
utilization & engineering

Maple Production in Ohio and the Impact of Ohio State University (OSU) Extension Programming

Gary W. Graham, P. Charles Goebel, Randall B. Heiligmann, and Matthew S. Bumgardner

The syrup industry in Ohio, which ranks fifth in total production in the , is comprised nink [1985], and Huyler and Williams primarily of small family owned operations that are served by The Ohio State University (OSU) [1992, 1994]), and the genetic improve- Extension system. We evaluated the effectiveness of OSU Extension educational programming designed ment of maple for higher sugar to improve sugarbush and sugarhouse management through a survey administered at the three 2004 content (Kriebel 1960, 1989, 1990). Ohio Maple Days workshops. Most survey respondents indicated that after attending past workshops they implemented changes that were relatively simple and inexpensive; however, most The Maple Syrup Industry In indicated they are interested in learning more about technologies that increase production and maple Ohio

ABSTRACT syrup quality. During the 19th century, Ohio was one of the largest producers of maple syrup Keywords: maple syrup, sugarbush, management, Extension (924,000 gal annually), the third largest pro- ducer of (614,000 lb annually), and the largest producer of total maple prod- ucts (equivalent to more than a million gal- aple syrup production is a sus- able luxury (Lawrence et al. 1993, Lockhart tainable family activity 2000). lons annually) in the United States (United that has a long tradition in North In many ways, the methods used by States Census Office 1840, 1870, Bryan et M al. 1912). Additionally, many maple syrup America. Maple syrup was an integral part of early European settlers to produce maple many Native American communities, used syrup have not changed dramatically over equipment industries were based in north- as the primary sweetener in the Native the past 400 years. The major refinements in ern Ohio. Ohio generally has ranked about American diet (Wittstock and Kakkak the process of producing maple syrup have fifth among states in syrup production over 1993). Sap was collected in the spring and been associated with collection and evapora- the past 10 years, occupying a position rang- boiled down to make syrup or sugar using tion technologies (Huyler 1982, Walters ing from fourth to eighth in any given year equipment such as clay pots and open fires, 1982, Koelling and Heiligmann 1996), al- (Table 1). In 2003, maple syrup production which often remained at the site year-round. though there has been considerable research in the United States totaled 1.24 million gal, In many Native American cultures, the on the factors affecting the sap sugar concen- down 11% from a 10-year average, with rights to these “sugarbushes” were heredi- tration (e.g., Stevenson and Bartoo [1940], Ohio contributing 75,000 gal, down 15.7% tary, passed down from generation to gener- Moore et al. [1951], Morrow [1955], Taylor from a 10-year average (USDA–National ation. With the arrival of Europeans in the [1956], Kriebel [1961], and Larsson Agricultural Statistic Service [NASS] 2003). 16th and 17th centuries, maple syrup pro- [1967]), physiology and sap chemistry Ohio’s decline in maple production duction in many areas increased providing a (e.g., Marvin 1958, Marvin et al. 1967), the since 1840 is in response to several factors. cheap and high-quality source of sugar as the economics of maple product production One of the most important has been the dra- tariffs and expense of cane sugar imported (e.g., Kearl [1970], Huyler and Garrett matic shift in forest cover. In the mid-1800s, from the West Indies made it an unafford- [1979], Huyler [1982], Sendak and Ben- (representative of much of the

94 • March 2006 Table 1. Average maple syrup production values from top five producing states from 1992 to 2002.

Average production (gal) Average taps (1,000) Average yield per tap (gal) Average price (per gal) Average value of US crop

Vermont 502,000 2117 0.189 $29.79 $12,311,200 274,000 1306 0.169 $27.97 $ 6,941,100 197,500 1088 0.213 $19.68 $ 1,551,400 107,800 425 0.175 $26.55 $ 2,369,200 Ohio 89,000 398 0.184 $33.04 $ 2,528,900

