JACKSON SECOND Jack Nabors Pounded Hard by Yanks Major League Sluggers Fall

Off Heavily During Week. STANDING Played. Won J r Leads in Boston 10.? 68 35 .660 Detroit 10*3 64 .3* .627 Southern Chicago 103 62 41 603 Washington 106 64 51 .514 New York 101 f»0 51 .505 Cleveland 102 40 82 .392 St BOU is 106 41 6 4 .390 Chicago. August 14.—Captain Larry Philadelphia 103 34 63 330 Doyle of the New York Giants, continued to lead the National league batsmen with Cobb Hits Hard •328. to to- according averages published Chicago. August 14. Detroit's sluggers day. All the leaders had slight slumps. were In form today and had an easy Other leaders are Snyder, St. Louis. .326; * time defeating Chicago, 6 to 3. Cobh and Daubert. Brook^'n, .319; Merkle. New Crawford were leaders In the attack on York, .310; Groh, Cincinnati, .304: Wade the locals. Cobb made three hits, one KJlllfer, Cincinnati. .303; Saier, Chicago. a triple, got a base on balls, and scored .900. three runs In five times at the plate. Cincinnati and St. Louis are tied for Crawford made two doubles, the one in first place in club batting, each having the first driving In two runs, and the other in the seventh .265, while New York is next with .252. driving in another. Score: R. H. E. Doyle also holds the honors as a run- SIMPSON Detroit .. WYMAN M’COY ROBERTSON 211 000 100-5 11 t * getter with 69. Cravath, Philadelphia, Chicago 000 300 000—3 6 9 leads in total bases with 170 and also .... Batteries: Dubuc and Stallage; Scott, Russell holds the home run record with 15. and Schalk Carey, Pittsburg, leads In stolen bases with 29. Nabors Ratted Hard New York. August 14. New York over- Mamaux, Pittsburg, crept in the lead southern leagues came a four-run lead today and easily “the 600“ class in the [thirteen among pitchers defeated Philadelphia, 9 to 6. Nabors with 17 wins and 6 defeats. The and were league ARE Fillinglm batted for seven runs TICKETED FOR In the SHOW fifth. Twelve men other leaders are Pierce, Chicago, 10 and BIG went to bat In ♦ hat 8; Alexander, Philadelphia, 20 and 7; S. Inning. Fisher being retired twice. By W1LI, HAMII.TOV Score: R. H. F. Smith, Brooklyn, 11 and 4; Ragan, Bos- New Philadelphia 400 000 010—5 7 0 ton, 14 and 7; Toney, Cincinnati, 6 and 3; Orleans, Aug. 14.—(Special.)—It is Of the bunch, all are going up for hona- They are Hendryx^ Miller and Paulette, New York J00 070 00*-9 13 3 16 and Tournament Holds almost Mayer, Philadelphia, 10; Stroud, Boys’ unanimously agreed that there's flde trials but Thomas and Batteries: possibly Ed- and while neither will bring a great price Officials Pleased Over Suc- Nabors, Fillingim and Bapp, New York, 8 and 6. "not much in the to league" interest the mondson. Perry and Jenkins The status McAvoy; Fisher and Nunamaker. Ty Cobh continues to lead the Ameri- Interest for the in these hard times, a handsome cash Strong scouts, that the calibre of ball in the of these as near as we cess in can league in batting, although he has players, can de- consideration will he involved in all three Singles—Same Southern is not quite up to the past, and fine Browns and Indiana slumped a few points since last week. Final Outcome it, follows: deals. Miller Is said to have brought Split now that on account of the limits and Cleveland, August 14.—After His average is .386. Others In the playing Mllley goes to the Yanks on an out- $30oo. Hendryx will go at an Age Limit saving the probably first .900 class are Jackson, Cleveland, .334; the general hard times even game for St. Bonis 4 to 3. T^owder- the big leagues right cash sale, and so will If higher figure. Hendryx. milk lost the decision In the Speaker, Boston, .332; E. Collins, do not Paulette and Kant to a second. 