
176 . LONDON. 177

Meals served at all houri at Donahoe's, 30 King St. West, Hamilton. bionsy to Loan, Wm. M. Moore & Co., Land Agents, London, Ont.

Sigsworth John, h Dundee, bet Glebe and Rectory Shea Jeremiah, laborer, h Waterloo, bet Grosvenor and Cheapeide Silbach Louis, biscuit maker, h York cor Waterloo Shea Michael, driver, h Richmond cor Victoria Silly Samuel, fruit tree agent, Ms Sydenham, bet George and Richmond Shea Michael, wood dealer, h Richmond, bet Regent and Huron Sine David, confectioner, bds Franklin, a a Shea Timothy, pensioner, h William cor Pall Mall Sine Ellen, wid David, h Franklin, s 8 Sheaff George, salesman, h York, bet Maitland and Colborne Simmons Henry, printer, h John, s s Shearer John, cooper, h Sinacoe n Bathurst Simmons John, blacksmith, h North, bet Talbot and Richmond Sheere Christopher, tailor, h Bathurst, bet Richmond and Clarence ROBERT P, proprietor Northern Hotel, North, bet John, cooper, h Grey n Maitland SIMMONS Sheila Richmond and Clarence Shelton Thomas, stove fitter, bde Clarence House Simple James, painter, h Grey, bet Wellington and Waterloo Shepheard Byron, student at college, bds Duke, bet Salter and William Simpson David, laborer, bd8 St James, n a Sheppard John, teamster, h Horton, bet Waterloo and Colborne Simpson James, farmer, h St James, n Sherbrook Edm, checker G W R, h Hill, bet Colborne and Maitland Simpson Mrs Jessie, midwife h Hope off Colborne Sherbrook Edward, assistant checker G W R, h Hill, n s, n Colborne Simon Agnes, wid ih 61 Hitchcock Shere John, cooper, h Simcee, bet Colborne and Maitland Simeon John, car distributor G W R, h Bathurst cor Hamilton road Sherlock G R, writing clerk, h 5 Mill, Simeon William, discount clerk, bds Hitchcock student, bds Clarence cor Dundas Shettle James A, Sinclair Archibald, cooper, bds Montreal House John, cooper, h Grey, bet Colborne and Maitland Shields Sinclair Duncan, cooper, h York, bet Thames and Ridout James, piano tuner, Ms Strong's Hotel Shirton Sinclair Duncan, student, Ms Northern Hotel Alfred, dlerk, bds Richmond n King ethoebottom Sinclair John M. discount clerk, h Dundas h Duke, bet Picton and Waterion Shopland J, of Shopland & Greene, Sinclair W J, clerk, bds Richmond Short Charles, machinint, Ms William n York Sines William, cab driver, h Thomas, bet George and Richmond Short James, machinist, bds York, bet William and Adelaide Singleton George, machinist, lads Florence, s s Short Job, bricklayer, h York, e a, bet William and Adelaide SIPPI agent pianos, Dundee cor Clarence, h Col- h William n York CHARLES A, Short John, builder, borne cor Grosvenor h York, bet Adelaide and Rectory Short Reuben, Sippi George S, music master Hellinuth college, h do Short Reuben, jun, shoemaker, bds York, bet Rectory and Adelaide ;Sipple Mrs Sarah, dressmaker, h barracks, Bond, n 8 Thomas, builder, h Duke, bet Colborne and Maitland Short Skeffington James J, printer, h Carling, s a Short Walter, bricklayer, bds William n York sgENE GEORGE, foreman oatmeal mills, h Alma, bet Nightingale William and Adelaide Short William, builder, h York, bet avenue and Layard Short William S, bricklayer, h William n York Shoe John, laborer, bds Alma, bet Nightingale avenue and Layard Shoveller Samuel, bookkeeper, bds Fullerton Skinner John, marble cutter, bds King Showerman 1 C, telegraph superintendent G W R, h Talbot, bet North Skinner William, shoemaker, York, bet Wellington and Weerloo, h do and Fullerton Skirving David, teller B B N A, h Bond, bet Colborne and Cartwright Shrimpton Henry, carpenter, h Hill n Rectory Slack Thomas, roofer, h Colborne n Dunda8 Shrimpton James T, clerk freight dept G W R, bds Britannia House Slade Benjamin, butcher, h Sydenham, bet George and Richmond Shuff George, clerk, h York, bet William and Maitland Slater Abraham, tailor, h Richmond, bet Bond and Great Market druggist, Adelaide, bet King and Dundee. h SNUFF J GEORGE, Slater Abraham, tailor, bila Richmond, bet Bond and Great Market York, bet William and Maitland SLATER CHARLES B, physician, Richmond n King, h Kensington Sibbel James, yard man G W R, bds Rectory cor Grey Slater E K, painter, Fullerton, 'pet Talbot and Richmond, h do Murray, bet Adelaide and Sickles Cephas, roofer and iron well maker, Slater Henry, carpenter, h Van n Park Elizabeth, h do SLATER JAMES, maltster, 4idout cor York, h King, w e John, customs appraiaer, h Duke, bet Waterloo and Colborne Siddons Slater John, tailor, bds Richmond, bet Bond and Great Market Litchfield, bet Talbot and Richmond Siebert Conrad, waggonmaker, h Slater John C, insurance agent, bds British empire Hotel Sifton John, clerk, h Waterloo, bet King and Dundee Slater Samuel, shoemaker, h Maitland, bet Bond and Great Market John W, of Macfie, Taylor& Sifton, h Waterloo, bet .Dundas and Sifton SLEIGHTHOMIC WILUABI, of Ramsey, Sleightholm It Bunn, King h William cor Bathurst

Albion Rotai, Decker, Stearns & Murray. Pro., McGill St., Montreal. W. D. MoGLAGMLAPI, Watch manufacturer to the people. LONDON . 179

on all Spring Beds, College near Mct;Ul Btzeet, Montreal .

Slenker Jacob, piano maker, bda Anglo-American Hote l Smith Henry, engineer G W R, We Talbot, bet North and Fullarton SLESSEE ROBERT, grocer and liquors, Adelaide oor Grosvenor Smith Henry, gardener, h Regent, n s Sloan James, laborer, h Adelaide n Grosvenor Smith Henry, laborer, bila Wl.ite Horse Inn Sloan Robert A, coachman, h Adelaide, bet North and Duk e Smith Henry, marble cutter, h Hamilton road Smale John, laborer, bda Wellington, bet Horton and Bathurst Smith Henry C, salesman, bda Albert, bet Talbot and Richmond I Smale William, shoemaker, bds Wellington, bet Horton and Bathurst ,Smith Henry T, painter, h Duke, bet William and Adelaide Small Mary, wid Alexander, h Waterloo, bet Bond and Great Market Smitb James, bricklayer, bds Duke, bet Waterloo and Colborne Small Thomas, plaste re r, h Albert, bet Talbot and Richmond Smith James, carpenter, h King, bet Adelaide and Lisl e I Smallman James, commission agent, i Burwell, bet Simooe and Horto n Smith Jas, ofChisholm & Co, h Dundas, bet Wellington and Waterloo Smallman J B, salesman, h Burwell, bet Simcoe and Horton Smith James, oooper, York, s a, bet Thames and Ridout, h do Smallman Thomas H, of George Reeves & Co, h Burwell, bet Horto n Smith James, laborer, bila York oor William and Simcoe SMITH JAMES, , saloon, Richmond, bet Carling and York, h do SMART ALFRED, photographer, Richmond, bet King and Dun- SMITH JAMES A, baker and confectioner, Ridout, bet York and das, h Grey, bet Wellington and Waterloo Kin ~, h do Smart George, shoemaker, h Litchfield, bet Ridout and Talbot SMITH ABiES D, baker and oonfeotioner, 198 Dundas, h Duke, Smart Henry, printer, h Grey, bet Wellington and Waterlo o bet Waterloo and Colborne . See ddu in Lack Smart John, bookkeeper, h Maitland, bet Dundas and Nort h H, brakeman, h 81 Simooe Smart Thomas W, banker and broker, h 65 Hitchcoc k Smith James Sinathers James, balaor, h York, bet Wellington and Waterloo Smith John, accountant, bila American House Smee Edward, night watchman G W R, h Eùae, n s Smith John, agricultural agent, We Ontario Hotel Smith Albert, of A Smith & Co, bds Revere House Smith John, carpenter, h Bathurst, n s Smith John, hostler, Ontario Hotel Smith Albert M, bookkeeper, bda North oor Wellington We Smith Alexander, blacksmith, h Talbot, bet Simone and Horto n Smith John, laborer, bda Wellington, bot Horton and Bathurst Smith Alexander, butcher, bda 189 Dundas Smith John L, liquors, Talbot D King, h do broom maker, bda King n Wellingto Smith J W, of Jmithk George, h King, bet Clarence and Wellington Smith Alexander, n h bet Smith Alfred A1, bookkeeper, bds North cor Wellington Smith Joseph, of A Smith & Co, , Richmond and Well- ington Smith Andrew, boiler washer G W R, h York, bet Maitland and William Smith Archibald, musician, h Queen, bet Colborne and Maitlan d Smith Justia, currier, bde Ann, bet Talbot and George Smith Augustus, bila Talbot, bet North and Fullerton Smith Lewis, policeman, h York cor Thame s SMITH A & CO cigar manufaoturers, 28 Richmond, s Smith Mary A, wid George, h King, bet Clarence and Wellington CHAPMANi & CO, hardware, 151 Pandas Smith Mrs Mary J, grocer, Grey, bet Richmond and Clarence, h do SMITH, x elvin, laborer, h Van n Park Smith Charles, cooper, Bathurst, bet Clarence and Wellington, h Talbot, Smith bet Simcoe and Horton Smith Oliver, hostler, bda King, e a Smith Charles P, of Smith, Chapman & Co, h Duke oor Colborne SMITH PETER, g rocer, 42 Richmond, a, h Hitchcock, bet Rich- SMITH CONRAD B, insurance agent, 303 Daindaa mond and Talbot Smith David, bda Kent, bet Talbot and Richmon d Smith Richard, laborer, h William n Hil l SMITH EDWIN, proprietor Forester Arms, Clarence n Dundas Smith Richard, jun, laborer, h Waterloo, bet South and Hill Smith Rnoe, fireman (3 W R, h Burwell n Simco e Smith Richard, tinsmith, bds Dundaa, e Smith Frpk, of F Smith & Co, h Toronto Smith Robert, axe manufacturer, Ridout, bet York and King, h do Smith Robert A, baker, h Bond, bet Adelaide and Wi lliam SMITH FRANK, & CO grocers and liquors, 158 Dnnda s Smith George, bda Oak n Pin e Smith Roger, h King oor Waterloo Smith George, oooper, h William, bet Bathurst and Horto n Smith Samuel, butcher, bda York cor William Smith George, hostler Western Hotel Smith Samuel, teamster, h York, bet Clarence and IV allington Smith M ss Sarah, h Dundas, bet William and Adelaide Smith George. teamster G T R, h Burwell, bet Simooe and Horton i SMITH & GEORGE, marble oatters, Wellington, w a, n Nort h Smith Mrs Sarah, h Phili P, bet Maittand and W illiam Smith Henry, bookkeeper Inland revenue, h Duke cor Clarence Smith Schuyler, of Smith Sehuyler & Co, h Waterloo, bet Pall Malls and Piccadilly

Albion Hotel, Decker, Btearns & Murray, Pro., l[otitll St., MontreaL ' Albion Hotel, Decker, Stearns & Murray, Pro ., MoGill St., Montreal . 180 LONDON. LONDON. 181

Poldins Sed, College near McGill Street, Montreal.

,SMITH SCHIIYLER, & 00, subsoription bookjubliahere, 256 SOIITHAN WILLIAM of Free Press Printing Co, h Piooadilly, Dundee. See Ath back cover bet Richmond and Wellington Smith Selwin J, clerk, h Dnndae, bet Burwell and Maitland Southcott Elizabeth, wid John, h T.•yman, bet Adelaide and Elizabeth Smith Thomas, miller, bdo Talbot, bet Simone and Horton SOIITHCOTT JAXW,, grocer, Talbot o pp Market, h 178 Simooe Smith Thomas F, painter, h William n Pall Mall Southeott John J, bookkeeper, h Wellington, bet Oxford and Piccadilly Smith Walter J, clerk, bds Duke, bet Waterloo and Colborne Sparkea Elijah, laborer, h Murray, bet Adelaide and Elizabeth Smith William, baker, bds Clarence n Dundaa Sparkes Misa Esther, dresemaker, Kin g, bet Ridout and Talbot, h do Smith William, aarriaRe maker, h King, bet Wellington and Waterloo 'Zparkes Min Margaret, dressmaker, bdo King, bet Ridout and Talbot Smith William H, employé G W R, h Grey oor Maitland Sparling Ephraim, teamster h Waterloo, bet King and Dundas Smith «'lliam, ►aborer, h Maitland, bet Grosvenor and Cheapoide Spearin John, carpenter, hkaitland, bet Duke and Bond Smith 11' H, salesman, h Duke, no Spence James, blacksmith, We Clarence House Smith Wil!ium, woodworker, b King Spence Nathaniel, tollgate keeper, Adelaide oor Huron SMITH WILLIAM L, physician, Clarence a NiDg, b do Spencer Cbs M, of Spencer & Sons, bde Albert, bet Talbot and Richmond SMITH WILLIAM 8, grocer and liquors, wholesale, 131 Dandas, Spencer Norman C, of Spencer & Sons, bde Albert, bet Talbot and Rich- h North cor Wellingt^on mond, Smithers James, baker, h York, bet Wellington and Waterloo Spencer Win, of Spencer & Sons, h Albert, bet Talbot and Richmond Smithson Joe. blacki-mith, bds Adelaide, bet Pall Mall and Piccadilly Spencer Win 91, of Spencer & Sons, bds Albert, bet Talbot and Riohmond SMYTH ALFRED G, insurance and ticket agent, Richmond, bet SPENCER W, & SONS. oil refiners, Adelaide car Hamilton road Carling and North, h Lituh6eld, bet Talbot and Richmond Spencer William J, blacksmith, h Grey n Hamilton road Smyth Alfred G, jun, clerk, bds Litchfield, bet Talbot and Richmond Speran Patrick, laborer, h 34 Horton Smyth llenry, marble cutter, h Hamilton road, oor Park Spettigue Charles L, clerk, bdo Clarence, a a, n Hill th Henry C, salesman, bds Albert, bet Talbot and Richmond Spettigue Esther, wid rev Charles, h York, bet William and Adelaide W^TH REV JANES, pastor Christ church, h Hill, bet Welling• Spettigue Francis, salesman, We Clarence oor Hill ton and Waterloo Spettigue Hall, Clarence cor Dundas .Sm th James F, salesman, We Albert a Talbot Spettigue Joseph J, h 253 Clarence, e 8H JOHN B, grocer, Market square cor Talbot, h Albert, bet Spicer David, mason, bdo King, s s Talbot and Richmond Spicer Henry, paper hanger, h Graften, bet Victoria and Regent cmyth John W, marble works, Wellington, bet Dandas and North Spittel Robert, bookkeeper, h Picton, bet North and Duke «'illinni. bricklayer, h Adelaide cor Tim-thy Sm^th Spracklen Elisa, wid Samual, h 91 Hitchcock S ^11111 WILLIAM, prop Western Hotel, Richmond car Fullarton Sprague Charles, commercial traveller, h 14 Ridoat, a s[YTH WIr.LIAN J inepeotor of agencies L L I Co, h Piccadilly, Spring James, bridge builder, h Wellington n Glre bet Richmond and ^Yellington Spry Abraham W, merchant tailor, 240 Dundas, I do Snow James, cattle dealer, h Wellington car Victoria Staoey Benj, casbier G T R, h Horton, bet Wellington and Waterloo Snow James, jun, salesman, h Wellington car Victoria Stalk William, oil man, h South, bet Maitland and William Snowden William, carpenter, h Adelaide opp Great Market Stallard Daniel, carpenter, h Great Market, bet Maitland and Palace Somerville John A, of^Horner & Somerville, h Dundee, bet ttidout and Stamp Thomas, laborer, h William n Grey Talbot Stanborough Th-, bricklayer, h Richmond, bet Albert and LitehSeld Soper Jose h, bookkeeper, bde Anqloo-American Hotel Stanbar h William, clerk h Talbot a s Soper Mrs Pnilo, h Dike, bet William aod Adelaide STANDARD LIR INSÜAANCE 00, George P JeweU, SOPER ROBERT W, ({un and rit)e ma,nufuotarer, 28 and 30 Cla- agent, Dundee n Richmond. See ddn per index renoe, s, h do. See Adv front cover BTANDFIELD JOHN, pro. Dominion Hotel, Dandas cor Egerton Soper Wesley, salesman, bdo Dundee oor Colborne Stand6eld Julian, oooper, h Thames n York Soule Mrs SaraL, baker and confectioner, Dundas, bot Clarence and Stanfield Theophilus, agent, h Albert, bet Talbot and Richmond Wellington Stanfield Thomas, woodman, bdo Bathurts car Wellington Sontham Diisrl.uay , droamaker, Carling, bet Ridout and Talbot Stanley James B, earriagemaker, bdo Clarence House Southam I1, wid William, h Carling, bet Ridout and Talbot 182 LONDON. LONDON . 183 "WHI'lE3iDE'8 IàâP$OpED" is the."BTAR" Be d of the New World, College near McGill Street, Montreal. Stanley Jane, wid Richard, h Waterloo, bet Hill and Stanley Grey Hugh, Martha, wid Benjamin, h Bathurst, bet Ridout and Talbot Stevenson h Dundas, bet Waterloo and Colborno Stanley Robert, conductor G W R, h Hill cor Waterlo Stanley Thomas, o STEVENSON JOHN, harnesamaker, 26 Richmond, e, bda CitfHotel brakeman G W R, h Waterloo, bet Hill and Grey Stevenson John A, of Fraser & Stevenson, h Talbot cor Yor Stansfield Edgar; moulder, bile k Hill, bet Clarence and Wellington Stewart Alex, of John Stewart & Co, h Fullarton, bet Talbot and Ridout Stanafield Isaac, moulder, bds Hill, bet Clarence and Wellington Stewart George, cooper, bds Montreal Hous Sta e .nafield Samuel, h Hill, bet Clarence and Wellingto n Stewart James, h 182 Simcoe Stanton John, saddler, bds Balkwill's Ilote Stanton l STEWART JANES, saah, door and blind manufacturer, Richmond Thomas, carpenter, bds Talbot, bet Simcoe and Horton opp John, h Sydenham, Staples bet Talbot and George George, grocer and butcher, York cor William, h do Stewart James A, clerk, bda Ridout cor Bathurst Stapley William, grocer, Florence n Eva, h d o Stewart John, of John Stewart & Co, h Hitchcock, bet Talbot and Stark James, moulder, h North, bet Adelaide and Elizabeth Richmond Starr Stephen, b ricklayer, h Talbot, bet Hitchcock Stewart John A, carpenter, h Bathurst, bet Talbot and Richmond Starr William, soap manufacturer and i and Ken t ce dealer, South, bet River and STEWART JOHN, & CO, agricultural implement manufacturers, Clarence, h Grey cor Clarence Fullarton n Ridou t State Patrick, moulder, bds Wellington, bet Bathurst and York Stewart M iss Mary, washerwoman, h York cor Ridou t St Clair Hugh, carpenter, h Dundas, e e St Clair Thomas, STEWART SAMUEL, stoves and tinware, l 1 Richmond, n, h carpenter, bds Duke, bet Wi ll Hitchcock, bet Talbot and Richmon d Stead Charles, builder, iam and Adelaide h Horton, bet Ridout and Talbot Stewart Susan, wid William, h Piccadilly, bet Maitland and Wi Steadwell John D, h Steadwel l lliam Stewart William, librarian Mechanics institute, bds Ridout oor Bathurst Steede George, finisher, bda Claren ce n Dundas St George's Hall Hunt's building, Steede James, wood turner, Richmond wes t bda Claren ce n Dundas Stinoheombe Reuben E, drayman, h Great Market, bet W illiam and STEED WILLIAM, painter, 12 Clarence, a, h Richmond, bet Adelaide Bond and Great Market Stinson George, h King, e Steele John, ooo per, h George, bet John and Mil l Stinson Samuel A, carpenter, h Murray, bet Enpliah and Steele John, maltster, bda Elizabeth Waterloo, bet Great Market and Pall Mail Stinson William, oooper, h Simooe, bet Waterloo and Colborne Steele Anthony, carpenter, We Stirrn p John, engine Steels Waterloo, bet South and Hill cleaner G W R, Us Bathurst n Wellington Cain, carpenter, h Simeoe, bet Maitland and William Stitt Robert, carriagemaker, bda Waterloo, bet Pall Mall and Piooadil9y $TEELS NARX DTT$E, builder, h Waterloo, bet South and Hi ll ST LAWRENCE BANK, A H Ireland, manager, Richmond, bet STEIN HENRY G, cooper, Burwell, bet Horton and King and York BurRell cor Ilort,o n Bathurst, h Stock William, laborer, h Hill, bet Maitland and Willia m Stenberg Margaret, wid William, h Talbot, bet Sim on STOCK & WEBSTER, machine oil manufacturers, Stenberg William T, grocer, Talbot, bet e and Horton 65 Colborne Simcoe and Horton, h do Street, Toronto. See Adv in back Stephen John, blacksmith, h 93 Simcoe Stockwell J W, dyer and soourer, Dundas, a a, bet Clarence Stephens John, laborer, h Gore lington and Wel- Stephenson William H, eberiff e o ffi Sterlin oer and janitor, bda City Hotel Stokes John, labo rer, h Adelaide, bet Horton and Bathurst g Charlee, printer, bde Talbot, bet Bathurst Stokes Patrick, Stern 8amuel, oilman, h and York laborer, bda Adelaide, bet Horton and Bathurst Clarence n Simone STOLL HENB,Y~~roaer, Stevens Broek, h York, bet Thames and Ridon Ridout cor Horton, h do Stevens t STONE ASHABFL C, deatist, Dnndaa, Let Clarence and Richmond, John, yardman oil works, h Nightingale avenue, s s h North, bet Wellington and Waterlo Stevens Saunders, h Dundas, bet William and Maitlan o d Stone Matthew, laborer G W R, bda Colborne n Bond Stevens Thomas, of Stevens & Turner, h York, bet Stone Patrick, STEVENS Thames and Ridout blacksmith, bda Colborne n Bond & TURNER plumbers and gasfitters, 32 Richmond, e Stone Richard, laborer, h Adelaide opp Pall Mal Stevens Walter, shoemaker, l b,4s Hitchcock, bet Talbot and Richmond Stoneman Arthur, moulder, We Stevens William E, studen t-at-law, Palace, bet Great Market and Bond bda York, bet Ridout and Talbot Stoneman Henry, h Palace, bet Bond and Great Marke Steveneyn Catherine, wid Thomas, t h Horton, bet Maitland and William Storey George, moulder, h Queen, bet Colborne and Maitland Strang Thomas, shoemaker, h Oxford, bet Richmond and $Vellington Albion Hotel, Decker, Bt,earns & Murray, Pro ., àâcaill St ., Montreal. Albion Hotel, Docks r, 6tearna & Murray, Pro., ![oCiill at, Montreal OF-


The Sovereign Spring Bed of the age. " WHITIABIDD'S IMPROVED," College near McGill Street, Montreal.

