INDIAN COUNCIL 8th Floor, NBCC Centre, Plot No.2, Community Centre Okhla Phase - 1, - 110020

~ ~ qfurrx ~ ~

MOST IMMEDIATE F No.22-15/2021-INC Dated:22/12/2020 To, The Secretaries (H & FW) State & DT's of

Sub: Inviting Nominations for National Florence Nightingale Nurses Award For the year, 2021 - reg.


As you are aware, National Florence Nightingale Nurses Awards are given as a mark of recognition for the meritorious services rendered by Nursing Professionals in the country. This award is presented on 12th of May every year on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale. The next award ceremony to be held on 12th May 2021.

In the above connection it is brought to your notice that the work relating to organizing the National Florence Nightingale awards 2021 has now been transferred by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (Nursing Section) to Indian Nursing Council and as such all correspondence in this regard is to be addressed now to Indian Nursing Council. Further, the nomination for the Award will be scrutinized by a Committee headed by Hon'ble Justice Shri Gopala Gowda, former Justice of Supreme Court of India.

The award is given to outstanding Nursing personnel employed in Central, State/UTs, Private, Missionary and Voluntary Organizations. The award consists of Cash Award of Rs. 50,000/-, a certificate and a Medal. Apart from the Nursing Personnel working in the State, Central, Autonomous institutions, the Nursing Personnel working in Private, Missionary and Voluntary Organisations are also eligible for the National Florence Nightingale Nurses Award and their application may also be forwarded after considering it in State Level Selection Committee in accordance with the laid down procedure, subject to their fulfilling the requirements.

Selection criteria, applications form, instructions for preparing the resume of the nominee, composition of the State Level Selection Committee and procedure for selection of nominees for the award is enclosed at Annexure I to V.

You are requested to recommend at least a panel of five names for each category, i.e Auxiliary Nurses & Midwife, Registered Nurses and Midwife & Registered Lady Health Visitors from Your State.


~ fWa:rr +1"II"I l'fFICn IDl

______:_"c~;)i_~'~~::,:':._, _ _""'-'-'------INDIAN NURSING COUNCIL 8th Floor, NBCC Centre, Plot No.2, Community Centre Okhla Phase - I, New Delhi - 110020 ~~ ~ "CIftcrR ~ ~ c5 ~ ~ ~ Statutory Body under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare


On completion of the selection process outlined above, the names of the nominees along with their resume and documentary proof in support of claim for the award may be forwarded to the President, Indian Nursing Council, Sthfloor, NBCC Centre, Plot No. 2, Community Centre, Okhla Phase-I New Delhi -110020 latest by 2Sth February, 2021 (Tel. No.011-66616S0l).

I would request you to keep the following important aspects in view, while forwarding the nominations.

I. Wide publicity may be given in the State to all the concerned Stakeholders by issuing necessary circulars and up-loading the enclosed documents on the official website of the State Government.

2. It may please be ensured that applications for the nominations are received from Private and Missionary institution also apart from government institutions.

3. Representatives of the Trained Nurses Association of India (TNAI) at the State Level or Associations should be included in the Selection Committee.

4. It should be ensured that the panel of names should include nominations in each of the three categories i.e. Nurses, Auxiliary Nurse Midwives and Lady Health Visitors.

5. It should be ensured that only such candidates are nominated who fulfill the criteria and proven evidence of outstanding work in their field and all the nominations are to be placed before the State Selection Committee meeting.

Receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledged.

Yours Faithfully, Encl: Annexure-I to V

(Dr. T. Dileep Kumar) PRESIDENT

~ fmn c5 '(4Hi "11'1 l'f1'1Cf) ID"l{i ~ c5 ~ IOllllt1;H1 Striving to Achieve Uniform Standards of Nursing Education Website: E-mail: [email protected] P_hone:~OlL-66616800, 66616821, 66616822 ) 31jW"1C6 I I Annexure-I CI1f 2021 ~ ~ '

1. ~ ~ GRT Ptk1~ftld c\R ~ if 28 !'f')'(q-fl. 2021 TICti ~ ~ ~/'1I~iCf)'1 ~ ~ \i'fTTI ~:- , invites the applications I nominations from the Nurses by zs" February,2021 in the following three categories namely:- I SP:~. tofi I Category ~>Nq;I~ qft ~ / S.No. Number of Awards 1. q\rflcpd 'HSllI¢ rrn ~ ~ / 17 Registered Auxiliary Nurses & Midwife 2. cj\JllCPd rrn ~ ~ I 30 Registered Nurses and Midwife 3. cj~CPd ~ ~ qRc;~l¢1 / 4 Registered Lady Health Visitors

2. tJBRTf ~:- ~ ~ if ~ 10 Cf1f cpr ~ I 3ffi1tlRUT ~ ~ ~ if \3R cp'T ~61lm~~1 Eligibility Criteria:- Minimum 10 years of experience in the respective category. In case of extraordinary performance age may not be a constraint.