Source: USDA—NASS (2003). northeastern United States) was only 20% Ninety percent of Ohio’s maple syrup Sugarbush and Sugarhouse forested because of timber harvesting and operations are family owned and operated, Management land clearing (Vermont Agency of Natural with the business typically passing from The Sugarbush. The heart of any sug- Resources 2005); however, Vermont cur- one generation to the next (Graham aring operation is the sugarbush—the stand rently is dominated by forest cover (87%) 2005). Although the monetary value from of (usually sugar maple [Acer saccha- with sugar maple being the dominant spe- the sales of Ohio maple syrup and other rum Marsh.], as well as black maple [Acer cies. Ohio essentially has experienced the products is small when compared with the nigrum Michx. f.], red maple [ opposite trend. In 1840, at the time of the row crop or animal husbandry industries, L.], and silver maple [ L.]) first census of agricultural products, Ohio income from maple syrup sales plays a vital that are tapped and from which sap is col- was 93% forested (Ohio Forestry Associa- role in contributing to the quality of life lected. Over 95% of the sugarbushes across tion 2003). Ohio’s forest cover declined to and economic well-being of many rural Ohio are located in second-growth or third- around 10% by 1900 and has since recov- Ohio families. growth forest stands; however, there are a ered to approximately 30% today (Ohio The OSU Extension system has the pri- handful of -type . The Forestry Association 2003). mary role of providing education and re- average Ohio sugarbush is 27 ac with a range In addition to the dramatic shift in the search programming for maple syrup pro- of 0.25–190 ac. Within the traditional sap maple resource, there have been other im- ducers across the state. For over 90 years collection method of buckets, the average portant factors responsible for the decline of OSU Extension has used a variety of size operation has 417 taps with a range of Ohio’s maple production. During the late methods to provide producers the latest in 1800s the status of maple sugar was trans- 4–5,000 taps. Within the more modern research-based information and training tubing collection systems, the average size formed from a staple sweetener to a luxury that has enabled them to make effective item as cheaper cane sugar was readily avail- operation has 720 taps with a range of 12– decisions and implement appropriate new able in the American market. Another rea- 6,500 taps (Graham 2005). technologies and research to increase their son for the decline is the differing roles taken Maple syrup producers must consider productivity and profitability. Integral to by the various state and government agen- the expense in adopting technology and this effort has been a series of annual cies. Although the Ohio Department of Ag- practices that improve profitability and sug- workshops called Ohio Maple Days. riculture has not been actively involved in arbush health (Figure 1). Sap collection in These 1-day workshops are held across the promoting or regulating Ohio’s maple syrup galvanized metal buckets is the traditional state every January and are attended by industry, the Vermont Department of Agri- method that is traced back to the use of tin culture has taken a very active role in pro- maple syrup producers from Ohio and during the Civil War. Before metal contain- moting and maintaining Vermont’s maple surrounding states, including residents of ers sap collection in wooden troths from hol- industry. This top-down government sup- Pennsylvania, New York, West , lowed-out logs and wooden buckets were port in conjunction with very proactive in- Indiana, and Michigan. the standards (Lawrence et al. 1993). More dependent producer organizations (e.g., In an effort to learn more about where recently developed tubing systems with vac- Vermont Sugar Makers Association and these part-time family operated forest indus- uum have been shown to dramatically in- Vermont Maple Syrup Promotional Board) tries obtain information on sugarbush and crease profitability—they require less capital has resulted in increased market share across sugarhouse management and the impact of expense, increase production per tap, and re- the United States, especially in many upscale OSU Extension on these operations, we quire less labor than a bucket or bag opera- markets of the northeastern United States. conducted a survey of the participants at- tion (Huyler 1982, Walters 1982, Heilig- When contrasted with the Ohio Maple tending the three 1-day Ohio Maple Days mann et al. 1996). Additionally, the use of Producers Association, which does very workshops in 2004. The objectives of this tubing contributes to sugarbush health by little to promote Ohio maple syrup, or article are (1) to review the advancements in reducing or eliminating the movement of Ohio State University (OSU) Extension, sugarbush and sugarhouse management be- heavy collecting equipment in the sugarbush which historically has focused on provid- ing implemented in many family owned ma- during spring, when soils usually are wet and ing educational support to increase pro- ple syrup operations in Ohio and (2) to bet- vulnerable to compaction. Ohio maple pro- duction practices but not marketing strat- ter understand how maple producer ducers have been slow to implement modern egies, it is not difficult to understand how educational programs have influenced the sap tubing collecting systems in that 62% of Ohio’s maple production has declined production of maple syrup as one of Ohio’s all taps are found in bucket collection oper- over the past 150 years. primary family owned forest enterprises. ations and the bucket operations make up

