4-Manifolds, 3-Fold Covering Spaces and Ribbons

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4-Manifolds, 3-Fold Covering Spaces and Ribbons transactions of the american mathematical society Volume 245, November 1978 4-MANIFOLDS,3-FOLD COVERINGSPACES AND RIBBONS BY JOSÉ MARÍA MONTESINOS Abstract. It is proved that a PL, orientable 4-manifold with a handle presentation composed by 0-, 1-, and 2-handles is an irregular 3-fold covering space of the 4-ball, branched over a 2-manifold of ribbon type. A representation of closed, orientable 4-manifolds, in terms of these 2-mani- folds, is given. The structure of 2-fold cyclic, and 3-fold irregular covering spaces branched over ribbon discs is studied and new exotic involutions on S4 are obtained. Closed, orientable 4-manifolds with the 2-handles attached along a strongly invertible link are shown to be 2-fold cyclic branched covering spaces of S4. The conjecture that each closed, orientable 4-mani- fold is a 4-fold irregular covering space of S4 branched over a 2-manifold is reduced to studying y # Sl X S2 as a nonstandard 4-fold irregular branched covering of S3. 1. Introduction. We first remark that the foundational paper [8] might be useful as an excellent account of definitions, results and historical notes. Let F be a closed 2-manifold (not necessarily connected nor orientable) locally flat embedded in S4. To each transitive representation co: irx(S4 — F) -» S„ into the symmetric group of n letters there is associated a closed, orientable, PL 4-manifold W\F, co) which is a n-fold covering space of S4 branched over F. This paper deals with the problem of representing each closed, orientable PL 4-manifold W4 as a «-fold covering space of S4 branched over a closed 2-manifold. I. Berstein and A. L. Edmonds proved [9] that in some cases (for instance S1 X S1 X S1 X S1) n has to be at least 4. They also pointed out to the author that, for CF2, F must be nonorientable (using the Euler characteristic number). More generally, S. Cappell and J. Shaneson pointed out that, if F is orientable, the signature of W4 must be zero. We conjecture that each such W4 is an irregular simple 4-fold covering space of S4 branched over a closed surface F (simple means that the representation co, where W4 » W4(F, u), sends meridians into transpositions). The manifold W4 admits a handle representation W4 = 77° u X77' u pH2 Received by the editors March 25, 1977. AMS (MOS) subjectclassifications (1970). Primary 57A15, 57C45; Secondary 57A10, 55A25, 55A10. Key words and phrases. 4-manifolds, 3-manifolds, 3-fold irregular covering spaces, 2-fold cyclic covering spaces, handle presentation, ribbons, exotic involutions, Mazur manifolds, knots, strongly-invertible knots. © American Mathematical Society 1979 453 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 454 J. M. MONTESINOS U y H3 u 774. Thus, by duality, W4 is obtained by pasting together two manifolds V4 = 77° u X77l u /x772, U4 = 77° u y77' along their common boundary, which is y # S1 X S2. Our idea is to represent V4 and U4 as coverings of D4 branched over a 2-manifold with boundary in S3, and then match the two coverings. In this paper we prove that a manifold with presentation 77° u XH1 u pH2 is, in fact, a dihedral 3-fold covering of D4 branched over a 2-manifold of a special type (which we call a ribbon manifold because it is a natural generalization of ribbon discs). In the case that pH2 is attached along a strongly invertible link in a # S1 X S2 =3(77° u X771), then we show that the closed 4-manifold W4 = 77° u X771u ju772u y773 u 774 is actually a 2-fold cyclic branched covering of S4. For the case of 4-fold irregular branched coverings of S4, we show our conjecture reduces to studying y # S' X S2 as a nonstandard 4-fold irregular branched covering of S3. It is shown in [7] that each manifold W4 = 77° u X771u u772 u y773 u 774 is uniquely determined by 77° u A771 u j"772. From this point of view, our presentation of 77° u A771u ii772 as an irregular 3-fold covering space also provides a representation for closed, orientable 4-manifolds. We study also the structure of the 2- and dihedral 3-fold covering spaces of ribbon discs. We obtain in this way some contractible 4-manifolds of Mazur, and this allows us to find many 2-knots in S4 with the same 2-fold cyclic covering space, even S4 itself, thus obtaining new examples of exotic involutions on S4. Lastly, we note some possible applications of these results to the study of 3-manifolds and classical knots. I am indebted to Robert Edwards, Charles Giffen and Cameron Gordon for helpful conversations. 