3. ~ 1Bf cpr >fRi)q ~'jcl'''1q;:-II * "f)q if "fic;rr.:r ~ I The format of the Application Form is enclosed at Annexure-II.

4. ~~, ~ tim, f.1\JlI ~/fll!i!I'1Rlri 3tR ~ ~ ~ ~ {~fitpCf) ~ ~ 'i1~i¢'1 lftlT "\ilR ~ I The nominations should be called from State Government, Central Government, Private Institutions/Missionaries and Prominent Voluntary Organisations of the concerned State.

5. X'flfi 'i1~iCf);:fj cpr ~ ~ ~ ~ x:rfuq (~ ~ ~ ~) mxr fcl>m \JfRT ~I All nominations should be handled by the Secretary (Health & Family Welfare) of the concerned State except Central Government Institutions, Autonomous Organisations.

6. Fcm~Fcl~I(>jll,3ltf-tRl ~, tRl ~ ~, ~, W~, ~ 3tR ~tr ¢I'H£l14 m ~ ~ tim ~ ~ GRT ~ m~ar ~ ~ xr ~ 11ffifm ~ ~ (3II~q'i~:f)) cpl ~ vrr ~ ~ I Central Government Institutions like Universities, Paramilitary Forces, Military Nursing Forces, AIIMS, ESI, Railways and Ordnance Factories etc. may directly send the applications to the Indian Nursing Council (INC) through the Head of Institutions.

7. ~ (~ ~ "Cl"fum" ~) ctT ~amr qTBJ ~ ~ ~ GRT ~ ~ WG PtxqQIC; 31j!i!ifftd gHCf)lx ~ ~ ~ coT -gr '%IT \JfRT ~ I The applications of the recommended Awardees must invariably be sent after making selection by the State Selection Committee headed by Secretary, Health & Family Welfare. llPage \~. fclmT 'BI ~ if ~ ~ ~ ~ fcrirR 3TR ~ cf> ~ ~ 'BI "wiiCb'i 'im' w :) \ifRT ~ I 3fTR 'illiiCb'i ftAT ~ ~ :m1{l mw ~ ill \Rf lR ~ ~ ~ 8RT fcrirR ...,.g'f fcnm \i1Tq'TT I No nomination in any case should be sent without considering and recommendation of the State Selection Committee. If the nomination is received without the recommendation that will not be considered by the Central Selection Committee.

9. -;ffi cpT ~ W~i,{i;fjI,{~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "Wr~ if ~ ~,(fll~\i1 ~ ~ ~ 3lCjcf!Cb'iI~ >RWi m m

10. ~ ~ m ~ fcr1W cB- iITG J1T'I{f ~ ~ ~ ~ aRT 31l1fim "'i"6f ~ ~ anm g'<%I,< cfi ~ ~ill'

11. ~ ~ it ~ x-rr~ Pik1f(;Jfttd ~«1I~\i1 ~ ~ \i1"R ~ :- .....;>,. '~ __;,..' , CfJ) «I QI'li41 m en LflIc.I'!:lIq) ~) ~

12. ~"ffl ~ ~j~ifftd 3TR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~, 8ert ~, q'i4)\'fl\'fl ~, ~ 0:[. 2, t11!!GI~q) ~, ~ ~-1, "il ~-110020 cpT 28 ~(q;fl, 2021 WP ~ 'IJlT'") ~ I affltq fcr1W -t iITG J1T'I{f 311~G;fl tR ~ onft f

13. 'lii5It4'iCfjIV cB- "ffl it ~ ~ I The Criteria for evaluation of Auxiliary Nurses & Midwife; Registered Nurses and Midwife & Registered Lady Health Visitors (Nurse Educator, Administration and Clinical Nurses) is placed at Annexure-IV.

14. ~ 3TR ~ ~ ~ qft ~ \ilj(>t4'itpa-VcB- Xi)q if ~ ~ I Composition of the Central and State Selection Committee is placed at Annexure-V.