Strrithy Alexander, h Hitchcock, bet Talbot and Richmond Swan Joseph, currier, h Aon, bet Talbot and George STEAMY JAMES B, collector of oilstones, h Dundee, bit Wil lieu Swartz Laban, bartender Hotel and Adelaide WAYZE & GAIIAN, proprietore London Commercial College, Stratt,on Richard J, watchmaker, h Colborne n King S Wellington, bet Bathurst and Horton. See Adv in back Street William H,_physician, 305 Dundee, h do Swayze George A, of Swayze & Co-flan, and manager London Commercial STREET WILMA p R, of Becher, Street & Becher, h Pica" Colle, h Wellington cor Horton dilly, bet Wellington and Waterloo SWAYZE MRS G A, grocer, Wellington cor Horton, h do Stringer S, coppersmith G W R, h Grey, bit Wellington and Waterloo Sweeney David, carpenter, bds Grosvenor, bet Maitland and William Stringer Samuel, plumber, h Dundee cor Colborne Sweeney Henry, teamster, h Grosvenor, bet Maitland and William Stringer Mrs Samuel, boarding house, Dundee cor Colborne Sweeney Owen, tailor, bds Clarence House Strong Caroline, wid Anion, h Colborne, bit King and Dundu Sweet Sheldon, slater, bds King, bet Lisle and Glebe Strong Henry, patent medicine manufacturer,Picton, bet North and Duke Swift John, sideman, bds York cor Talbot Strong Henry B, h North, bit Clarence and Wellington SWIFT WILLIAM, grocer and provisions, Market square, n s, bet STRONG & ROSSER, druo.oists, 188 Dundee New Arcade and Talbot, h do Strong William L, of Strong & Rosser, h Colborne, bit Dundee and King Swinburn William, express driver, h York n Wellington Strongman W J, fireman G W R, h Colborne, bit Bond and Great Market Switzer Chris, commercial traveller, bds Talbot, bet Bathurst and York STB4ONG'S HOTEL, Wm Hawthorne, proprietor, 178, 180 Dundas Switzer Mrs Hannah, boarding house, Talbot, bet Bathurst and York Sturges§ Charles, cabinetmaker, bds 84 Dundee Switzer Henry T, carpenter, h Thames n Bathurst Stuthere Jackson, laborer, h Nightingale avenue SYER EDMITND W, manager Canadian Bank of Commerce, h Duke Sudden John, carpenter, h Thornae, bet George and Richmond cor Peter Sulley Richard, h North, bet Maitland and William Sykes Samuel, pork butcher, New Arcade, w e, h Bathurst cor Talbot Sullivan 31rs Augusta, grocer, Talbot cor Bathurst, h do Symonds Charles, clerk, bde Dundee, bet Clarence and Wellington Sullivan Daniel, laborer, h Colborne n Great Market SYMONDS JOHN, grocer and provisions, Dundee, bet Clarence and Sullivan Elizabeth, wid Dennis, h Hill, bit Colborne and Maitland Wellington, h do Sullivan Jeremiah, blackamith, h King n Lisle Symonds Joseph, bds Dunda.s, bet Clarence and Wellington Sullivan John, laborer, h Hill, bit Colborne and Maitland SYMONS & COLE, furniture dealers, King, bit Ridout and Talbot Sullivan John, laborer, bds York, bit Adelaide and Rectory Symons Mrs Mary A, boarding bouse, Talbot, bet Horton and Bathurst Sullivan Maurioe, drayman, h Waterloo, bit Great Market and Pall Mali Symons John, pork packer, h Bathurst cor William Sullivan Maurice, shoemaker, h Caroline, bit Richmond and Talbot Symons William, mason, h King, bet Ridout and Talbot Sullivan Samuel, teameter, h Nelson n Clarence Symons William H, of Symons & Cole, h King, bit Ridont and Talbot Summers George, plasterer, h Talbot n York Tackabery Win, of Loughrey &Taekabery, h Richmond cor Simcoe Summers Hugh, confectioner, h Richmond, bet Grey and Simeoe Taff Lucia, wid Samuel S, h Great Market, bet Waterloo and Colborne Sumnsers John, tailor's cutter, h Richmond, bit Grey and Simooe Taft Vanderburgh B, foreman lumber yard, h Hill, s s, bet Colborne Sussex John, blacksmith, bds Grey, bit Maitland and William and Maitland Sutch Frederick W, laborer, h Pall Mall, bit William and Adelaide Tagg Thomas, machinist, h Hill, bet Waterloo end Colborne Sutcliffe John, cooper, h Horton, bit Waterloo and Colborne Talbot Edward A, contractor, h York cor Thames Sutherland Adam M, machinist, h Richmond, bit Grey and Simooe Talbot John, shoemaker, bd. Clarence, bet Simcoe and Grey Sutherland Elizabeth, wid James, h Duke, bit Colborne and Maitland Taliaferro John 11, hairdreeser City Hotel, h Hill cot. Waterloo Sutherland Elepeth, wid Alexander, b Trotman's lane, n • Taliaferro William F, barber, h Hill, bet Waterloo and Colborne SUTHERLAND GEORGE D, dry goods and clothing, Richmond Tall Peter, carpenter, h Eliu, n s oor Dundee, h Westminster Tallin George, laborer, h Grey, bet Maitland and William Sutherland James B, of Laing, Sutherland & Co, bds Litchfield, bet Tambling George, teameter, h Bathuret n Wellington Talbot and Richmond Tambling (ho, of Tambling &Jones, h Grey, bet Waterloo and Colborne Sutherland S, fireman 0 W R, h Horton, bit Waterloo and Colborne Tambling & Jonè , cepentets, Grey, bet Waterloo and Colborne Swabb William, brakeman 0 W R, bole Clarence aor Bathurst Tambling William, carpenter, h Simone, bet Maitlatid and William Swallow Charles H, 'salesman, bde American House Taneock George, carpenter, h 95 Simcoe

Albion Hotel, Decker, Stearns & Murray, Pro., McGill St , Montreal Albion Hotel, Decker, Stearns & Murray, Pro., McGill St , Montreal 186 LONDON.

Steel Springs, College near Mo(itll Street. Montreal. WBITBSIDB'S IsâPROVBD" contains only but tempered

and shoes, Richmond • cor Hitchcock Tanner E phraim shoemaker, We Dundas, s s TAYLOR WILLIAM, boots Taylor Wm, conductor G W R, h Horton, bet Waterloo and Colborne TANTON BROS, commission merchants, Talbot opp Market squan Taylor William, gardener, h Colborse, bet Great Market and Pall Mall Tant,on )';dmund, teamster, h Fullarton cor Talbot Taylor William, laborer, bds Dundas, bet Adelaide and Lisle Tanton John, teamster, bds Fullarton oor Talbot Taylor William, painter, h Duke, bet Waterloo and Colborne Tanton John, of Tinton Bras, h King, bet Wellington and Waterloo Taylor W illiam,p plasterer, h Simcoe cor Maitland Tanton Thomas, of Tanton Bros, h Maitland cor Duke D, bds Simone, bet Waterloo and Colborne Tapp Thomas, carpenter, h Maitland, bet Oxford and St James TAYLOR WILLIAM A, knitting machines, 201 Dundas, We Strong's Tarrant Louis, merchant tailor, Ridout n King, b do TEA WILLIAM IIotel Tate Thomas C, bartender and clerk Ontario Hotel EAIE CHARLES L, marble works, Market square, h Colborne Tate William, lamp-lighter, h Ridout, bet Bathurst and Horton T cor Hope. Su Adv in Lack TAYLOR BENJAMIN, grocer and liquors, Simooe cor Colborne, Taylor Charles, butcher, Wellington, bet Horton and Bathurst, h do Teale Christopher, marblecutter, h Hope, n a Taylor Charles, plasterer, h Adelaide, bet Victoria and Regent Teale Christopher, jun, stonecutter, We Hope, n e Taylor Edward, tailor, h 12 Dandas Teale Emmanuel, travelling agent, b Bond cor Cartwright Taylor E A, of E A Taylor & Co, h Oxford, bet Richmond and Wellington Teals John, truckman, h Elias cor Adelaide TAYLOR E A, & ^0, books and stationery, Richmond cor Carling Teale Walter, marble cutter, I,da Hope, n s Taylor Francis, laborer, h Simone, bet Clarence and Wellington TECIIMSEH HOUSE , Conklin & Moore, proprietors Richmond Taylor George, laborer h Colborne n Queen cor York Taylor George, cooper, h Colborne cor Bond Telfer Harry, clerk G T R, bda William cor Grey Taylor George W, hairdresser, King, bet Clarence and Richmond, h TEMPERANCE HALLS^ King, bet Adelaide and Lisle and Rich- Grey, bet Clarence and Wellington mond, bet York and king Taylor H, of Taylor & Sifton of Mactîe, Taylor & Sifton, h Westminster Templar Frederick, policeman, h Litchfield, bot Talbot and Raglan Taylor Henry, butcher, John, bet Talbot and Geo rge, h do Temple Peter, engineer G W R, h Clarence n South Taylor Henry, laborer, lods York, bet Adelaide and Reotory Templeton Andrew, ongineer G W R, bda Clarence n Simooe Taylor James, collector of taxes, h Duke, bet William and Adelaide Templeton Frederick, h Sydenham, bet George and Richmond Taylor James, engineer G W R, h 190 Clarence, s Tennent Charles, marble cutter, h Palace, bet Bond and Great Market Taylor James, printer, bds Simoos, bet Waterloo and Colborne Tennent James H, of Wilson & Tennent, bds Richmond, bet St James Taylor James, pumpmaker, We Duke, bet Waterloo and Colborne and Groavenor Taylor James F, excise officer, h North, bet Maitland and William Tennent John, laborer, h York, bet Adelaide and Rectory Taylor John, of MoMillen & Taylor, lods Revere House Tennent Thomas, stonemason, h Palace, bet Bond and Great Market Taylor John, carpenter, h Mile, bet Pall Mall and Piccadilly Tenzey Cho, photographer, bda Waterloo, bet Bond and Great Market Taylor John, laborer 0 W R, h 20 Horton Tepper Frederick, bookkeeper, h Talbot, bet Simone and Horton Tay1er John, pumpmaker, h Colborne n Great Market Terry George, carpenter, h Murray, bet Adelaide and Elizabeth TAYLOR JOHN E, proprietor Forestsr's Arms Hotel, Dundee, bet Henry, laborer, h South, bet Waterloo and Colborne Olebe and Rectory ig GEORGE BiO0B,HEAD MANUFACTURING 00, Taylor Mra Margaret, grocer, 220 Simcoe, h do furniture manufacturen, King, bet Richmond and Clarence Taylor Mrs Mary A, h North, bet Maitland and William Thode George, blacksmith, bda Duke, bet Wellington and Picton Taylor Nicholas, watchman, h Murray, bet Adelaide and Elizabeth THO EDWARD, proprietor Royal Hotel, Richmond n Bathurst Taylor Robert, bookkeeper, bds North, bet Maitland and William Thomas Harry, conductor G W R. h Clarence n Grey Taylor Robert, switahman G W R, h 162 Simone Thomas Henry R, civil eng'tneer, h Sydenham cor George Taylor Samuel, farmer, bds Farmers' Home Thomas John, laborer, h Waterloo, bet Grosvenor and TAYLOR & SIFTON, bankers, 14 Richmond, a Thomas Sarah, wid John, h King, bet Ridout and Talbot Taylor Thomas, laborer, bds Simooe, bet Clarence and Wellington Thomas William, carpenter, h Richmond, bet Grey and Simone Taylor Thomas, laborer, bds Burwell, bet Bathurst sad York Thompson Andrew K, livery stablee, North, bet Talbot and Richmond, Taylor Thomas G, tailor, h Talbot, bet Simooe and Horton b Fallarton, bet Talbot and Richmond Taylor Thomas W, We Duke, bet William and Adelaide Thompson Catherine, wid Jas, h Bathurst, bet Richmond and Clarence

Albion 8otel, Deoker, Stearnsdt Murray, Pro., l[cGill St., Montreal. 188 LONDON. LONDON. 189

Whiteside's Improved Spring Bed PAR EXCELLANCE, grandest Domestic Invention, College near McGill St., Montreal:

Thompson Charles, fireman, bds Rectory n Elm Thorne Charles, clerk Wood market, h 127 Wellington, s Thompson Charles F, clerk, bds Market square cur New Arcade Thorne James, bds Montreal House Thom son Francis, paintkr, bd e Dundas, bet Ridout and Talbot Thorne Lewis, agent. brie International Hotel, Dundee THOMPSON FREDERICK A, proprietor London Coffee House, THORNE THOMAS J, hairdresser, Dundee, bet Adelaide and Market square cor New Arcade Lisle, h English, bet Dundee and Murray Thompson Geo A, shoemaker, bds Balkwill's Hotel Thornley Charles, carpenter, bels Railway Tavern Thom. in Hector W, commercial traveller, Ms City Hotel Thornton James, carpenter, h Oxford, bet Colborne and Maitland THO A' SON IRA V. oil refiner, Adelaide, n the river. h Bathurst, Thornton John, fireman G W It, h Hill bet Waterloo and Colborne bet Talbot and Ridout Thornton Samuel, carpenter G W R, h Oxford, bet Waterloo and Col- Thompson Isaac, blacksmith, h Colborne n Piccadilly borne THOMPSON JAMES, yardman G W R, Grey, bet Wellington and THORNTON WILLIAM, proprietor Locomotive Hotel . 94 Clar- Waterloo ence, s Thompson James, shoemaker, h Colborn cor Oxford Thorpe Manger J, miller, h Franklin, n s THOMPSON JAMES CAMPBELL, protemor of classics and Threapleton Samuel, painter, h Bathurst n Talbot mathematic, h Grey cor Richmond Throgmorton Isaac, hair dresser, York, bet Richmond and Clarence, h Thompson Jetlerson, civil engineer, h Piccadilly, bet Wellington and Grey cor Wellington Waterloo TRITRBER EDWAB,D, glue manufacturer, Adelaide cor Trafalgar Thompson John, conductor G W R, h York, bet Maitland and William h Maitland cor Nelson Thompson John H, bde Strong's Hotel Tibbetts Jane, wid Joseph, h York, bet Adelaide and Rectory Thompson John P, clerk, h Duke, bet Colborne and Maitland Tibbs Abraham, plasterer, b Nelson, bet Clarence and Wellington Thompson Maria, wid Canfield, h Clarence n York Tibbs Henry, tinsmith, bds Nelson, bet Clarence and Wellington Thompson Ninian, butcher, market, h Lot 'an township Tibbs William, plasterer, h Nelson, bet Clarence and Wellington Thompson Richard, barding houe, 84 Dundas Tibbs William, shoemaker, h Clarence, bet South and Nelson Thompson Richard, cooper, h Colborne, n Victoria Tidy John, shoemaker, bds Clarence House Thompson Richd, laborer G T R, h Horton, bet Colborne and Burwell Tierney John, laborer, h Albert, bet Talbot and Richmond Thompeon Richard, laborer, h Piccadilly, bet Colborne and Maitland Tierney Patrick, laborer, h Pall Mall, bet Maitland and William Thornpson Simpson, tanner, h Lyman, bet Adelaide and Elizabeth Tilbury Frank, bricklayer, h Palace, bet Bond and Great Market Thompson Thomas, hostler Central Hotel Till George, waggonmaker, h Hitchcock, bet Ridout and Talbot hompson Thomaa, carpenter, h Grey, bet William and Adelaide TILLEY B,ET W HARRISON, B A, Episcopal, h Duke, bet Thom on Thomas, of T & J Thompeon, h Westminster Colborne and Cartwright THOMSON T & J, hardware, &e, 106 and 108 Dandle§ Timbrell Thomas, grocer, Adelaide cor Franklin, h do Thom ..an• William, bricklayer, h Waterloo, bet Grey and Hill Timson Robert W, painter, h Murray n Elizabeth PRO SON WILLIAM J, carriage builder, King, bet Richmond Tinsley Peter, engineer, h Dundee, bet Wellington and Waterloo and Clarence, h King cor Wellington Todd Alexander R, bricklayer, h Richmond, bet Simcoe and Horton Thompson William, commercial traveller, Ms City Hotel Taid Gilbert, shoemaker, h Richmond, bet Simcoe and Horton Thompson William, laborer, h William n Oxford Todd Gilbert J, confectioner, h Richmond, bet Simcoe and Horton Thompson William, well digger, h Bond bet William and Adelaide Todd Mrs Jane, grocer, Richmond, bet Simcoe and Horton Thomson Miss Agitez, music teacher, h 152 Clarence, Tolhurst Edward, blacksmith, h Maitland, bet Simcoe and Horton Thomson Andrew, clerk inspectors offioe, h North, bet Wellington and Tolhurst William, laborer, h Ridout cor Hitchcock Waterloo Tornlin Sarah, wid John, h Waterloo, bet North and Duke Thomson Frederick St G, of Hooper & Thomson, h North, bet Clarence Tomlinson C S, sign painter, bda Bathurst, bet Talbot and Richmond and Wellington Tomlinson dames, saddler, bde Richmond cor Simcoe Thomson Henrietta, wid Remy, h North, bet Colborne and Maitland Tomlinson Mrs Mary, boarding house, Talbot, bet Simcoe and Horton Thomson Thos, fireman G W R, h Horton, bet Burwell end Maitlan- Tomlinson Thomas, jobbing shop, Market square, s a, h Westminster Thomeon William, clerk, h Theme's, bet York and King Tonkin Grace, wid Edward, h York, bet Bur.% ell and Maitland Thomson William R, bookkeeper, h North, bet Colborne and Maitland Tonkin WiUiau , miller, bds York, bet Burwell and Maitland

Albion Rote!, Decker, Stearns & Murray, Pro , McGill St., Montreal. Albion Hotel, Decker, Stearns & Murray, Pro., McGill St., Montreal. LONDON. 191 190 LONDON.

on all Spring Beds, College near McGill Street, Montreal. WHITESIDE'S IMPROVED" a Wonderful advancement

Toohey Catharine, wid Patrick, h Vietoria, ag Trotman Samuel grocer and provisions, Colborne n Bond, h do proprietor Marlborough Ifouse, Toohey John, laboret, la Talbot, bet snow", auu norton T ROTTER X A, Toronto, See ildo I per index Toohey John, laborer, h Victoria, 8 8 Toohey Margaret, wid Thos, h Regent, bet Richmond and Wellington Trueman George, clerk, bde Talbot, bet Horton and Bathurst Toohey Mary B, wid Patrick, h Talbot, bet Simcoe and Horton Tucker George, shoemaker, h 162 Clarence, 8 Toohey Patrick, laborer, h Victoria, n Tucker James, machinist, bds King cor Ridout Toomey John, cooper, h Grey, n, Hamilton road Tucker John, shoemaker, h Horton, bet Wellington and Waterloo Totterdill John, laborer, bde .Rectory n Elm Tucker Luke, laborer, h Hill, bet Clarence and Wellington Towe Edwsrd, h Colborne, bet Great Market and Pall Mall Tucker 'Matthew, carpenter, h Hill, bet Clarence and Wellington Towe William J. carpenter, h Dundee e English Tucker William, cooper, h Colborne, bet Great Market and Pall Mall Towner William, bricklayer, Ms Clarence House Tucker William. 'un, cooper, h Colborne, bet Great Market and Pall Mail Towsley 1Mrs Sarah, boarding house, Clarence n King TUFFORD CHARLES D, physician, Dundee, bet Talbot and Tozeland Henry, box maker, Talbot cor Bathuret, h do Richmond, h Dundee cor Maitland Tozer Henry R K, carpenter, bds Waterloo, bet North and Dundee Tullett Thomas, laborer G W R, h Elles, n Trace George, fireman G W R, h Burwell n Simcoe Tulloch William R, carriagemaker, h Talbot cor Horton TRACE WILLTAM, proprietor Eastern Hotel, Rectory cor Grey Tupper Frederick, bookkeeper, h Talbot, bet Horton and Sinicoe TRAcyjORN E, oystere, fruit, (Sec, 12 Richmond, s, h do Tupper John M, general dealer, Hamilton road cor Rectory, h do Tracy Thomas, assistant engineer, h Simcoe, s s Turbett Samuel, laborer, h Mile, bet Pall Mall and Piccadilly Tracy Thomas H, architect, h Waterloo, bet Pall Mall and Piccadilly Turnbull David, machinist, bds Dundee, bet Elizabeth and English Trafford William. carpenter, h Ridout, bet Hitchcock and Fullerton Turnbull Hester, wid Robert, h Infantry barracks Traher lIubert, bookbinder, bde Balkwill's Hotel Turnbull John, brakeman G W R, Ms Clarence cor Bathurst Traher John C. portrait and sign painter, h Talbot cor Fullerton Turnbull Margaret, wid David, h Dundee, bet Elizabeth and English Tmher William G, tailor's cutter, bds Balkwill's Hotel Turner Charles, carpenter, bds Richmond, bet Kent and Albert Tranetn William. grocer and liquors, Simooe opp Burwell, h do Turner Charles, cooper, bds Simooe, bet Maitland and William TRAVELLERS REST, Edward Galpin, proprietor, Richmond n Turner Charles, switchman, h Hill, bet Wellington and Waterloo Piccadilly Turner Che F, clerk G W R. h Horton, s 8, bet Colborne and Burwell Trebilcock Charles, clerk, h Dundee, s Turner Henry E, checker, h Colborne n Bond Trebilcock Chs E, butcher. Covent Garden market, h London Township Turner Isabella, wid Henry W, h Richmond, bet John and Hill Trebilcock George, clerk, Ms Dundee. bet Clarence and Wellington Turner Jemes W, news agent, h Wellington, bet Simcoe and Horton Trebilcock Geo, tailor's cutter, h Cartwright, bet Great Market and Bond Turner John, of S & J Turner, h John, bet Talbot and Raglan Trebilcock Wyman, clerk, h Oxford Turner Samuel, of S & J Turner, h Kensington Trebilcock William, brickla er, h Piccadilly, bet George and Richmond TuRNER S & j, carriage manufacturera, Richmond, bet Hitchcock TREBILCOCK WTLLTAM. grocer, 215 Dundee, h do and Kent Trebiloock William, ealeeman, h Dundee, s e Turner William, of Stephens & Turner, h York, bet Thamee and Ridout Tregent Augustus P, teller Bank of Montreal, Ms Ridout n Carling Turner William, bookkeeper, h Richmond opp Albert Treneman Jas, butcher, Waterloo cor Horton, h Piccadilly cor William TIIRTON MRS ELIZABETH, boarding house, Simcoe, bet Treveler Thomas, carpenter, h Murray u Elizabeth Maitland and William Trevethick Samuel, grocer, Richmond, bet Albert and Litchfield, h do Turton Robt, engine driver G T R, h Simcoe, bet Maitland and Burwell TRICK WALTER, boot and shoemaker, 233 Dundee, h King, bet Tuson Richard, bmkeman G W R, h 151 Sitncoe Maitland and William Tweedie 3E88 Sarah, h Fullerton, bet Ridout and Talbot Trigison William, cabinetmaker, bds Talbot n York Twohy James, salesman, bds City Hotel TRIMBLE GEORGE, grocer and liquors, Horton cor Waterloo, h do Tyler William, checker G W R, h Sydenham, bet Talbot and George Tripp Frederick, cooper, h Horton cor William Tynan Patrick, laborer, h Campbell, bet Rectory and Egerton Tripp James, cooper, h Horton cor William Tytler Alexander, of Tytler dt.Rose, h Fullerton, bet Talbot and Ridout T tler John, carpenter, Carling, bet Ridout and Talbot, h de Throthern Robert, coachman, Me Colborne, bet North and Duke grocers and Trotnen Moses, carpenter, h Adelaide, bet North and Duke & ROSE, liquors, 157 Dundee

Albion Hotel, Decker, Stearns & Murray, Pro., McGill St., Montreal. Albion Hotel, Decker, Stearns & Murray, Pro., McGill St., ?Iontreal. 192 LONDON.