Journal of Forestry • March 2006 95 Finally, producers in a position to maples, either in , roadside, or as under plantings in a mature stand, are plant- ing seedlings genetically selected for high sap sugar content. These seedlings have been pe- riodically available from several sources for more than 25 years. The sugar content of seedlings grown from one such source, a seed orchard at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, has ranged from 3.7 to 5.8% for from 1 to 14 in. in diameter (Kriebel 1990; Graham 2003, 2005). Establishing the future sugarbush with seedlings with sap sugar contents in that range will dramatically improve poten- tial profitability. The Sugarhouse. The sugarhouse is the production center of a maple operation, where sap collected in the sugarbush may be filtered and stored for a short time, and then processed into maple syrup and packaged. In simplest terms, the production of maple syrup from sap is the process of evaporating Figure 1. Traditional sugarbush of northeastern Ohio using a bucket collection system. the water in the sap and concentrating the (Photo by Gary Graham.) sugar into syrup. Although this evaporation process is simple in concept, the process is 78% of all operations in Ohio along with more traditional criteria including critical for producing high-quality maple (Graham 2005). tree location, crown size, crown class, and tree syrup (Garrett and Dudzik 1989, Heilig- Although maple syrup producers in the vigor. In an average year, Ohio sugar maple sap mann and Staats 1996). This process also past often used the sugarbush as pasture or will average about 2% sugar. Individual trees takes considerable knowledge, skill, and shelter for cattle, sheep, and hogs, livestock within stands, however, often have sugar con- equipment to complete. is rarely seen in today’s sugarbush (Koelling tents well in excess of 3% and even 4% or Historically, water was removed from and Heiligmann 1996). Many producers are more. Increasing the average sap sugar content maple sap and the sugar was concentrated focused on evaluating sugarbush and tree from a sugarbush by releasing trees with high over an open fire in a metal or iron kettle. health, looking for crown dieback, evidence sap sugar to develop large, deep crowns trans- These techniques used what often are re- of forest pests, soil compaction, and tree lates directly to increased profitability—less ferred to as “batch-type” evaporators, requir- wounds, and then modifying their practices sap is required per gallon of syrup produced ing sap to be added continually to the evap- to address the problems. Producers are tap- and less energy is required for evaporation as orator until the desired amount of maple ping more conservatively than their prede- fewer gallons of water are evaporated to pro- syrup was obtained. Using these techniques, cessors, waiting until the trees are at least 12 duce a gallon of syrup. it was not uncommon to take days to pro- in. in diameter before tapping, using fewer taps per tree, and adopting smaller-diameter spouts (five-sixteenths in. instead of seven- sixteenths in.) that produce tap holes that heal more quickly (Heiligmann et al. 1996). Maple producers also are adopting practices to improve the health and produc- tivity of their sugarbush. Graham (2005) found that 34% of producers in the state follow recommended international tapping guidelines and 62% adjusted tapping levels to tree health. Producers also are using thin- ning or improvement cuts to encourage the development of healthier trees with larger, deeper crowns, resulting in a greater volume of sweeter sap (Morrow 1955, Larsson 1967, Heiligmann and Staats 1996, Graham 2005). Sap sugar content is tested and used as a criterion for selecting trees for release, Figure 2. Typical evaporator used in an Ohio sugarhouse. (Photo by Gary Graham.)