21Page 31'j(l1h1Cfj II / Annexure-II

~ lfu'IWtf ;:II~re~)(i'f~ ~;N

"4cll"4 dli tfiTcT ~q¢l~ Paste Recent Photograph

l. '1fl1 (~ 3lam -q) Name (In Block Letters)

2. ~ I Category ~/NURSE (ii) 3TR.~. ~ 3TR.~. -msm I D RN&RM NO. _

(i) 3TR.~.~.~. ~ I ~.~.~'/ANM D RANMNo. _

(iii) 3TR.~.~.clt. ffism I ~.~.clt./LHV D RLHVNo .. __

3. ~ ~ ~ XW-T 3lT

4. f(Krr / qft1 cpr '1fl1 Father'slHusband's Name

5. q?l~q51'< ~ ~ ~ 1fflT (fq;, m ~XW-T) Current Address for Communication with Pin Code

5.1 ~ -msm (f.icm:r) Telephone No. (Residence)

5.2 JOtl~I~(I1 -msm Mobile No.

5.3 ~-~ 1fflT, 317R cnW ~ E-mail Address, if any

3 • 4 " ) 6. ~-q~~/m~ em'1f113tRWT1:TID Name & Complete Address of Hospital/Institution where currently working

6.1 ~ ~ (Cfjlllf(Ylll) Telephone No. (Office)

6.2 ~-1)c;r 1:TID, 3lTR ~ ~ E-mail Address, if any

7. ~~ Post held at present

8. "llft ~ql~~'d m cIT, '{~ql~~R1 ct)" ~,~~m Whether retired if so, the date of retirement, if applicable

9. '{~ql~~R1 "$ ~ ~, "llft ~ m Post held at the time of retirement, if applicable

1O. ~ Wrr31T -q~ em fclcRur Details of experience in nursing services.

11. ~ ql'llC1l~ / Qualifications

41C'{llwli ~qtf ~ em'1f11 -qfrlffi ~ / ~~q~t1I(Ylll Course Year of Name of Institution em '1l+1 /Name of Exam. Passing Board/University 'Q".~.~. /'Q"C1'.~.cfi. A.N.M. / L.H.V. \Jfi.~.~. O.N.M. ~.~. (~)/-qt~.~.~. (~) B.Sc.(N)IP.B.B.Sc.(N) ~.~. (~) M.Sc. (N) ~.fl:Pc;r. M.Phil. 'QT.~. (~) Ph.D. (N) 4 5 , )

12. C4lcHilf{Jep m~/~3IT ~ fl~NC11 (flGNC11 ~ cfi~) Membership with professional organization/s with membership number

13. ~ 3RT \i11'iepl{l Any other information

~ cfi ~a:R / Signature of the Applicant _

~ ~1lfCP/>rtlI'ilijI4/fGR>rr RlFcPfHI ~/fGR>rr ~ ~ ~ ~/~ar ~ am 3lj~if{1C1 Recommended by Nursing Superintendent/Principal/District Medical OfficerlDistrict Public Health Nursing Officer/Institutional Head etc.

~ ~ fd"fu: / Place & Date:

~arcfi~ Signature of Head of the Institution xfu;r / Seal

~. ~ ~ ~ Cf>~IOI am (gx%l,< ~ "'

~ ~ fd"fu: / Place & Date:

~ / Signature xfu;r / Seal

5 31j6lh1q) III/Annexure-III

'<1~?OtlfclHtf "11~re~l(i1-;:ffi ~'<%I'< 2021 THE NATIONAL FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE NURSES AWARD 2021 f&~IIPt4~1/\ijfq ~ INSTRUCTIONS/CHECKLISTS

1. \NT ~ CI?T ~ CJR ~ 3R'f7ffi ~ cpT 'i IliiFcPd fcmrr 1T

2. fcpx=r ~ *~ :• For Category:

2.1 CfJI4¢l?li/~ * "ffl11l, "{~, ~, ~ 1fq" "Cf>T4 3tR Cf!Rl ¢T ~ CI?T fctcRur ~ \jfirfT ~, ftRffi <:ffi" ~ bT fcn ~ "IlliiCfJ'i *~ ~ x=MIlil'i~O\S) cpT ~ CfRdT/~ ~ I ~ ~ (ffi, ~ if ~ (ffi, ~ q?f 3tR 3Plr ~«lIqiJ1, "GI1" \3df)~Cllx *~ cpT ~ >IGT'i" m~,'4T ~ \1fT ~ ~ I The narration should give the time, the place, the circumstances, the deed and the recognition of the event which qualifies the individual for nomination. Newspaper articles, journal articles, letters of appreciation of other documentation which strengthen candidate's application could be sent.

2.2 lil'i~o\S) *~ ~ ~I Description as per Criteria.