•' WHITEBIDE'$ IàâPROQED" is a unique

Tytler William, carpenter, h 22 Hitchcock Walker Robert B, clerk, h Ridout, bet Waterloo and Colborne Tytler William, carpenter, bda Horton, bet Clarence and Wellington Walker Robert I, of Robert Walker & Sons, h Toronto, Ont Underwood Win, attendant asylum, h Timotby,bet Adelaide andRlisabeth WALHEB^ ROBERT, & SONS, dry goods and clothing, 153 Uptigrove Oliver, of McDonald & Uptigrove, We Clarence n King Dundaa Utting Henry, number taker G W It, b Franklin, n s Walker Thomas, maltater, b Hill, bet Maitland and William Vaines Job, coachman, h Cartwright n Bond Walker Thoe, framer car works, h IIorton, bet Colborne and Burwell Vallier Thomas, mo Ider, bde Waterloo cor Great Market Walker William, bricklaye r,- h Adelaide, bet Timothy and Lyman Vance Harry, cbairmaker, We Westminster Hotel WALKER WILIrIA^, brick manufacturer, Adelaide, bet Cheap- Vandermade Leonard M, agent, h Grey,s s,bet Wellington and Waterloo side and Victoria, h William n Cheapeide Vansten William, teamster, bde Waterloo cor South Walker William, laborer, bda William n Cheapside VANWORMER JOHN W, h William n Grey Wall Henry, carpenter, h South, bet Wellington and Waterloo Vase David, bds Central IIotel Wall John, shoemaker, bds Balkwill's Hotel Vatcher George, bricklayer, h Hill, bet Waterloo and Colborne 1Pallao. Andrew, commercial traveller, h William n Dundee Veitch William, sh„emaker, h Thamee, bet Horton and Bathurst Wallace Arthur, insurance agent, h King oor Colborne VICTORIA HOTEL, Kdw ilorkin, proprietor, Wellington cor Duke Wallace Charles, shoemaker, h Talbot, bet Fullerton and Hitchcock Victory Hotel, Alfred Gibling, proprietor, Duke cor Maitland Wallace Henry, employee G W R, h Grey, bet Waterloo and Colborne Vincent George, laborer, h Talbot, bet Bathurst and York Wallace Jof•n, salesman, h York, bet Talbot and Richmond Vincent William, bde Ridout, bet Kent and Albert Wallace John, tanner, bda William, e e Vincent William, cooper, h Rectory n Van Wallace Patrick, policeman, h William cor Grosvenor Viney George, carpenter, M. Richmond, bet Albert and Litchfield WALLACE ROBERT, clothier, and genta' furniehings, 15 Rich- Viney Joseph H, carpenter, h Adelaide, bet Oxford and St James mond, s, bda Colborne cor King VIIIj(;} WLBj^`,R R, treasurer Agricultural Mutual Assurance WALLACE REV ROBERT W, Congregational, h King, bet Association of Canada, h Duke, bet Waterloo and Colborne Waterloo and Colborne Vippham David, cabinetmaker, bds Crown Inn Wallace William, carpenter, h Waterloo cor South VirFo Robert, of Gould & Virgo, h North, bot Colborne and Maitland Wallace William J, clerk, h 12 Dundee Vivian Samuel, h Dund+s, n a, bet Colborne and Maitland Wallington Charles, h York, bet Maitland and William Vota J, cirar maker, bds Stron¢'e Hotel Walmsley John, conductor G W R, h York cor Colborne Waddell James, engineer G W-R, bda Bathurst, bet Wellington and Walmaley Joseph F, clerk, We Colborne oor York Waterloo Walmsley Matthew, stillman, h Hill, bet Colborne and Maitland WADDELL ROBERT, accountant and general agent, Talbot n Walmsley William, machinist, h King, bet Waterloo and Colborne Dundas, b Ridout cor Albert Walsh Edward, laborer, h Adelaide, bet Duke and Bond Wade Alexander, briekmaker, h Park cor Centre Walsh Edward, jun, laborer, We Adelaide, bet Duke and Bond Wade Nathan, bookkeeper, bda Talbot, bet Bath-iret and York Walsh Hen brewer, bda Waterloo, bet Great Market and Pall Mail Wagner Milton, carter, h CheapmdP, bet Colborne and Maitland WALSH ^ÏaHT REV JOHN, D D, R C bishop of London, h Waldon Thomas, porter City Hotel Duke cor Clarence Walker Charles W, steam fitter, h Regent oor Richmond Walsh John, laborer, h Pall Mall, bet Waterloo and Colborne Walker Frederick W, of Robert Walker k Sone, h Toronto Walsh John. painter, bda Adelaide, bet Duke and Bond Walker Henry, bartender Edinburgh House Walsh John, shoemaker, h r Carling, bet Richmond and Talbot Walker James, dairyman, h Wellington, bel Cheapaide !nd Victoria Walsh Michael, brewer, h Waterloo, bet Great Market and Pall Mall Walker James A, h Richmond oor John Walsh Robert, painter, h King Walker Mrs Jane, boarding house, Burwell, bet B4thurpt and York Walsh Robert, shoemaker, h Waterloo, bet Grey and Simcoe WALB^ MAJOR JO, of George Reeyes & Co, oMoe Dundas, Walsh Samuel, laborer, b Pall Mall, bet Waterloo and Colborne bet Richmond snd Clarence, h North, bet Wellington and Picton Walsh Tbos, of Glseson dc Walsh, We Water:,w, bet Grey and Simooe Walker John, brickmaier, h William n Picopdilly Walsh William, carriage painter, We Adelaide, bet Duke and Bond Walker John, liveFy stables, Clarence n Dundas, h 29 Hitchcock Walters Mary A, wid Josiah, h Bathurst, bet Clarence and Richmond Walker Robert, teameter, h Bathurst n Waterloo • Walton Henry, machinist G W R, h Maitland, bet Simon sud Horton

Albion Hotel, Decker, Btearna & Murray, Pro., McGill St., l[ontral. N LONDON. )<96

Walwer Charles W, steam6tter, h Richmond cor 14gent Ward Mrs Catherine, h Bond, bet William and Adelaide WATERNAN BROS, oil refiners, Richmond n York Ward Charles, laborer, bills Dominion House Waterman Herman, of Waterman Bros, h Dandae, bet Mait]and and Ward Dora, wid John, h Waterloo bet King and Dundas William Ward George, baker, bda Bathurst, bet William and Adelaide Waterman Ieaae, of Watermnn Rrne, bde Tecumseh House Ward George, cleaner, bds Bathurst, bet William and Adelaide WATS4:I & CONSTANTINE, architecta, King, bet Talbot and Ward George, confectioner, We Thames n King Richmond Ward James, laborer, h Horton, bet Clarence and Wellington Watson George, of Watson & Constantine, h Westminster Ward James, taii .i, York, bet Richmond and Clarence, h do Watson George, horse dealer, h Ridout o King Ward John, carpenter, bda King, n s Watson Isaac, horse dealer, h Ridout a King Ward John, carpenter, h South, bet William and Adelaide Watson James, pork butcher, h South cor Colborne Ward John, carpenter, h Steadwell, n s Watson James, carpenter, h York, bet Adelaide and Rectory Ward John, clerk post office, bde Waterloo, bet King and Dundae Watson John, carpenter, h 222 Horton Ward John, laborer, h Thames a King Watson John, wood worker, h Dundas, bet Burwell and Maitland Ward John, carpeoter, h Ridout, bet Horton and Bathurst Watson John, laborer, b Wellington, bet Hill and Grey Ward John, machinist, bds Railway tavern Watson John, pedlar, h Dundas a English Ward John, pensioner, h Simone, bet Colborne and Maitland Watson Joe, engine driver G W R, h Grey, bet Colborne and Maitland Ward Mrs M, dreesmaker, Wellington, bet Horton and Simone, h do Watson Thomas, laborer G W R, bda Burwell, bet Bathurst and York Ward Thomas, oarpenter, bda King, o e Watson Thomas, teamster, bde Dundee, bet Burwell and Maitland Ward Thomas, confeationer, bds Thames n King Watson William, confectioner, bda Thames a King Ward Upsnll, builder, h Oxford, bet Richmoud and Wellington Watson William, house mover, h Van n Rectory Ward Will6m, cigarmaker, bds Wellington, bet Horton and Simooe Wattcrs John, brakeman G W R, h Simone, bet Talbot and Richmond Ward William, grocer, Hamilton road, bet Rectory and Park, h do Watts James, tinsmith, bda Huron Hotel Ward William, grocer, Jiaitland cor Simooe, h do Waud John, machinist, h Duke, bet Waterloo and Colborne Wardle (:eor^e, o rator Montreal Tt.:egraph office, We Strong's Hotel Waugh William, telegraph operator, bda American House WARE DA^T, sewing machines, 213 Dundas, h do Waugh William E, physician, Ridout, bet Carling and Fullirton, h do Ware Francis 11, carpenter, h English n Murray Way Charles, carpenter, b Lyman, bet Adelaide and Elizabeth Ware Henry. coachman, h George oor Cheapeide Way Robert, carpenter, h Maitland, bet Bond and Great Market Ware William, coachman, b George oor Cheapside Weatherhead Jas, maltater, bile Waterloo, bet Bond and Great Market Warnack John, cil;arwaker, bda Strong's Hotel Weathereton John, foreman car wheel tonodry, h Hamilton roid, bet Warner William, fur cutter, b Waterloo, bet North and Duke Adelaide and William Warnock Alexander, machinist, h King, bet Burwell and Maitland Weaver Charles, 1a6orer, h Simcoe, bet Colborne and Maitland Warrack Alesander, miller, h Talbot, bet8imooe and Horton Webb Min Elizabeth, grocer and boarding house, Talbot a York Warren ('harler, engineer, h Grey n Hamilton Webb Henry, laborer, h John, bet George and Richmond Warren Thomas, printer, h Talbot n Kent Webb John H' inter, h William n Dundee Warren Thomas, tinsmith, h Pall Mall, kt Colborne and Maitland Webb Richard r, carpenter, b Oxford. bet George and Richmond Warren W H, machinist, bda Clarence, bot Horton and Simcoe Webb Robert, blacksmith, Wellin;ton, bet Bathurst and Horton, h Wel- Warrick Richard, brick maufacturer, Adelai0e, bet Grosvenor and lington oor Bathurst Chea pside Webb Thomas, painter, b York, bet Waterloo and Colboroe Wasell l':-lward, engineer, h Bond, bet Colborne and D:dtland Webb Thomas P, h Hamilton road n Bathurst Waspe Arthur, carriage painter, bds Huron Hotel WEBB WILLIAM, XY,ATT wine manufacturer, 90 Dundee, h do Wastie Thoqiaa, chief fire de.putment, h 16 Clarence, a Webb Mrs WiUiam, proprietor Wellington House, Wellington cor WATERLOO FIRE INSÛRANCE CO, John Nattr.tea, agent, Bathurst R}çb^oqd a King. Ste Adu ptr lrn lc.c Webber Alfred, oil n9ner, b Bathurst n Adelaide iAAi13L00 HOTEL, James Miltoo, proprietor, r.iahmond, bet Webber Charles, bricklayer, h Maitland, bet Bond and Great Market King and York Webber John, laborer, h Bathurst, bet Maitland and Wilfiam WEBSTER ALFRED J, boots and shoes, 196 Dundee, h North, bet Wellington and Clarence Albion Hotel, Deoiter, Stearns & l[naaP, Pro., 1s[oG1111 Si., l[ontreal. 196 LONDON. LONDON. 197

The Sovereign Spring Bea of the age. " WHITESIDE*8 IMPROVED," College near ?dcGill Street, Montreal.

Webster George, wood dealer, Duke cor Wellington, h North, bet Cla- WESTLAKE FRANCIS, wholesale confectioner, Hitchcock, bet rence and Wellington Talbot and Richmond, h Talbot, bet Fullerton and Hitchcock WEBSTER ISAAC, flour and feed, Market square cor Market lane. Westlake George. fireman G W R, h Hill, bet Wellington and Waterloo h Maitland, bet Dundee and King WESTLAKE WILLIAM, dry goods, &c, 116 Dundee, h Talbot, bet Webster Robert, blacksmith, h Talbot, bet Carling and North Fullerton and Hitchcock Webster Thomu G, coin traveller, h North, bet Clarence and Wellington WESTLAND GEORGE P, physician, North n Post office, h North, Webster William, shoemaker, h William n Piccadilly bet Colborne and Waterloo Wedmore The, blacksmith, h Great Market, bet William and Adelaide WESTLAND JAMES T, jeweller, 210 Dundee, h Westminster. Weekes William, cabinetmaker, h York, bet William and Adelaide See Adv ire back Weeks Alfred, laborer, bds Rectory n Elm WESTMAN ALFRED, hardware, Ill Dundee, h Westminster Weir Ann, wid William, h Grey cor Clarence WESTMINSTER HOTEL, John Mullins, proprietor, King, bet Weir John M. clerk, h Talbot, bet Simeoe and Horton Ridout and Talbot wEig, oswALD, manager Bank British North America, h Rich- Weston Amos, h Wellington cor Simcoe mond cor North 3,Veston John, mnchinist, bds Wellington cor Simcoe Weir Robert, carpenter, h Simcoe cor Richmond WESTON PETER, china glue, &c, of P Weston & Son, Richmond Weir Robert, machinist, h Horton, bet Wellington and Clarence cor Duke, h do Weir Samuel, blacksmith, h Horton cor William WESTON PETER, & SON, wood turners, Richmond cor Duke Welborne Henry, machinist, bds King, bet Ridout and Talbot Weston Thomas, of P Western & Son, bds Richmond cor Duke Welch John, cooper, h Marshall, bet Dundee and King Weston William H, clerk, bda Richmond cor Duke Welch Samuel, butcher. Richmond, bet Albert and Litchfield, h do Whalen John, blacksmith, h Maitland, bet Simcoe and Grey Weld James, laborer, h Regent, bet Waterloo and Colborne Whaley Wm, carriage rnaker, bda Hitchcock, bet Talbot and Richmond wELD wunArd, proprietor Farinera Advocate, and seedsmen, Whaley William, engineer, h Maitland, bet Hill and Grey 96 Dundas. h do Whately Edward, h'Talbot, bet Kent and Albert Welford Gains, rope makeilr bds Dundee, bet Lisle and Glebe Wheat4n Adam, builder. Horton, bet William and Adelaide, h do ELFORD JESSE, ropewalk, Glebe n King, h Dundu, bet WHEATON ALBERT 8, musical instruments, 168 Nadu, bds W Glebe and Lisle. See Adv in back Bathurst, bet Thames and Ridout Weller Thomas. V, painter, h Hill, bet Maitland and William Wheaton William, carpenter, h Bathurst, bet Thames and Ridout Wellington James, barber, h Nelson, bet Maitland and William Wheeler Barnabas, h Dundas, bet Maitland and William Wells Frank A, piano tuner, bda 292 Dundee Wheeler Edwin, moulder, h Glebe, e s Wells George, boiler malter, bds South, bet Maitland and William Wheeler Ellen, wid Alfred, h Richmond, bet Albert and Litchfield Wells John, laborer. h 139 Simcoe Wheeler Francis, engineer, h Hill, bet Waterloo and Colborne Wells John, tailor, Dundee, bet Adelaide ani Lisle, h do Wheeler Francis, laborer. h Maitland cor Hill Wells Thomas, boiler maker, h South, bet Maitland and William Wheeler Franklin C, clerk, bds York cor Ridout Wells Victor, ledger keeper, bds Revere House Wheeler Frederick, clerk, bds Dundee, bet Maitland and William Wellstead John J, of A Rowland & Co, h Waterloo cor Dundas Wheeler Henry, h York cor Riclout Welsh Caroline, wid Robert, h Marshall, e Wheeler Robert, printer, bds King cor Talbot Welsh Edward, teamster, h John, bet George and Richmond Wheeler Walter H, saddler, bds York cor Ridout Welsh William J, cooper, bda Marshall off Adelaide WHEELHOUSE CHARLES, proprietor London Tavern, Talbot Wesbie Walter, laborer, bds Bathurst, bet William and Adelaide opp Market square West James, engineer G T R, h Bathurst, bet William and Adelaide Whelpton Wm, laborer G W R. h Oxford, bet Talbot and Richmond West John, h Waterloo, bet Hope and Great Market Whilding Thomas, bricklayer, h Bathurst, bet Adelaide and Rectory Wet Schuyler, carpenter, bds Simeoe, bet Burwell and Maitland Whillans Thomas, carpenter, h Sydenhem, bet Talbot and Grey West William, bds Waterloo, bet Hope and Great Market WHIPPER REV BENJAMIN P, British Methodist Episcopal. Weetcott J E F, h Ridout n Caroline h Grey,_bet Clarence and Wellington Westcott Thomas L. cooper, h Wellington, bet Bathtest and Horton WHISKARD THOMAS G, dry goods, ite, Dundee, n s, bet Cla- WESTERN HOTEL, William Smyth, proprietor, Richmond cor rence and Wellington, h do Fullerton Albion Rotai. Decker, Stearns & Murray, Pro., McGill St., Montreal. Albion Hotel, Decker, Stearns & Murray, Pro., McGill St, Montreal 198 LONDON. LONDON. 199

" WHITESIDE'S IMPROVED " contains only but tempered Steel Springs, College now Mot3ill Street, Montreal.