96 Journal of Forestry • March 2006 duce 10 gal of dark, strong-flavored maple ment is available for making maple , 2004, participants were surveyed on the syrup. Since the early 1900s, most maple cream, spread, and granulated sugar (Heilig- characteristics of their sugarbush, the useful- syrup producers have used a “flue-type,” mann 1992, 2002). ness of different maple educational pro- continuous-flow evaporator, and this tech- Associated Costs of Sugaring. One of grams and publications, the impact that past nology has become more efficient over time. the greatest challenges to maple producers is Ohio Maple Days workshops have had on In contrast to the “batch-type” evaporator, a the large capital investment required for how they manage their sugarbush and sug- typical “continuous-flow” evaporator can both sugarbush (e.g., land costs, property arhouse, the major problems associated with produce between 2 and 10 gal/hour depend- taxes, and land management activities) and implementing newer technologies, and their ing on size (Huyler 1982, Garrett and sugarhouse equipment. There is no doubt level of interest in a variety of subjects per- Dudzik 1989, Heiligmann and Staats that “sugaring” is very labor intensive. How- taining to sugarbush and sugarhouse man- 1996). ever, many small forestland owners find the agement. The written survey instrument was Producers also have adopted a variety of size of the required capital investment to en- developed through a review of past work- ancillary equipment (Figure 2) to improve ter the industry prohibitive. There also are shop topics, discussions with producers, and efficiency and syrup quality during the evap- no cost sharing programs available from the a pilot focus group of professionals in the oration process, including in-line ultraviolet federal or state government to improve sug- maple industry in other states. The survey arbush production and management. For was administered at the beginning of each light units to minimize microbial contami- example, an individual wishing to develop a workshop and returned during the noon nation; reverse osmosis units for concentrat- small 100-tap bucket operation starting lunch break. ing sap sugar content before boiling, which from scratch and using all newly purchased Producers from 40 of Ohio’s 88 counties, reduces labor and energy costs and often im- maple equipment can easily invest $5,000– as well as from four other states (Indiana, proves syrup quality; steam hoods (metal 10,000. Most small family owned producers Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New York), at- covers over the evaporator that trap the do not invest anywhere near this much; they tended the 2004 workshops. Total attendance steam and exhaust it from the sugarhouse) reduce their investment by a variety of at the three workshops was 289, with 65% of that preheat the sap and begin the evapora- means, including buying used equipment or the attendees (n ϭ 190) responding to the sur- tion process; electronic takeoff devices that using less expensive alternatives such as a vey. Of the 190 respondents, 92% represented automatically sense when the syrup has flat-pan evaporator rather than a continu- a single, multiple, or cooperative family oper- reached the proper finished density and ous-flow flue-type evaporator. ation, and 8% of the respondents represented open the draw-off valve; and pressure filters The challenge to getting into the maple nonfamily owned maple sugaring enterprises. for syrup that use diatomaceous earth as a business is not one of profitability, but one Most survey respondents indicated they were filtering medium, producing a syrup with an of initial investment. Studies from 1985 to second-generation producers that had been almost “polished” appearance. 1994 (Sendak and Bennink 1985, Buth producing maple syrup for an average of 17 Syrup Packaging. Finished syrup may 1988, Huyler and Williams 1994) reported years (range, 1–61 years). Survey respondents be graded and then immediately must be the cost of producing a gallon of maple syrup were representative of the maple producers packaged properly at a temperature above between $14.41 and $19.89/gal, depending across the state because a 2004 survey of the 180° F for storage, sale, or later processing on the size of the operation and the collec- entire state’s maple syrup industry found that into candy or other confections. Not all ma- tion and processing technology used. Dur- Ohio maple producers on average have been ple syrup is graded. Some states, including ing this period syrup was selling for between producing syrup for 19 years and were typi- Vermont and New Hampshire, have state $23.00 and $38.00/gal—certainly an ac- cally second-generation producers (Graham maple grading standards and require that all ceptable profit. Unfortunately, many poten- 2005). syrup be graded according to those stan- tial maple producers do not calculate profit- Sources of Information. Results of the dards. Most other states do not have such ability by depreciating equipment over its survey indicated that 82% of the respon- standards and do not require that maple usable life (perhaps 20–30 years for an evap- dents relied primarily on the Ohio Maple syrup be graded but allow those who wish to orator); they look instead at the initial in- Days workshops to stay current on issues re- grade to use USDA maple grading standards vestment and the expected return, define the lated to sugarbush and sugarhouse manage- (United States Department of Agriculture point of profit making as the time when they ment, and 18% of the respondents relied 1980). Ohio has state grading standards will have paid for all the equipment, and primarily on workshops and materials pro- similar to those of Vermont and New decide based on that criteria that it is “too vided by the North American Maple Syrup Hampshire, but grading is voluntary (Ohio expensive” to get into maple syrup produc- Council, the International Maple Syrup In- Administrative Code 2004, Ohio Revised tion. Since USDA–NASS started to report stitute, or other states. Respondents were Code 1997). Syrup made in Ohio may be Ohio maple production within the New En- asked to rate (Likert scale of 1–5) the useful- sold by grade using either the Ohio or the gland report, the average price per gallon of ness of common sources of information on USDA maple grades or it can be sold simply Ohio maple syrup has been $28.13, with maple syrup production and sugarbush as maple syrup. Packaging of syrup in plas- $29.80/gal in 2002 being the highest and management. Information provided at the tic, metal, or glass containers is done in a $15.00/gal in 1996 being the lowest. Ohio Maple Days workshops was consid- variety of ways, and there is a wide variety of ered the most useful, receiving a 4.1 of 5, traditional and modern equipment used. Evaluating OSU Extension followed by other sources, such as the Ohio Similarly, for producers who wish to diver- Maple Programs Maple News newsletter (2.1 of 5; Graham sify their products and earn additional Survey Methods. At each of the three 2002), and the North American Maple Syrup “value added” income, a variety of equip- Ohio Maple Days workshops in January of Producers Manual (2 of 5; Koelling and Hei-