3. ~ ~ fum 3tR ~ cpT '4T \3ffc;jftJd fcmrr \1fT "ffCPffi ~ ~ 'i lli iFcPd ~ *~ if ~ tGci: ~ (Ill I~I'i "'itt bT1lT I Past education and experience of the individual may be documented but that in itself will not contribute to the selection of the nominee.

4. ~ tr~ CfJI4¢l?fj'i if >fT1{f ~ ~ ¢T ~ em >llf\!il~d "'itt fcmrr "iJ1RT ~ 131{QdlC1l <:IT ~ 3l~ fua-n * ahr if ~ 1fq" ~ ~ <:IT I'lll~~ft61(11ll~I'i cpT xi-q''icil

61Page 3J1<>P"fcp IV tfi.{rllCf> "f{f l.ItfT~q)I3I)'/-tQl~ q~G~f(f>13lr (~,~.:r.~JL/~(iI."(rif,cf).)~ if~~ ~g, Jlr.,i.~

(;;:f)il ~.~ lr~ tf'4) lll"fcfm cil fPl~"f 4' (~t'(frij\JJ tf'i:.'lT"f (f)~"ff 3Jlq~lJ ~) w.tL ~nltC JrFfG'6 1, ~~ ~)nrm q'j) \RcB'r ~ *~ 3J1q~1ICf> 3fRlRCffl 41'lIdl~ (ml~ffi SfJlTUJ q~ ~W"f 4>T-ff 3JTq~CJ) ~) 2, 3l11lCf (

(~~ q-?{ ~'W~ ct>T-IT 3f1~llllq; t)

3, lJljGnl / 3NtffiJti{ 1)' eft 11l ~lf ff-(>{llol Cf>14U'i1i :-

~ ~ 14U'iS1! -B ~ i[lll~I"1/~ :- q'j)~~ ~) "4'~ /~ (~161, ~ ~) 1i1"1ff1Cf> ~ t9) ~~/\i1' ~ xf lTG, ~1I~RCf> ~ xf RlCf>C'li11, ~/~3lT xf ~) ~) '{iU'iISOJCf>WT 31") Cf>lt 3Rl (<J Jflilurq~r qft ~ta ~ mtl.f~ ~ 3l21cff 3(:l] un- 1=)' 3l'ICffu ~.~~uy 1ft ~'(>f~ ~ \il~) ~) t1Cf>ICf>,1'i * 3ITrrffi m'{'f ~ ~ c;r~ (WT~Q) <;WI il\if ~ ~ 1fTlfT 4' m. m 1J_~ JPtlulq~r Cf)') ~ ~ mtl.f~ ~ 31~ 3I'l.Tufi 4' 3F];~ ~:ifq)~ol 'Jft ~ ~ ~) IT) ~ xlRCPdCf>41cpl CfiT m Pt&:JI~'i (WTe.iv "G'RIT') "fa ~ m2l \J~ ~ 3l~ 3il.Tufi 4' 3l:f,qfu ff'M>~OI 1ft ~~ ~ ~) tl) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/mmfr c#t ~ (WTe.t <;'R1I4 \if ~ ~ 1fTlfT 1)' ~tm 1J_~ SPllolq~r ~- ~ta ~ mtl.f ~ ~ 3l~1 3iT)\i!t -q 31:!~{l ~'~{Ul -rft ~<:>Jl~ frh\! \ifl~') ~) 3lNGT *~ 3fTGGT ~ qx "WR 00 ~ ~ 3tR ~ ~ >IGFf ~ (Wle.iv G'RIN\Jf ~ ~4tll 'fJl1IIl 1)' ~t'. cIT lJ,(Wf JfllTVfQ~' qft- ~ta q; mtl.f \1~ ~tft 3121cfl3iT)ut) 4' 3F];Qfu .~~ 1ft ~(>f~ ~ \if~)

71Page ;~ "'CT) ~~ fua=rr/~ fufrtx/~ ~ CbI4mJOJ/\11IlI'&CbC'11Cfi14m JOJ-q 'lfTlT ~ I (iHl=f~Cfi ~f{lrc)\if 1~~ [email protected];:Jh~ llTlill it" ~lITT "'l.:C'f ~lflurq';~l if>') >liD '<5 iHT~ ~rr~1 ~c.f) 3T~1 3i1]\if) 4" 3T:tcrrf~'(J "fI''f.~ \in~) u) Th-~ x1

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Cj)) ~ ~ ~ fuq ~ ~31l' xf ~ ~ £ll'l1(1I~ - RTQ) -;:ffi ~ ~ ~ - \ifi."