2. A simple case. We begin with the simple case of a manifold which is presented by one 0-handle, one 1-handle, and one 2-handle of a special type, both in order to obtain special results for this case and to illustrate the method. Consider S'xi3 with presentation 77° U 77', i.e. one 0-handle plus one 1-handle. Its boundary, Sx X S2, is illustrated in Figure 1. We consider a knot K, contained in Sl X S2, such as the one shown in Figure 1, which is strongly invertible, i.e. reflection u in the F-axis induces on K an involution with two fixed points. Now we add a 2-handle to S ' X B3 so that K is the attaching sphere. More precisely, we have an embedding h: B2 x B2 -+d(Sl X R3) so that h(É2 X 0) equals K, and let W4 = Sl X R3 UhB2 X B2. Let U: Sl X B3 ^> Sl X B3 be the involution, with two discs Dx, D2 as License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use COVERING SPACES AND RIBBONS 455 UÍK) Figure 1 fixed-point set, which canonically extends the reflection u above. Let V: B2 X B2^> B2 X B2 be the reflection in D = Bx X Bx. We can represent S3 = 9 (B2 X B2) by stereographic projection onto R3 + oo in such a way that V induces on S3 the reflection v in the v-axis. In this repre- sentation B2 X B2 is a regular neighborhood, X, of the unit circle C in the (x, v)-plane; the belt-sphere is the z-axis, and the belt-tube is Y = S3 — int X. Finally, let (m, I) be a meridian-longitude system on dX (see Figure 2). Up to isotopy, we may suppose that uh = hv, so that (U, V) is an involution on W4 = Sx X B3 \jh B2 X B2. The fixed-point set is the disc (7), u D2) UA7),where h pastes 87) to 8 (7), U DJ along a u ß of Figure 2. Figure 2 The orbit-space, which is D4, can be described as follows. First, p: Sx X B3 -» Sx X B3/U is the 2-fold branched covering space of D4 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 456 J. M. MONTESINOS branched over two disjoint discs D{, D2 (see Figure 3(a)) such thatp\Sx X S2: Sx X S2 -» S3 is the standard covering over 3 (D[ u D2). In this covering p(K) is an arc with its endpoints in 97),' and dD2. Second, q: B2 X B2 -» B2 X B2/ V is the 2-fold branched covering space of D4 branched over a disc D' such thatp|9(R2 X B2): 9(R2 X R2)-> S3 is the standard covering over the trivial knot 9Z)'. In this covering, 47(C) is the arc shown in Figure 3(c). We must paste along regular neighborhoods q(X) and p(U(K)) of q(C) and p(K), respectively, by the mnpphq~x, obtaining D4 = Sx X B3/U Uphq-<R2 X B2/ V. (a) (b) (c) Figure 3 The branching set is (D[ u D2) Upht/-' D', which can be visualized as follows. Deform D'x and D2 by isotopy as illustrated in Figure 3(b), thus obtaining the "ribbon" D[ u D2 (and; in fact, if we pull D'x u D2 back into S3 in the way suggested by the shaded part of Figure 3(b), then we obtain a ribbon immersion of D{ u D£>. Pasting B2 X B2/V to D4 = Sx X B3/U along the balls q(X) and p(U(K)) and then "absorbing" the bulge R2 X B21V on D4 back into D4, we obtain the branch set in the aspect of Figure 3(b) u 3(c) joined by the arrow. Of course, the number of twists in the boundary of the ribbon depends on the number of times that h(l) goes around d(U(K)). The ribbon of Figure 3(b) corresponds to the choice A(/)~L + 5Af (on dU(K)). Note that the number of components of the branch-set is one if and only if K connects the two components of Dx u 7)2, in which case the branch set is a ribbon disc. We collect together these results in the following theorem. Twrorem 1. The manifold W4 = 77° u 77 ' U 772, where H2 is attached License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use COVERING SPACES AND RIBBONS 457 along a strongly invertible knot of Sx X S2, is a 2-fold covering space of D4, branched over a ribbon disc or over the union of a disc and either an annulus or a Mobius band.
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