I!?; >l~C:llIE"-?d Lieul.; a[q)oiilted \larch 1, 'sj:: from 1st Ser- =c;int Co. .I: P. O., Pike, 3. T. Company C. RUWl,EY P. T.\TLOR- Captuin; appointed .i~ig. 14, 52: 'aillet1 at Deserted Farm, Va., Jan. 30, '63. OSCAR It. C001<-1st Lieut.; appointed Aug. 14,'62; rcsigned,'43. S. UPII.131 \VALI)O-2dLieul.; appointed Aug.l4,'62; resigned'G3. WYNAN El. A. GOUFREY- Captain; appointed Jan. 30, '63; from 1st Sergeant; P. O., Attica, N. Y. WILLIAM H. If. E~l~IONS*-1st Lieut.; appointed, '63; Adjutant liarcb 1, 'G3; made B. A. General with rank of Captain. JOEL R. SLATER-2d Liez~l.; appoinkd,'63; from Sergeant; made 1st Lieut. .\larch 1, '63; P. O., China, N. Y. JOSEPH N. FLINT-2d Lieut.; appointed )larch I, '63, from Sergeant-Major; made 1st Lieut. Co. C: Feh. 'G5; P. 0.: Canaserapa, N. Y. ANDREW J. LORIStl-2d Lieut.; appointed Feh. 'G5; from R. C. Sergeant; P. O., Attics, N. Y. Company D. J.4COB W. liSAPP- Cuptain; appointed .lug. 15) '62; 111:ide>i;ijcl: Dec. 10. '64; P. C)., IVarsau, 3. Y. I,EOX.\RL) N'ILKlSS-1st Lieut.; appointed -lug. 15,'62; ~.csigr?e$i Sept. 13, '63 .TARED JI. BILLS-2d Lieut.; appointed Aug. 15, '62; lnalle let 1,ient. Scpt. 13, '63; resigccd Jan. 18, '6.4. \VILI,I.4.\1 C. 31011EP-2d Lieut ;appoiuted AUK. 1: '63; from Sergeant; made 1st Lieut. Jan. 18, '64; made Captain Uec. 10, '64; P. U., Delevan, Ill. -4. IIAJIUONU NICKS-2d Liertt.; apllointed April I, 'ill, from 1st Sergeant Co. I; resigned Aug. '3, '64. GEIARLES B. AKSi\B.AL:+-2d Lic3ctt.; :tppointed Scpt. 14, '64; fro111 Private: P. O., Reth:lny, K. T. J.\.\IIpuirited. . an^.., IIj,'tiY;. dis- niisaed the 5t.rril.e Junr, 13,'1i3. i'1.l.-\S IIORTOS, .JI. --21 Li,sttt ; :qlpoiiitcd Aug. lt;,'~;?; rcsignc-i! Dec. 3!'(j?. i,E.\SIjl,'1;2. ft.o:n 1st Sergt.; Kf-sipned Ijec. ;,'ti-I (;EOROK 8. 1-EOllriSS-'?d Lieut.; appointed Oct. 1,'rj:l; prorn. to R. C. S. Jim. l.'64; 1'. O., Welieville, N. Y. \VU. IV. T.4l)UKl:-l8t Li~f~t.;al~pointe(l1;el). 9,'65, fro111 1st Serpt : I-'. O., \Vl~itesvillt~,N. Y. I:H.\I:LES \V.\ I,S!I-'Ld Liez~t.:ap11ointetl Feh. 9,'65, from Co:n. Sergt.; P. ()., \Vellsville, S. Y. Company F. JEIclintcd \I;vcl~I, '63: from Adjntant: P. 0.: Sun~lit,S. Y. i21,lSIlA S. OSGOOl)-?d Lieut.; nppoi~~tedAug. 28: '62; rn:uir 1st Lieut. dept. 23,'(;'?: resigned .\l:ty 15,'63. .\S;\ R. BITRLISOS-2d I.ieut.: npl~ointedSept. ?5,'62, t'ronl i:i\il life; made 1st Lieut. .\lay 15, '63: resigned Sept. I, '64. .\LLISN 0. ABBOTT-2d Lieul.; appointed Sopt. 1!'6::, from 1.t Serpt.: resigned .\lay 10,'tia. 1'11 AlII,ES I\-.Xlc1STOSH"-1st Lieut : :il~pointe(lSept. I, 'Gi. from 1st Ferpt.: P. O., Almond, Y. Y. t IIESRY (f. \VliST.'5--?rl 1,irrrt.: :tppointe~l .\1:1y 10. '63, finn~1:: Seryt. Company I. .jXMES LE\lElii.:-C'q~lain: apl~oiuted Aug. Iti,'62; P. O., Nuu- dn, N. Y. I

--- --. ------Enlisted Men of Company A. SEI:GF.ASTS. Poet-Ofice Address. 3ari11a.\lattisou ...... Eitst G;cinesville. N. Y. llerritt \V. Sorton; woil1111cdat !,It. J:~clison...... Cistile. (lo George \V. Curtis ...... Fillmorq do icdgar A. Uay ...... L:st (;;tiucsvillr, do Darius \V. 1,ntllt.r...... ('astile, do Gilas I'rn-ey ...... l'rrr~ do COIIPOR-lI,S. I;enjaxin C. 5111itl:...... Castile do :sax Baker...... istiI, do Gee. klirrrington: \\.nd'd at Ileseited 13ousc)\-u... G;tiuesTille~ do George \V. Jones ...... Cuy lersville, do re11 Eyck Van Lie\\-...... East Gainesrille, do Sin~eonE. \Velcll ...... hstilc; do (Zeorge N. Barrell: \rounded at Deserted House,at \Vil- drrneis, :~ndat Sewto~vn...... (:ilines\-ille do FARRIER. \Vnl. 11. Hovd ...... Da~~sville.do RLACKSJIITH. Ilarvey B. Orcrctt...... Portville, (10 \V.\GOSl.:R. .iohn 31. Hall ...... Portage, do BUGLERS. Jalues I,. Wade...... Castile, do Frank C. Needham ...... Caste do PRIVATES. . .ijer; 1,atham H ...... Jloscow, Pr'. Y. Bigelow, Alfred ...... Castile, do Briggs, John ...... Castile, do Buck, Levi R...... Edgewood, Ill. Burr, George W ...... Independence, Iowa. t;rennn~~,Michael 1' ...... 86 Hig11 street, I'ortsr~loi~tll,Vu. Brainiird, \\'ilber E; wounded at \\'ildcrness ...... C;ainesville, N. Y. 1lro;~n: \Tarre11 Ji ...... \Viscoy, do Ileltlen, George C; wounded at Deserted IIonse, V:L... Castile, do 8ar11s,%:iddock ...... Perry, do sorden, L)nipht C ...... kplee, do Cwllnghnn, Ctras.: wnd'd at Tre\-illion S:;i....!lunt9s IIoll~~w,do Cbapm:~n,Andrt.\v A ...... ,.....kt, do i)riscoll, .Jerr+r...... Sunda Station, do ijibley, John ...... H;;o~iltonCentre, do (:ranger: Jlarcns...... ai~rille,do (;ilbert, Josepll...... Carlton, do Llardy, llenry T ...... aines~ile, do tlalei-, John ...... Pike do Jefirson, t:ut'os C...... \Vars:i\~, do Jackson. J. 1)clavun...... Iore do Johnson, Loreu ...... Sortb J:lv:\, do Kers! :t\r, i:ol.el.t ...... I;:ist Cnincsville, do Karos. Pururer 1: ...... I r do iiarns: :\nroti ...... IJurns, do !