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(Sf) ~ 3l'R1ffi -q ~'lffI~ftl.'1 ~ ~UI 10ft ~ ~ ~)


~ m ~ 1fT ~ 3Rl 'H1~GI~Cf; ~ ~EiQT ~~Cf; ~ "If ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cj)f?j "ffi+rr31l' ~ ~ ~. qRql~\if"1'i 3lR xiljGIf{J(/) ~ -q wm c;rR ~ ~ ~ fctRrr \JlTffi ~ I

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'1") frr.:rr ~ ~ ~ cfi ~ cpx m ~ cpx ~ ctT W5l1Wi - (31fT.:illI1"l1.~. ~~) (~q; ~fdlcl\Jf ~ ~ 'fJTlfT -q m, ill ~ SI'"llOI4';ir qft -s:rftr q; ~ ~ f6cft 3l~ 31'-,]\ift -4' 3l1C11~o fj''(-IT.'J ~ ~)

tT) ~ cfi ~ ~ ~ wm 'd"Cf) ~--x~ lR *mr ~ ~. ~. ~ FilFcl>ffll. ~m3R:r~ \ilT '4t 3llGlO" fu&r cfi ~ ~ ID cpr ~ ~. ftRm ~ ~ /~ CfiT ~ ~ -q ~ fi:rc;ffiT ~ I (WJ~Cf) ~fdI4\Jf ~ ~ 'fJTlfT -q !:IT, ill ~ SlliIOI4';i)' qft -s:rftr q; ~ ~ ~ 3l~ 31'1.t\ifi -q 311C1I~o fl''(-IT.'J fcpq ~) -;s) 3ffil'tTRUT -mrr31l'cfi ~ ~ / q;:;ifft~'j -B >rffi:rr ("f{(>IT.'J ~ 3lIq~~Cf) t)

4, l~"fI'. ~ fJJ~ I'<. CfCl'hTItJ "4' ~ q Iq)I ~ ~ fua:rr / ~ ~1f fulffi

-cp) -X~/'{I\1jc6lll 'f(R (fliPUl7'lol YlfTU'f1l?f/lBf ~ ~ 3lIq~~Cf) t)

10 I P age r, ~) ~/3iC1,

7. \11'1\11H'il~/ ~ /X:J~

lllPage "Hf lHIHfCt>t -if} illH ~.Q. In.,c~·~

(4l'clR~ lr~ t{'f-f) I-fFiG'6'r ci> trs.J~"i It' t:~T~\)1 tf(o{T~ (fix"fl 3frcJ~1TCf)~) f~f~11SClH"iG';g 1. ~l~

cp) ~ ~ cfi ~ 3!ICl~lJCf5 ~3lT xT -eN 3!f?lRCKi ~ lJlllJdlQ - ~ff 11~lTfI/ 11Ejq-x"ll 31rq~lJij) ~)

~) "fffllT 3fRITff/fuan/~ cfi ~ >m4f71Cf5/~ 6 ~ xl 3f!$p ~ qlCf?lSt>S11 "Cf5T ~ CfR W'(f ctr ~ 3!f?lRCKi t)

3. "f~ q~ c6 ~. if fctfllif 1fl1rGR cp) ~/~ 1fxTr!T ~ cfi ~ 3tR TrcmT cn'T 3lR ~ 4PIC;:I'11 ~~U]: ~ ~cflCl~ ~ />llclCf5lC'l fclCf5ffltl CfR"'1T, "ffilFl 3Tlmfur 3fRITff ~/ Cf5llJH~ld cw.n, ~ "fffllT ~

(WJ~ G«fl~\iT TA cfi ~ ~ ~ 3tR ~ ctr ~ "Cf5l ~, il+l ~ "Cf5T ~ 3tR ftra:ruT ~ 1f xlcrr 3tR fuan cf> ~ ~ 1 (wr~(f) G«1I4UJ ~ ~f{r ciJ "IDe.{ \f~~ f6tft 3T~ aj1}vf) it· 3T:tctl~G fl'~~UI 'Jft ~ ~ ~)

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12 I P age --) (tlll~..t (~'kllehll ~1~ ~1.f)l1 'rlltifl I)" i!l", <11 11:,<'1 j.f1Ilulq?l)" cf>') lffi'r ~ tTl~ "\3·f~ ~(fl 3ll1..Tcn3jq ijf) I)" 3l"'J,(n~ ~I fi'f(f) '(UI 'If) (-f('P"'I fij,~ \)n~)