4 to Chicago/ want a.s many tyroes as formerly, the deal is closed. go big league 2. Mitchell pitched great hall for Cleve- .390; Fournier, Chicago, .318: Strunk, Phil- The •championship of Birmingham for club which seldom spends a dime for but— Jenkins land adelphia, .317; Mclnnis, and Lee, and Perry are the prop- out of the Gratified on the success of the In the first game until the eighth Philadelphia, boys 18 years of age or under now lies players Southern. The Browns boys’ Thirteen Southern leaguers have already of the St. Inning, when his ineffectiveness and Whi- eVach, Detroit, .314; Crawford, Detroit, erty Ixiuis Browns, and Cruth- have players galore and have in the last championship singles tennis tourney, between five boys, William Robertson, been le's errors J01; Lewis, Boston, .308; Malzel, New ticketed for the big show. ers Is owned three or four gave St. Bonis the winning by the'Athletics, but neither years plated more men in the officials in charge have decided to Richard McCoy, Leon Wyman. D. L. Of the runs. Score—First game: R H. K. York. .806: Gainer, Boston. .301. the 13, seven are already settled would be recalled If Southern than any other big league there wasn't consiil- hold a similar tournament to decide Cobb holds the lead in total runs scored. Smith and Stanley Simpson. Either Mc- Cleveland 000 030 000 3 15 5 upon and another is an absolute certainty. I erable promise of development. Lee and club, having had affiliations with Mont- tne rightful doubles The St. T,ouls 000 ion 080—4 9 0 104, and also strengthened his hold on Coy or Robertson will be eliminated as Cruthers gomery. Atlanta. Birmingham and Nash- champions Four others will go up for the sake of are considered ahout ready for Batteries: the title of base stealer, having a total of matches will be held on Mitxliell. Harstad, Jones and they lock horns Monday mprning at D the big leagues. ville. the clay courts 66. He is tied with Crawford for the lead convenience and probably will come back * The Egan. Haworth; Knob. Bowdermllk and Paulette, to five pitchers mentioned above all of the Birmingham Athletic club on o'clock, and the winner will play D. L. next according reliable informa- Agnew, Severeid. In total bases with 193. Burns, Detroit, spring, without getting much of a have a good chance of tion, goes to the Browns under an agree- staying up. Baghy Fifth avenue and Eighteenth street leads in runs with five. Smith. However, the winner of the Mc- Second game: R. W. E. home tryout. ment has been considered ready for a solid between the Browns anil the Nash- commencing at 9 000 Boston nosed Detroit out of the lead Coy-Robertson match will have no serious year. Marshall Is the Thursday morning Cleveland 220 00*-4 7 2 The three latest big league recruits are ville club, which probably moans a little best young pitch- In club with while o’clock. St. Bouts 020 000 000—2 6 t batting .268, Jennlng's trouble and will then be the cash and ing prospect in the league. East is a runner-up Pitchers Marshall and Cunningham of the some players. Batteries: men have .265. good whose Offers were made to the various other Jones and Egan: Bowdermllk in the tourney. On Tuesday. Wyman and Marshall and Cunningham go to the pitcher light has been ob- Leading American are Chattanooga club, who go to Detroit, and scured and Severeid. league pitchers Athletics under an because be was with losing clubs. athletic clubs to hold the tournaments Simpson will get together and some more agreement giving De Foster, Boston, 16 won, 4 lost; Wood, Pitcher East of Uttle Rock, who goes troit the right to pick from the Lookout on their courts but were refused. 12 and 17 and liveliness will be uncovered. to Some Other they Boston, 4; Scott, Chicago. the St. Douis Browns. club. The return of Prospects Senators I^e (treat Game Outfielder Jacobson The generous officials of the Athletic 6; Faber, Chicago, 18 and 8; Dauss, De- The matches were and There are other some of Boston. yesterday good A deal is said to be hanging fire be- figures in the deal. prospects, August 14.