Enlisted Men of Company B. ,SI-. .:olln G. I)rel~mer...... r~e1:nldo !?harlcs Elarcling ...... It. Iris do llsrriaon Ilerrinylvn ...... 'tlerille, do CC)I:POT:.iI,S. \Tilli;~mJlack ...... I'o!tstnoutit. V:i Henry 13. flarvcy ...... 11 t hiorris, Y. 1- Lester L. \Vheelock ...... \It. Jlorris, do 1,ucien E. Jones...... \Iuscorr, do \I'ashington \\'illinms ...... (:uglerrille: tlo I.'ARRIER. .ilfred I. Blancl~srd...... Iljersville, do I:LACliS\IITII. i2(11\-ard I-...... Inile do SADDLER. Jos. .ili~right; vnd'd at Trevillian Station, V;i .... L);~.naville, S . Y. 1V.iGOSER. Charles 11. Clark...... lioscow, do JIUSICIASS. .illen F:. Plra~r...... \7ellsboro', I'a. I 'lixrles D. Cl~ilson...... I t \Iorris~ N. T. PRIVAT1,;S. .innis. Prosper I;.; ~v~~d'dat To~ld'sTarern, Va ....\It. Slorris, S. I-. Allen. William...... Ct~nton,Pa. Eurkhnrd, John; ~voun'd;~t Trevi1.n Stat'n, V:L... Cuylcrville, Ii. y. I;ooher, Henrj; wounded at Ne\\-town, Va ...... Genesco, do Bliss, IIenr~...... Geneseo, (lo Ilendle, Tlroniaa T...... Limn. do Einder, Jlarcell ...... ulo, do Carpenter, 1Ym. F...... \It. Jlorris, do Cm~ford,IJenry ...... \It. Morris, do I)e\ve)-, Johr~S ...... ltnshford, do I'ilrns~\-ortlr, Ji~mesL ...... Itken prisoner at I3err~rille... Jlt. Jlorris, do Curtis! Rot~ertI' ...... Ro~eterdo !>can, Gilt~ertI ...... Ihst Grorelnnd. (lo ;irel~n:er, Jacolj G ...... t)ansville, du netinison, John JI.: tal;cn pr:a. at Tor?d's Tzrern..I3~.ersrillc, do ~:oul,l. \Vm. 1: ...... Gibaonrille. do Gle:lson, \Vill;;tm ...... I,iljerty Cornrrn: do Gill. John i'.: ta1,t.n pri~ocer:lt I;c;\rer f);lm, I-:1..l3yersrille; do Lafors, Sicliolas ...... Uanc, do \larshaIl; b:dso~iC.: t:ikcri pris. :it Sioue!. Puint..Scottsburz, do \lcJlastrr, IV111. !I.: wnd'd at I'ort Repul~lic..\Vest Spitrta. du I'almer. Ct~as.S : titlien prisoner :tt Todd's T;tv ..llt. Morris, do Sandford. Jlardzru~n...... Conesud, do Spencer, TYn;.; n-nd'd ni.nr .i~~p~>~l~tttuxC. II ...... Canton, I';t. ;'.eigenfn:s. 1lcr1r~-...... I)ansville, Y. 1- .ilrbott, George ('...... I'oriagcrille, do i%ills.(Feorge ...... t i do I:altl~~~~r:I\~~l~sil~~ ...... Sitltov, do I3ric.k. T!ion~ns...... i n tic; (largi!l, I:j-ron -1...... l'ortagerillr, (lo (.'lute, Utley ...... Cn!lerril:e, do i)alr).n~ple, Krel\-n P.: t;~!,en i,ri-'r ;it Tre:.,n Sta.llt. llorria, do Fnirchilds. Ilallas S ...... Relt'b~st, do ily~lc!I.orenzo D ...... IklL~st. do llnthav;:iy, Cli:~rles...... Gre:it lienil. I'a. !Ierrin$on, George...... Ci15Icr1illc, 3.Y. :Jarrington, Pte~~bcn...... SC~IJ,du Jlorris, d. \V ...... S-;v, do i'orrrrs: Ida\\-renct.: \\-ounded ;~t?;ewton-n...... Nlind:~, du Ransom. Jan~es\Y ...... \It. llorris, do Rogers, Ales;~nder...... Tu;;c;~rora. Reerl, Leonar[l ...... Union Corners, do Skillin, Ililgll; missing i!~action Jxne i1,'ti-l ...... lit. 3lorri,<, do Sniitb, Jliiln T.. Corp'l ...... It. Jlorrin, do Stlippee, .John \V ...... Ilelhst. ~io Shetler. Charles...... \Vllite's (,'ornere. do ITells, Gnrdner ...... Bclt:is:, do Whaler. Charles 11 ...... LorIipo~t, do DISCEI~RGED. Pray, iVelcome 11.: Corlr'l, for disability ...... 11 t. Morris, do \Vm. H. Sharpleas: Corp'l, fur disability ...... Gibsonville, do Cotton, George B.. by Gen'l Order No. 63...... :III~III'D, do Conklin, Andrerr S., from FIospt. Jnne 8.'63...... Mt. Morris, do Gibbs, Willard, at Convalescent Camp Sept. '63.....\loscow, do (;oodsle, Horace, for disability ...... Livonia, do IIenritty, Fmnic, for disahilitg ...... l'ortaeville do Jloses, Edgar P., for disability ...... East Groveland, do Sharpies, Wm. II. Jr.; wnd'd at Hpottsylvnnia..Gibsonville, do Smith, James it., for disability...... Gibsonvile do )Ic\!astcr, Hnmilton S., hy G.0.So. 83...... Dans~il!?, do TI:.1SSFEIiRED. 1':nsipu. Ditvid, to 111; ;:lit1 Corps...... Ditnsville S. 1 Iluhbard, John J., to Invalid Corps ...... IIosco~v! do Hunt, lIcur!-, to Fol!ettCs Gat.. 4th U. 8. Art ...... lit. Norris, do Terry, J~dson?to Signal Corps...... llos do DECEASED. Joho 8. 1lnderso11, Sergt.: killed at Cold II:~rlior.... Gc~uesto, do Wnl. J. Hamsher. Sergt.; killed nt Tcdd's Tavern ...Sl,artw. do I,)-n~i~nSickle!, Corp'l: at Yorktown ...... E. Gro\.t.l:tr~d, do Cl~errickT. Stout, CorpL1; mnd'11 at Todd's T:i r.... Geueseo, d~. Cl~as.C. I.oorl~ies,Corp'l: wnd'd at Todd's Twv.Kii~serriIle, do Bliss, Jot111: at Putfolk, Jnc. 2,'i;3...... Jl t. Morris, du I:ooher, Stmuel: killed at 13lacliwater, V:t...... Groveland, d~, Coffi.inl Elij:~h E:.: at \\'aslrington ...... 31t. Morris, do Foose, Thomas: ~nd'dat Trerillinn Sttition ...... \It. llorris, clu Grow, John H.: \vounded at llunpnrg; Yii ...... Hornellsvillq do Lol-eltrud, \Villi;~n~N.: July !), '6:: ...... 3loscow, 11~ llc\Vethr, Parker: Feh. 28.'64...... \loscq da Redrnoud. E'r~:~cis:killed at Smiti~fiel~l.Va ...... Gibsonvillc: tic Selover. \\-n~.1~1.: n-ounded at Todtf's Tav. ...Union Corner. dc Sendell, \Vnl. S.: wounded :~tTudd's Tavern ...... Dunsvillc. do Tan Yeltzer, Gi1l)ei.t 11.: Au;. '?::;'1i2 ...... Lakerillc. do \Vhitt., John E.: -lug.. 'ti:: ...... Geneseo. dc \Voodrttfi, Ja1nnr.2 \I-.: killed ;it 1)escrted 11o11:c...... l);tnsrille, (10 DESI.:RTEI). I

