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ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL AGENDA 9 AUGUST 2017 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL AGENDA 9 AUGUST 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Subject Page No. Table of Contents ........................................................................................................ 1 1. Meeting Opened ........................................................................................................ 3 2. Leave of Absence ...................................................................................................... 3 3. Condolences/Get Well Wishes ................................................................................. 3 3.1 Condolences/Get Well Wishes ........................................................................................ 3 4. Declaration of any Material personal interests/conflicts of interest by councillors and senior council officers ................................................................... 4 5. Mayoral Minute .......................................................................................................... 4 6. Confirmation of Minutes ........................................................................................... 5 6.1 Confirmation of Ordinary Meeting Minutes of 26 July 2017 ............................................. 5 7. Business Arising from Minutes ................................................................................ 5 8. Committee Reports ................................................................................................... 5 9. Deputations/Presentations ....................................................................................... 5 10. Executive Office Reports .......................................................................................... 6 10.1 Chief Executive Officer's Monthly Report for July ........................................................... 6 10.2 Council of Mayors South East Queensland - Update .................................................... 15 11. Organisational Development and Planning Reports ............................................ 18 11.1 Executive Manager Organisational Development and Planning Monthly Update ........................................................................................................................... 18 11.2 2017 Annual Christmas Closure .................................................................................... 29 11.3 Application for Development Permit for Material Change of Use of premises for Eco-Toursim Facility (expansion of Scenic Rim Trail) - MCU2017/0001. ................ 31 11.4 Request for Negotiated Decision for Development Permit for Material Change of Use for Caravan Park - MCU2015/0028 .................................................................... 82 11.5 Application for Material Change of Use for Development Triggered by Temporary Local Planning Instrument 01/2017: for a Dwelling House on Land Described as Lot 12 SP181872 situated on Harm Drive, Glenore Grove ..................... 96 11.6 Request for Negotiated Decision Notice in Relation to the Application for Development Permit for Material Change of Use for Hotel (Modifications, Extension and Additions) - MCU2015/0042 ................................................................ 112 12. Corporate and Community Services Reports ..................................................... 116 12.1 Executive Manager Corporate and Community Services Monthly Update – July 2017 ..................................................................................................................... 116 13. Infrastructure Works and Services Reports ........................................................ 131 Page 1 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL AGENDA 9 AUGUST 2017 13.1 Executive Manager Infrastructure Works and Services Monthly Update .................... 131 13.2 Status Update - Laidley Flood Mitigation Project......................................................... 145 14. Items for information ............................................................................................ 149 14.1 Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU) Progress Report ................................................... 149 14.2 Councillor Portfolio Update .......................................................................................... 153 14.3 Commencement of New Planning System 3 July 2017 ............................................... 165 14.4 Inwards Correspondence for Noting ............................................................................ 170 15. Confidential Items ................................................................................................. 174 15.1 Road Gazettal Name Changes.................................................................................... 174 16. Meeting Closed ...................................................................................................... 175 Page 2 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL AGENDA 9 AUGUST 2017 1. MEETING OPENED 2. LEAVE OF ABSENCE 2.1 Leave of Absence Date: 04 August 2017 Author: Stephen Hart, Coordinator Council Business Responsible Officer: Ian Church, Chief Executive Officer Officer's Recommendation: THAT Leave of Absence be granted to the Mayor, Cr Tanya Milligan due to her attendance at the LGAQ Bush Councils Convention. 3. CONDOLENCES/GET WELL WISHES 3.1 Condolences/Get Well Wishes Date: 04 August 2017 Author: Susan Boland, Governance & Strategy Officer Responsible Officer: Ian Church, Chief Executive Officer Officer's Recommendation: THAT letters of condolence be forwarded to the families of recently deceased persons from within or associated with the Lockyer Valley region. Page 3 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL AGENDA 9 AUGUST 2017 4. DECLARATION OF ANY MATERIAL PERSONAL INTERESTS/CONFLICTS OF INTEREST BY COUNCILLORS AND SENIOR COUNCIL OFFICERS 4.1 Declaration of Material Personal Interest on any Item of Business Pursuant to Section 172 of the Local Government Act 2009,a councillor who has a material personal interest in an issue to be considered at a meeting of the local government, or any of its committees must – (a) inform the meeting of the councillor’s material personal interest in the matter; and (b) leave the meeting room (including any area set aside for the public), and stay out of the meeting room while the matter is being discussed and voted on. 4.2 Declaration of Conflict of Interest on any Item of Business Pursuant to Section 173 of the Local Government Act 2009,a councillor who has a real or perceived conflict of interest in a matter to be considered at a meeting of the local government, or any of its committees must inform the meeting about the councillor’s personal interest in the matter and if the councillor participates in the meeting in relation to the matter, how the councillor intends to deal with the real or perceived conflict of interest. 5. MAYORAL MINUTE No Mayoral Minute. Page 4 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL AGENDA 9 AUGUST 2017 6. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 6.1 Confirmation of Ordinary Meeting Minutes of 26 July 2017 Date: 04 August 2017 Author: Ian Church, Chief Executive Officer Responsible Officer: Ian Church, Chief Executive Officer Officer's Recommendation: THAT the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Lockyer Valley Regional Council held on Wednesday, 26 July 2017 be taken as read and confirmed. 7. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES No Business Arising from Minutes. 8. COMMITTEE REPORTS No Receival of Committee Reports as Minutes. 9. DEPUTATIONS/PRESENTATIONS That at 10.45am the Acting Executive Director of the Council of Mayors (SEQ) will address Council on current Council of Mayors (SEQ) activities. Page 5 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL AGENDA 9 AUGUST 2017 10. EXECUTIVE OFFICE REPORTS 10.1 Chief Executive Officer's Monthly Report for July Date: 01 August 2017 Author: Ian Church, Chief Executive Officer Responsible Officer: Ian Church, Chief Executive Officer Summary: The purpose of this report is to update Council on: Key issues currently being actioned by Council’s Executive Office Information relevant to Councillors and the organisation Officer’s Recommendation: THAT Council receive and note the Chief Executive Officer’s Monthly Report for July. Report 1. Introduction This report is prepared on a monthly basis to ensure Council is well informed on the business being undertaken by Council. 2. Background This report covers actions and information relevant to Councillors and the Executive Office, including the key areas of Strategic Planning, Governance, Regional Development, Marketing, Communication and Engagement, Special Projects, Council Business, Legal Services & Property and Executive Services. 3. Report Strategic Planning Operational Plan and Performance Planning The 2016/17 fourth quarter Operational Plan Performance report was approved by Council on 26 July 2017. The 2017/18 Operational Plan design is being finalised for distribution to Councillors and staff. Business Unit Plans As noted in the previous Monthly report, templates are being developed to commence the roll out of Business Unit Plans in 2017/18. The first Plan to be developed will be the Governance & Strategy Business Plan which will be completed by the end of September 2017. Annual Report 2016/17 Page 6 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL AGENDA 9 AUGUST 2017 Development of the Annual Report has commenced. The final draft is scheduled to be completed by the end of September in line with the receipt of the audited financial statements. The Report will be presented to Council for review and adoption during October 2017. Governance