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(WldCl> G"ftTnf\Jf ~~ ~r.ft"ll 'J'ITlSfI 4" l!"l. et ~(>f lfl-flurq?j)" Q>~ IDa ~ m~ \Fr~ f5fl~ ~ \iI~) 4. WPT~ aih" 3T:J;~\'lA

cp) ~/~RC1CfjI/xPfr fualUT ~ ~ "<$X'1T (tTlfdCl> Gffirc)"ur lf~ "~1..()11 'Ifllifl I~" {))", ':1) ~<'I !.fIII lTf IT-:lIr. Cf>') >lfU ~ tTf~ \3';'fct ~"

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15 I P age I) ii)31~/~~ t~Pl2icp <';t\lr4\i1 PUUftl?f't' (fJ~ s:!ru ci> ~n21 \1rl~ fij}'1;! \Jll~) ~)3J:1mfi'r{,1 xl~ fn21 \Ff'~ -~ 3J21"xuf1ft fl~T.:r Ph,,! \ifI1i) ii) x:<[R-Q-<:f ~ ~ (~2icp G'fJT.l ~'! ~) Tr) 3r:1wf4n 3J'(RJ~ Gt\nc)uT ' ~tft 3f21JT.l ~ ~) ii) x:<[R-Q-<:f ~ Wsr (ff1l2icp (~rrc)\.Jr 7T~ ~{>..ff;ffll llTffl If' 5')" (11 ll~ J.fJ-lTl1jl.f?f't' c61- !.Ifu qi fn21 xr~ f%tft 3J21fl~ pPl;! "n(!,) , , tl) ~ of qff;%'fl. fff1ro:rR. qqfWf'q en) 3J 11I1\J1Cf) - ~ 'ffiX/'i(1\J1r6)1l xm (ff1l2i 'G'«lTc)'Gl -lT~ ~4m 1'lTt\fT if '6~:. (II ~C'J 111TIUrrr::fl' c6l llfa c6 ffT21' ~ ~cn 3T21 ~Ul ~\jf ~- ~-;-f)'lJ 1'l11'ifT it' 6)', tTI ~~ 1lllfl1TQ?fY- '~ 11ft)- qi fH21 ~ ftJ'{1dCf)dT - ~/3id'i(lcflll xm (~ ~\jf I~)"/fJl"'lldi 1lIfI ct ~ if lI) ~IC:IW'J/ \iq~~lIj en) ~ 'ffiX / 'i(I\J1<6) II 'ffiX


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16 I P age I} ~l.1) 3f 2,JClI3i l] \.If) 1)' 3F1ClrRd ti t ~ UT 'l'l) ti(>fr~t fq)~ "fir;[)

6, lHG:1 fip~ lr~ ~ / lJ.xt

7, \if"1urrctF.J / ~ / ~~XiRff /


(Supportive documents required for all criteria's mentioned below)


a. Additional qualification beyond essential requirement for his I herjob (Qualification Certificates to be enclosed) b. Additional qualification applicable to nursing (Qualification Certificates to be enclosed) 2. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE (Appointment Letters to be enclosed) 3. SPECIAL SERVICES IN THE COMMUNITY I HOSPITAL a. National Health and Family Welfare programmes under NRHM / NHM : Special contribution / association towards the activities or programmes in anyone or more:- a. Leprosy Control b. Tuberculosis c. HIV & AIDS d. Cancer Care e. Palliative Care f. Mental Health g. Geriatric Management h. Special children (mentally retarded, physically challenged, underprivileged) i. Infectious diseases j. Any other (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) b. Achievement of targets under immunization, institutional deliveryI conduction of delivery (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) c. Performing life saving techniques with a successful outcome (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) d. Prevention of a catastrophe I volunteer services by initiative taken or leadership assumed (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) e. Remaining and doing service at the post disaster site and follow-up service (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) f. Health education I participating in health camps I school health programme I awareness programme

~8 I P age I (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) g. Non-communicable diseases (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) h. Records and Reports (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) 4. IN-SERVICE EDUCATION - CONFERENCE, SEMINAR, WORKSHOP, CONTINUING NURSING EDUCATION (CNE) a. Local/District level (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) b. State level (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) c. National level (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed)

5. MEMBER IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS I STATUTORY BODIES / ACCREDITING AGENCIES ETC. (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version ifit is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) 6. RECOGNITION / AWARDS RECEIVED a. Local/District level (Copy of Certificates in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) b. State / National level (Copy of Certificates in Hindi/English translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) 7. WORKING IN TRIBAL / HILLY / REMOTE / DIFFICULT AREA Working with tribal community, in remote areas where no / less transport, electricity and basic amenities are available, difficult areas such as travelling by foot / boat for long distance to reach people for providing service. (Certified by Competent Authority)*

*In the absence of certified copy of competent authority, place of posting will be considered.