Enlisted Men of Company C. SERCE.\XTP. Frltucis 1':. Godfrey: n-oundetl June i,'64...... A ttlcn, Lewis l'age; wounded June l2:'64...... l'ort:lgeville, Douglas R. Phelps: wounded hug. 11,'64 ...... Attics, Henry E. Thompson...... Eagle. Wm.11. Fairfield...... Arcade, Peter Ruth ...... l ttica, Henry hlatterson ...... Atticn, COR1'OR;ILS. James \V. Ilnrden...... Java! William Sanderson; mounded Sept. li,'64...... Attica, Joseph B. Fellows; wounded June 11,'64...... Bennington: William Griswold ...... Uennington, Samuel S. Barnes...... Eagle, BLACKSJIITH. Hiram Henshaw: wonnded Jan. 30,'63...... Chinn, * 34 F.iRIIIEIt. Eriu~C;. Briffi~l~...... ti, S. 1' KAGOSER. Ornngc. (iardner ...... ti. (lo SADIILER. IIll<. li

.John T. Iinox, Corp'l: n-oundcd Jnn. YO,'63 ...... Aittica. du .\ustin, Horntio I'.: 11-ounded Jan. :1O, '6::...... Cowlsvillc~ dv Abrams, Dwight...... Eaglc, do Bradway, John H...... Attic do Farrand, Lester T...... cad do Sichols, Horace ...... h i dc Peck, Lererett ...... tic do Rccd, Warren h1 ...... Jarrt, do TKASSFERRED. Charles Melvin, Sergt.; trans. to V. R. C. Jan .,'65 ...Attica, X. Y. Walter H. Jackson-Bugler ...... Cina do Fairchilds, Benj. F.; n-ounded AIny 7, '64; transferred to V. R. C. Oct., '64 ...... Portage, do DECEASED. Irving Pratt, Sergt.; of ~vnd'srec'd Jlay 'i,'64 ...... Atticn, clo llonroe A Terry, Sergt.; of ~vnd'srec'd Jlay 31:'64..Bttica, do Abel Clonpl~,Corp'l; killed Oct. 19,'64 ...... China, do Julius K. Fillmore, Corp'l; killed Sept. 19,'64 ...... Attica, do Atwood, Benj. F.; of mnd's rec'd June 11,'64 ...... Attica, do Allen, Leman E.; killed $lay 11,'64 ...... Cowlsville, do Brrnstrong, ~ilas;killed June 11,'64 ...... IJortage, do Guile, Harvy J.; of wounds received .\lay i,'c;-Z ...... Attica, do Hopper, Albert I$'.: do do .....Portage, do Jones, Humphrey hl.; do &lay31,'ti4 ...... ittica, do Knox, Frederick W.; in prison Jan.,'G4 ...... Attics, do Jleade, Lyman; killed April 1i,'63 ...... Bennington, do Robinson, Seymore L ; of disease Sept., '64 ...... Cennington. do Redding, Michael; killed hlay i,'G1...... \Teathersfield, do Sundraker, Jacob; of diseiise Dec., '64...... Attica, do Skinner, Nelson \V.; of mounds rec'd June 31,'64 ... ..China! do Vanvalkenburg. Robert \V.: killed Jan. 30,'C;3...... Atticz: do Wolf, Charles; killed Oct. l7,'63 ...... Portage du Wells, Newton: killed Jotie. I l,'G4 ...... China, do DESERTED. Eddy, George I) ...... Attica! do llartin, Normatl B...... Attic, do Wocd! Wwlter H ...... Portngc do

Enlisted Men of Company D. SERGEASTS. Elon U. Humpl~rej-;~vnd'd at Smithfield ...... IVj-oming, N.T. Paul 1'. Draper...... r a , do Harry Hibbard; wounded at Trevillian Stn ....North Collins, do Wm. H. Clark...... La Grange, do Joel Cronkite ...... Wyoming, do Xandolph Robinson ...... IdaGrange, do Walter Cr~rtis;wounded at Cold Harbor ...... Wnrsaw, do CORPORALS. Hiram L. Birdsall...... Grange do Sullivat~Gibson ...... a , do James E. Bishop...... Warsaw, do Edwin F. Newcomb ...... Pike, do John Jones ...... a do I:I..\CIiSYITH. .\ndrelv C;tl\.itr...... t i S. T. FARRIER. Urrin Gill ...... \Y:I~~II~?II{I SADDLER. (.'h:\rlr> t!roc.Iic: : a-nrl'd nt Trevillian Stntio~~...... 1'cori:i. dc BUGLERS. .Ii1106 $Y. Allstill ...... 1 do Henry Hoilent~~cli...... Pcrry. dr, PRIV.\TES. .\ustin, Joel S ...... Eaylt.: dc Austin, Job S...... Eaglc, do Jiriggs, E1ij:iIi ...... o ~ n i dcn Bradlev, George \\-...... IT?-oming dc. B~rber,Jtlmcs >1 ...... Otto, do I3uttree. Channccy \T ...... Perry. da (>hand!cr. Ed\:-in 1, ...... i k d~ Cross. Jol111 .\ ...... l.::~glc, dq; Dole, Smith ...... JViscox, do Uolc, Jnmc*...... I i c do Fanning, Iihnnn: Hir:i~n...... :...... D l dr, Gilnian, Ed\\.:~rcl...... Dale, (16 Holton, Jlarqnia P'...... a d,? tlolley, Homer 0...... Ji'n~sa~r-,do Holley, Ch:irles ...... a do Elanley, \Ym ...... I'ik~,; dv Ilerman. John ...... Orangeville, do Hyde, Charleg ...... Lima, dt, Bodgc, Edsvin ...... Pike. do 14itchcock. James I< ...... R o d dz. Kimball, Jerome ...... Sot Collins! dc~ Law, Charles 0...... Perry, do llosber, Charles D...... Covington do llix, Lawrence ...... do llcGint1, Jolln ...... Limn, do liorey, Joseph W ...... Delevan, Il!. Parshall, Lymnn ...... Lcro?-, N. Y. Pislej-, 4Iilo ...... n'J-oming, do Peck, 3Isrccllu.s J...... Pike, Lo Pinne>-, Frankliii ...... lrcade, do Perkins. Olin S...... yomg do Reynolds, \Villiam ...... Perry, do Reynolds, Theodore...... Perry, do Root: George I1 ...... Warsaw, do ROIISC. Leri ...... Lima, do ~;USC, 1:uzrllc ...... Kocl~estrr.S. )' Spencer, An~brose...... Eagle. do Steel?, Augustus F...... \f7arsa\\-, do Smith! Anson J...... a - . do Smith, George W ...... \T'isco\-? do Sooles, Anson J...... Dale, do Snyder, George...... Oneille do Thomas, Corwin J ...... I'ike, do \Velcl~. Peter ...... a Centre: do Janles I) Bisliop, Sergt; \rndld at Trcrillinn ...... 1Vars:ln-, do Yills hfarehant, Corp'l; wnd'd at Fire Forks ...... \T'arsa\\, do Sarnett, Robert: \\-ounded at Strasbnrg ...... \Varsa\r. do 31cIVithej-, hlel:~octhon...... \Venthersfield. do FVestlnke. C'li.\rles G...... Per do Bryant, Edwiri ...... \ethersfill, do Blenker, Ilenry I\'...... fVyotriin~. do Daker, IT'illiwn~...... eneo do Cl~ug'~,Clarenc,c ...... Almond, do Crockcr. F:~nor~F...... Peoriq do Chapin, Tlleodoi~i" ...... \VJ-omin:.. do De Guilt., i2ruo:ci ...... n do Uu llois, jnn~es1; ...... nile. do Eastland, George G ...... Os\t-ego, c1u Graham, .I...... e York Cit: Huglies. Blark ...... 86 Ceiit1.r. st., Sew York Cit!-. Howard, Thomna ...... lotJlorri?; S.Y. I,yon, 1Ic11r.v; ~\-ouiidcdJuly 19,'G-i ...... IJ;x tirang?! do ~icl1ar.n. Tbomas ...... Wirt, do lliller, Henry 0 ...... Se\v 1-ork City. Murphy. S. BI...... Gene~eo. X. J'. JlcNeesc. Thomas ...... anTille do JfcPickcr, FVilliam...... Dansvillc, do Jlullen, Thomas...... L)ansrillc, do Rn~mond.Xlerritt ...... Varysb~lrg) du Rnddiup, \Villiaxu ...... Eagle du Reese, George E...... I~ansville. do rob ins or^. George F...... i t do Rejnick, George ...... \Vyonling, do Russell, Lawrence C: ...... York Centre, do Slajton, James 0...... DansvilIe, do Toyle, Frederick ...... Dnnsille du Willard, Charles U ...... Canadice: do Wilson. Elijali...... Zlnrket; d(~ 1)ISCIlARGEI). Clarksou, 8.Hall...... \Veathersfiald, do Annabel, Charles B...... Bethen Centre, do Bradish, Norton C ...... Warsaw, do Bartlett, William DI ...... Wa~sa,do Flint, Frank ...... Pike, do Grnrcs. n'illinm I.'...... nnv, do Gliss, A~:(ire\~...... \Varsow: Gmy, William \Y ...... Portage, Jenks; Darid S ...... Orange~ille, Iluuger: Porter 1: ...... \Varsa\~, Iforgan, .Jeremiah G...... ll'eatliersfield, Osborne, Cliauucc~y...... Weatl~ersfield, Spoore, rirt1i:ir L ...... kVarsarr: S:ilisbur-, IJopkins...... , ...... Warsaw, Starks, Allcn JI ...... Warsaw, Smith, Artli:~r11...... Vo\\~lerrille, Tlinni~!son,nenjnrni~i ...... Perry,

