Hydrologic Conditions in Kansas, Water Year 2019
Hydrologic Conditions in Kansas, Water Year 2019 The U.S. Geological Survey Kansas provides important information Kansas at the end of WY 2017 (fig. 2A). (USGS), in cooperation with Federal, for many functions including managing During WY 2018, most of the eastern State, and local agencies, maintains water resources, protecting human life half of the State experienced normal a long-term network of hydrologic and property, maintaining agricultural (average) to below normal precipitation, monitoring stations in Kansas. In water and industrial activities, the operation of whereas parts of the western half of the year (WY) 2019, this network included reservoirs, the development of infrastruc- State experienced above normal precipi- 217 real-time streamgages (fig. 1). A WY ture, accurate ecological assessments, and tation, particularly north-central Kansas is the 12-month period from October 1 recreational purposes. (fig. 2B). South-central and eastern through September 30 and is designated Kansas experienced below and much by the calendar year in which it ends. below normal precipitation, resulting in Real-time hydrologic data are veri- abnormally dry to extreme drought condi- fied by USGS personnel throughout the Preceding Conditions and tions at the end of WY 2018 (fig. 3) that year providing regular measurements of Precipitation continued into WY 2019. streamflow, lake levels, and groundwater Heavy rainfall events in October and levels. These data and associated analyses Despite some isolated, heavy November of 2018 ended drought condi- provide a unique overview of hydrologic precipitation events, overall streamflow tions, and by the beginning of December, conditions and help improve the under- and drainage basin runoff conditions dry conditions were virtually nonexis- standing of Kansas’ water resources.
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