Whitchurch Thomas, h King, bet Waterloo and Colborne Wiggleworth Catherine, wid Anthony, h Bathurst, bet Wellington and Whitoomb Joshua, proprietor Bell Inn, Talbot, bet York and King Waterloo Whitoomb Margaret, wid Jason, h Wellington, bet Horton and Simcoe Wigmore Alfred, clerk. h William cor Dundan Whit.oomb Walter, porter Revere House WIaNOB,E RICHARD, chief of police, h William oor Dundas White Alexander, brakeman G W R, h Clarence n$imooe R'ilding Richard, carpenter, h York, bet Adelaide and Rectory White Ann, wid Thomas. h Regent, n s Wiley Alexander, conductor G W R. h Coborne, bet Grey and Simooe WHITE HORSE HOTEL George Chittick, proprietor, Adelaide, Wiley Alfred J, telegraph operator, bds York, bet Maitland and William bet Piccadilly and Pall kall Wiley James, watchman G W R, h York, bet Maitland and William White James engineer, h Elizabeth, e a Wiley John, carpenter, h York, bet Maitland and William White Jane, wid John, h Waterloo oor Pall Mail 11'ile William, laborer, bds York, bet Maitland and William White John, blacksmith, Ridout, cor Fullarton, h do WI^$EI1j$ HENRY A, marble worka,Richmond,bet Fullarton and White John, porter, h Dundas, bet Wellington and Waterloo Hitchcock, h Litchfield, bet Talbot and Richmond White Joseph, laborer, h Burwell, bet York and King Wilkes William J, cooper, h Bathurst n Adelaide White Joseph, laborer, h Ridout n Dundas Wilkie George, laborer, h Clarence n York WHITE 0% INN, John Wilson, proprietor, Hamilton road Wilkins Alfred, conductor G W R,h Richmond. bet Horton and Bathurst. White Robert, laborer, h Adelaide, w s,n Pall Mall Wilkins James, hairdresser, b Maitland, bet North and Duke White Robert upholsterer, h York, bet Adelaide and Rectory Wilkins Samuel, commercial traveller, h York cor Maitland White Scott, laborer, h Clarence n Simeoe Wilkinson John, laborer G W R, h Duke, bet William and Adelaide WHITE $TAB, LINE OF STEAMSHIPS, John Nattraa, agent Wilkinson Joseph. stave maker, h York, bet Maitland and William Richmond n King Wilkinson Joseph D, salesman, bds City Hotel White Thomas, laborer, h 111 Simcoe Wilkinson William L, laborer, h B.)nd, bet William and Adelaide White Thomas, tanner, h Regent cor Talbot Williams Byran, b-)okkeeper. h Great Market, bet Waterloo and Colborne I White William, carpenter, h Timothy cor Elizabeth Williams Charles, porter G W R, h Sydenham, bet Talbot and George White William, salesman, bds Ridout, bet King and York Williams Francis, bartender McFarlané e hotel NVhitebread John, laborer, h South, bet Maitland and William Williams Henry, moulder, h Bond, bet William and Adelaide William, oooper, h King, bet William and Adelaide Williams Hugh, telegraph operator, h York, bet William and Adelaide Whitehead John, carpenter, h Piooadilly,bet Talbot and George Ontario Williams James L, commercial traveller, h 238 Horton Whitehouse Edward, guumaker, h Thames n Clark's bridge Williams Janet, wid William, h William n Great Market W$ITELAW A, proprietor, who foundry, Paris Ontario. See Williams John, h Talbot, bet gent and Albert Adu in front Williams John, boilermaker, h Horton, betWellington and Waterloo WHITELAW R, proprietor Oxford foundry, Woodstook Ontario, Williams John, drill instructor, h Great Market, bet Waterloo and Col- See Ado in iront borne Whiteley Jonathan, laborer, h Horton, bet Clarence and Wellington Williams John, ) un. salesman, bds Talbot, e s, bet Kent and Albert Whittock George, brakeman G T R, bds William cor Grey Williams John C, conductor G W R, h Maitland, bet Dundas and North Whitney Robert, bookkcepber, bda Northern Hotel Williams Walter, student, bds Horton cor Clarence Whittaker Ernest, clerk Merchants bank, bills H,)rton, bet Talbot and Williams William, carpenter, bds Sydenham, bet Talbot and George Richmond Williams Rbo, city bell man, h Pall Mail, bet Colborne and Maitland Whittaker Jame+. tickit agent G W R, h King, bet William and Ade- Williams William, general agent, h Franklin, s a laide Williams William, carpenter, h Horton, bet William and Adelaide Whitworth Thnmas, l;iborer, h Grosvenor, bet Colborne and Maitland Williams Zackariah, laborer, h Pull Mall, bet William and Adelaide WHYTE WILLIAM, agent G T R, and Allan Line 88, h Horton, Williamson Miss Jane, grocer, 50 Dundee, h do bet William and Adelaide Williamson Robert, mason, h Colborne n Uheapeide Wiekens George, baker, h Oxford, bet George and Richmond Willicots Thomas, h Waterloo, bet York and King Wickes George, engineer G W R, h Bathurst n Waterloo Willis Ale:, superintendent Ontario car-worksy h King, bet Maitland Wicks Skee, fireman G W R, h Maitland, bet Grey and Simooe and William Wiggins Thomas, laborer, h Simooe, bet Wellington and Waterloo Willis Arthur, salesman, bds Wellington, bet Dundas and King

Albion Hotel, Docker, Stearns & Murray, Pro., MoQlll St., Montreal Albion Hotel, Deciter, Stearns & Murray, Pro., McGill St., Montreal. 200 LONDON. LONDON. 201

WhIteside's Improved Spring Bed PAR EXCELLANCE, eandest Domestic Invention, College near McGill St., Montreal.

Willis Benjamin J, carpenter, bd s Anglo-American Hotel Winder Henry, grocer and painter, Wellington cor Hill, h do Willis Horace A, organ tuner, h York, bet Rido,it and Talbot Windrim Robert, dealer in milk, h Dundee opp Salter's Grove Willis James, h York, bet Wellington and Waterloo Wingate Thomas plaste-er, h Thames cor Bathurst •aLIAM, lumber dealer, York, bet Richmond and iNGFIE£D & BARKER, insurance agents, Toronto. See Clarence, h 23 Wellington, s ‘Af Adv per Index Willis William, salesnian, h 23 Wellington, s Winks John, teamster, bila Bathurst n Burwell Wilson Alexander, clerk, bds Ann bet George and Richmond Winlow George C F, of Winlow & Keele, bds Dundee, bet Talbot and Wilson Annie M, wid Thompson, h Talbot cor Hitchcock R jell mon il Wilson Charles, clerk, bde Talbot, bet Simcoe and Horton INLOW & ICEELE, boots and shoes, 121 Dundas. See Adv Wilson Charles H, carpenter, h Richmond, but Grey and Simcoe W back cover Wilson Colwell, clerk, bde North, n s Winnacott Emanuel, laborer, h Grey west Rectory Wilson David, Inland rev, h Piccadilly, bet Richmond and Wellington Winnett Edw, of H Winnett & Sons, h South, bet Maitland and William Wilson Edward, butcher, h Hamilton road, bet Park and Rectory Winnett Hen y, of H Winnett & Sons, bds Westminster Wilson Edward, clerk post office, bde Bathurst cor Maitland INNETT H & SONS, boilermakere, Hamilton road, bet Alma Wilson George, of Thomas Pearson & Co. h Hamilton road, n Dorcheste r W and Rectory. See Adv in back WILSON HENRY, lumber and coal dealer, Richmond cor King, h Winnett John, h Grey cor Colborne Bond, bet Waterloo and Colborne Winnett John, clerk freight department G W R, h Talbot, bet Bathurst Wilson Henry, salesman, h Maitland cor Bathurst and Horton Wilson Hugh, shoemaker, h Clarence n Hill Winnett Richard, of H Winnett & Sons, h South, bet Maitland and Wilson James II, of Wilson & Tennant, h Richmond, bet St James and William (;rosvenor Winnett Thomas, market clerk, h Talbot, bet Horton and Bathurst Wilson Jane, wid William, h King, s s Winnett William Il, lumber, York cor Clarence, h Grey cor Colborne Wilson John, cabinetmaker, bds Talbot n York Winters George, clerk, h Grey, bet Colborne and Maitland Wilson John, carpenter, h Dundas east English Winters Michael, porter, h Talbot, w s, bet Albert and Litchfield Wilson John, laborer G W R, h Adelaide cor Trafalgar Woleben Edward H, proprietor Bending factory, Clarence n York. bds Wilson John, proprietor White Ox Inn, Hamilton road, s s Richmond cor Litchfield Wilson John, shoemaker, Ida Anglo-American Hotel Woleben Edward L, box maker h Richmond cor Litchfield Wilson Joseph M, checker G W R, h Burwell, bet Horton and Bathurst Woleben William J, boxtualter, bds' Richmond cor Litchfield Wilson Launson, carpenter, h Richmond n Grey Wolfe John, of A M R088 & Co, h King, bet Wellington and Adelaide Wilson Moses, market clerk, h Waterloo, bet King and Dundas Wood Caroline, wid William, h Waterloo, bet Cheapside and Victoria Wilson Nicholas, school teacher, h Maitland cor Bathurst Wood John moulder, bila King cor Ridout Wilson Nicholas, jun, clerk, bds Maitland cor Bathurst WOOD JÔHN, prop Ontario House, King, bet Richmond and Talbot Wilson Ninian T, clerk, bde Grey. bot Richmond and Clarence Wood Louisa, wid George K, h Talbot, bet John and Mill Wilson Mrs Sophia, h Grey, bet Richmond and Clarence Wood Sam II, carriage painter, h Waterloo, bet Cheapside Victoria WILSON & TENNANT,veterioary surgeons New Arcade, w WOODWILMOT, watchmaker and jeweller, 201 Dundas, bd. Anglo- WILSON THOMAS, gmeer, Simcoe cor Bnrwell, h do American Hotel Wilson Thomas, porter G W R, h Burwell cor Simcoe Woodhall Thomas, carpenter, h Glebe, w s Wilson Thoe, potash manufac, Thames, h York, bet Ridout and Talbot Woodley George, huckster, h Franklin, bet Adelaide and Elizabeth Wilson William, blaeksmith, h Hill, bet Maitland and William h Franklin, bet Adelaide and Elizabeth Woodman Edward, carpenter, Wilson William, cabinetmaker, h Horton, let Maitland and William Woodruff Harry, cab driver, bds Adelaide, bet Bond and Great Market Wilson William, jun, casfitter, bds Horton, bet Maitland and William Woodruff William, physician, Clarence n Dundalk, h do Wilson William C, laborer, h Dundu, bet Lisle and Glebe Woodward Albert, axe maker, h .Ridout n King Wilson Wm S, of Thompson & Co, h Grey, bet Colborne and Maitland Woodward Charles, baker, h Waterloo, bet South and Nelson Wiltshire Frederick, carriagemaker, h Elizabeth cor Franklin WOODWARD HENRY, butcher, Wellington, w a, bet Bathurst Winder Edward, painter, bds Wellington cor Hill and York, h do Woodward John, shoemaker, h King, bet Adelaide and Lisle

Albion Hotel, Decker, Stearns & Murray, Pro., McGill St., Montreal. The only stock of Solid Silver Ware is at W. D. McGlaghlan's. 202 LONDON. , LONDON. 203

Oysters, Wholesale and RetaiL at Donahoe's, King treet, Hamilton.

FOREST CITY MAClINE WORKS, Wright Edward, cooper, h King, bet Talbot and Ridout Wright Ellen J, school teacher, Richmond cor John, h do Ze'Ou'd98ip *11'Ye Wright Francis, brakeman h Wellington n Clarke's bridge Wright Francis, builder, bda King, bet Waterloo and Colborne Wright reorge, express driver, bds Talbot n York Y&TES & JOLLIFFE, Wright Hugh, clerk, h North, bet Maitland and Salter JVlanufa,cturers of Wright Jas, of Cowan & Wright, h Dundas, bet Waterloo and Colborne Wright James, brakeman, bds Bathurst, bet Richmond and Clarence and Stationary Steam $nginaa, Wright John, of Wright and Durand, h King, bet Waterloo and Col- Portable borne FROM 1 TO 60 11OR3E POWER, Wright John, We Talbot bet Horton and BathurFt Wright John, butcher, Covent Garden market, h London township GRIST A®D SAW MILLS, Wright John, cooper, h Colborne, n South Wright John W, tinemith, Hamilton road, bet Alma and Adelaide, h do HUB AND SPOKE MACHINERY, Wright Mary A,wid William h North, bet Waterloo and Picton Malt Mills and Cheese Factory Furnishings, WRIGHTaREV MILtS, Episcopal Methodist, h North, bet Waterloo and Colborne SHAFTXNGo Pi1LLEYSv HANGERS, &C. Wright Samuel, foreman, Ontario Car Works, bds William cor Grey Wright Thomas, builder, bds King, bet Waterloo and Colborne Repairing Promptly Attended to. Wright Thomas, laborer, h Adelaide, bet Uuke and Bond Wright Thomas, laborer, h Grey, bet Colborne and Maitland We would call attention to our New double faced, balanced valve Governor, Wrizht Thomas, stillman, h Hill with patent safety attachment. We challenge our Governor against any made. WBIaLEY GEORGE , general subscription agent, Richmond, bet Hitchcock and Kent, h do. See Adu opp Content+ WOODWARD JOHN, grocer, Wellington cor South, h do Wrigley John, machinist, h Clarence n Grey Woodward.] ulia, wid John, h Colborne n Pall Mail Wyatt George, shoemaker, h Colborne n Pall Mall 1ti ooldridge James, carpenter, h Steadwell, n s Wyatt John, of Wyatt & Judd, h Adelaide, bet Pall Mall and Piccadilly Woolison Francis, boilermaker, It Elm n Pine WYATT & JUDD, waggon makers, Adelaide, bet Pall Mail and Woollett George,carpenter, h Great Market, bet Maitland and Palace Piccadilly Woolley Thos, geneml agent, h Piccadilly, bet George and Richmond W att Robert, tinemlth, h Wellington o Grey Woolle William 11, h Hamilton road, bet William and Adelaide ATT WYLLIAN, stoves and tinware, Market square, bet WOO^STON WOLTER, provisions, Richmond, bet Albert and Talbot and New Arcade, h Talbot, bet King and York Litchfield, h do WYATT WILLIAM H, of Wyatt & Judd, h Adelaide, bet Pall Woonton JameA, painter, h Fullarton, bet Ridout and Talbot Mall and Piooadilly Wootten Thomas, laborer, h Bathurst n Richmond ^ ckoff Charles, corn traveller, h North, bet Wellington and Waterloo Worth Thomas, bricklayer, h Adelaide, bet Franklin and Timothy ^CKOFF ]IRRS CHARLES fancy goods, 18 Richmond, s, WCRTHINGTON AXES, hair dresser, Richmond bet York and h North, bet Wellington and Waterloo King, h Nelson, bet Maitland and Colborne Wyckoff John, carpenter, h York, bet Ridout and Talbot Wortley Mrs Sarah, boarding house, Fullarton, bet Talbot and Rich- Wyeth John, maltster, We South, bet Wellington and Waterloo mond VP eth William, grocer and liquon, Colborne cor Hill, h do Wray William, laborer, h Elm n Rectory JOHiij proprietor Railway Tavern, Wellington, bet Ba- Wren Samuel, laborer, h York, bet Adelaide and Rectory thurst and kork Wright Andrew, cooper, We Colborne n South Yates Ernest L, car enter, bds Horton, bet Burwell and Maitland Wright Daniel, carpenter, h Park, e e YATES HENRY grocer and provisions, Dundas n William, h do Wright & Durand, builders, North oor Wellington YATES & JOI.iIFFE, machinists, King n Ridout. .See Adv Wright Edward, cabinetmaker, h Colborne, bet Hill and Grey opp

Albion Hotel, Decker, Stearns & Murray, Pro:, McGill St., Montreal. , Albion Hotel, Decker. Stearns & Murray, Pro., McGill St., Montreal. 204 LONDON. LONDON STREET DIRECTOEY. 205

Send for Land List to Wm. M. Moore & Co., over Bank of Commerce

Yates Jane, wid William, h Horton, bet Burwell and Maitland Yates Thonias, moulder, bde Horton, bet Maitland and Burwell Yates Win, of Yates & Jolliffe, bds Horton, bet Burwell and 3faitland yEALLAND EDWARD, merchant tailor, Dundas,bet Clarence and Wellington, h do Yealland Edmund D, printer, h York, bet Ridout and Talbot LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. Yealland Frederick, printer, bd e Dundas, bet Clarence and Wellington Yealland Samuel, shoemaker, h Waterloo, bet Horton and Bathurst Yeo Joseph, tailor, h 201 Simcee ADELAIDE STREET commences at the McMurray David, l'rince of Wales Yeo Richard, tailor, bde 201 Simcoe south bank of the river and runs hotel Yeo Robert, tailor, h 183 Simeoe north to Huron Allaater Peter, baker !delver John, pumpmaker Yerez Andrew, mason, h Wellington n Hill Eut side. Adelaide Street school, No 24 Yerez Thomas, laborer, bda Wellington n Hill River bank Unoccupied house Yerez Thomas, victualler, 234 Horton, h Clarence cor Horton Peters oil refinery Vacant lots YEREX WILLIAM N, of Jones & Yerez, h Horton, bet Colborne Here Nightingale avenue intersects. Ilere Kirag street intersects. and Burwell Aspden Thomas, London Oatmeal Vacant lot Yorick John, railway mail clerk, h Bathurst, bet Colborne and Burwell works Baptist church Ewen Forbes, laborer meathfield Matthew Yorke Stephen, clerk freight department G W R, bds Talbot, bet Hor- Ewen G-eorge, laborer Conning James, carpenter ton and Bathurst Unoccupied bouse McMillen Neil, laborer YOITHILL SAMUEL, inspector Ontario Mutual Fire Insurance .McKnight Martha, boarding house Blackwell Edward, carpenter Adson Fr, engine driver G W R Methrell Williarn, laborer Co, h Colborne n Ozford !McBride Malcolm, boots and Hire Layardstreet branches of. shoes Young Ann, wid Thomas, h Carling, bet Talbot and Richmond Here Marshall street tranche of. Vacant lot Young Benjamin, bailiff, h Hamilton road, bet Rectory and Park Bonnell George, plasterer Thornton William, jewellery, Young C C, telegraph operator Tecumseh House Vacant lots Shull George J, druggist Young Daniel, drug clerk, bds Dundee, bet Ridout and Talbot Rowley John, laborer Hadden Robert, tailor Bremner William, cooper Lil ley's Corners post office Young James, bookkeeper, h Dundee, bet Waterloo and Colborne Hudeon William, pedlar Chester Richard X, grocer Young James, carpenter, h Bathurst, bet Talbot and Richmond Here Hill street ends. Here Dundas street intersecU. Young John, Bathurst teamster, bde Burwell, bet and York Gibson William, teamster Anderson Murray Young Lafayette, clerk, bds Hamilton road, east ectory Burrows George, bandbox maker Flock James 11 , barrister YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION ROOMS, Johnston Richard, laborer Here Murray street branches of.' Richmond opp Carling Goruon George, laborer Code William Glover William, laborer Dark Henry, carpenter Young Miss Rebecca, dressmaker and millinery, Richmond oar Kent Hall John, carpenter Dark William, carpenter Young Samuel, maltaer, bd. Raterloo, bet Bond and Great Market Vacant lots Jarmain Edward, carpenter Zeurnetein Daniel, organmaker, bde Anglo-American Hotel Mills William, general store Trotman Moses carpenter Zingle Joseph, laborer, h Ridout cor Horton Bent Hamilton Road Intersects. Sanderson George, blacksmith Vacant lots Day Alonzo, clerk Hughes John, Floyt Daniel J, school teacher pro Hughes' hotel Timberll Thomas, engineer Here Sirncoe street ends. Here Franklin street branches of Vacant lots Douthwaite Charles, soap menu Bert 0 T R intersects. Bilton William, teemeter Here Horton street ends. Walsh Edward, laborer Baltic Petroleum works Barry Richard, blacksmith Ilere Bathurst strut sniersects. Worth Thomas, bricklayer Toomey John, cooper Here 0 W' R intersects. Rere Timothy street branches of. Allan Michael, boilermaker Mmyth William, bricklayer Winnett Edward, boilermaker Orme William, insurance agent Fitzgerald F A, & Co, coal oil re- Walker William, bricklayer finers Vacant lot Edwards Thomas, bricklayer Dark William P, grocer Here York street intersects. Here Lyman street branches off. LONON STREET DIRECTORY. 207 206 LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. Cronyn Verschoyle, barrieter Meredith Williem, M P P, of Scat- Saw mills Wilson John, laborer Parkinson Thomas, gardener cherd & Meredith Vacant lot Vacant lote Newman Joseph, tailur Vacant lots Evans Thomas, farmer litre MLIton street begins. litre North street intersect& lier: Talbot greet intersect,. lot Vacaet Potash manufactory Cronyn Benjamin, barrister Vacant lots off. Here Elias street branches Vacant lots Sloan Robert, coachman Smith J H , grocer Teale John, drayman lier: a lane branches of. Loben George, tailor Cattermole Mrs Elizabeth grocer Vacant lot Vacant lots McRae Ohrietopher Vacant lots i'Dwier Anthony Rare Duke street ends. Beddome Foekett B, ins agent homrnercial agent lier: South street branehes o_er Private grounds Barbe Benjamin, Rattle Ann, wid Daniel Suowdon William, carpenter Vacant lots Spencer William, oil refluer Harrington Edgar, carpenter lot Vacant Vacant lots Read Abraham, laborer Scbeuver Augustus, law clerk Glen Eleanor, wid William Vacant lots Magee George G Dytr William, travelling agent Vaeant lot Vacant lots Depper Herman hack driver Nichol Thomas, laborer _Wall street ends. Vacant lut Collarnore rev ()wen U. & E Here Pall Wright Thomas, laborer church Stone Richard, laborer lier: Bill street branches off. Vacant lots Killen Thomas, salesman lots Vacant Vacant lot Here ends. Cowan James, of Cowan & Wright Wyatt Wm II, of Wyatt & Judd Garlic Robert, ealestuan grocer and liquors Campbell Robert., engine driver Vacant lots Burton John, Creek crosses. Phillips William, shoemaker Judd Thomas, of Wyatt & Judd Sare David, bar tender Pratt', pottery Gibbs Thomas, laborer Stanfield Theopbilue, agent Vacant lot Fitzmaurice Benjamin, potter Vacant lote Keene Frederick, cabinetmaker Burton Thomas, laborer Vacant lot wid John McCarthy John, laborer England Johanna, Here Grey street branches (IT. Vacant lots Side door George Hotel ttryatt et Judd, waggonmakere Wyatt John, of Wyatt I Judd Aylesworth Ebenezer, dealer wood Ilere Great ilarket street ends. Here Richmond street intersects. Mtkohie Archibald' Methodist church Vacant lot South sid• Vacant lots Cowe Edward, laborer Vacant lots Ilere Hamilton road intersects. Private grounds litre Pi,cadilly street branches ofr. Ilere Pal! .Vall end,. Hessey John, laborer Here Talbot street intcYsects. Vacant lots Kent Alfred, cooper McDowell Sam, Farmer's Home Inn Vacant lot Nfurnmery Stephen, of Mummery Here intersects. Shaw Alexander, cooper White Robert, oil distiller & Son Vacant lots likIntosh James, moulder McKenzie Mrs, grocer Appleton Robert, cabinetm aker McKenna David, bricklayer Ilere St James Street branches of Vacant lot lialford Allan, dramatiet Beattie John W, clerk McCarthy Patrick, painter Boyd Thomas, laborer Howe Jeremiah, laborer McKenna William, trucktnan Chittiek George, White Horse Inn Dobie John, bookbinder Vacant lot Dagg Richard, boarding boitte Bright Henry, laborer Kennedy Jane, wid Andrew Vacant lots lire Meet filly Street ends. Filbert, grocer Jacob Morris, hatter Slenr G TR crossing. Vacant lots Vacant lot b.Sleeser Robert, liquors Sloan James, laborer livre Horton street branches Ilere Oxford street branches of. McAlpine Dougeld, physician Vacant lot Ilere Grosvenor street intersects. Vacant lot Howard Thomas, waggonmaker Beane Thomas, laborer &misted Henry, iron finisher Arthur James. carpenter William, laborer Bulle Cartledge Elzabeth, wid George Vacant lots Lawrence John, teamster Russell Samuel, brickmaker Small Thomas, plasterer Clayton Joseph, laborer lier: St James ',tree! ends. Warwick Richard, brickruaker Haywood Thomas, laborer Tierney John. laborer Vacant lots Stokes John, laborer Vacant lots Komber George, laborer lier. Victoria street branches of Vacant lot Ilere Grosrenor street ends. Hooper John, printer Gleason 'Mrs James, grocer Crey Johanna, wid James Tack Thomas, laborer Vacant lots Davis Alfred, clerk Kew John, laborer G W R crossing. Bers Cheayeide street ends. L.lorer McArthur Duncan C. clerk Worth Thomas, lier: Bathurst street intersects. Flouse building McBride William; sec Agri Society Here Cheapside street branches of Branch freight office G W R Vacant lots London Raking Co Davis Daniel, bricklayer G W R crossing. Here Victoria street ends. Lord Robert, laborer Vacant lot Chittick George, brickmaker Vacant lots Vacant lote Telegraph office House unoccupied Vacant lots Here ends. Ilere Victoria street branckes Moore Jeremiah, blacksmith Here York street intersects. Vacant Iota Vacant lots Taylor Charles, plasterer Vacant Iota Allen Charles E, carpenter Here »Iron street ends. llere Rechniond street intersects. Vacant lote Spenoe Nathaniel, toll keeper ALMA entzsr COMM0110•11 at Night. Ilere Regent street branches eff. Crittle William, drugs and grocer Here Adelaide street ends. angale Avenue and run, north to Vacant Iota Ber: King street intersects. Hamilton road Here llurost •ired anterieatt. Gleaeon Michael, machinist ALBERT STREET commences at Ri. Eut side. dont West side. Scott William A, painter and rue eut to Richmond. Plum Thomas, carpenter River bank House unoccupied North side. Waterman Bros, oil re finers Glue works Murray William, laborer Illackburn Josiah, of the Free Press Reaves Geo, & Co, refiners supplie s Vacant lots Vacant lot Hardie Henry, dealer in bides Ross A M , & Co, oil refiners Here Trafalgar street ieterre et,. Here Dundas street intersects. 20•4 LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. 209