Ikilrd-l!-, .Jun?i~:10 1;. S. .irtiller!- ...... S!~l.il:g\\aler, Clifford, Pntrick: to T. 11. C...... Dale, ITisher, S;:mnel AI.: to Y.R. C...... Warsav,, Len-im,'JIace C.: to I-. R. C...... tVarsa\vi Scribner, (;eorge F.: to V. R. C...... \Tarsan-, Tousle-, I!enry A .; to P. It. C ...... Warsaw, ., Lhomlisn~i.TTillinm; to '?d U. S. .\rt ...... Warsa\r, \Vntts. .\rtl:nr 11.: to Soil .-Coin. Staff Scpt.'i.?...... \T'ar%~n-. I)ECI<.\SED. Ci~nrlesI:. Ua:.ii~lg.,Ser;(t.: Dec. 1 4, ;c;4...... \l-ar5:~1v, I,. C. Critterldcu, Sergt.: Killed ;it Scwtown ...... \Ynrsii\~; I31ish Aciiims, Corpl.; killed at Port Ilepublic ...... Pike: Austin, (!h:~rle~H.: A11g. 15, '64...... Perry: Barnes: Eocis.; killed at Trcvilliati Station ...... kVarsa\r, I3entle!-; A\lbion J ...... Co~ingto~i, Caj-; Chxles; .\l;rrch, '64 ...... lVeatl1erstield, Erxna? Carlos ...... Portage, Cia:, tlenry )I.; killed at Trerillian Station ...... i'avillion, Ilood, Stepheil h.; July 2, 'G4 ...... \Varaaw, IIodges, Alonzo; July 29, '63...... Oencsee F:ills, l'easley, Timoti~y...... IYarsa-:Y. Smith, Tunis; of ~rouncisrec'd at Cedar Cree i,.... \\'yomin~, Spencer, Judson A...... IVarsaw, Simmons, James 13.; Sept. 23, '6-1...... Perry, Spencer, IIenrj; Jlay 16, '64...... \\'eiithersfiel~j~ Seymour, Jared; Ang. 26, '64...... Perry, Weaver, Corjdon C.; killed at Cold Harbor ...... Castile, \Vild;i~-,Sylrestcr: Jan. 11, '65 ...... Genwc Falls, I)ESEI?TEI). Cainl), Edwin ...... Perr?., Iloulton, Isme .\I ...... Warsaw, Poole, \Villiam...... ,...... Pike, Phelps, .41rah...... IVyomiiig! Enlisted Men of Company E.

SERGEASTS. Sorn~auH. \Vood ...... Conlsbl,tg, I';i- Jared L. Ainsworth ...... V~itesvile, N. Y. Carlton F. Cline...... IIallsport, do Aurclins H. Cobb...... Sin\Iills, do Van Ransler S. Rider...... \'ellsvillcl do Leroy D. IIcCurdy...... Shonge, do i\'m. E. Smith ...... Ilsille, do 7:\o,~ert1 .J. liirler...... ells-ill do ~'l~~IiI'@II. Fish ...... Independence. do James T. Cove1...... \'ellsill do HLAiCliS\llTH. ~;LI~IIICI1l;ili ...... \'?st I li,niie!l;i. du I~ARRIER. JOSCI>!IV. I<. Iii~ll...... ~ 1 i do 1 \\T.iGoYIlil.s, tlo Taylor, l'lin -1...... Ruslrford, do Taylor, -1lviri C...... Iuliord do Wright, 1)aniel S...... ellsviIle, do Wells, ilorner D ...... Roaring C~.cek,Wis. \Villian~s,James ...... Ilushfi~rd, N. Y. Green, Levi 1) ...... Vellsville, do Ilassett, Francis 21 ...... Inden, do Coats, Geo.; R-ouncled at Yellow Tarern ...... Whitesville, do Cole, 1,oriug El ...... ElValley, do Chapin, Iliran~O ...... Spring llills, do Donnclly, John ...... Spring Jliils, do l?odge, 1,evi ...... Andover, do I,ewis, Wni. tl ...... iVhitsviIe do itemington, Oscar ...... Independc~~ee, do Straight, Lorenzo D...... Wellsville, do Wescott, Cy-rus...... Rushford, do Dibble, Lewis W ...... Wellsville, do Tanner, Myron ...... I Valley, do Tadder, George P...... Whitesville, do Abbott? Erasmus D ...... Wellsile do Brands, tlenry ...... -Bierman, Chrishan...... Connor, Edward J ...... Fosberg, .4 ugustus L...... Fuller, Rodman L ...... Gem-dy', James \V ...... Graves, Ervin ...... IIol~nes,IVilliam ...... Rovey, Hartwell ...... Hornbeck, Lewis ...... Lampe, Henry ...... alurphy, James ...... Wells, Romanzo ...... DISCHARGED. ?IcElheny, Henjamin ...... A i l l e , N. 1.- Graves, Daniel T ...... Independence do Callen, il'illiani E...... Alfred, do IViley, Almanzo...... Wilej sville, do Rose, Albert ...... Wellsville, do Graves, Anthony B ...... Witesvile do Wiley, George ...... ileville do Tompkius, Daniel ...... Wellsville, do Jieserva, Benjamin F...... ik~elsville, do Livermore, Theodore ...... Andor do Barker, Theodorus...... Spring Mills, do Persons, Hosea B...... Rushford, do Bierman, Frederick ...... iVellsville! do Barlow! Andrew J.; ~oundedMay 8, '64 ...... Shougo, do !!ooker. Sclson: n-ounded June 12, '64...... \Va~-erl~,do TILAXSFERRED. 3enedici C. Smith, Sergt.; to V. R. C...... Ando~er, do Delos D. Ilemington, Corpl.; to V. It. C...... Independence, do 4. Crandall, Corpl.; t0V.R.C.; wnd'd Oct. 17,'63,Whitesville, do Wright, David; to V. R. C...... IVellsville, do Clark, Albert H.; x~ounded,\lay 7,'64 ...... Andover, do Clark, William 11.; rrounded May 7, '(j4...... \VelIsrille, do Fbndnll, A bijah ...... Wellsville, do Randall, Harden ...... Wellsville, do Dana, Osar...... 4lmod do Ferguson, Royal B ...... kVellsville, do Jlason, Harmon H ...... Spring hlills, do Bnzzard, Charles ...... Independence, do DECEASED. Leroy G~een,Sergt.; killed May 7, '64...... iludoverI do Robert C. Ware, Sergt.; killed hlay '1, '64...... Andover, do J. B. Holbert, Sergt.; killed June 11, 'C4 ...... Spring &lills, do Aaron 0. Young, Sergt.; Killed June 12, '64. .West Union, do Stephen S. Austin, Sergt.; killed Sept. 13, '64..Walled Lake, Mieli. henyon, Orson; Sept. 18, '64...... independence, N. P. Coats, Beber; at Suffolk, Va ...... ,...... Wbitesville, do . Houghtailing, Johnson; Oct.. 23, '63...... Andover, do Hovet, Ernst; killed bray 7? '64...... Wolfbe, Cbarles; killed June 12, '64...... ;.....Buffalo, do Raple, &n B.; killed Sept. 19, '64...... Andover, do Loire, Patrick; killed Sept. I!,, '64 ...... Spring llills; N. Y. Clark, Stephen E.; Sept. 24, 'GZ ...... Spring !dills, do T:tllman, Samuel J.; killed June 12, '64 ...... Wellsville, do Snyder, iVilli3n1; in prison Sept. 20, '64 ...... \It. Storris, do

