Salado Blackburn Will Run As Republican for Bell Co. Judge
Salado illageillage oiceoice VOL. XL, NUMBER 17 VVTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2017 254/947-5321 V SALADOVVILLAGEVOICE.COM 50¢ Salado Police will visit local Night Out events Salado neighbors are en- events, visits from emergency couraged to gather together personnel and exhibits. for the National Night Out on National Project Coor- Oct. 3 with block parties and dinator, Matt Peskin said, other gatherings where they “This is a night for our nation will have a chance to meet to stand together and pro- and learn more about their mote awareness, safety, and neighbors. neighborhood unity. National More than 38 million peo- Night Out showcases the vi- ple 16,000 communities from tal importance of police- all 50 states, U.S. territories, community partnerships and Canadian cities, and military citizen involvement. When bases worldwide participate law enforcement and the in National Night Out, which community work closely to- Doug McNeese and his son Mason picked up a trailer of items donated by Saladoans for Hurricane Harvey survivors is nationally sponsored by gether, some amazing things along the coast last week. Items were collected at 3C Cowboy Fellowship and Salado Village Voice newspaper office. Sal- NATW, Dietz and Watson, can happen.” adoans donated so much that McNeese could not carry all of it on his trailer and arrangements were made for another ADT, Kings Hawaiian, As- The National Night Out trailer to pick up and carry water, cleaning and hygiene supplies and more to the coastal region. Bloomer Trailers also socia, Ring. gives the following tips to collected items for delivery to the coastal area.
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