Weft side. Hamilton John, brewer Vacant lots Brown William, laborer Carlton William, lather Vacant lot Smith John, carpenter Nelligen Stephen, cooper Coles Robert, laborer Kent's brewery Johnson James, conductor G W R Vacant lot 11cGuire Patrick, stillman Brennen John, foreman tanner Leslie James, carpenter Erie Petroleum works Vacant lot House unoccupied Hyman's tannery South aide. Vacant lots Bartram Robert J, jeweller ASH STREET eousuatew at rim tad Stables, Jhn par is, proprietor River bank Nicholas Laura, wid Hand Wilaou's soap factory Vacant luta runs south to Gore read. Vacant lot West side. Stable Depper Henry, cabmen Here Richmond street intersects. V acant lot Roy Layard street intersects. (lil refinery Vacant Iota Vacant lots to end Iler• Thames street gait/were Vacant lot Haydon Mrs Henry, dressmaker . East side. Colrick Mrs Samuel, Itimmer l'eter, grocer Skene George, foreman Bonson John, painter Vacant lots Vacant lote to end Glackmeyers Frederic.k J,coal yard Houee unoccupied Shop building ALMA STRUT commences at St. BARTON STREET commences at te Coal yard Bryant William J, furniture dealer James and runs north to Grosvenor river and rtuta east to Talbot 'tree: Mayne Matthew, conductor G W R Fletcher John, foreman blacksmith Street. North .id•. Vacant lot McFie Alezuder, gesfittar Eut side. Marris Geo, of Goo B Harris .1 Dunn Miss Elizabeth 11 Mcleie John, confectioner Moorehead George, of the Moore- South side. Vacant Iota McCallum Archibald, blacksmith head Manufacturing Co Morgan David, painter Fowler Win G, G W R restaurant Wheaton William, carpenter Mears William House building Lumber yard Cake Elias, car repairer Grovea James, gardener Cole Edwin, furniture dealer BATHURST STREET commence. at the Ilene Clarence Street intersects. Ramsay Hamilton, cooper Balkwill William Green's lumber yard Blair James river and ruas east to In.Petroleum Brown Thomas, deputy county re- works. Green A Co, Baal], door and blinde gistrer Brown Mrs Elizabeth, housekeeper Macintosh Alex G, jail turnkey Vacant lots -Zurth side. Bailey William, brushmaker Ri ier bank Richmond Andrew, baggagemaeter Gas works Rem Grosvenor street intersects. Macfie, Taylor acant lot ASifton's lumber Rare &doue etreet ineereecte. West aide. Wingate Thomas, plasterer Byrnes Mm Thomas, boarding fambling George, teamster Elliott John, iron founder Vacant lots and barn Bert Thames •treet intersects. Doyle Thomas, hotel Goodhue Charles House unoccupied Vacant lot Vacant iota Here Wellington street interseces. Arsc,ott Samuel, tanner Melbourne Ague*, wid Andrew Rere Talbot street intersects. Vacant lots O'Hagan Thomas, laborer G W R wood yard W R round house Hobbins James, policeman der* Grosvenor street intersects. Vacant ' it itIcGarvati Andrew, laborer Howse unoceupied Rere Waterloo •treet intersect,. Mitchell Jima, pumpmaker AWN STREET cammenue at Talbot Lakin Thomas, brakeman G W R Freight bouse LAPSRR and runs east to Richmond. CousinsJames M, fanning mill and Pomeroy George, hostler W R engineer department pumpmaker North side. Mackenzie John, tailor Bastard William, currier Rare Burwell street iniersects. Craig Sarah, wid John Carlines brewery G T R depot Stewart John A, carpenter Gardens and Vacant lots Maclean Mrs Ails* Pritchard R I G, grain and com Arscott Samuel, tanner Vacant lot liera Maitland street intersects. Jones Thomas, laborer Vacant lot Condon Samuel M, tinsmith Vacant lots Johnston A Son, saloon Young James, carpenter Arscott Richard, tanner Kane's grain store Crombie John, agent Bible society Hunter Hamilton, Inland revenue Palan John, him-newsmaker Vacant lots Vacant lots Risk William, ealesman Vacant lot Here William street intersect'. Chinneck John, shoemaker Clark Francis, gent Rem Ridout street lot Rowland Frederick, pork packing Ingriun George H, blacksmith O'Donell Edward, tailor Vacant lots Ingram Henry, blacksmith Dromgole John, com traveller Brooks Mrs Sophia, boarding-houe Stanley Martha, wid Benjamin Vacant lots Lumber yard Havaroft Thomas, laborer Scott Robert, carpenter litre Richmond street snleresas. House unoccupied Eldridge John, clerk Lowe Richard, employee G W R Cruickshank Catherine, wid John Hunt Charles, dealer in grain Vacant loto Lumber yard Reid Wm S, commercial traveller Hart Edward, blacksmith Rere Oil tramway intersects. Robertson Jolui, carpenter Renaud J Frederick, student O'Malley Austin, collarmaker flare Adelaide Street intersects and Goodrich Etiward, painter Macdonald Donald, carpenter Darch Robert South aide. G T R erases. Wootte Thomas, laborer carpenter Monk Hector, tailor Scott William, Avey Robert, carpenter Wheable Alfred, oilrefiner Walters Met dressmaker Vacant lot Macauley John, carpenter Wilkes William J, eooper Bowden ilre Elizabeth, boarding Buckley John, carpenter Powers William Rowland's slaughter house Murray Michael Swan Joseph, currier Threapleton Samuel, painter Vacant lots °stow Mrs Ellen, boarding house McNeil George, plasterer Collins Miss, dreumairer Polland Robert, butcher Thompson Catherine, wid James Chapman John, currier Vacant Iota Harding Mrs Hannah McNeill Richard, gagitter Here Talbot strut intersects. W hilding Thomas, bricklayer Knepp Amok carpenter Arsoott's tannery Sanagan Fre, boarding house Deehan Thomas, laborer Clarke Caroline, wid Benjamin Campbell Donald, stone maaon Gibson John A, clerk Carson Thomas, laborer Greer Benjamin, pain« Cavanagh Thomas, laborer Beaumont William A, agent Ford William, painter House unoccupied O'Neal Patrick, tanner Parks Thomas, laborer Lewis George, painter Bell Thomas, firman Vacant lot Archer Mary, wid William o 210 LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. 211 Bell John Johnson Samuel, laborer Thomas W, fireman G W R West James, engineer G T R Bell kiedlnirst George, laborer Allen David, car repairer Purdom Alex, carpenter Rem Clarence street intersects. Wilkinson William, laborer Elliott & Burns' brass foundry Wilson Joseph M, checker G W R Goldsmith Alfred, of Lumber yard Keown James, teamster Florey & Co Screaton Samuel, clerk Smith's cooper shop Sheds Rere Adelaide street intersects. British Empire Hotel Barn House unoccupied Ihre Bathurst dealer South side. aired intersects. Matheson John, marble Vacant lot cooper McCue's Hotel Ilere Port Stanley R R intersects. Bremner Peter, Gleason Mrs James, boarding Lumber yard R C Separate school, Grand Trunk It R station Green Thomas, builder a Bert Adelaide street intersect , . Kennedy Bridget, caretaker Freight offices G T R Barn and shed Baltic Petroleum works Rere Clarence street interaecta. Rere Wellington Hotel Mrs Wm Webb, Grand Trunk R R intersect,. Cricket grounds Rere Welliruiton Street inter- Jed& BOND STREET commences at Rich- Rayner John, coal dealer mond and runs east to Adelaide. //ere Wellington street intersects. Elliott's iron foundry llockin William, cooper Old Artillery grounds Walker Mies Margaret North aide. Mra Jane, boarding house Mitchell Evans Evan, caretaker Drill shed Vacant lut Old Kirk of Scotland Item York street intersects. Rere Waterloo street sntereects. Evans Mrs Susan, boarding house Rere Clarence street intereerte. Lester Daniel, grocer Hussey Henry, machinist Vacant lots Head Quarters Infantry barracks Vacant lot stables Bouse unoccupied T It barracks Paterson William, laborer Store houses Infanty Vacant lot Rere Water street intersects. Barracks square Fairbairn Jas, engine driver G W R House unoccupied White Joseph, laborer Vacant lots Rem Wellington atreet intersect,. Vacant lot Isherwood Thomas, engine driver McIntosh James, farmer Artillery Barracks square Beecher George M, silver plater r Bedgegood Robert, laborer Evans William, carpenter Dalton William, pensioner Haskett James, painter Walker Robert, clerk Harris Henry, carpenter Vacant lots Wilson Henry, lumber and coal House unoccupied Vacant lots Dewar John S, reporter Free Press W ickes George, engineer G W R Rere Waterloo street intersects. Rere King Street intersects. Rem Colborne Street intereeets. Hurt John L, engineer G W R Harwood Jabez, builder Burdett George, grocer Call Abram Corne Don, of Hendrie & Corne Vacant lot Chambers 'Win, foreman G W R Rodg ni Lilian, wid John Vacant lot Jarman William, tinsmith Pigott Drought Hall 't homes A Ward School No 6 Vacant Iota Moncreitf William G Vacant lots Glass Gilbert, aaleaman !Jere Cartwright street intereeets. Barn Ilere Colborne street intersects. Butcher& Arms Hotel Mitchell John, groc,er Magee John J, planing mills Vacant lots Ilere Colborne ftreet intersects. Vacant lots Dixon Thomas, grocer driver G W R eox Thomas, engine Hughan rev William, Primitive Rere Maitland Street Intersects. West side. Yorick John, mail cleric Methodist Vacant lotd Wilson Thomas, grocer Hogarth Robert, yardsman G W R Wasell Edward, civil engineer Gibblon Frederick, clerk McDonald Mrs M, boarding house Skirving David Rere Palace street intemecta. Hunter John, cooper Lamb Thomas, butcher Fitzgerald John Vacant lot Fleming John, blacksmith Vacant lot Here Burwell street interaects. Ilere William street intersects. Smallman James, corn Teale Manuel, marble works merchant British Empire Hotel, Wellington Williams Henry, moulder Brodie Hugh Bar.led, proprietor lie ri Cartwright street intellect,. Bryan William, plasterer Vacant lots Vacant lot Hopkins John, porter Were L 4PS it R crosses. litre Rorton street intereecta. Macbeth Annie, wid George Duff Thomas, baker Simeon John,car distributor G W R Vacant lot Lacy James, carpenter Turner Charles F. clerk G W R Wilson Nicholas, school teacher Here Maitland street intemects. Kingsland Thomas, plaaterer Vacant luta Jure Maitland street Intersects. Smith Robert A, baker Brown Mrs Mary, b , Vacant lot -trding house Ward Mrs Catherine Coss Henry, blackawith Lumber yard Richardson George, confectioner lot Vacant lots Stein Henry, cooper Vacant House unoccupied Evans Will!arn, miller Rere Vacant lot Vacant lots Adelaide street intersects. Knight Thomas, brushmaker Rere Bathurst street intersects. Hagerty John, baggageman G W R 'Jere Palace street interseeta. BURWELL STREET commences at Webber John, laborer Keillor William, finisher [boccie and runs North to Dundas Bert Port Stanley R R intertecti. dressmaker House unoccupied Keillor Mrs C, Eut side. Great Western R R eorks .Godbult James, brakeman Angus William, machinist Banks John, bricklayer eirdlestone Christiana, boarding Owen Luke W, street commissioner Bere Great Western R R intersects. Trace George, fireman House unoccupied Vacant lot G W R Lumber yard Smith C, fireman G W R Bryce John M, engineer G W R Bers William street intersect,. Smith George, teamster G T R Rem York street intersect& Blackwell John, iaachinist Bayley John, miller Vacant lot Golden Quoit hotel Vacant lot Pope Williatu, porter Phoenix William, milkman Vacant lots McKenzie Mary, wid Duncan Thompson William, well digger MeNelly James, cooper Grey William Vacant lot Lewis Benjamin, laborel Partridge John, watchman G W R Vacant lots William street intersects and litre McLean Annie, wid Donald Gardiner Thomas, hotel Here King street intersects. G T R crosses. William, plasterer Mop Ilere llorton street intersects. Dulmage Rich D, conductor G W R Hunt William Il, watchman Allen John, car repairer Long John, cooper House building Stein Henry G, cooper Vacant lots 212 LONDON STREET DIRECTORY . 0 LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. 213

CAYPEELL fiTEEET osmmsqtpp sit Dalton Henry, clerk P 0 Vacant lots MeDowel,l George, trader Eeotory and rans eut to ?gert Richardson Oliver, confectioner ". Vacant lot s Rire Richmond itrNt intersects . Et rSÀ tilde. Murray R y g oods entrance Vacant lots Hines Abel, bricklaye r Chnrebof En gland oemetet'y Unused b Zdtng Dwyer Wiliim, labôre r acap s Military grathdl SkeHing ton dd Fws'te olllot hal l t James J, printer X'!s 1i'eltittyton street intersects. 9ere Bgerton etflet Vacant lo t Here Dundaa areet intersects . inte►uéfa. Cowan k Wrigbt,"goode entranee Vacant lots Seaton 9oFtth slde• Mrs Win D, boarding house Powell A B, r Co geods entrance dteet 7t'it/iaoa earest'iaterarcrs . 5 Smith Edward, saloonkeeper Methodi s t cemetery Powell A B, of ,A h Powell k Co Bamsell George, pensioner 7 Groslight I second hand clothing Haynes James G, prop Grove Inn Vacant lots Vacant lots Kirkpatrick Robert, dealer in shoes Py nan Pat, earetaker at Asylum Warehouse, T J McDonough Bonn building Methodist church dlacMull er Catherine, wid Wa re e Dennis hous Rare Adelaide etrbét intersects . Reynolds Mrs Jane, housekeeper G W R machine shops 9en Richmond Street intersects . 9oath side. 18 Woodruff William, physician HereEgerton etreet intersects . Vacant lo t CAET WRItiHT STEM asmssaneN at River . bank 25 Smith Win, physician, and surgeon CARLINQ gTAEET osessanoss at the fànsaj; l W lqsl, and ma moath te Dake Private grounds and rnns . Tousley Mrs Sarah, boarding bouse river out to Richmond, Here George street intersects. Vacant lo t North aide . East aidia. Ware William, coachman Vacant lots Bannan Win, servant llere King street intersects. Bishop Geo, otEanmaker Vacant lots !le" Ridout street ituera+eu. Sheds Cole Win shoemaker Bore Richmond street interautt. 53 Rattery John,foreman G W R teams flouse unoccupied Connell John, laborer Vacant lot s Vacant lo t Vacant lot s Bush Henry, laborer Ilere Wellington etreet intersects. 57 Busby M A, wid Thomas Lou ghre Arehibald, of Loughrey Trebilcock Oeo, tailors' cutter 58 Drywood John, machinist k Tac~eberry Jones Thos J,*nat Vacant lots Platt Willia m Southam Merey, wid William m c&weo Hesee, wg W Anthistle John, lime burner Wilkie George, labore r Tykler John, carpenter Vacant lo t Bore Waterloo street intersects. Smith Alexander, wheelmaker Berrehill Stephenson, labore r Herr Bond etred intersects . Cummens Robert, hostle r Birrell John, t Co, wholesale dry Vacant lot s Mitchell John, grocer Dillon Patrick, laborer 85 Box factory goods Lumber yaru d Vaines Job, coachman Ryan Margaret, wid John Atkineon Joseph, : Co, wholesale llere York street intersects dry goods, A c Vacant lo t Powell Robert, tanner . Laing, Sutherland & Co, wholesale Purdom Thoa, en gine d ri ver Vacant lo t Lumber yar d dry good s King Ju travelling agent Bugler Richard, grocer G W R iwterseeu. Barnard peter, auctioneer Bore Co/bo rne etreet intersects . Here Talbot street intersects . Vacant lo t 95 Green H C, lumbe r Harvey Ale syq~p carpenter Ashton Chas J, sboemaker Vacant lots Rere Bathurst street iateneeta . Harvey Willishi; ~rpenter McIntosh Francis A, plasterer Wagner M ilton, carter Vacant lots Lumber yard Queen s Hotel 117 Kennedy Hanorab, wid Michael Becher, Street & Becher barristers West stde. 9erro Maitland street inters~etr . Vacant lots 119 Crook John, blacksmith Clarke Catherine, wid William Vacant lots Porter John, laborer Vacant lot Coombe Wm, b ri cklayer Heatey John, laborer /iere William street intersects . Vacant lots MacMillsn' John, anleemaYt f/ere liorton etreef intersects . Young Ann, wid Thomas Towe John Vacant lots Harvey William H, upholeterer Nash John W, machinist No* Adelaide street intersseti. 139 Gorman Henry, local editor Ad- Jackson James, laborer vertiser Campbell, Dlargarey wid George 6TBEET eotameues at the Poli ce statio n B ro phie Patrick, laborer CLARZXCE 142 Gorman Cornelius, pensioner yullfvatt •I•lau ri ce, shoemaker 9iurphy Daoiel laborer River Thatnss and ruas to Richmond . 148 Kerns John, engine driver Q W R Glas?ford Mersele, wid William House nnoocup~ed East side . Clark George, tele grsph operator r WalehJohn, shoemake r Lowrie Jobo-, truekman O :d Infantry barracks 145 Clark Mary, wid John rgaret, dressmaker McDonald James, livery atable Scott Mrs Ma Victoria park House unoccupied Campbell John, restauran t Haslewood John, brleklayer Dewiro Josephlaborer O'Malley A, horse collar maker Harris, McGee k Campbell, bsr• Kirkwood Mn Jesniq Cochlen Joseph painter 157 Love Agnes, wid Williq~t risten 1 ►ere Bond atrertt itWrteets. Cahil Tl»masT laborer Bonthorn Mary, wid William Armstrong William, laborer McAllister James, laborer ilere Riolunond etr.•et interasets . Vsewnt loti Bt,l1 David Esbinet ms]ror McCarthy Ths, dealer in poultry Vacant lots /eqtL 6" Donohoe di'm, tanne r aerf Derke elrwt intersects . Here 8isseoe atrwt intersects. Vacant lots Feins John se :ton'St Paki's Prondfoot rev-,Preebyterian grocer Acre Ridout atreet interseete. Andersot113eo, carpenter Johnston James, Chisholm Margaret, wid Andrew Mason Jno $, engine dri ver G W R Goods entrance Anderson Jas, ctrpsnts r Henderson Alexander, dry gpods a, barber :ie Roderielc jdr~ Vacant Pope Chsrl McKint goods lots to an d blcCormack Thomas confectioner White Scott, labore r Kavanaugh Peter, unk Hannon rev James, b}etbodist Perrin R Keenleyside, goods en- CHEAPBDJ< /TBiET essameness at 183 Brophe Mar Ann, wid Bernard the river and rttAq qmt to Aülaide . Reed Edmund B, barrister Cleg g ~obn,~aborer trance Lswrason Law, police magistrate Finigan Thomas, laborer Vacant lots Moath side. River bank Here NortA street inferNcti. In~rsm John, carpenter Herald office entrance 191 Talbot John, shoemake r Rogers E, goods entrance Vacant lots Vacant lot Cooper John, photographer Baillie John, condnctQr G W R dere Talbot etreet intersects. ilere George strat ietneeets. 214 LONDON STREET DIRECTORY . LONDON STREET DIRECTOR Y . 203 Orrange John, grocer A liquors 44 Lee Mrs Sarah, boarding bouse I Here Grey etreet intersecta. 226 Brown Thomas, tank repairer Jlere Bathurst Green Richard, brakeman G W R street interaeets.' Vacant lot 46 Green Mrs Emma, dreumaker Here Bill Street intersects. G TR and (1 WRinteraeets . t Larkin Joseph, repairer G W R Moore Thomas, newspaper reporter Law John, telegraph repairer Landrey Ricb, ewitchman Magee John, planing mill U W R Hughes David, health inspector Irving Andrew, fireman G W R P rim rose Charles, farmer 52 Hobbs William C, machinist Groomes Elijah, carpenter G W R Here York street intersects . Wrigley John, machinist 56 Ing ram Juba, carpenter Wilson Hugh, stiotmake r Black Alexander, backman 225 Carson William J, school teacher 58 Gillmieter Frederick, artist 2 56 Macdonald Robert, carpenter Morrison Donald, corn traveller Cryer John W, copveremith 60 McClearey 3tn Francis, dressmaker Vacant lots Vacant lot Here Hill street intereects, Thompson Maria, wid CauBeld Hunter John, tinsmith Nere King Street interseets. Ayare Charles, trunkmake r Vacant lot s 62 Furey Here South Street intereects. Wallace Robert, clothier 253 Spettigue Joseph J Jamee, general jobber Seaton Robert, shoemaker Vacant lots Lumber yard Fleurent Lucien, cook Vacant lots llere Dundee street intersects. Ferris Charles, carpenter Here York street interawets. Leonard George, labore r Academy of the Sacred Heart Finch Joseph, carpenter Vacant lots 78 Edinburgh House, Wm C Brown Here North street intersects . Temple Peter, engine d river G W R Vacant lots Here Nelson street interseeta. 269 Fallahe James, cab driver Glass William, sheriff G WR intersects. Fellow Henry, gardener Throtber Robert, coachman llere South street intersects. Vacant lots Vacant lot 94 Locomotive Hotel, William Thorn. Anderson George A, gro cer s ton, p Green William, bricklayer Shaw James H, wa Graeby William A, ca roprietor rehouseman rpen ter Lumber yard He re Richmond street interseete. Knowles John, tailo r Fibbe Wn liam, shoemaker Mullen Rober t, Iabo re r ilere Bathurst atreet intersects. COLBURIfE oTitEET commences at the Here Duke Street intersects. Hills George, labore r south branch of the river and runs Cle gborn And rew, of Adams k Co Vacant lot 108 O'Donohue Mrs B, boarding house north to Victoria. McBride Alexander, tinsmith George James, 116 Harley Frank organ finishe r Vacant lo t shoemaker 120 C . 1lere rook Samuel' fireman G W R River bank East aide Nelson street irlterseeta . 122 McPhail Duncan, wa Here Bond street intersects. rehouseman Vacant lots Hughan re v H y Vacant lot s 124 Exchange Hotel, Thomas Bennett Vacant lot Here Nelson street interseeta. Brock Thomas, carpenter Here Richmond streets intersects. s uinn Patrick, gro 136 Kennedy Eliza, wid Robert Vacant lots ce r West stde Vacantlo t . Here South street intersects. Vacant lot s Here Ilorton atreet intersects. Blackwell Jane, wid William Vacant lot Old Kirk of Scotland Essex William, carpenter 140 Birmingham West F, tavernkeeper Brown Mat, engine driver G W R Robinson James, labo re r Here Kent atreet ends. 142 Greenwood Edward, com traveller Adams William cooper Hillier Maria, 144 Dibb Willia wid Jonathan Vacant lots m Britt Ann, wid liavid Strongman Wm, fireman G W R Rear of Catholic bishop's palace 146 Hutchinson AIf, carpenter G W R P 150 Mercer John, bank messenge Here Bill street intersects. .ankin Joe, attendant at ayslum r McCleneghen Thomas, labo re r Here Duke street interaeets. 152 Thomson Miss Agnes, music teacher Wyeth William, ge neral dealer 154 Armitage Samuel, sd ri ver McNeil Archibald, miller llere Great Market street intersects. Jamison John Wright Edward, Cameron John, editor and p 156 Morgan Elizabeth, wid George cabinetmaker Rendell George ro p- Ellis William,carpenter rietor Advertiser 158 Morgan George, boilermaker Donhor Daniel, tailor Burns George, clothier Flitton Mark, laborer Elms Charles, carpenter Towe Edward, insuranoe agent 162 Tucker George, shoemaker House unoccupied Tucker William, cooper Bere NortAatreet intenects . Fairburn Sheppard teameterG W R Pellet William, laborer Tucker William, jun cooper Methodist church Hicks Henry, bri ckiaye r Vacant lot Taylor William, gar~ener Methodist lecture rooms 170 Major Peter Here Grey street intersects. House anoccapied Mlnton Thomas $, of Minton Weir Robert, carpenter Winnett William, lumber dealer Here Pall dfall street interseets. k kColoric Minton dc Colo Here Simcoe street intersecta. Dalgleish Jamee, clothiers cutter Barham Thomas, grooer rick, painters Wiley Ale :, conductor G W R Lynch Mrs M A, grocer Bick Richard painte r and pro v 172 Cle gg Mn Letitia, groce r Murray Cornelius, engineer G W R Rose Alezanâer, stonecatter R alker John, livery stable Wh i te Ale :, brakeman G W R Taylor Benjamin, groces Brown a Morris, hardware Here Queen street branches of. Smith Margaret, will William Here Si+ncoe street intersects . Here bundw street intersecte. Evans Richard J clerk Vacant lot Vacant lo t $pe ttigue hal l Stern Samuel, oifman Bayd John, tailor McPherson Peter, laborer Muirhead k l3re oat meal mill Taylor George, laborer 10 Club Saloon, James Ellis, prop McNeel Archiba~~, mi 12 Steeds Macdonald rev Donald, Church of :ler Hennessey Robert, painter William, painter Anderson Charles, miller 14 Boylan Henry B S cotland Vacant lot 16 Wastis Thomas Harry, conductor G W R McNabb John, labore r Here Piccadilly Street interaecta. Thomas chief Fire dept Gibson William, teamster 20 Eldridge John, iiake r 1 9 0 Taylor James, engineer G W R V acant lot Vacant lo t Vacant lots Reimley Jacob, Ontario Dye works s Thompson Isaac, blacksmith 30 Super ltobt W, gun and rite maker Here Grey street intersects. gere Horton Street interaee(s. G rove Richard, teamster 36 Clare nce House, Ryan, proprietor 206 Starr William, ice dealer Church Gospel hal l Thompson James, shoemaker Gelbart Henry, engineer Ben King e'red interseete . Vacant lots Here Oxford nreet intersects. Elliott Mary, wid Gideon Clampit Gidley teamste r 38 George Samuel H, cabinetmaker Hunt James, mattress maker Mitchell Neweif, express messengr Thornton Samuel, carpenter Vacant lot Vacant Into Cullen James, labo rer Chadwick 8idney, express messen Vacant lots Here St James street intersects. LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. 217