19 I P age JCRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF RNRM (HOSPITAL SERVICE) / PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES (Supportive documents required for all criteria's mentioned below)

S.No. Specific Criteria 1. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION a. Additional qualification beyond essential requirement for his / herjob - Staff Nurse Essential requirement - Minimum GNM (Qualification Certificates to be enclosed) b. Additional qualification by undergoing courses for more than 6 months relevant / beneficial to nursing practice (Specialized nursing skills and education) (Qualification Certificates to be enclosed) 2. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE (Appointment Letters to be enclosed) 3. SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS AS A PRACTICING NURSE AT HOSPITAL / COMMUNITY (Staff Nurse / Public Health Nurse) 3.1 The nurse in her / his regular job in the hospital contributes to improve patient and family care by exceeding the limitations of the job functions. (Supportive documents in HindilEngJish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) a. Excellent clinical nurse involving in development or participation in any new nursing care interventions / patient teaching material. (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) b. Innovative activities or outstanding contributions in nursing practice, acting as role model to improve quality of care impacting measurable patient care outcomes. (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) c. Development and organization of a nursing unit of responsibility (Specialized role / unit-Vascular nurse, pain nurse, IV therapy nurse etc.) that provides extraordinary care to patients by increasing own skills and knowledge, developing staff, procuring supplies and equipment, streamlining techniques and maintaining team spirit resulting in recognition to the institution. (Supportive documents in HindilEngJish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) OR The nurse in her / his regular job in the community or any other community health related voluntary organization contributes to improve client, family and community care by exceeding the limitations of the job functions. a. Exemplary services with a creative and pioneering spirit in the area of public health that have resulted significant impact on nursing profession or healthcare provision over a sustained period of time. (Supportive documents in HindilEngJish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) b. Development of a community or section of community in promotion of their collective health status through increasing their own skills and knowledge, staff development, procuring supplies and resources and maintaining interdisciplinary team spirit and cooperation that resulted in bringing recognition to the organization / healthcare team / state / nation.

20 I P age I, (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. ) Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) c. Participation and extraordinary contribution in community health affairs volunteering service activities with an innovative outlook particularly among vulnerable population and also in national health programs (Exemplary work among disabled, children and women-related to health or social development) (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Langu~e certificates also to be enclosed) 3.2 The Nurse who has regular job in the hospital/community demonstrates special contribution! association towards the activities or programmes in anyone or more:- a. Leprosy Control b. Tuberculosis c. HlV & AIDS d. Cancer Care e. Palliative Care f. Mental Health g. Geriatric Management h. Special children (mentally retarded, physically challenged, underprivileged) i. Other communicable and non-communicable diseases and National health programmes j. Any other (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) 3.3 The Nurse who has regular job but in times of crisis events such as accidents, fire, flood, famine etc. that may occur at any time, performs the following heroic acts regardless of one's own time, safety and possessions. (Testimonies from Authorities/Agencies for exceptional services) a. Rescuing a personls under hazardous conditions (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) b. Performing life saving techniques with a successful outcome (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) c. Prevention of a catastrophe by taking initiative or assuming leadership without official sanction (fire fighting, evacuation, mob control). (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) d. Remaining at post over an extended period of time which aids in recovery of a group / community following a disaster such as organizing communication, nutrition, first aid, evacuation or other activities that are essential during emergencies. (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) e. Testimonies from Authorities/Agencies for exceptional services (to be enclosed) 4. IN-SERVICE EDUCATION / CONTINUING NURSING EDUCATION (CNE) AT CONFERENCE, SEMINAR, WORKSHOP a. Local/State level (Copy of participation certificatelletter to be enclosed) b. National / lntemationallevel (Copy of participation certificate/letter to be enclosed)


6. RECOGNITION / AWARDS RECEIVED a. Local/State level (Copy of Award Certificates to be enclosed) b. National/International level (Copy of Award Certificates to be enclosed)

7. WORKING IN TRIBAL / HILLY / REMOTE / DIFFICULT AREA Working with tribal community, in remote areas where no I less transport, electricity and basic amenities are available, difficult areas such as travelling by foot I boat for long distance to reach people for providing service. (Certified by Competent Authority)*