—Boston won a game 16 and which will be club then came to the the troit, 8: Fisher, New York. 14 and the large crowd was well is yet beard from If only aid of pro- of exciting plays and situations from pleased with tween the New York Yanks and Pelicans Bagh.v an outright pale by New Or- 7; Ayers. Washington, 10 and 5; Caldwell, from the fact that they're worth shield- moters and the offer to use their 4 to the way the boys are the tour- leans to Cleveland. Owner Sum- Washington today. 3. Ruth out- New York. 16 and Johnson. making for the services of Tim Hendryx. As- Though ing from 9; Washing- mers of Cleveland is possible Federal Influences. courts again was taken pitched Johnson. Boston players and the ney a success. The longest and best part owner New' Or- promptly up. ton. 17 and 10. suming that the Yanks will get Hen- We have two more on the New Orleans stands were In an leans, the two-clubs are run The of entrance fee will be uproar In the third match of the took Independent- In price $1 The leading batters In the Federal tourney place be- dryx, the distribution of the south's •efub Reilly and Knaupp. In fact, the inning when McBride, after on tal- ly, and New Orleans Is given the same per team. Any team In the Birming- scoring league are Magee, Brooklyn, .338; Flick, tween Simpson and Townsend. market seems to be open enough to ad- Foster's stood in the of Simp- ent so far is as follows: credit for such a player as would be the ham district will be eligible to enter hit, way Catcher Chicago, .336; Kauff, Brooklyn, .334; son mit the possibility of ‘Buck” Weaver Thomas on a throw from finally won the set, 12-10, and had To Yanks—Outfielder Miller, Outfleldor case were the sale made to another. Ed- providing that both players are in the Speaker to Fischer, .332; Easterly, Kansas being flirted with. catch Moeller at the The latter Chicago, no trouble in copping the next and de- Hendryx. mondson and Thomas are Cleveland's age limit, 18 years or under. All en- plate. City, .322; Campbell. Newark, 3.17; Ko- To Nashville has two more prospects In scored and Umpire Wallace refused to ciding Ret. In the Indians—Pitcher Bagby, Outfielder property. tries should be sent to Secretary J. D. netchy, afternoon Simpson at- Outfielder Farmer and Pitcher Roarer*. call him out. Five Pittsburg, .317; Yerkes, Pittsburg, Edmondson, Infielder Thomas. East probably goes In for Beavin of the Athletic club minutes of argument the “iron exchange piay- at once as .317; Rouscli, Newark, and Deal, St. tempted man role’’ and en- Memphis has two in Outfielder Allison and of noise from the stands were fol- To Tigers—Pitcher Marshall, Pitcher ers. the last day to enter the tourney will Louis, tied with .314. countered and Pitcher Merritt. lowed Tinsley Harrison, whom he Cunningham. Pitcher Ford. At I,east Four Are be Wednesday night. by Manager Carrtgan's banish- leads in club “Ripe” lias four in Brooklyn batting with defeated in a hard fought match. Har- To Browns—Outfielder Birmingham Catcher Hale. On ment. Dee, Infielder The three players who look best of the Wednesday night all players in .267 and Pittsburg is next with .266. Outfielder Sloan and Pitcher Robertson Boslon went into the eighth tuning one rison won the first set and appeared Paulette, Catcher Jenkins, Pitcher Perry. entire outfit, the singles tournament will be the In- Konetchy leads in total with pitchers omitted, are three and Grimes. run and bases, Pitcher East. vited guests of the A thistle club. On behind, after singles by - * to he taking the measure of the elon- who havi- been in the course of 201- Berghammer leads in runs scored. To “ripen- Atlanta has one more in Outfielder Hen, n pinch hitter. Ruth and Athletics— Infielder Cruthers. for two the occasion the prizes will be given to Hooper, 71. is gated Woodlawner, but a sudden spurt ing'' years or more in tills league. Manning. Chase, Buffalo, the leading home the and and Hohlitssol'a sacrifice fly, came out a put the set in favor. winners an ‘‘all around" good run hitter with 12, and Kauff is the Simpson’s Simpson run to the king ••••••••••••••••a••*••••••••••«••••••••••••••••«••••< time Is promised to the boys. There good. Score: R. R. K. of base with easily won the next and