Chambers Ricluu d, G W R Central school and grounds Visent lote Jackson William builder Cleghorn Andrew, of Cleghorn ^ Bore King abret intersects. Waytt George, sboemaker Adams Xerv Cirbseenor alhiet iidteraee'ta. Miller John, oil reQper Chapman Alhred, carpecter Vacant lots Vacant lots Johnson A A of Rowland & Co Woodward Jul* wid John Graham Alexander Barry Thotrus, laborer Rowland P.'ilflam Scarron Henry, druqgist Mills James cabiaetmaker Vacant lots Strong Wm T, of Strong & Rosser Reeds Edward, but her Tilley rev h Harrison, Episcopal Ben Chea,laide strèet inte heta. Penwarden David, teamster Vacant lot G ill William, city registrar ► Hert Piccadilly street intersects. Partridgs Thot. jtm, barPister Stratton Richard J watchmaker liere Cartwriyht street branches off• Jones Wm K, bookkeeper Black Thomas, roo}ter Vacant lots GatecliffJoseph butcher Vacant lots Crone John, carpeatqt Here Oxford atreet intersects. Hiekins James, jaborer Teeple Stringer Samue, Robert, milkman l plumber Pickett Daniel 8, carpenter llcCo^ William laborer /iere Victoria atreet tntsreecta. Bore Litlsietaa Street intersects. McMullen Robert, carpenter Campbell Charies G, painter Casiake Thomas H, butcher West side. Johnston John Brock Joahua,engineer Yonhill Samuel, insurance agent Bert Maitland &treet intersects. River bank Niven James, phJsician Gregston Ellen Erwood Walter, carpenter pro Vacant lots a wid William Victory Hotel, Alfred Glbling, Johnston Alezanaer, leather dealer Here $t James Street intersects. Scollick Jonathan, cabinetmaker llen Nelson drwt intersects. Vacant lot Buckingham John, painter Hence John, laborer Vacant lots Here North street intersects. Vacant lot Old hospital Reddick John, milkman Methodist Episcopal church Bradehaw capt Lewis Here Salter branches of. 11ere South Street interueta. Vacant lots Gillemore Chas, college professor House unoccupied Fountain James, laborer Childs Henry, car master G W R Nere Grosvenor street intersects. Vacant lot Watson James, pork butcher Houses building House unoccupied Cottinham Henry, cooper McLean John, printer Vacant lot Collins Robert, general agent Bruce Henry, labitrer G W R Phi pps Paul Bugler Richard, grocer Russell John, wood dealer Wright John, coo^er McDonald Donald, carpenter Here CAeapaide street intersects. Hooper Samuel, barber Jones William, carpenter Here Duke atreet intersects. Vacant lots Vacant lot Harrison Thom" W, moulder Elliott Wm, 'udge County court Donohue Michael, teamster Here William street interaecte. Here Bill elreet intersects. Seanlan Mic^ael, baggage master Vacant Iota Vacant lot Vacant lot Gibbons Joseph, bar tender Williamson Robert, mason Cook Abraham, half pay officer Pendigrast John, carpenter 8creaton Samuel, mason Thompson Richard, couper Moore Mary J, wid Robert Ingram Charles, laborer Q W R Adams Peter, baggageman G W R Howard William, moulder Soper Mrs Hickey Mary, wid Thomas Joy William, cooper Here Bond street intersects. Vacant lot Vacant lot Vacant lot Bird Michael, taller Minchan John W tavernkeeper Ben Grey atreet intersects. Uere Victoria street interateta. Giffiord John, gs rdener Bedle Richard, laborer Smith Henry T, painter Vacant lot Grant William, laborer DIIY1t BTREET, commences at 81eh- Fitzgerald $rnest,painter McLallan John, yardsman !lcreaton John, marblecutter mond and mus east to Adelaide. Vacant lot Vacant lot Teale Charles, marblecutter North side. Rattle Mrs Daniel Scott Thomas, chsirmaker fine Hope street branches of. Patton James, cooper Roman Catholic grounds Llere Adelaide street intersects. Gourlay John, engine driver Vacant lot Walsh right rev Job n, D D sonth side. Michael Robert, insurance agent Here Clarence atreet intersects. Marshall James, laborer Vacant lot Hill James, watchman G W R Groves Frederick Turner Henry E, checker Old $arrack square or park Weston Peter, turning mills Johnston Ales, brakeman G W R Here Wellington street intersects. FergusonJohn, undertaker Rider William, iaburer G W R Land Wm T, com traveller Bore Old Artillery barracks and grounds McNnllen Thomas F Gleseon William, clerk a land branches of. McMahon Hugh, barrister ltere Waterloo street intersects. Here Binuoe street intersects. Tr,otmaa Samuel, rocer and pror Bere ClariAee street intersects. Vacant lot Lane Cornelius,^aborer Vacant lots Sullivan Daniel^ Iaborer Smith Hen ry, revenue Presbyterian church Godkin John Webster George, dealer In wood Fish Eliza J wid Ebenezer Balsam James, aborer Bowman William, superintendent McFadden .Trohn Pierce James, 1 borer LkP8RR Be" Wellington etreet intersects. Hutton James, moulder McNeil John laborer Matthews Richard F, clerk Victoria Hotel, Edward Morkin Vabètat lot Donaldson fsmes Leavens James H, barrister Noden William, moulder Rose James, blackrritith Mulrooney Matthew, teamster Richards Obadiah, confectioner Vacantlot Barker William, mqchiniat Here dorton atreet interaseti. Bore Great Market street interaecta McDonnell Margaret, wid Alex Smith James D confectioner Vacant lots McMillan's,lumber yard Vacant lots NcLean Mrs Aleisnder, midwife Linfoot William, butcher Johnson John, freight agt G W R Craig Samuel H, manager Western Bert Picton street branches of. Vacant lob Johnson James, telegraph operator Manufacturing Co Rae Margaret, wid Robert Taylor John, pumpmaker Ilere BatAriret street intersects. Wand John, machinist Vacant lot Logan Edward H, Clark Cameron Jane, wid Angus G V R fréigbt bouse Irvine Richard, custom house officer Oates Benjamin, printer Roesgair John, clerk Vacant lot Here 9 W R R intersects. Vacant lots Vining Wibber R, agent Shopland Jno, of Shopland & Green Leonard's foundry Bore Pall Malt street interaecte. Elliott Wm, judge County court Vacant lots lfere York atreet interuata. Vacant lots Ilere Colborne street intersects. Here Waterloo street intersects. LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. 219 218 LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. 140 Green William, dry goods 256 Smith, Schuyler & Co, subscription 142 Beattie Thomas, & Co, dry goods books Vacant lots 12 Ebden George, laborer 144 Chisholm Andrew, & Co, dry goods Lean J U books and stationery Fitzsimone Thomas II 12 Taylor Edward, tailor 146 Beltz E, hatter and furrier Huhn J & H, painters Siddons John, custom house officer Vacant lots 148 Simeon W & R, k Co, grocers Jones Charles • Vacant lut Kerr George, leather dealer I5o Dinahan Richard, boots & shoes 260 McCormack William, grocer Rose John, of Tytler & Rose Vacant lot. 150 McPhenson Mary, wid George Morley Charles A, butcher Dyes John J, sec Moorhead Manfr //ere Ridout street intersects. 152 Alley H B B, dry goods Manning Peter, hairdresser Crawford A idrew, packer 154 McDonough T J, grocer & liquors Manning Isaac, plasterer Vacant lot 50 Williamson Miss Jane, variety store Shop unoccupied 156 Burns George, clothier Saul Mts Sarah, baker and confec Rue John, secretary Agricultural 158 Smith F, & Co, grocer and liquors Shop unoccupied Investment society Claughersy Eliza, wid .Michael Emmereon Mary A 160 Brunton W Y, auction rooms Aston Thomas, engraver Taylor William, painter 162 Bank of Commerce Marshall G, & Co, tea merchants Oliver Elizabeth, wid Edward Rhoder T R, agent 56 Bowen Henry, carpenter Hers Ric/untied street intersects. Vacant lot Biggs James, builder House and shop unoccupied Vacant lot 56 Bowen Mrs Henry, milliner 166 Federal Bank of Canada 58 Jeffery Arthur, saloon 168 RowlandEdward, sewing machines 278 Harkness Geo W, druggist //era Coi borne street intersects. Shafer O F, manufacturer 170 Miller Edward, fancy goods Lloyd's Hotel Vacant lot Hero Wellington greet intersects. 62 McKenna Hurr9 rh J1 boarding house 172 McDonald & Uptigrove, dentists Anderson William, st,onecutter MacMillan & aylor, barristers 172 Davis & Son, watchmakers 282 Adameon k Co, rlumbers and gas- Sutherland tdrs James MacMillan William, provincial 174 Ingram Thai C, & Co, druggists Adamson James, of Adamson & Co Murphy Ellen, wid Thomas land surveyor 176 Garlick R A, gent's furnishings 284 Shop unoccupied Christie George, policeman Meredith John C, insurance agent 178 k 180 Hawthorne William, Strongs 286 Bourne T, commission agent IcLean Allan J, clerk Scatcherd & Meredith, barristers Hotel 286 Owen C II, window blind manfctr Vacant lot 70 Rock Warren, barrister 184 Rowland A, & Co, dry goods 288 Shop unoccupied 13riody James 72 Graydon S H, barrister 186 Rennie John, boots and shoes 290 Farmer Bros, photographers Short Thomas, builder 74 Meredith & Meredith, barristers 188 Strong & Rosser, druggists 292 Nitschke John, pianoforte mnfct Ceding James J, brass finisher 76 Goodhue Charles F. barrister 190 McIlechan John, boots and slim Dundee James Y, flour and feed Hearn Alfred, printer Lenox James, merchant tailor 192 Saunders William, druggist Angus George, London shirt facty Downing John, pensioner 80 Perrin & Keenleyside,confectioners 194 Ley John H, merchant tailor Morden David, of Morden & Edward Hooper Samuel, marble cutter 84 Thompson Richard, boarding hie 196 Webster Alfred, boots and shoes Nelles John A, physician Thompson John P, clerk 86 Hannah Robert, Bible depository 198 Smith James D, confectioner Crone.John, carpenter Ileogh Elizabeth, wid William Milne Mrs James, fancy goods 198 Cooper John, photographer Abbott Hudson G, of Abbott Bros Long James, decorator Crosby Ann, wid Alexander 200 Colewell & Bradford, pianos Abbott Bros, carriage builders Vacant lot Beals Miss Lais, hairdresser 202 Cook Philip, boots and shoes Ryan James, sexton Prime James, bricklayer Webb William, domestic wine mkr 204 Burridge James, pianos and music Going Henry, physician McAnnay Miss Mary Beech Henry, wood engraver 206 Eldridge Thos C, tobacconist 322 Roger. James, plutnber O'Hagan James, harnessmaker Marra David, boot and shoe maker 208 Hiscox George T, livery stablee Griffith Richard Campbell Archibald, carpenter Weld William, publisher Fartner3 210 Westland James T, jeweller 332 _5Icintoeh_Alex, dry goods Evans John, clerk Advocate 210 Moore Win M,& Co, real estate agts Hopper Robert, grocer Irving Thomas T, solicitor 210 Ilalford Joshua, portrait painter Here Waterloo street intersects. Mere Malt/and greet intersects. Leonard L C. lamps end glassware 210 Nell« H E, solicitor Durand James, builder Vacant lot Corrigan C 8, barrister 210 Maroom W, grocer and liquors Wright James, of Cowan & Wright Malloch Agnes, wid John McDonald A J B, barrister 212 Fawkes T F, watchmaker Barnard Betdamin A, upholsterer Agricul.ural Investment Society Lindsay William 214 Dixon J & R, fruit and fish Jones Thomas, butcher Vacant lot Savings bank 216 Edleston George, bouse furnishing Houses unoccupied lr 0 Mitchell 13 A., druggist, wholesale Syer Edmund W, manager Bank of 218 Booth Richard boots and shoes Phillips John C, cashier St L B Commerce 102 Dawson M 10, proprietor daily and 220. Chapman Mrs Fanny, dressmaker Scatcherd Thomas, of Scatcherd & weekly Herald Chapman Charles, salesman Here Peter street branches of. Meredith 104 Rogers E & J, plumbers, &e 222 Hooper Samuel, hairdresser Lancaster Joseph, physician Vacant lot Rome Edward, of E & J Rogers 224 Salter John, physician McDonough Wm, grocer Johnson Byron, hewer 106 and 108 Thompson T & J, hardware 226 Brown k Morris, hardware Win, druggist Vacant Saunders lot Here Talbot street intersects. Here Clarence street intersects. McLary Oliver, of the McLary Here William street intersects. 110 Burridge John, boots and shoes Shops unoccupied Manufacturing Co Vacant lots 112 Sabine J B, dentist 232 Sanborn Bros, grocers and liquors Gore Henry H, fruiterer Taylor Jsmes, collector 112 Gibbons MraS A, fancy goods 234 Anstie Brae, sewing machines Bowman John, carpenter Scott Thomas, carpenter 112 Bristol Miss Mary A, milliner Anstie Mary A, wid Paul Case George, manager London and Nichol John, carpenter 114 Mitchell B A, & Son, druggists 236 Dodd Donald & Bros, grocers L ancaehire Assurance Cu Munro James, blacksmith 116 Westlake Wm, dry goods 238 Percival William, flour dealer Moore Win, revenue officer Wilkinson John, laborer 118 and 120 McIntosh Ak J G, Co, 240 Spry A W, merchant tailor Johnston John Vacant lot dry goods 242 Fysh Hewitt, confectioner Here Co/borne street Intersects. 122 Sharp Archibald, dry goods Whiskard T G, dry goods DUNDAS STREET .00mmenees at River 124 Murray R S, a Co, dry goods grocer Vacant lots Symonds John, the Sacred Ileart Thames and runs east to Adelaide. 126 Eaton James, & Co, dry goods Midgley John, stoves and tinware Academy of North side. Nelles H H, dentist Chute J M, & Co, music dealers Vacant lots River bank 128 & 130 Kingsmill T F, dry goods Hood, Bennett & Chester, carvers Vivian Samuel Vacant lot 132 & 134 Cowan à Wright, hardware Conover C A, sewing machines Bullivant Jos, grocer 12 Wallace Wm J, clerk 136 Powell A B, & Co, dry goods Murphy J B, grocer Here Msintland street intersects. 12 Arne Albert, shoemaker 138 McGloghlon W D, watchmaker LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. LONDON STREET DIRECTORY.