* Enlisted Men of Company F. SERGEANTS. Clarence 1,. Cudehec ...... en Centre, N.T. Reubin Learn ...... Centreville, do John B. Hoes ...... Belfast do ITm. J. Woolsey ...... Oramel, do 7.Robert W. King...... Belfast, do Lzra Marion ...... e n Centre, do COnPoIlaLs. Wm. A. Kno~vlton...... Belfast) do Samuel Smith...... IVisco, do Gill~ertG. Babcock ...... Belfast, do Chauncy J. Fox...... Centreille do Joseph Butterfield ...... Centreville, do .Tames II. Weaver...... erreile, do IJUGLERS. IVm \V. lJcrchant ...... \Tisco~, do C'1i;trlev \I. Tnllar ...... fast Go F.4RRIEC. ,ylvester J. Peavy ...... lklf:~st, do 1lL-ICKSlllTlJ. I1:rrcello Ilrock ...... Gne:dea Centre, do ITAGOSER. 1:ile~- S. Utter ...... e t do PRIVATES. 131anchard, John S...... Centrevic do Botsford, John W ...... Fillmore do Botsford, Erw.in \I ...... Fillmore do t;oss, Stephen P...... Sort Tract, do Clement, Jacob S...... Canendea, do Crawford, Natchi ...... Belfast do Clark, Joel ...... o rTract, do Deake, Wm. I1 ...... Pike, do Fix, John R ...... If,do Goodrich, Albert D...... Hue, do Gager, bmos H ...... Oramel, do :Tall, Hiram ...... Sllen Centre, do Ilcrkimer: Tl~eodurci; ...... Mtiist, S. Y. Flerkimer, \Vm. E ...... Blf'ast, do Ilerkimer, Erwin ...... Belfast, do Lcake, \Vm. H ...... Belfast, do Leakc, Albert R...... Best do Lewis, Charles: ...... Or:imel, do Miller, John G...... Misvillr, do liclntosl~,John 1.; ...... A enCentre. do Rhoadcs, Elijnl~...... Flume, do Race, Oeo. \V ...... Belfast, do Stanton, Lj-man...... Belfast, do Snell, Charles E ...... lme do Sissem, Albert T...... Belfast, do Shuart, Charles E ...... Bet do Slocnni, Alvin ...... Allegany, do Van Knren. Geo. \V ...... Belniont, do Windsor, Ilenry C...... Belfast, do -71ager, John 1-1 ...... Fillmore, do Babcock, George \V ...... Centreville, do Blaochard, I)or~-1 ...... Centreville, do Elmer, Alonzo; v-ounded April 2: 'Oj...... 1111me! do Ford, Charles L...... Kt 1 ;\st, do Slyers, Deloas ...... Hu~ue, do Alorsc: George: \vc~~iodedSept. l'J,'ti-&...... l:illr~~ore~do Stickle, Judson ...... Crritreville, do Taughan, Stewart A ...... Slot Trkict, do iVaters, Alfred Ii...... Ueln~ont, do Quinton, F.: wounded ~t Todii's Ta~rl-rn...... Belfast, do Seaton, Selson 5.;taken prisoner AUK.l!i;'ti-k ...C'entreville, do Km. tI. Kelly, Serst ...... Sunda Stwtiou, do 7.;lias B. Coat?, Sergt ...... Friendsip do Clarence B. Hatch. Corp'l ...... I~riendsbip, do John Hunt, Corp'l...... Angelica, do !:each, \Villiani ...... n do Carmen, Orlando T...... llelvidere, do Dake, Albert J...... Oramel, do Djer, Oscar L ...... Fox, Charles U...... I Station, do Graham, Harvey ...... Friendship, do IIaver, alyron 11 ...... Oakland, do IIopkins, Oliver J ...... Fillmore, do Florton, S~nfordC...... Fillmore, do EIoward, James ...... emhis Tenn. Jones, Judson A ...... llehopany, Penn. Kelly, i17illiard...... Belfast, N. T Lowell, William L ...... Yunda Station, do Laclan, George ...... Big Flats, do SIanning, John ...... Angelica, do Manning, George D ...... Covert, do XlcCmcken, Robert ...... Birdsall Centre, do Slathems: Dana ...... Friendship, do Perkins, \Villiam ...... Randall, David L...... Oakland, N. 1.. Roberts, James...... Oramel, do Rogers, \Tilliam J...... Jlehopany, Penn. Sandborn, n'illiam IV...... Bet,3. T. Strong, Squire 11 ...... ship, do Smith, Henry ...... Buo do Stockweather, George ...... Kunda Station, do Simyson, kVilliam ...... 1-alentine, Harris ...... Vest Camden, do \Vest, Henjamin ...... Big Flats! ,do \T7ixcn; John ...... 1)ISCIIhRC;ED. Corlingarne, .\lbert ...... elkts do Crawford, Rot~l:~nzo...... Centrerille, do Denio, George...... r : e do Daniels, Charlcs S.; Corpl ...... IIume, do Grorer. Charles ...... Hume. do King, \Tilliam JI ...... Ilume, do Kinney, John ...... Friendstlip, do 1iinne)-, Eaton ...... -st, do Liudsley, Alvin \\' ...... Friendsl~ip, do I,uther, Frank C ...... Caneadea, do Usborn, Harvey ...... enreie (lo Parker, Rrland S...... Su Station, do Kigdon, Ephr:rirn 11. U.; Sergt...... Frienclshil, do Shepherd, George ...... FilIrnol.e, do Scott, Lucian B...... 1:riendship. do Sibbald, William 11...... SI~ortTract, do I'nughan, Amos P...... Filln~ore, do \-an Sostrand, Isnnc S ...... Short Tract do Ynname; Cryson ...... :...... 'entile do TRASS1'EI:RED. ' -\ldric. Leon;~rd;toV. It. C.; wnd'd at Deserted I~lo11ee.l3elt:nst, do Gean, Ebenezer -4.;to V. it. C...... Centrcrilie. do Cmne, Illysus E.; to 1'. R. C...... Il111nc do Srigpi., .Ilbert; to V. R. C ...... ~V:LI'S~L\V do Harnlin, Alva ; to V. R. C...... lln~ne, do jlarrin, pbilil) 0.; to V. K. C...... omnlel, do Obourn, John S.: to V. R. C...... Utlfr",~10,do i'etrie, \villinm I:.; to V. R. C...... 6elfds do I,ocliw~od,Fmn!. G.; to V. R. C...... Caneaden, do n'aters, .jaron; to Y.ll. C ...... Allen Centre, do \ITordin, Adelbert J.; to Son-Commissioned Staf.....Eelfist, do Scilan, Ilenry P.! Sergt,.: to V. R. C...... Ilume: do DECEASED. ,itllertoll, Warreu \V.; killed nt Cold Harhor ...... Belfilst, do Barney, Joshua: Sor. 19: '65...... Or;lmel, (10 Cn~.iinrd,Oliver; killed :1t Cold Harbor ...... Fillmore, S. 1.. Babcock, Martin IT.; killed at Cold Harbor ...... Centreville, do Bush, Philander H...... Sunda Station, do Caldaell, Addison; Nor. 4,'E...... 1311 do Chase, John P.: Dec. 3,'62 ...... Allen Centre, do 3aniele, Wm. C., Corp'l; killed at Port Republic ...... Hume, do Dory, John; Feb. 2G,'Gj ...... Sort Tract, do &llis, Darwin; killed at Ilungary ...... Centreville do Zldridge. John W.,Corp'l: killed at Trevillian..Friendsliip, do Foster, Thos. Si., 1st Sergt.; of x~n'derec. Ap'l '?,'(;5.Belmont, do Fox, Peter; liilled at Todd's Tavern ...... Oramel! do Gleason, Lewis; Corp'l; Der. j,'C3 ...... Belfast, do dennings. Charles: SOT.14,'G2 ...... Belfast, do $