Journal of Forestry • March 2006 97 age they had implemented relatively few changes after the Ohio Maple Days pro- grams. Most changes in the management of the sugarhouse were associated with chang- ing or improving maple syrup handling, storage, and filtering procedures, as well as equipment procedures (Figure 4). Other important changes made were associ- ated with safety protocols, particularly re- ducing potential lead contamination of ma- ple syrup from lead-based spouts and collecting, handling, and storage equip- ment, as well as improving maple syrup mar- keting and sales strategies (Figure 4). Finally, on average, few respondents im- plemented new technologies introduced at previous Ohio Maple Days workshops, such as using in-line ultraviolet lights to treat sap, re- verse osmosis units to concentrate sap before boiling, or diatomaceous earth sap filters. As Figure 3. Level of changes made to management of the sugarbush as the result of Ohio with management of the sugarbush, many of ؎ Maple Days education programs. Values are mean scores 1 standard error. the improved technologies associated with in- creasing the production and quality of maple ligmann 1996), both publications produced in sugarbush management had been syrup during processing were considered by by OSU Extension. These results suggest adopted, 27% of the respondents indicated many survey respondents as too expensive for that the primary source of information for that many were cost prohibitive under cur- their maple syrup operation. family owned maple syrup enterprises in rent market conditions and 18% indicated Educational Programming in Sugar- Ohio are the Ohio Maple Days workshops that they had little time available to imple- bush Management. Respondents were asked provided by OSU Extension. The fact that ment the newer technologies demonstrated to indicate their level of interest in several top- the Ohio Maple News is produced jointly by at the workshops. ics related to the management and production the Ohio Maple Producers Association and Changes Made in Sugarhouse Man- of their sugarbush. On average, production OSU Extension and the North American agement. When asked about sugarhouse topics that were of highest interest included Maple Syrup Producers Manual is published management, as with sugarbush manage- information on improving tapping systems as an OSU Extension Bulletin further em- ment, most respondents stated that on aver- (including the use of power tappers), tubing phasize the important role OSU Extension plays in producer education. Changes Made in Sugarbush Man- agement. On average, respondents indi- cated that they had made few changes in the production, economics, safety, or manage- ment of their sugarbush in response to infor- mation provided at previous Ohio Maple Days workshops. Changes that were imple- mented were associated with tapping and sap collection, particularly switching spout types, increasing the use of sustainable tap- ping guidelines, and changing to more effi- cient tubing systems (Figure 3). The Ohio Maple Days workshops did influence management activities related to safety and economics; however, the average impact of these educational programs was small. Finally, educational programs de- signed to inform participants on issues re- lated to stand management, particularly best management practices associated with road and trail management, also had on average some, albeit small, impact on sugarbush Figure 4. Level of changes made to management of the sugarhouse as the result of Ohio .management. When asked why few changes Maple Days education programs. Values are mean scores ؎1 standard error

98 Journal of Forestry • March 2006 keting sugar maple products, general pro- motion of maple syrup and marketing strategies were of highest interest to respon- dents from the survey of the Ohio Maple Days workshop participants.