177 and 179 Merritt J C, A Co, boot Vacant lots Methodist Church of Canada 67 and 69 McLeod B, A Co, organ Fletcher John engine driver (} W B manufacturers and shoe manufacturers Parke rev Wm, Methodist 301 Peer James ^, of^Plawes A Peer Waterman Herman, oil refiner 71 Bryan Thomas, orush waaufactarar 181 Reid Groat â Co, stationen • Reld' William, bats and eaPs 303 Smith Conrad B insurance spot Vacant lots Shop unoccupied 305 Street William k, physisian McGee Wm, builder 77 Glen Jaaus, merchant tailor Pool Thomas, merchant tatlor Walker John Vacant lots Mapstone Win, watchman G W R 79 Mortimer %i illiam, furniture Smith James of Chisholm t Co Yates Henry,'grocer Anundson Thomas, cabinetmaker Dixon J R, barrister Brown James H, livery stables Davidson R i T. dry goods Vacant lot 81 Caldwell's furniture storeroom Rose 83 Dutton Samuel, liq Gurd John B Son, gunmakera Rose John, of Tytler Ben William itrut inlerseets. uors Flock Christopher W, ph sician Be Bartram William fl,barrister Mctiirdy Tôomas, boota and sboes Fraser Donald, blackami^ Vacant lots Emery A 9, auctioneer 193 Newberger Aaron, clothier Aspdan Thomas McKsllar k Bawdsni stair builders 87 Chapman Charles, blank books Kirkpatrick Robert,boots and shoes ^Jtrathy Jas B, collector customs Adams Edward, & Co, grocers r Russell Robert, painter r McKellar Malcolm, of McKe1Lr k Bawden, Cronyn V, barrister Holmes Calvin D, barrister r Crosby David, shoemaker Bers Adelaide street irteruete. Shop r Simmons Robert Dart Roger, carriage builder unoccupied H unt Eltsha, springmaker 101 Macklin William, d O'Malley George, livery stables Murray Anderson Gardens ry goods 327 Dart Roger, carriage builder Dempsey Maria, wid Richard 103 City Hotel, Peter McMartln, pro Bell & Martin, hairdressers Gould k Jones, merchant tailars 329 DartJoha, carriage builder Bert Elizabeth strict iwtenects. Bere ?•albot drwt ira

JYi:^ LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. 223 222 LONDON 5'I'HGE1' 1)I1tECTl1RY. Vacant lots Vacant lots Oxley David, boilermaker Ilere Blum street eaab. Vaunt lot S(ilRTOM oTHZET oomouness at Dan• Grisman James, laborer Crawford 9aml, of Crawford k Co das and runs sautk to the tiors road. Vacant lots =LY fiTREET commsnew at Pins sttwt Burns Jas, of Elliott A Burns Yast aide. Daley William, engine driver and runs south to Gore road. Saunders Ste phen Dominion Hotel, John ytandheld, Cox George, laborer Fleming William. oil refiner Johnson Thomas, millwright East stds. ELIZABETH t3TR8ET commences at House unoa:apied Nerv Mary aheat braacAea of. Vacant lots to end Crawford Saint, of Crawfordlt Co Dnndas and rans north to Ytlas. Vacant lots Yast aids. West dda. Bere Willis". street laterseots. McDavid Heman D, roofer Vacant lots Vacant lots Vacant lots Vacant lots Woolison Francis, boilermaker Moran Margaret, wid Jeremiah Bere Larro street branches of. dsre Murray street intersects. Vacant lots Moran James, builder Vacant lots Vacant lots House unoccupied Ebleson Mary, wid John Goward George, pattern maker Lewis George, painter Vacant lots to end Smith Miss Sarah Vacant lots Bartlett John, laborer Martin Richard, carpenter =NdLUX lTREET commences at Ads• Vacant lots Here Florence sired branches of. Bowman Win, supt L h P 8 R R Bartlett Charles, carpenter latds and rnns north to Zllaa. Vacant lot Vacant lot Penehaw Charles, carpenter Lest stds. Crawtord, Mahon & Mahon, Globe Eastern Hotel, Patrick Laughnare Vacant lots Kellor Chas, organ finisher Agricultural works Hyatt John, cooper Livermore Thomas, fitter Tborne Thomas, hairdresser Vacant lots Vacant lot Vacant lots Bere Adelaide street iaterasots. ![tre Fraacw atrrel branches of. Newton Williasl, laborer Barter George, carpenter Vacant lot Chester Rictard M, grocer Glennon John, boarding house liere Xrrray street interaeta. Bartlett John W, flour and food Cadbam Charles, farmer Vacant lots Vacant lots English llartha, wid rev Noble quick Robui, butcher Geach John, laborer Vacant lots to end l,rown Inn, Thos Harley, prop Courts Nicholas, laborer llere Oxford street branches of. McMillan Chas, fancy goods litre Timothy atreet iattrseeN. West side. Vacant lots Dawson Melville 15, editor and White James, engineer Vacant lots proprietor Herald newspaper Be" U T R crosses. Alliater Alexander, cooper Ware Francis H, carpenter Lug Win, glass and stone were Vacant lots Vacant lots Vacant lot McAllister John, brewer Cook William, gardener Dauber Thom-- baker Middlesex Hotel, John McAllister, Bere U W R crosses. Vacant lots U) end l/ere Murray street iaterueta. Harcourt Algernon, laborer GWRyard Dodge Newel C stave dealer House unoccupied Rire Piae atrwt brwr+ewt of. West aide. Fish Robert, grocer and provisions Vacant lota Harvey Henry Â, laborer Elliott John, 6reman (} W R Thorne Thomas J, hair dresser Vacant lots House unoccupied House building Wells John, tailorAnd cutter Now Oore road intersects. Vacant lot Houses unoccupied t)irk Andrew, tinsmitb Vacant lots to end Richard George, laborer West dlto. McClure James, cabinetmaker s9A lTZSET oommeness at Dnndas Benallick Henry, stone mason Military grounds Vacant lot and raaa math to Franc :. Henderson Samuel, grocer Bere Campbell stred branches o0f. Griffith. Wainwright G Cambridge John, sawBler Eut süs. G W R car shops lie" Murray etreet intrrareta. House unoccupied Vacant lots Nov !l T B crosses. Robinson John, pork packer Ben List* street commences. Houss unoccupied Bere Mary strict intersects. Vacant lots House unoccupied Legge William, prop omnibus line Vacant lot Emigrant buildings Vacant lots Vacant lots Bere U W R cross". Knott James, laborer D er Thomas, cooper G W R ard Vacant lots Rare Lawra grog intersects. c, laborer Doutbwaite Charles, soap and ^uson William Vacant Tot. candle manufacutrer Vacant lots Reut Mrs. Lydia, grocer llers (lore road intersects. Aere Florence street iw,teraecta. Vacant ots liste Franklin sired ends. ► Vacant lots Houses unoccupied ZLILg gTZSST eamasmea at Lde• Wiltshire Fred, carriagemaker Rire Globe etreet eoantaeaeee. laids and runs east, Vacant lot lien France* street ieteraeefs. Vacant lots lertk sida. House building West s1ds. Austin William, Tests John, truckman Vacant lot Vacant lots Forester's Arms otel,Jn E Taylor Vacant lots Hayes Thomas, carpenter Here Mary etreat intersects. Vacant lota Bullock John butcher Reason Henry T, bricklayer Main Thomas, arpenter Sigewortb Jortn Vacant lots lie" TimmtAy *,rat intersects. Vacant lots Vacant ►ou Bidnill John, bricklayer Va^ant lots Vacant lots Rare Larro street interseeta. Bore Rectory strat ewde. Fuzwalter Williqm, carpenter Smee Edw, night watcàman G W R 1'acant lots Vacant lots Elliott John, sexton Tullett Thomas, laborer G W R Bere l4toréate efrarl intersects. Tall Peter, carpenter llere Lyman street ends. Episcopalian oamatery Vacant lots Halter's grove South aida. Vacant lots b:+yley Thomas, engineer customs Llere Fraweee atreet intersects. Bere Byertora etrwt branches of and Vacant lots Ihndaa stred eoratNtws into the Head John, carpenter country. Head James, carpenter 224 LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. LONDON STREET DIRECTOR1. 225

STRF.ET commences at Woonton James, painter Vacant lot Crystal palace and fair grounds. FLORENCE Ilynd Egerton and runs east. Prudhomtne Thomtut, salesman William ffire 'Waterloo street intersect*. Plummer J ohn, of Plummer dr Vacant lot South ride. Son Park Inn, James liant, proprietor Tweedie Miss Sarah, pedlar Bore Piccadilly street intersects. '7acant lots Teuton Edmund, teamster Vacant lots Here Eva street intersects. Vacant lot l.,t tu end Here Oxford street intersects. Dean James, insurance agent Vacant lots Here Talbot street intersects. Taff Lucia, wid Samuel 8 North sid•. Vacant lots Vacant lots Sharp James, agent Vacant lots Vacant lois Bundy Mrs Eliza, boarding house Vacant lots Here Colborne street intersects. Here Eva skeet inkrsects. Kidner Mrs Margaret, straw hats Rent Sydenham street intersects. Vacant lot Bowers John, boarding house Vacant lots Wortley Mrs Sarah, boarding bouse Vacant lots Cary William Vacant lots Atkin Elizabeth, wid Alexander William, grocer Sanders Samuel, blacksmith Hire Se James street intersects. Staplv O'Connor John, of O'Connor Johnston Joseph, painter Iltiusit building Albertus Vacant lots Guinon Frannie, carpenter ummenoes at Eger- Rolfe Jas, builder Huron college Vacant lote FRANCES STREET llowe George, painter ton end mu east. Abbott Samuel, carriagemaker College grounds hompson Andrew, livery stal,hs Bers Allen Theophilus, clerk North aide. Grosvenor street intersects. l'earse Henry, shoemaker Vacant lots Beecher Henry C R, of Beecher, Vacant lots Bank of Montreal Donaldson freer, shoemaker Horton Jemes, laborer Street dt Beecher Fieldhouse Benjamin, cab owner Vacant Vacant lots GEORGE ST11F-ET commences at John lots to end Here Maitland street intersects. and barn and runs north to the river. Vacant lot GLEBE STREET commenoes at King Mullany Mrs Marv, grocer South sid•. Eut side. an/Limns north to Dundee. Glennon John, boarding hou es House unoccupied lot Vacant Vacant lots West side. Vacant lots Littleton Thomas, laborer Ilene Mill sirent intersecra. V acant lots Here Palace street intersects. J, machinist Welford Jesse, ropewalk Files Vacant Vacant lote Vacant lots lots Vacant loti Erre Ann street intersects. Bure William street intersect.. STRUT commences at Dark James, stonemason FULLARTON Vacant lot Woodhall Thomas, carpenter Vacant lots Ridont end ma east to Richmond. House unoccupied Rice George, painter Delaine Michael, laborer North side. Vacant lot Alexander Benjamin, pork packer Gower George, laborer Vacant lots and stables Vacant lots Wedmore Thomas, spring maker John Stewart Here l'iccadilly street intersects. Stinchcombe Reuben E, drayman McPherson Robert,of Here Dundas street intersects. & Co Vacant lot Muon William, laborer Stewart John, & Co, agricultural Anderson William East aid°. Vacant lot implements Vacant lots Vacant loti McCarthy James, laborer Cook Thot, cabinetmaker Here Oxford street intersects. House unoccupied tiers Adelaide street intersects. Nash Benjamin Vacant lots Vacant lots Nash Ben, jwi, of Nash & Jackson Cevens John South side. Stewart Alez,of John Stewart& Co Llere:Sydenham street intersects. Vacant lots barn Infantry barracks Sabine Jos B, dentist Vacant lots and Here Dundaa Street intersects. McCarthy Thomas, poulterer Pope Wm • Bers St James Street intersects. Conglin Joseph, laborer Ellis H, wid G Vacant lots SRAFTON STREET commences at Chapman Richard, laborer ffire Talbot street intersects. Connue Michael, engine fitter Victoria and runs north to Regent. Turnbull Hester, wid Robert Vacant Iota Here a Lane branches of. East side. Dwyer Joseph, laborer Jas, hide inspector Vacant lots eml City hoepital Oliver Vacant lote Mitchell Jas, ounnseretal traveller West side. Here Wellington street inlet sects. Here Grosvenor street intersects. La Batt Miss M, boarding how» Vacant lots Park grounds Gray Geo, agricultural implements Vacentlota Reeves James, painter Hotel Hood F'rederick, gilder Fraser John, hostler city Here Cheapside street intersects. S_picer Henry, paperhanger Rurka William, cutler Slater E K, painter Ware Henry, groom Vacant lots Menson J, clerk St Lawrence bank /dorrison J 14 W, blacksmiths Donelly Mary, wid Charles Portwood J & W Morrison Vacant lots to end Joseph, cabinetmaker Morrison John, of •••■ Vacant lots Cotes Frank H, Inland revenue Morrieon Win, of J & W Morrison West aide Burns Patrick, laborer • Vacant lot Western Hotel Vacant lots Vacant lots Here if aterloo street intersects. South elde. Larey Lewis, laborer Colerick Henry, peintei Vacant lot Vacant lots Steele John, cooper Here Regent street intersects. Morrison Jas, salesman Graham William, carpenter Vacant lot Adams John, clerk Chapala. rev William, ldethodist Mainer John, grocer GREAT MARKET STREET commences at Richmond and runs east to Ade- House unoccupied Egelton Geo, laborer Berg Mill street intersects. Egelton Mrs Geo, boarding house laide. Granger Edward Notthmore Mrs G, boarding house Vacant Iota and barn North side. Morgan Lewellyn M, glus stainer Co, tanners Byron William Northmore Geo, carpenter Arscott Richard, & Exhibition grounds Alex, of Tytler & Rose fiers Ann street intersects. Williams John, drill inspector Tytler Here Wellington street intersects. House unoccupied 226 LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. LONDON STREET DIRECTORY 227

Payne Elijah, shoemaker Barrett Patrick, teransater Fessenden Albert H, of Feasenden Miller William R, clerk Vacant lote Broe Rere Richmond street intersects. Lemond John, laborer Rogerson David, laborer !lire Colborne argil interacts. Clarke John, ehoemaker Vacant lots Vacant lots Clifton John, fireman W R Thompson James C, prof claseice Here .L4PSRR intersects. Graham Simon P, wrought iron FindlaterJames, carpenter Private stables Eire Carterright street branehes curiae seat maker McDonald Finlay, uight operator Jones Henry, tin pedlar McGee Charles J, bookkeeper Burnip William, fireman G W R W R Shed and stables Nature« rev Timothy, Primitive Beamish Robert, moulder Vacant lots McLaren l'eter, laborer G W P. Methodist °eland Alfred, fireman W Private stables Hargreaves Sarah, wid Thomas flouse unoccupied Macoeil Daniel, plasterer Rire Clarence strict intersects. Fitzwalter William, carpenter Saunderson Sumo!, carpenter Benness William, well digger Raplev Jesse W, cartage agent May bank John, shoemaker Vacant lot Johnson Mary, wid John Whipper rev Benjamin P, B M E Carroll Ann, wid Dennis Vacant lot Rere Waterloo Street intersects. Hoehn Mrs Mary M Brown Mrs, charwoman church, colored Lloyd Owen, carpenter O'Loughlin John. tailor Here William street intersects. Rere Maitland street inter sects. Mottashed George, painter Cordwood Mrs Emma, chairmaker Evans John, baggageman Stallard Daniel, carpenter Chapman John, carpenter G W It Nlountjoy Rich, of MountjoyBros Evans di Phillips, grocers and prov Armstrong Matilda, wid Andrew Brown Arthur, laborer Mountjoy Arecott, of MountjoyBroe Behr Henry, carpenter Woolieu George, carpenter Tambling Geo,of Tarubling & Jones Fox James McFadden Thomas, bralseman Senders Joseph, shoemaker Parker Frederck, inachinir Manley Eli, laborer Cheveno John, moulder Mouse unoccupied Parr Samuel, laborer Bray fienry, conductor G W R House unoccupied //ere Palace street intersects. Here Col borne greet intersects. Callan Lawrence, engine driver litre a lane branches of Vacant lots Winpatt Cain John William H, lumber dealer llodgson Joseph, fireman G W R Needham Charles F, gastitter Rare William Street intersects. Thompson Isaac V, oil refluer G W R Hutson William B, laborer O'Connor Love Francis, engine driver Vacsnt lots • William, ublic school Howard Thomas, laborer Brown William, watchman G T R B M E church, colored Dyer Edward B, carpenter Houses unoccupied flere Wellington street intersects. 'Vacant lots McFadden G, engine driver G W R Silmene Alexander, plasterer Winters George, clerk Throgmorton Isaac, barber Pratts pottery yard R ire Adelaide Street intersect& Vacant Iota House unoccupied ilinatiau Timothy, laborer Vacant lots GREY STREIT EAST COMMODC MI at OPEY STREET commences a few rod Vacant Iota Peckham Patrick, fireman O W R Hamilton road and runs east to Bec- weet of the foot of Richmond and rims Shields John, cooper Simple James, painter tory. east to Adolaide. Smith William H, employe G W Il Smart Alfred, photographer North side Vacant lots North side lien e Maitland street intersects. Smart Henry, printer Vandermade Leonud, general agt Butler Thomas, oil stillman teat , John, brewer Lashbrook Robert, shoemaker Toomey John, cooper L-w u Edwin, collector Stringer Sam, coppersmith G W R Ilene LePSRR intersects. Thompson Jas, yardman G W R Nevin Patrick, laborer V scant lots Vacant Iota Coulter John, brakeman G W R Rere Waterloo 'Intel intersects. //ere Richmond street interiecis. Avery John, laborer Phillips Patrick, employé G W R Vacant lot wilson Mrs Sophia l'urdy Cornelius, laborer G W R Bailey Peter, laborer Blackwell W, enginedriver G W R Hunter William, night watchman Fleming Andrew carpenter Doherty Thurnes, conductor G W R Wallace Henry, employé G W R Osborne Ann begirding house Milroy John, laborer Vacant lots James. cooper A ngles Samuel, laborer Berryman James, laborer Smith MaryJ ane, grocer Borland John, employé G W R ityan John, painter à jasper hanger Martin John, laborer Halpin Vacant lot Carter John, laborer House building Boyd John, policeman Lawrence William, laborer eorge, laborer Branton Thomas, second band fur Tallin George, laborer Mackinson G Vacant lots Vacant lot Nicholson William, laborer Breen Thomas, laborer Vacant lots litre Rectory street intersects. Gleuson John, laborer Scott Harrison South side. Weir A nn, Ind, William Tambling k Jones, carpenter Pre William street inters, Cl8 Granjean Auguste, bukettnaker Duffield Bros, oil refinery //ere lirence street intersect.. l'rivate stables Vacant lots Vacaot lots Taylor George W, barber Burns Jacob teamster Reim Colborne Street intersects. Warren Charles, engineer Avey Arthur, wood turner Vacant lot Chateau François, sailor Winnett John 4. uiltou George, laborer Ilueeton John, farmer Spence William J, blacksmith l'rivate stables Wonnacott Emanuel, farmer 'tires Henry, bricklayer Thompson Thomas, carpenter Ellis Thomas, pedlar yore Robert, bricklayer Regan Cornelius Brook William, laborer Roache John, engineer G W R Giles Thomas, laborer Shed Vacant lots Redding William, teamster Farmer James, laborer McCarthy Dennio, brake:nail Minidunick George, curiagemaker Chas, brakeman G W R Irvine John, engineer G W R Faund Frederick, car budder McIntyre Nelson William, carpenter Wright Thomas, laborer Vacant lots Lowry Thomas, conductor G W R Burdett George, engine titter driver Aylesworth Ebenezer, wood dealer McGinnis Murdock, engine Ellison Joseph, engineer G W R G W R litre Rectory street intersect,. Rere Wellington street intersects. Sautes aides McMollen Arthur GROIVIDIOR STREET eminences at Anderson Peter, hairdreseer Pinch Thomas, laborer O W R Watson Jos, engine driver G W R the river and runs east to Adelaide. Mallory Mre Manda A, tailoress Chandler Charles, laborer Carney Peter, laborer G W R North side. McCarthy Dennis, laborer Drake Francis, plasterer Vacant lots River bank Logan Robert, employé G W R Lewis Francis, watchman G W R land erect intersects. Vacant lots flouse unoccupied Gould Thomas, laborer Here Mait



Private grounds Lumber yard Ilaskin William Beattie Richard, carpenter Rem George street iniemecte. here Horton street intersects. Were Maitlandstreet intersect& Street surrey branches of Vacant lote Mellor James Vacant lot Parkinson Robert Here Richmond ;trail intersects. Calder Alexander, of Calder & Co Here Horton street interseets. Parkinson Abraham Strain James, grocer and provisions Vacant lots Vacant lots Roote John, of Roote & Sou lier. Wellington street intersect.. liere William Street intersects. Vacant lots Lovett Whipple H, agent Eastern Hotel, Hiram Shaiti, prop Vacant lots Vacant lots Cooper William D, oil refiner Nellie John Here Waterloo street intersects. 11cFie Norman, conductor G W It Vacant lots Jlinhinnick's oil refinery Vacant lots Hillson Richard, of Hillson & Sons Carter David, teamster Grece Charles, blacksmith Marshall John HILL STREET commences at Rini- Vacant lote Lock Walter, grocer Clark Alex, boot and shoe maker Thames and runs to Adelaide. McNeil William, shoemaker Vacant lot Brown Thomas, boilermaker Bingham George, prin,ter North stde. Ross Andrew, of A M Roes & Co Ilere William street intersects. Bingham William, printer Browne Thomas, boilermaker House unoccupied House unoccupied Vacant lot Groat Stillman, of Reed te Groat Vacant lots Wooley William N Power Lawrence, policeman Wetherston Ilere Carence aired intersects. Vacant lots John, foreman Car Vacant lots Wheel Co Stone James Vacant lots Here Colborne Street intereects Miller Robert, general dealer Vacant lot Marshall Win, engine driver Vacant lots Ilinhinnick John W, butcher Allen James, teamster Brock Thoe, WM dealer Whitworth Thomas, laborer Butchers' Arms Inn, James Eaton, Vacant lot Cousins Job, pumpmaker Vacant lots Eaton Thomas, butcher Darden Alexander Stanstield Samuel Hill George, laborer Vaoant lot Udell John F, grocer Winder Henry, grocer Vacant lots Here Adelaide street intersects. Aylsworth'e wood yard Ilere Wellington street internat. Rere Maitland greet intersects. Five AwleInn,Richard Hargreaves Church grounds Christ church, Episcopal Vacant lots Vacant lots Primitive Methodist church Kennedy Jas, bricklayer Sweeney Henry, teamster Oil works of Spencer k Son Ilere Adelaide street intersects. Croak J, wid John Vacant lots lier. East Grey street branches of Bryce St Mills, general dealers Smythe rev Jae, Christ church Breachley William E, ale bottler Forest City oil works,Wit J Duffield Wood yard Westlake Geo, fireman G W R line William street intersects. Gould William, butcher Realm Jas, engine driver G W R Ilere street branches of. Bryan John, bricklayer V acant lots Vacant lot McKay John, blacksmith Grace Charles W, blacksmith Turner Charles, switchman G W R Here Adelaide greet intersect*. Vacant lot Vacant lots Taliaferro John H, hairdresser South side. Clark George, engine driver Wright John W, tinsmith Rem Waterloo Street Intersects. River bank Vacant lot Montreal Telegraph aloe Stanley Robert, conductor G W R Huron college grounds House building Glover William, laborer Jarvis Jas, fireman G W R Cowlie Robert, grocer & provisions Here George street intersects. Here Rectory street intersects. Kinsley Chas, machinist Mount Hope grounds Here Alma street branches of. Roche Jas, fireman G SY R Tapper John M, general dealer Here Richmond street interseete. Harrington James, liquors, grocer McHinnoo Duncan, clerk Vacant lots Thornton John, fireman G W R Johnson teslje, machine agt Vacant lot Fitzgerald John, laborer Salon. Cornelius, cooper Vacant lot Bore Alma street branches of. Vacant lote Vacant lot Durkin M engine cleaner G W R Vacant lot. Ward William, grocer Butt William, laborer Fletcher Wm, teamster barber Here Wellington street internat. Vacant lot Giles Robert, steam pipe fitter Taliaferro Wm F, Young Benjamin, bailiff Vacant lots Bailey Win, teamster Outbuildings Hellmuth college Vacant lot John Inkerman street surrey branches of McMahon Elizabeth G, wid Here Waterloo street internas. Dunlop Samuel, stonecutter Vacant lot Vacant lots Vacant lots Winnett H, te Sons, brickmakers Vatcher Geo, bricklayer Cridiand Thomas, gardener Smyth Harry, marblecutter W of C oil works Huskett Caleb, firemen G W R Vacant lots Here Park street branches off. Mamelon Street survey branches of. Vacant lot Cooper's oil refinery line Colborne street intersects. Here Colborne street intersects. Vacant lots Vacant lots Wilson Edward, butcher Here Ridout street branchee of. Wyeth Win, grocer Here Maitland street intersects. Vacant lots Carruthers Elijah, laborer Moran John, laborer Denison John Giles Robert, steam and gas fitter Horn John, laborer Vacant lots Vacant lot Sherbrooke Edm, checker G W R Here William street intersects. Here Hamilton road rune into the country. Hulse Joseph, cooper Gear Chas, fitter G W R Vacant lots Carruthers John, carpenter McNaughten Jas, carpenter Here Adelaide street intersects. South aide. Clark Richard, carpenter Grey Michael, machinist British Empire Hotel, Wellington Here Rectory street inter:meta McLaughlan Bridget, wid Dennis HAMILTON ROAD commences at Bur- Barnes, proprietor Hester Terence, laborer well and runs south--east. Hull John D, prop Hull's Hotel McDonough Ann, wid James Webb Thomas P Vacant lots North side. Edwards' wood yard McConville Alf, brakeman G W R Church building Fitzhenry Win, carpenter Vacant lot Paul Alfred H, baker White Ox Inn, John Wilson, prop !Jere Maitland Street intersects. Crewdeon Henry, clerk G W R Vacant lots Here Maitland street interacts. 230 LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. LONDON STREET DIRECTORY. 231