deciding set, stealers, 35. will be no Washington 003 000 000—3 5 0 and the match. admittance fee, tint no one The leading are St. copped Jimmie Lay also Boston pitchers Crandall, Camera Men Detectives graphic Illustrations of the news of the but the players and officials will be 010 010 02*—4 R T 14 shared the “iron man role.” He was From Louis, won. 6 lost; McConnell. Chi- the New York Times. day. Is also incontestable. The snap- admitted. Batteries. Johnson and ; Ruth and successful in his first match with John cago, F. Allen, Pittsburg, tied, 16 Perhaps it is unnecessary to speak of shots are so clear that no striker por- Provided the and Thomas, Cady. Vail, but failed to defeat L. Smith same officials help out won, 8 lost; M. Brown, 10 D. the Invaluable work of the news a Chicago, and 3; REDS TAKE ON photog- trayed in group of rioters would be able with the doubles that aided in the sin- after BIG the crowd had been Cullop, with Kansas 16 and Reul- repeatedly raphers In the as to an City, 8; European war. every- prove alibi, if he was charged with gles. the success of the affair un- When Trouble thrilled by the untirink efforts of Is Departs bach, Newark, 12 and 7; Packard, Kan- Lay body knows by this time that they are complicity In manslaughter. The From the Detroit Free to stave off pic- questioned. J. P. Ross. Tom Jones and f’ress. sas City, 13 and 8, and Plank, St. defeat. making such a tures show Louis, pictorial record of its that the often denied charge Plover rendered great aid in umpiring “Your daughter's very fond of music, 13 and 8. Leou Wyman toyed with the youngster, events as was never made in a previ- that many of the participants In strike I ho matches and it Is hoped that their Isn’t she?" The batters in the Hewlett Parker, and won two love sets. ous war. Their In leading Southern as- courage braving dan- riots are mere boys, presumably Impelled services will be secured again. "Yes. Indeed. Tt's no trouble for her was never forced to _ Au- Wyman go to the ger is as remarkable as their skill to the sociation, including games played in violence by evil influence of their All are to en- to practice on the when f need limit to win a boys cordially invited piano 10, are New game, and the match gaining footholds from which to gust Hendryx, Orleans, .321; observe elders, is well founded as far as the In- ter Handsome prizes will he given, si mergie to help me with the dishes." merely warmed him up for his after- the P. Allison, Memphis, .308; Sloan, Bir- actioh8 of troops on land and the cidents at Bayonne are concerned. Some to the noon Braves including racquets winning pair go with Phillip Cook, whom he Slaughtered by the movements of at sea. of the mingham, .307; Lee. Atlanta, .306; Pau- battleships Cour- rioters who saw their counterfeit and to the runners-up. It Is probable handily defeated after some fine ten- age. too. and that of no mean Extravagance lette, Nashville. .306; Miller, Mobile, order, Is presentments In newspapers. In the photo- that Mr. A Iverson of & From the Star. nis on the of Wimberly Washington .306; Cruthere, Memphis, playing part both young- Phillies—Giants Lose required of the camera men who have of disturbers of the .298; Elberfeld, graphed groups pub- Thomas will donate two of the rac- "That lecturer never uses extravagant sters. Dewey Davis put up a stiff fight been in Chattanooga, .296; Lord, Memphis, .294; employed taking pictures among lic peace, may be deterred from display- quets. The runners-up racquet In the language, does he?" against William Robertson, but was fi- the Reilly, New Orleans, .292. Bayonne rioters. The value of such ing themselves so conspicuously here- singles tourney was given bis firm. forced to the by "Extravagant? | should my so! Cost* leads in runs nally ground by the Lake- from their interest as after. Hendryx scored with 76; pictures, apart F. J. B. $600 time he t< who was every talks .