Enlisted Men of Compa,ng G.

J~uiesThornton ...... Angelica, X. Y. Charles 11'. Rice...... Syracuse, do Milo C. Grorer...... If'ayland, do Charles 211. Ray...... Angelica, do James L. Fuller...... Lima, do Wm. A. Ferris...... Lima, do !,onis I,. Lewis ...... Limn, do CORPORALS. George \V. 'I'abcr...... I.iur;~, S. 1' Aaron Lilly; IT-oundcd at Gordonsville...... ingelica. dt, John A. Ne\rrille; wounded at Yellow Tavern ...... Oramel, do Wm. R. Poreell ...... y ~ n dt,d George Thornton ...... \ngelica, du Lpan S. Derning ...... n l i dc lsaac Beehc ...... 1,inln. (1,


.\IJ~JC~. Da\ ill I;.: \; ~.~ulded;it Cold fiarirv...... \~;~!ie,;. i, Ames. Benjamin -1...... ingclicz! tluclilt!-. C:rlrin; ~rnrf'dat Trcri1li:ln St:rtion ...... Angelica. 11( [;lake, (;t.rold R...... Lironin, (1, Caragllcr, Owen ...... lJitl1p: dl Casliorc, Alca:tnder ...... F;~xnersvill~;dl Deming, John K ...... ingelicn. Eldred, Calel)...... Livonit, dc Grumnlond, HartlJ-...... :ingelica. (1:: Horner, 3lurcus: wnd'd :.t S.iilor's Creek ...... \ngel:ita: d( Lilly, John ...... Angeli,.~; tlc Lo~elaud.Etl~vin 11 ...... Dansrille, d(. .UcL)aniel. I?obert \I ...... \Vellsvillc~ dc NotTdtt, Alanson B ...... kJcr111ock Lake: di. Jlitchel, Danicl JI ...... \iTayl&nd: (It, Jlaring, \Vrn...... (hIS Ccntrc., d,., Nevville. Van It ...... Ol':l~eI. d( Ogden, .hloscs...... ,...... Angelica. (11 Peavey, Geo...... inceli~~:111, I'nreell, Franlilin B...... JVnyI~lnd, dc. Pursell! Dewitt C...... I d , d: Pinder, La~rrence\V.: n-ntl'd at T:.evillian Sta...... Limu, dl' Payne, \Villard ...... S~~ringm-edo Porter, Charles A ...... Angelica, dc' Rouse, Benager ...... IIemlock Lake: du Shaw. Daniel B...... Angelica, dl> Sylrester, Christopher ...... C'onesus Centre, do Walker! Theodore BI...... Angelica do Katts, John ...... :...... Bjersville, do Warner, Edwin ...... l,in~a. clo Thom;ts \.V. Uonnar; Sergt ...... DIIIville, S. Y. Fernando Itr. Agard: Corpl.: wounded at Kewton ...... Lima. do Daniel H. Griffis; taken pris'r -4ug. 13, '64...... Springxater, do Sbbey, Gehial : wounded at Middlctonn ...... Angelica, do Burdick,\Vm. H.; vnd'd at Cold Harhor .....Conesus Ceotre, do Briggs, Geo. ;S...... East Springwater, do Bennett, Simeon ...... Short Tract, do Cusick, B:rrney ...... SotLivonia, do Cole, Hemsn ...... Springwater, do Hulbert, U'illinm: wnd'd at Todd's Tavern ...... Angelica, do Lindsle~., JlarvinW .; wnd'd at Fire Forks ... Soutll Lironia, do Saxd~,P. Humphrej-: wnd'd at Trerillian ...Conesus Centre, do ~otteh,Andrew J.; rounded near \\'inchester ...... IVayIt~nd, do \\-illis, Da:~ielH.; \I-ounded at Firc Forks ...... 4ngelica do Rillis, Arunah F ...... Angelica do Isaac L. Fosha ...... Slbertson, Henry ...... Blanrelt, \Villiam J...... Cole, Sydney ...... Collins, Ifrillinrn ...... Collins, Blictiael ...... Chickie. Lorenzo...... Cunrrning.., Thomas ...... Dudle!, John L ...... Denikc, John ...... Elliott, Ilenry A ...... Guery. \lichael ...... Graham, Georgc ...... Haight, John R...... I-Iitchcock, .4lbert A ...... Hooker, I