93 Murphy Hugh, shoemaker Vacant lot Vacant lots Goodyear Fred, signalman G W Il Brooks Charlotte, wld John 95 Currie Michael, cab driver 102 Glaes George B, engineer Here Pert Stanley R B intersects, Vacant lots Vacant lot IVamsley Matthew, oil refiner Here Richmond street interseets. Kelly Wris laborer G W R Stead Charles, builder Walker Thor', malteter Southold'. Vacant lots Sullivan;Ilkabeth, wid Dennis Parker Charles W, shoemaker Watson Wm, blacksmith litre Talbot alma intersect.. Weller Thos, painter Reid John, teamster Vacant lot Vacant lot Vacant lots Plummer Eph, druggist, wholesale McDonald Alex, insurance agent Creighton Jas, of Geary di Co Roman Catholic church 14 Pacey Ann, wid John 150 Belts Henry, clerk wood Market Vacant lot Taft V B, foreman lumber yard Vacant lots Vacant Iota Moorehead Wm H, chimney sweep 20 McIntyre Mrs Belle, bdg bee Beltz Edmund, hats sud caps Herr Wiie,,s k rat inletaicli. Vacant lot 22 Tytler William, carpenter Vacant lot Vacant lot Hers Maitland direst intereects. 24 Gleeson Elles, wid Thomas 170 Birge Cyrus A, clerk G W R Hatter John, oil treater Vacant Iota Gleason Patrick, wood turner 174 Gahan 11 P, editor Evening Herald Vacant lots Peters Samuel, of Peters & Son 174 Isaac JILLUed, porter Curiae' David R, grocer Here Port Stanley R R intersects. Vacant lots 178 McDougall Neil, laborer Mitchell David, blacksmith Vacant lot Here Talbot street intersects. 180 liodgine John, bookkeeper Harris Richard, laborer Leid James, waiter G W R 184 Flaylock Lavender, clerk Alexander E, wid James Vacant lots Vacant Iota Fraser Mrs Thomas, grocer Westlake's confectionery Good John, laborer Laid Jas, grocer Bers Richmond street intersects. Patton John, laborer Allen Alex, moulder Vacant lot Ilislop John, cabinetmaker Harper Alfred, physician Vacant lot South side. Vacant lots Ei4 Leonard Lewis 200 Darvill William Vacant lot 66 Ferguson W H, of Ferguson k ro Marritt Henry C, carpenter Bert William street uderarett. Chapman Here Clarence slued intersects. Chapman A, of Smith dr 206 Cooper Edmund, laborer Vacant lot Gillean James, agent Advertiser 208 Hudgins Wm, farmer V meant lot Pollard Joseph, carter 72 Brown John, city chamberlain Horton street school house 5IeUrimtuon Malcolm, carpenter Vacant lot Vacant lots 218 Ramsay Edwin,of Ramsay, Sleight- Hughes Mary, wid Philip Bowers Robert, baker 8e, Stewart Samuel, tinsmith holm It Bunn Gibson Jas, carpenter Vacant lot Vacant lot 220 Baillie William, carriagemaker Tucker Luke, laborer Denley Matilda, wid John 00 McKellar Alex, carriage builder 222 Watson John, carpenter Vacant lots Vacant lot Vacant lots Vacant lot !Jere Wellington street intersects. Housen John, tailor Richmond street intersects. 226 Faulkner Tho, car cleaner G W P. Vacant lot Nesbitt Jas, butcher Vacant lots Ryder Geo, employee G W R Nesbitt Wm HOPE STREET commences at Col. 234 and 236 Yerex Thomas, victualler Chaleroft Frank, butcher borne and runs weet. HITCHCOCK STREET commences at North aide. Sere Clarence street intersects. Drummond Jas M, butcher Ridoat and runs sait to Richmond. Vacant lot l'ring John, laborer 238 Williams J L;commercial traveller McDonald Alex laborer North ride. Teitle Chrhttopher, stonecutter Vacant lot John Wm, laborer House unoccupied Packhani William, laborer Howie James, flour dealer Winder Edward, painter Vacant lot Coppinger Walter, laborer Vacant lots Thompkins Wm, baker 11 Impett Thomas, gardener House unoccupied Lewis John, laborer O'Connor John, printer 13 Till Oeorget waggonmaker Boyd Robert, of R Boyd k Son Pacey George, machinist Lockwood John, machinist 17 Fenton T neon, agent Collins Timothy, messenger Andrews Thomas, laborer Brown Thot M, clerk 19 Brown Ernest, pnnter Simpson Mre. Jessie, midwife Bland Ann, wid Robert Livingstone Richard, moulder Vacant lot South aide. Avey William, carpenter Shaw Leonard, laborer 25 McPherson Archibald, of Laing k Vacant lots to end Ward James, jaboter Durkin Jas, laborer McPherson Hobbs Thomas Reid Robert, carpenter Vacant lot HORTON STREET commenom at River Second Baptist church Maned' Anthony, laborer 29 Walker John, livery stables l'hantas and runs eaat. Allingbam Witham, teannter Cotter Jae, laborer Vacant lots North side, Vacant iota Hers Waterloo street sateraens. Here Talbot atrial intersects. Vacant Iota Here Wellington street intersects. 4 Pritchett John, plasterer Vacant lot Wilson Mary Ann, widThoa Vacant lot and barn Hicks Richard, cooper Vacant lots Bible Christian church Vacant lot 12 Pritchett Thorium, shoemaker McNabb John, waggonmaker 61 Sinnott Agnes, wid WIfliam Vacant lot Higman Robert, engineer G W R 20 Taylor John, laborer Refluer rev Win, Bible Christian 63 Murray Charheri_CIIVPIC Vacant lots and barn Curran John, tanner 65 Smart Thomas W, broker Vacant lots Howell Thos, prieter Ashley William Here Thames street branehes off. Auderkirk Austin, general dealer Drury Thomas, clerk G W R Hicks :lames B, tailor 34 Speran Patrick, laborer Booth Joseph, foreman car works Durkin Martin, foreman G W R Dobbin Albert Vaeant lots Williams John, boilermaker Kennedy John, bricklayer Flood Charles, clerk 46 Ross Frederick, shoemaker Foreman William, carpenter Tagg Thomas, mathinist Strathy Alexander r■0 °burette!. Thomas, official assignee Lang James, agent Lee lus, machinist Quarry John, otAtkinson dr Co 54 McCarthy Jeremiah, laborer Wood yard Jackson Jfichaelilaborer Stewart Johu, of Stewart Sr Co Vaean t lot, Allen Kd, check taker 0 W R Vacant lot Millman Wm, commercial traveller 72 Cannel' Philip, carpenter Mason John, waggonmaler Harrison Thomas W, moulder Vacant lot 74 to 84 City Oas Company works Vaeant lot Bere Coltorne street 1nte7sects. 91 Spracklen Eliza, wid Samuel Here Ridout street interseete. Bers Waterloo *treat inkrkets. . 2. 33 23 2 LONDON STREET DIRECTORY . LONDON STREET DIRECTORY

Vacant lot Saneome John, carpenter Vaeant lots Vacant lo t . She ppard John, teameter 115 Land Edmund R, painter Mulkern Michael, engine driver Here Wellington street branches of MeKtttr ck John, moulder 119 Clarke James, shoemaker Vacant lot Vacant lots Vacant lo t 123 Cole John, cabinetmaker Read John T, carpenter I/ere Waterloo street inkrueta . Richards È dward, labore r Vacant logo King Charles, car examiner Robertson Thoa, train deepatcber Comber Joseph, laborer G W R Vacant lots Xere Talbot street interarets . McLauqhlan Peter, laborer Taylor William, conductor G W R Vacant lots Vacant lot Barn and vacant lots McGregor Daniel, dairymanj Rira Colborre street branches Of- 151 Schram Margaret, wid Peter, Hopkins Mrs Eliza, school teacher Vacant lots Vacant lob- B wn Geo engine d Vacant lot Tracy John, laborer P8 R ro ri ver G W R Elere .Yaitland street interareu. Yulgrovo Yamva, teamster 161 Kimmie Michael W, laborer G W R Vacant lots Vacant lo t 165 Sharpe Edward, carpenter Bore Colborne street irteseeetu . Vacant lots `Jutcli8b John, cooper Vacant lo t Ifcre William striai interrets. Dunn Janet, wid Joh Vacant lot Vacant lot n Grant Charles, home maker 167 McArthur Che, conductor G W R Kern John W, moulde r Sutherland 8, fireman G W R Turner Charles F, clerk G W R Vacant lots Lumber yar Vacant lots d McNab Charle s tlere Adelaide street intersects . Bere Richmond street intersects. Be" Colborne street interarcte . Hargravea William H ttTBZBT eommeneee at Rident 185 House unoccupied Brodie Hugh, local aupt G W R EE1fT Gospel Hall church and rnna eut to Eiohmond. Maddever Chulea, waggonmaker 187 Ferns Robert, tripe dealer Vacant lots Vacant lot North aide. Thompeon Richard, laborer. G W R s dtere Buruvll etreet interaecta. 306 Rudd Chas B, veterinary surgeon Essery Emanuel T, solicitor Yere= William Gardiner Thomas, hotelkeeper Robinson John O, books, tc Vacant lots Vacant lot s 219 Campbell Sarah. wid Thomas Brock William, carpenter Phillips George, miller Curtis William J, piano tuner Hawkins Deborah, wid John Walker Thomas, framer car works 221 Bailey William, teamster Vacant lots Vacant lot Dynes Wm H, conductor G W R Gordon Wm, tnvelling ioapector tlerr Beewel/ street interaete . 295 Crosby Miss Mary, grocer Martindale Ann, wid Joseph HAER R Fairbairn Walter, pattern fitter 227 Allinson John, laborer G W R Vacant lot ilere Talbot street interawte. Jianh Abraham, machinist Lumber and wood yar d Ile Vacant lot m Clarence street interarcts . Yates Jarre, wid William Vacant iot a Vacant lots Pink John, carpenter Gunn G McKenzie, ituurance agt Thompson Thoa, fireman G W R k Abbott John, blackamith Weir Robert, machinist Park John G, carpenter Pricbard John H, cler Bobm rev George, Lutheran Fletcher Samuel T, fireman G W R Vacant lo t Cooper rev James, D D, Baptist Linfltt Win A Conover Charlee, sewing machines Ben dfaitland street inureeeH. . oonductor G W R Here Afaitland street interateta and Whitele Jonathan, laborer Rutherford Ale :, tailo r dere Port &an/ey R R interaute. Vacant~ota L bt P8RRcrosses Crake Fred, jeweller Here daaRton road interwots. Dewey Win H, ltoldemith Vacant lots Lawless L, poetmaeter Pink Georga, machinist Roots Henry, plasterer Vacant lot Co: Mary wid Joseph Davis William H, of Davis A Son Langton ~red, checker G W R Humptrv Christina, wid Frederick Vacant lots V acant lo Milon Viiilliam, laborer Birrell Mrs Ralph t Here Hamilton road interacts. t Muon Ales, cooper Vacant lot Vacant lo Vacant Iota Pickering Miss L, dressmaker Martin Robert, &emaa G W R dere Wellington street intersects. Calder A Co, omnibus line props Vacant lot Land James, cab d river Vacant lot e Hoaitine Je remiah, carpenter Hugheon John, teamster South sull. Marshall Hugh carpenter G W R Vacant lots bikini Philip, c arpe nter Tucker John, eÎtoemaker Vacant lots Wilson Wil liam, cabinetmaker Ryder George, laborer G W R Were William street (nterarete. dere Talbot etreet interarete Stevenson Catherine, wid Thomas Roe Bdward, moulder Winnett's lumber yard Brown Veesy, phydcian Vacant lots Roe John wag~onmaker (ileeeon Patrick, cooper Vacant lot Weir Samuel, blacksmith Berney John, laborer McElheran Jane, wid Archibald Beattie Davi d Here William etreet intereeote. Harding James, teamster McElberan Robt,conductor G W R Furnea John, messenger G W R Blood Ansel, grocer flouse buildin g Chilcott Frederick,engineer G W R Vacant lo t Tripp James, cooper Whyte William, station agent O+Marra gtephen, cab driver Vacant lote gen Henry law branches of, Vacant lots Vacant lo t Bell re v James , Methodist Mann James A, photographer Bers ddelaidr street interaou . O'Brian Thomas, barrister Vacant lots Staeey Benjamin, caehier O T R Vacant lo t Palmer Davidt teamater Rome unoccupied HURON gT1tIlT aommeneea at the Peel Thomas, merohant tailor Williams William, carpenter Campbell George, laborer aorth,b raneh of the river; and runs Vacant lot Blood Ansel grocer vacant lot e eaa6 Holmes Calvin D, baerUtee Wheaton A~am, builder House ttnoooupied South d". Cowan Geo A, clerk Vacant Iota Harrison Win, locomotive depart River ban k vacant lots Ben Vacant lots Vacant lots Jarman Benjamin, undertaker Grand Trrnk R R ittterueu . at the river cooper Chambers Win G, bookkeeper Sargent Samuel, farmer l1;F6 eTRZST eommeneu Forriatal John, Caldwell John, baker 3e0tor7• South d& . Vacant lots and runa uat to Trimble George, botelkeeper Hen Talbot street branche of. North d&- Bank of River Thames Here Waterloo tlreet intersects. Vacant lots Vacant lots Afars Ridont striai interMeN. Robinson Francis Vers Tha+nu etrwt internete. Myron James, laborer Sanaome George, carter Bere Richmond street istteneett . 234 LONDON STREET I)Ilti•.C'1'ORY. 0 L01qD(1!P aTEtSBT DIRECPORY. 885

Vacant lots Peddicomb Abraham Haymond William, bricklayer Mastroo John, boese shoer House unoccupied Lewis Albert, moulder Ben Adelaide street intentus. McIntyre Archibald, silver plater Vacant lots Elliott William, bookkeeper C umberlige John,labonr Here a lant braneits of. 8ere Ridoul street intersects. Bland Thomas Temperance Hall Westminster Hotel, J A Swarto, Vacant lot Loveless Jobc, tailor Vacant lots McLaughlin Patrick H, moulder Baker Jesse boots and shoe Crocker Mrs Charlotte, boarding Thompson Wm, earriagemaker Search Stephen, laborer 8 mons kbole furniuue dealer Vacant lot Vacant lots lantle Joseph b boota and ehoes Moorehead Aleaander, blacksmith Hire Wellington street intersecte. Woodward John, ahoemaker Grosses Rtillmm, general dealer Ontario Pork Packing house Cousins John A Powell Michael, engine driver Davey Georfe, tultr Miller Robert D, iron foundry Wolfe John, oil refiner McNaugbten Titus, moulder Davey Mn George, confectionery Thom" Sarah, wid John CongreRatioual church Kenney Michael, laborer Sparks Miss Esther, dressmaker Gordon James, clerk Mitchell Bosson A, wholesale drugs U'Mara Richard, hotelkeeper Dunn James, harnesemaker alcBean Angus Vacant lot Smith James oatpanter Be" Talbot street intersects. Ha^ Jamea, blaokwith House unoccupied Kendrick Jo^n, draughtsman Chuholm Mise Isabella, bdg hse Molntosh John l3, d ry goeds 11 cN iR' John, agent for Stokes ! Co Central House, CF Knapp, prop Cannon Ubediah, teamster i3uRgin rev George, ^lethodist McGowan James, grocer and prov O'Neil John D, veterinary surgeon Cannon Mrs Obediah, boarding Miller William, timekeeper Philli ps George miller and flour Rem Lisle strett braeAp of. City Arms HotA Bore a lanc branches of. Mills Miss Elizabeth, drossmaker Colenso John, carpentrer Beaton John groo'r and liquors Vacant lot Bert Waterloo street intersecrs. Miller Ann wid Edward Caldwell k Ânundson,cabinetmkrs Balkwill's Hotel, P A Morley, prop Smith Roger Cliff Alfred, bricklayer Doyle John F, barnessmaker 1lere Talbot etnet intersects. Croley Timothy, stage proprietnr Carrie Tbomast shoemaker Ontario Hotel, John Woods, prop Covent Garden market Whitchurch Thomas Sullivan Jeretnuh, blacksmith Heath A Finnemore,sesd merchants Coombs Henry, cabinetmater Dixon Thomas, carpenter Vacant lots tlhaw B, produce agent Hamilton Robert, produce Waimesle William, machinist Hona unoccupied Plewes A Peer, flour and feed Howie James, tbor and feed Byron Valentine H Mitchell Mrs Agnes, boarding house r Hudson Joseph laborer Vacant lot Wright John of Wright & Durand Vacant lots Leigh R A J, plumbers Crook John, blacksmith Davey John Wesley, prof of music O'Brien William, oil distiller Watson ^t Constantine, architects Vacant lots Cattermole James, physician, surg Bert (Ilebt strevi branches *if. Hodgins Hotel, Edward Hodgins, Wallace rev R W, Cong Moine William, saddler regational groce: and prov Powell k Son, marble yard Denham David A, bailder Isaac Arseott, Robinson J U, books and pictures Hartley Joshua, carpenter lien Richmond street intersects. Wilson H lumber and coal Johnson John W, accountant Miller Jobs, oil refiner Bergin Patrick, tailor Smith Peter, grocer and liquors Michael 1t W!x R, ina agents 8aunbury's flour and feed store 1/ere Calborne striai Private stables Ilere RicAuand strett intersects. intersectt. Dixon John, carpenter Smith Petsr, warehouse Revere House Wallace Arthur, city aaseuor Halloran Martin, laborer Bryanton Robert, furnitare Shop unoccupied House unoceu pied Kickham James, laborer House building Revere House stables Miller Edward, fancy goods dealer Vacant lot Mordon R J P, physician Vacant lot Dulmage Duncan, condt'or G W R Hartley Joshua, carpenter McKim Daniel Ferguson John cabinetmaker Here BurroeG street intertects. Newton John, aborer Moorehead George, mattrass rooms The Geo 4e l^oorehead Manufac- Vacant lot Moorehead Alexander blacksmith ► Burdett George, enRineer McClar Thompson, (^arrisge Co turing Co Miller Robert, founder liera Rectory strcet intersects. Bennett Bros, ondertaken Sage ^m, taaaagerCarriage Co House unoccupied South side. 8ymons William, maron Heaver Frederick, engineer Boile Jas B inspet public schools Vacant lots Wire Engine house No. 1 Dennis Rowland, gen Alacksmith Fairbairn Walter tnterseets. Fletcher William, eont4etioner Dunbar William, of Dunbar Bros Pegler Edward ooadador G W R 'Bne Thames street Taylor George W, hardware Vacant lots Bull George, plasterer Minhinnick John R, of Minbinnick, George Samuel, ead>retmaker King k Re al, butoben Geary t Co House unoccupied Public school Here Clarence street intersects. Clarence louse Rare Ifaitlandatrvd inteheets. King Street Slator James, maltster Ben Clarence strret fnteraeett. Vacant lots Vacant lots Wilson Jane, wid William Seaodrett Juhn, of Fittifferald & Hinton William, eabinetmaker Shaw Benjamin, commission agent Jackson Dtisabeth, wid Joseph Rossie William C, bookkeeper Morell John, h Co, pork packen Scandrett Everett Thomas, sboemaker Oued John, broommaker Bailrey James, aces traveller Cottaeil George, drag clerk 3ymons William H, furniture Bickley Francis, eabineuoaker Mullin John, grocer and liquors Darch John Rioh Robert, produce ssarohant Rowland Fredetilek, p6rk packer Benson Bros, organ manutaoturers Smith Mary A wid (*orge Stables Mason Jobs, monlder Smith John Vd of 6mith & George Qlass George Ilat Btelsut sin" istersaft. Garman George, moulder aaoood hand Here 1FiKisas drest interteets. Castle James, carrenter and joiner Barnard George, monlder ^pJ^ A, esspon ^ Holman Joseph, enVne driver Brown Robert, tank imp O W R Ori®ths John, phellogesp6or 8hop vnoscupled Chapmaa Annie, wtd Andrew Vaeaht lot Vacant lots Nash R Jackson; carriate'tttannfn liera a lowt branebs of. Barnard Frederick, moulder (iurd Wm, ofJobn Gard A Boets Graysoo 1[iekael, 'deder in wood McPherson Daniel, laborer Bigger John, catQsnter Gurd John, jun, broom manf Yates'3 yotlidl, macsiniefs Vacant lots Saunders Jambe House building N h Edmund, of Ifash &Jackson Gurd John, efJobn Gurd lt Sons Freeland Samuel, shoemaker )owe'll habsfla, wtd James BMt wt{h1rtM ttY1lt ^Mbr^eti Primitive Metbodist ohérCh Dark James, ca rpenter Lindsay James, boolkeeper McKenney Israel Yeddiosob John, bookkeeper Raymond Jot,a, bticklayer Ctm^pbolt John, carriage manutt• Vacant lob