• crowd." Harris, Chattanooga, with 138, leads in viewer, playing way off form. STANDING The total bases; Thomas, New Orleans, leads first default of the tourney occurred Played. Won. Lost. Pot. when the In homers and also in stolen bases, with match scheduled between "hiladelpbla ...,/ino 55 45 .559 83. Smith and Foster was given to the for- Brooklyn 106 57 49 .53S mer when Foster failed to ChicuBO 102 New Orleans is first in club batting appear. Fos- 52 50 .610 ter was counted the Boston 104 with .270 and Nashville with .263 is next. upon to be in semi- 52 52 .500 finals, as he could have mastered Pittsburg 103 51 52 The 10 leading pitchers are Frost, Nash- easily .496 the had New York 9!) ville, 9 and 4 and lost; Hogg, Mo- youth they met. 49 50 .495 ^ron The results from It. Louis 107 51 56 bile, 15 and 8; R. Robertson, Birming- yesterday’s play are .477 as follows: Robertson Cincinnati 101 46 55 .455 ham, 18 and 9; Cunningham, Chattanoo- defeated Davis, 6-2, 1-6. 6-3; defeated Vail. Smith go, 16 and 9; H. Merritt, Memphis, 16 and Lay 6-2. 6-4: defeated 10; Weaver, New Orleans, 11 and 7; A. Lay. 7-6, 6-4; Wyman defeated Reds on Warpath Parker. 6-0. 6-0: Town- Johnson, Birmingham, 14 and 9; Keely, Simpson defeated Pittsburg, August 14.—Cincinnati de- send, 12-10, 6-3; Simpson defeated Har- Memphis. 13 and 9; Kroh, Nashville. 13 feated Pittsburg. 5 to 4 and 6 to 0, today. rison, 6-8, 6-2, 6-4; Wyman defeated and 9; Grimes, Birmingham, 12 and 10. In the first the Cook, 8-6: Smith defeated Foster by de- visitors played a great up-hill game and tried the score beforn On Monday the following matches will reaching the ninth. They got the one run be vs. winner played: McCoy Robertson: necessary to win in the eleventh. Toney of McCoy-Robertson match to play was strong In the second game. Smith. F. J. B. McQnll- leh was relieved by Conzelman. Scores; First game: R.H.E. ; Cincinnati Baltimore split today's double header. 000 100 030 01—5 11 4 "I Chicago winning the first 7 to 3, and Pittsburg 020 200 000 00—4 10 5 Batteries: Date. Lear and Clark, Win- Doubled for re- Baltimore the second 3 to 1. hit- 1916 Zlnn's go; Adams, Kantlehner and output ting featured, with two home runs Srhang. Second game: among his hits. Scores: R.H.K. Cincinnati 100 300 020—6 11 2 Brook feds First game: R. H. E. Whitewashed by 000 000 Chicago .001 002 202—7 12 1 Pittsburg 000-0 5 3 Batteries: and Baltimore .000 003 000—3 8 0 Toney Clark; McQuillen, duces as low as Pittsburg Conzelman, Kantlehner and $1975 Gibson. Batteries: and Fischer; prices Bailey and Owens. Second game: R. H. E. Superbas Defeat Giants STANDING Chicago .000 100 000—1 10 1 Brooklyn, August 14.—Brooklyn made It As this town has it is a Baltimore .200 001 00*—3 7 0 two from the electricity practi- Played. Won. Lost. Pet. straight Giants today, win- You these Batteries: cal Detroit Electric car town. get savings Chicago Iu7 61 46 .570 Prendergrast, Black and ning, 6 to 1, by hitting both Stroud and Long Fischer: Johnson and Jacklltsch. Kansas City 107 59 48 .553 Schauer In timely fashion. Pfeifer held stretches of paved streets are not a neces- Our Newark 105 58 47 .552 doubled production leads to the visitors to three hits in eight in- many Pittsburg 106 58 4S .647 Split Double Bill sity for this car with its great power and nings. Then in the ninth the Giants economies in all overhead expenses, in St. Louis .. 106 57 49 .538 Buffalo. August 14.—Buffalo and Kan- bunched three hits for their run. Detroit .'. 110 49 61 .446 solitary remarkably easy riding qualities. in in Brooklyn sas City divided today's double header, Score: jpurchasing, advertising, sales cost, in Buffalo 1 12 50 62 .445 R.H.E. Electric owners have demonstrated that the visitors taking the first 0 to 0 and New York 000 000 001—1 6 4 All the Baltimore 107 37 70 .346 engineering. savings effected by Buffalo the second 8 to 2. The second Brooklyn .. 200 000 21*—6 9 1 it is as for just good interurban motoring our we hand on to was Batteries: Stroud, Schauer and ]. Mey- larger operations you— Pittsburg Wins finished under protest. Manager as it is for ers; Pfeifer and McCarty. driving about town. and take our benefit from Pittsburg, August 14.