John I. Adama ...... otille, ~ I I PRIVATES. .il!en, iVilliam ...... Nile, do Harrett, James \': ...... elnnt do Bennett, Robert ...... Short Tract, do Bower, Wrn. B...... Philip Creek, do Bro~rn,John ...... Alfred Centre? do Burlingham, Xnthan ...... Chin, do Besancon, James ...... Pike, do Charles, Robert A ...... ingelica, do Collins, Itufus J...... dinsRisr. Crandall, Alanson B...... Alfred, N. U. Crandall, Lucius P...... Aed do Davis, Henry hf ...... Alfred Centre, do Eglington, Joseph ...... L, do Hall, Daniel ...... Scio, do Hamphill, John R ...... Alfred, do Jackson, John \V ...... China, do Jackson, McLhaner...... Chi, do Lee, Wm. T ...... Alfred, do Partridge, Truman ...... Uornellsville, do Phipps, FVm. D...... Short Tract, do l'lace, IVm. 0...... fed Centre, Pryor, Wm. 11 ...... Almond, Sawjer, Benr~'...... st Almond, Stillman, Ethan 11 ...... West Almond, Speese, Henry ...... Wiscoy, Treadway, Sydney G...... l3elmont, Tucker, IVm. H ...... Almond, Underl~ill,George T ...... Short Tract, Vancuren, Frederick W ...... Belmont, IVestcott, S:~muelA ...... Alfred, Witter, Leroy...... I lmond, TYhite, Otis ...... E t Rushford, Jl~lson,Harrison 11 ...... Belmont, It\vell, Daniel A ...... Belmont, George Me rill, Sergt ...... \YI~itne-'sCrossing, Ebenezer If7. Lowe: Corp'l ...... Almond, isanc \I. Lang~j-orthy,Corp'l ...... Alfred Centre, Ivery, John U ...... Babbitt, \Vrn ...... Rushford, Casteline, Cjrus ...... Bel~nont, Cilley, James F...... IVl~itne'sCrossing, Cox, 1)avid \I; prisoner Ma!- 7,'ti4...... Short Tract, Emerson, Orlo D; ,prisoner Jlay i,'Gi...... Alfred, Eymcr, Joseph; prlsoner Kov. 6,'(i3 ...... Belmont, Forbes, Joseph ,U ...... Alfred, Green, John L...... ,,.West Almond, 11~11, Charles; prisouer .\lay 7,'G-l ...... Scio, ' Snyder, Ed~vxrdG ...... -...... Short Tmct, Stock\-,-ell, (:ideon D...... IVl1it11ey's Crossing, Yatterler, Andrew J ...... Alfred: Streeter, Delonl-ille ...... Wiscoy, iVllitne)-: Albert R.; prisoner .\lay 7, '64...... ilmond, James ti. Harris, Corp'l ...... George Stearns, Corp'l ...... Joseph 11'. Cooper, Corp'l ...... Illen, IYln.; missing in action June 1,'64 ...... lrmstronp, Cl~arlesE.; ~vonndedAug. ll,'ti4...... Grown, George .\I...... Campen, 1Ienry...... Johnson, James ...... Johnson, IIugh ...... Kilnier, 31yron ...... Iiinney, Dennis ...... liirk, Iiichard ...... , Lamont, John IL ...... JIcJlann, Thonlas; \rounded April 2,'65 ...... \IcJlann, John ...... JfeGuire, James...... Seill, William ...... Nelson, Edgar R...... Seinhous, Renhard ...... Oliver, 'Ioratio U ...... Pryor, Lewis J...... Sackett, Franklin ...... Scollenger, Andrew ...... Spencer, Alfred \Y...... Shay, Ilicbael...... \-anlieu, Jlartin ...... Vibber, Sylvester ...... DISCHARGED. !ra C. Travis, Sergt ...... Almond, Slonzo 6. JToodard; Corpl; wd'i Jau. 30,'63.Alfred Centre, Blauvelt, Abmm ...... Almond, Ball, Omstus ...... Grove, Barber, 41artin V ...... Almond, Barber, Charles H ...... Alfred Centre, AlcGibeny, Sami~elI1 ...... \Vest Aln~ond, Millard, John R ...... llfred, Hunt, Wm. A1 ...... Alfred, Partridge,llra...... Hornellsville, \'Fells, Firm. H ...... r eCentre, \\'estcott, Georze W ...... Andover, TRASSFERRED. George E. Iiing, Sergt.; to P.R.C ...... IVellsville, Wilber F. XlcGiheny, Corp'l; to V.R.C ...... \Vest Almocd, Baker, Jollu E.; to V.R.C ...... Philip's Creek, Burt, David F.; to V.R.C ...... Belmont, Button, IVm. P.; to V.R.C ...... Philips Creek, Davis, James L.; to V.R.C ...... Belmont, Hurd, Clayton L.; to V.R.C ...... \Vest Almond, bIcGibeny, Ileliry El.; to V.R.C ...... \Vest Almond, Sabin, David; to V.R.C...... Philip's Creek, Swect, Alfred 13 .: to V.11.C ...... Oramel, DECEASED. Eiathau Bradla!, Sergt ; taken pris. Oct. 19,'63. Short Tract, do. Reuben S. Potter, Sergt.; mnd'd at Todd's Tav ...... Alfred, do Lyman B. Whiting, Sergt.; killed 11th. 5,'65..Hornellsrille, do Abbott, Geo.; killed at Dcsertell Etouse ...... Short Tract, do andrews, Wm.; killed at Todd's Tavern ...... Philip's Creek, do Bogardus, John P.; Nor. 22,162...... Birdsall, do Butler, Samuel D.; June 24,'63 ...... Alfred, do Burdick, Thompson; killed at Trevillian...... 41fred Centre, do Karr, Martin; wnd'd at Todd's Tavern...... Almond, do Place, Benj. F. T.; wndid Aug. 11,'G.i ...... -llfred Centre, do Proper, Nelson; Kov. 26,'62 ...... Alfred: do Prentiss, Marcus; wnd'd at Todd's Tavern ... .\Vest Almond, do Parsons, George S.; Dec. 18,'64...... Almond, do Rose, Elisha; Nov. 1,I63...... Alfred, do Reed, Silas; sov. 9,'63 ...... Almond h'. P. Smthworth, Ricltard S.; killed at Smithfield ...... Scio, do Streeter, Delonville ...... Thomas, Wm. G.; July 12,'64...... 4lfred Centre, do Woodworth, Geo. 11.; killed at Port Republic ...... Alfred, do Iiline, Sanluel 11.; at hudersonrille, Gs...... Almond, do DESERTED. Lynch, Luther ...... Almond, do Ostrander, Theodore ...... West Almond, do Weecott, Anthony A ...... Conewango, Pa.

~nlistedMen of Company I. SERGEASTS. Albert Swift ...... Portage, K. Y. IIulcey Phelps ...... Grove, do JIilton T. Rills ...... Nunda, do Cassius 11. Havens...... Kalamazoo, Ilich. Chester B. Bowen....:...... Nunda, X. T. Xile S. Goldthwait...... a do Robert C...... A t . Jlorris, do Wellington Batterson...... d a do CORPOR.ILS. Philo hlosher ...... Nunda, do Godfred Smith ...... roe, do Walter E. Town ...... I do George A. Gearhart ...... Nunda Station, do James 11. ITaver...... Oakland, do Gilbert Freer ...... Enst Pike, do FARRIER Ifenrv R. Greenfield ...... Oakland, do BLACKSMITII. David Da~icou...... Canaseraga, do WAGONER. William H. Siles...... Dansville, do SADDLER. John D.H. Wright ...... ssi, do BCGLER. Jams R. Bowen ...... ma, do PRIVATES. Allen, Harrison E...... Dryden, N. I:. Ames, Albert D ...... ansvile do Srery, Delos L ...... Riker Hollow, do Barker, Joseph 11 ...... a do Chapman, Robert C ...... Grove, do Dann, George W...... Potter, do Durfee, George W.; wounded at Newtown ...... Nunda, do Fry, Ilenry...... Grove, do Harwood, George R ...... G o do Haines, Randall; taken pris. at Todd's Tavern...... Nunda, do\ Heath, )lark W ...... vain do Hendershot, William C ...... Nunda, do Blorris, Sidney S ...... Nunda, do Rogers, James \ir...... a Station, do Russell, Byron...... Grove, do Riddle, Robert R...... R eHollow, do Riker, Elias ...... R eHollow, do Robins, Lorenzo ...... l

DECEASED. I'rosper Swift, 1st Sergt.; killed at Cedar Creek ...... Sunda, N. P. Seth El. \\'eed, Sergt.; killed at Todd's Tarern ...... Grove, do .John 1;. Barrager, Corp'l; at Old Church ...... Canaseraga, do \Villian~Smith, Corp'l; July li,'G4, of ~ounds...... Ossiitn, do Hiram J. I1700dard, Corp'l; at Bndersonville, Ga ...... Emerson Rude, Corp'l; May 10,'64...... Nunda> do JIarcus I!'. 1ITood, Cory'l; .\lay 1G,'ti4...... Grove, do Ames, Elisha J.; June ?5,'64 ...... Hunt'R Hol:ow: do Barney, Ziba E ...... Buns, do Black, \\'illism; killed at Todd's Tavern ...... Nunda, do Callagan, John, of ~~onndsrec'd Aug. 10,'64...... Sundit, do Christy, James ; at Andcrsonrile, Ga...... Nund~. do Davis, Levi C.; Jan. 4, $64...... Nunda, do Drake, Alexander; Oct. 23,'G.I ...... Riker Hollo~r, do Flint, Josiah 11.: at Andersonville, Ga...... Canaseraga, do Foland, James 11.; at -4 ndersonville, Gn ...... Grove, do Gotliard, John; ltilled at Sevtown...... Nunda, do Harwood, Elijah; Jan. 6,'63 ...... G o do Kinney, Cbarles A,; at h'errbern, ?j. C ...... D~~nkirk,do Luce, \i7m. A .; of wounds rec'd June ll,'ti: ...... Ossian, do Lo~ejoy,Corydon C ...... Nun do Xarr, Nathaniel; June 3,'tij...... Canaseraga, do Orton, Horace C...... und do Phillips, George I.; Dec. 28,'63 ...... Belfast, do Parker, Milan; Sept. 10,'64...... Sun do Quant, Peter; Dec. 30,'64 ...... Olddo Roff, Hiram C.; killed at Todd's Tavern ...... Ossian, do Russell, Leonard; of mounds at Todd's Tav. ..Sunda Station, do Seelg, Hiram 0.; Nov. 12,'63...... Nun, do Wright, William J.; Kor. 6,'G2 ...... Nunda, do youells, Henry E.; April 10,'63...... Hunt's Hollow, do