Conclusions Results from our survey of maple syrup enterprises in Ohio suggest that OSU Extension is the primary source of technical information for these small fam- ily owned operations. Most contact with these forest owners is in the form of the Ohio Maple Days workshops, although OSU Extension publications also are a common source of sugarbush and sugar- house management information. Al- though past educational programming fo- cused on increasing production and Figure 5. Level of interest in different sugarbush educational programming. Values are quality, the impact of these programs has ؎ mean scores 1 standard error. been modest, in part because costs associ- ated with implementing newer technolo- systems, and the use of genetically improved stated that information on the use and effi- gies were high. The majority of changes to super sweet maple trees (Figure 5). Addition- ciency of evaporator systems would be of both sugarbush and sugarhouse manage- ally, stand management topics of interest to medium to high interest at future Ohio Ma- ment after past workshops has been asso- respondents were guidelines for the ple Days workshops (Figure 6). Addition- ciated with techniques or technologies sugarbush, maintaining the sugarbush (e.g., ally, information on quality control and that are relatively inexpensive and easy to regeneration, establishment, and maintenance quality assurance measures, the control of implement. Examples include reducing of maple trees), and managing forest pests and off flavors, and the use and value of imple- the number of taps per tree, reducing lead insects (Figure 5). menting new technologies (e.g., preheater contamination from spouts, collection Educational Programming in Sugar- systems and filter press) was of medium in- and processing equipment, changing house Management. Most respondents terest to the respondents. In terms of mar- equipment cleaning procedures in the sug- arhouse, and maple sap and syrup han- dling and storage procedures. These results are not viewed in any way as suggesting that these educational programs for maple producers have failed to achieve their objectives. This survey identified the level of adoption of practices or technologies presented at Ohio Maple Days workshops. As identified previously, the primary objective of OSU Extension’s program for maple producers is to provide information and training that will enable them to make effective decisions and im- plement appropriate new technologies and research to increase their productivity and profitability. Some producers obvi- ously found various practices and technol- ogies presented at Ohio Maple Days pro- grams to be appropriate for their enterprise and others did not. The fact that many did not, but could identify the reason as cost or some other factor, sug- gests that they received the information needed to make an effective decision. We Figure 6. Level of interest in different sugarhouse educational programming. Values are anticipate that many of the other state Ex- mean scores ؎1 standard error. tension programs across the midwestern

Journal of Forestry • March 2006 99 and northeastern United States designed HEILIGMANN, R.B. (ED.) 2002. Maple candy and MARVIN, J.W. 1958. Physiology of maple sap flow. to improve sugarbush and sugarhouse other confections, Vol. F-46-02. Ohio State University of Vermont Extension Publication management likely face the same chal- University Extension, Columbus, OH. 2 p. MR 64. University of Vermont, Burlington, HEILIGMANN, R.B., AND L. STAATS. 1996. Maple VT. 29 p. lenges. Additionally, the results of a more syrup production. P. 72–102 in North Ameri- MARVIN, J.W., M.F. MORSELLI, AND F.M. LAING. detailed survey of the entire maple syrup can maple syrup producers manual, Bull. 856, 1967. A correlation between sugar concentra- industry of Ohio suggest that educational Koelling, M.R., and R.B. Heiligmann (eds.). tion and sap volume yields in sugar maple: An programs need to be designed for specific Ohio State University Extension, Columbus, 18-year study. For. Sci. 13:346–351. client groups (e.g., hobby producers, com- OH. MOORE, H.R., W.R. ANDERSON, AND R.H. HEILIGMANN, R.B., C. COONS, R.R. MORROW,L. BAKER. 1951. Ohio maple syrup: Some factors mercial producers, and Amish producers) STAATS, AND F. WINCH. 1996. Managing ma- because each group has different needs influencing production. Res. Bull. 718, Ohio ple trees for sap production. P. 25–48 in North Agricultural Experiment Station, Wooster, and goals that may not be served by a American maple syrup producers manual, Bull. OH. 53 p. 856, Koelling, M.R., and R.B. Heiligmann “one-size-fits-all” educational program MORROW, R.R. 1955. Influence of tree crowns on (Graham 2005). (eds.). Ohio State University Extension, Co- maple sap production. Bull. 916, Cornell Uni- lumbus, OH. In addition to providing an array of versity Agricultural Experiment Station, HUYLER, N.K. 1982. Sap collection systems. P. 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100 Journal of Forestry • March 2006 VERMONT AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES. WITTSTOCK, L.W., AND D. KAKKAK. 1993. Ininatig’s Ohio State University, Wooster, OH 44691. 2005. Vermont’s forests: Growing and changing. gift of sugar: Traditional native sugar making. Lerner Randall B. Heiligmann (heiligmann.l@ Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Publications Co, Minneapolis, MN. 48 p. Waterbury, VT. 4 p. osu.edu) is professor, School of Natural Re- sources, The Ohio State University, Columbus, WALTERS, R.S. 1982. Sugar maple sap collec- Gary W. Graham ([email protected]) is tion. P. 16–24 in Sugar maple research: Sap extension specialist, and P. Charles Goebel OH 43210-1085. Matthew S. Bumgardner production, processing, and marketing of ma- ([email protected]) is research scientist, ple syrup. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-72, USDA For. ([email protected]) is assistant professor, Serv., Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, School of Natural Resources, Ohio Agricul- USDA Forest Service Northeastern Research Burlington, VT. tural Research and Development Center, The Station, Princeton, WV 24740.

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