—Pittsburg de- Stovall taking exception to an um- doubledvolume, feated Brooklyn today 4 to 0. Allen was pire's ruling in the fourth inning. Braves effective throughout while George Scores: First game— R.H.E. Walloped Philadelphia, August 14.—Philadelphia Wiltse. late of the New York Giants, Kansas City 011 000 121—6 11 0 we Buffalo 000 000 000—0 6 0 hit tbree Boston pitchers hard and August 15 reduce the Here are the 1916 was hit at the right time for the scor- today prices ing of runs Score: R. H. E. Batteries: Johnson and Easterly; won. 9 to 0. Ludcrus made a home run, Krapp, LaFitte and Blair, Allen. Model 61 Brooklyn .000 000 000—0 6 8 a triple and a double In four times at bat. price $600 to $725 per car 4-Paennger Brougham .011 101 00»—4 10 0 Second game: R.H.E. — Pitsburg He scored three runs and drove'iri"!wo (Formerly $2,600) Now 11,97S Batteries: Wiltse, Walker and Land; Kansas City 100 010 000—2 6 2 more. Score: R.'H.E. Model 60 5-Paw. Duplex Drive Allen and O'Connor. Buffalo 000 610 10*—8 14 0 Remember—these are the Brougham Boston 000 000 000—0 6 2 samehigh qual- — Batteries: Cullop, Adams and East- (Formerly $3,000) Now $2,27$ 301 023 00*—9 13 0 cars as our erly; Bedlent and Allen. Philadelphia ity 1915 models a score or Model 59 5-Paee. Rear Drive Chifeds Split Batteries: Hughes, Nehf, Barnes and plus Brougham — Baltimore, August 14.—Chicago and Gowdy, Whaling; Demaree and KUllfer, more of 1916 refinements. Even while (Formerly $2,950) Now 22,22$ Eddie Plank Wins # Burns. Model 58 5-Pan. Front Drive Brougham Newark, N. J.. found the we bettered the car. August 14.—Plank lowering price, (Formerly $2,950) — Now $2,2S0 the Newark batters easy and St. Louis to In the 1916 Detroit will Cubs Lose Cards Electric, you find Modal 57 4-Pan. Rear Drive Brougham won. 3 to 1, today. Esmond's after St. single Louis. August 14—On the offerings —we believe—the of its (Formerly $2.tSO) — Now $2,17$ Campbe'l’s hit and steal saved the loca's top place-car type. of Pierce and Standridge and with the aid Model 56 5-Pan. Cabriolet from being Bhut out. Score: R.H.E. We urge you to match it—-if you can—in elegance, of five errors by the visitors, St. Louis — St. Louis 010 000 011—3 6 1 or (Formerly $2j6SO) Now $2,07$ defeated Chicago 12 to 2 Ames quality, utility, value in the entire closed car.field Newark 000 000 010—1 4 1 today. gave Chicago eight hits, but kept them or electric. is You have wv Batteries: Plank and Hartley; Moran, —gasoline Thi» price reduction possi- mar ihhu the Ilk bevel furuthv scattered. Score: W*r* wtro «r wood Billiard and Rariden. well R.H.E. ble because >f wfuslij eudiion only doubled output * oa Chicago 001 001 000—2 g a p——i—la tin*, optional sfaipwial St. Louis 021 024 12*—12 13 2 American Association Batteries; Pierce and Standridge and Archer, Hargrove; Ames and Snyder. At Louisville: Louisville 7, Columbus 2. (Five Innings, rain.) Split Bouble Bill At Indianapolis: Indianapolis 2, Town Creek. August 14.—(Special. Cleveland G. Town Creek and Leighton split even At St. Paul: St. Paul 4, Minneap- l In a double header today, Leighton win- olis 8. At Kansas City: Kansas City 4, Mil- ning first game 4 to 3, scoring the win- waukee 8. ning run on a close play In the last inning. The feature of the game was Willie’s Revolt the pitching of Roberts of Town Creek. From the Louisville Herald. Batteries: Town Creek, Roberts and "What’s the matter with Willie?'' Scott: Leighton, Almon and Bragg. "He’s turned anarchist” Town Creek also Won the second Anarchist!, Dear, dear! What's turned game 9 to 4. The feature of the game him.” was the running catch of Etheridge, "He says he can’t support any govern- bare-handed. Batteries: Town Creek, ment that willfully ssnds ship* to bring Gibson, Cary and Scott; Leighton. homo stranded school teachers.” Hatchett. Pettier. Almon and Braes.

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