DESERTED. Gay, Thomas B ...... Belfast, do Robinson, Richard ...... Belfast, do Enlisted Men of Company K. SERGEANTS. Wm. Cmmer; wnd'd at Beaver Dam ...... Dansville, S.Y. George R. Beach...... Sout Dansville, do mTilliam Lewis; wounded at Todd's Tavern ...... Enfield, do Charles L. J. Sutfin...... Dansville, do Joseph C. Weldg ...... Burns, do George \IT.Street...... Dansrille, do CORPOEALS. George D. Stoddard...... Ross Yount, 30 Algernon Dunning ...... Dansville, do llartin G. hlonroe...... Scott, do Patrick Welch ...... Dansville, do Joseph Englert ...... Cansrille, do BLACIiSllITH. Tiiomas C. Thon~pson...... IonLake, do SADDLER. :)a\-id I~angle...... DniIe do TAIIRIER. i'liincas J. Vnslin ...... D~nsrille, do BUGLERS. Joseph Sewton ...... Dansville, do Jlenry A. Stout...... Dansrille, do PRITSTES. Earron, Jarnes ...... Halle's Corner, C. IV. Bradley, Jordan ...... South Dansville! N .T. Booth, George G...... SotBristol, do Clark, Isaac ...... Lona, do Coleman, Wesley E...... Dallsville, do Crandal, Lloyd S...... a do Curtis, Dexter E ...... Perry, do Daris, Jared IFT...... SothBristol, do Decker, IVm. II.; taken prisoner at ifanassas.. ...Loon Lake, do Ebner, Alonzo ...... Arkpot, do l-nsign, \Vm. B ...... Dansvie do Gilboy, \Vm. J.: taken pris. nt Todd's Tavern ..... Dansville. do Gilman, Philip ...... Sparta. do Gunn, Theodore ...... Perry, do IIall, Oliver ...... V , do Hasler, IVilliau~...... Dansville do Ilill, Nathan ...... v do Ilil], John ...... Dansville, do Herrick, Squire L.; taken pris. at Todd's Tav .....Bycrsville, do llolcon~b,James H...... SouUristol, Johnson, Jehiel; wounded at Trerillian ...... Transit Bridge, Kinney, Philip ...... Dansville, Kelly, John G ...... Danssille, Lee, Reuben ...... :...... Wiscoy, JIcIntosh; John ...... Belfiast, Merchant, hlarct~s...... IViscoy, .\lcWhorter. Charles A ...... Dansville, BIcNeese, \Villiam...... Dansrille, ?arsons. Daniel ...... Soot11 Bristol, Race, B bran1 I-...... Belfast, ROB, Martin ...... Dansrille, Senpuin, John ...... Dansvi!le, Snyder, George: 11 nd'd at Deep Bottom ...... Dar:sville, Smith: Edlrin ...... +ersville, Sutfin, David B ...... Dansville, 5quires, Charles P...... Dansville, Squires, James 11...... Dansville, Steinbrooli, Wm. S ...... Dansrille: Smith, John X ...... Riscoy, Tritschler, Alois...... Dansville, Torry, Geo. R.; wounded at Todd's Tarern ...... Nnnda, Townsend, Henry A ...... Dansville, Van Vallienburg. Wm. I1 ...... Dansville, \Vompole, John 11 ...... Byerst-il!e, i)aniel Carpenter, Scrgt ; n-ounded at Trerillian Station ..... Geo. S~ringle,Sergt.; wounded at Trerillian Station ...... Aaron G. Kitter, Corp'l; twlien prisoner at Beaver Dam...... isaac C. Dimwick, Corp'l; ~roundeclat Deserted Farw ...... Paul Rauber, Corp'l; wounded near Fire Forks ...... George F. Derncry; \rounded at Trevillizn Station ...... Deiter, Franklin ...... EIoover, Eonic; missing in ~ctionat Shepadstown ...... Lee, So!omon ...... Lewis, George \V.; taken prisoner at Beaver Dam ...... :+Ionroe, Killiau~R ...... JicCray, John F.; ~rnd'dand talten prisoner at Trerillian.. Sewsam, I\-illinn1 ...... O'Brian, John; taken prisoner at Deep Bottom ...... Palmer, \Vm.; taken prisoner at Iieaver Dam ...... Parkinson, \Vm. B...... Whiting, Philip F.; wnd'd and taken pris. at Todd's Tav ... \\-ood, Nathaniel R ...... Aldrich, Henry ...... Clark, Xndrevc-...... Conoly, William ...... Drain, \t7illiam ; died at \\-inchester, Va...... Elliott, Charles ...... Elliott, Perry...... Fryar, Iierbert...... Fogle, Frederick ...... Gahun. John 11 ...... Hart, 1Yil:iam ...... Kellev, Patrick ...... Xessel, Charles ...... O'Donnell, Dennis ...... Robetoy, Jerry ...... Sehrceder, Henr>-; missing in action at Sewtown...... Shannon, IVillianl ...... Shannon, \\'allace ...... DISCHARGED. JV. Cndu-ell L)u!cher, Corpl ...... Ilann: Jacob ...... Bacon. Charles G ...... Grattoo, Philetus E.1 mounded Dec. 22,'64 ...... Gilman, Harnlan S.; wounded at Cedar ('reek ...... - Mollistcr, Abr:~m...... TRAKSFEIIREI). Henr~\\'illiwma, Se~gt.:to V.R. C...... 'Thomas 1:. Hi~rris,Scrgt.; vnd'd at Strashurg: to V. 11. (; .... Harrison 1';. Allen, Sergeant-Major ...... 3lcGuire. Cllnrles J ...... \Villi~uis.John J.: wo~lnrle~lat Suffolk and l'revilli:ln ...... DECEASED. Isaac 1;. l'cttler, Sergt.; killecl at Shrparclstu\\~i...... Peter Gunther, Sergt.; accidentally killed at Snmmit Point.. Alonzo Shipman, Corpl.; of wounds receive(l at Trevillian.. . Cook, \Tilliam P.; killed at Todd's Tavern...... Dorman, John U.: at Baltimore, Jld ...... Dunphv, John; killed at 'l'rerillinn Station ...... ~drnisier,Rue1 J.; of \rounds rcceired at Todd's Ta~ern...... Loser, IVillianl 11. B.; Dec. 18, '62...... ~'~ara,John: of wounds received at Sew Market ...... Pealer, Shedrick I,.; killed at Cold Harbor ...... Tolls, James: of wounds reccired at Todd's Tarern ...... Iran Scoter, Hanson; Nor. 30, '62...... Langs, ITilliam IT.; taken pris. at JIanass s: ~licdin pri? .... DESERTED. Brown, James H ...... O'Donnell, Alexander ...... Sherman. Killiam ......