*[n the absence of certified copy of competent authority, place of posting will be considered. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF NURSE ADMINISTRATOR (Supportive documents required for all criteria's mentioned below)


a. Additional educational qualification beyond essential requirement for his / her job _ Nurse Administrator / Manager (Qualification Certificates to be enclosed)

b. Additional qualification by undergoing courses for more than 6 months relevant / beneficial to nursing practice / education / research (Qualification Certificates to be enclosed) 2. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE (Appointment Letters to be enclosed)


a. Extraordinary Contribution towards standard and quality of patient care in the hospital / community. Example: Develop care delivery models / protocols, initiate / implement evidence based practice, plan and establish new nursing unit or service (specialty clinics- nurse led clinics such as stoma clinic / diabetes foot clinic), establish specialist roles like diabetes educator, and innovate supplies and equipment to deliver quality nursing care. (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed)

b. Improvements made in the status, welfare and professional development of the nursing community exhibiting passion for nursing and contribution towards advancement of nursing profession through mentoring and influencing career development of nurses, and developing and conducting in-service / CNE programs / activities. (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed)

*In the absence of certified copy of competent authority, place of posting will be considered.

22 I P age c. Extraordinary performance in contributing towards excellence in clinical teaching for i students and staff, bridging the gap between service and education demonstrating team spirit and collaboration between service and education in teaching institutions. (Supportive documents in Hindi/English translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) d. Innovative Changes made in the administrative set up through effective leadership. (Ex. Staffing pattern changes based on research, audit, studieson infection control, patient satisfaction), developing new system of functioning in nursing units through effective communication liasoning & team management (Ex. Expanded roles of nurses in specialty units), involving in policy issues and quality improvement that influence nursing care quality and staff welfare making a difference to people receivingcare and education. (Supportive documents in Hindi/English translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) e. Exemplary contribution during special circumstances like natural calamities, disasters and war etc. / volunteer services by performing life-saving activities,planning and organising communication, first aid & nutrition, evacuation and other emergencyactivities, providing/ arranging staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and finding resources both in onsite and referral emergency units resulting in successful outcomes. (Supportive documents in Hindi/English translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) 4. PUBLICATIONS & RESEARCH a. Preparation of Posters / booklets / patient teaching material (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) b. Text book / journal publications (Supportive documents in Hindi/English translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) c. Research (participating / conducting) leading to evidence based practice (Supportive documents in Hindi/English translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) 5. ORGANIZER / RESOURCE FACULTY / PAPER PRESENTER- CONFERENCE, SEMINAR, WORKSHOP a. Organizer - State / National level (Supportive documents in Hindi/English translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) b. Resource Faculty / Paper presentations - State / National level (Supportive documents in Hindi/English translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) 6. MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL BODIES / COUNCILS / ASSOCIATIONS a. Local/State level (Membership Certificate to be enclosed) b. National level

23 I P 2 g e I (Membership Certificate to be enclosed) .J c. International level (Membership Certificate to be enclosed) 7. RECOGNITION lAW ARDS RECEIVED a. Local I State level (Copy of Certificates to be enclosed) b. National/International level (Copy of Certificates to be enclosed) 8. WORKING IN TRIBAL / REMOTE / DIFFICULT AREA Working with tribal community, in remote areas where no / lesstransport, electricity and basic amenities are available, difficult areas such as travelling by foot / boat for long distance to reach people for providing service. (Certified by Competent Authority*) CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF NURSE EDUCATOR I NURSE RESEARCHER (Supportive documents required for all criteria mentioned below)

S.No. Specific Criteria


a. Additional educational qualification beyond essential requirement for his / herjob _ Nurse Educator / Researcher Essential requirement - Minimum B.Sc. for Tutor and M.Sc. for Lecturer (Qualification Certificates to be enclosed) b. Additional qualification by undergoing courses for more than 6 months relevant I beneficial to nursing practice / education / research (Qualification Certificates to be enclosed) 2. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN TEAClJJNG (Appointment Letters to be enclosed) 3. SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS AS NURSE EDUCATOR 3.1 Development or initiation of innovative methods of curriculum implementation such as teaching methods, educational media / teaching materials and assessment / evaluation of students at the UG & PG levels (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) 3.2 Demonstrating excellent teaching skills, and recognized by appreciation letters or awards (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed)

3.3 Exemplary contribution to students through mentoring and providingcareer guidance & counselling to students beyond work schedule / volunteer services/ worked during natural disaster, calamites, health camps (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed)

24 I P age [-,3 4 ' Develop / implement / participate in preparation of short term courses for in-service / CNE j . integrating innovative teaching strategies, and evaluation methods (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) 3.5 Preparation, teaching manual or educational film / publications that is accepted and used beyond her / his educational setting and brings recognition to the organisation which pays her / his salary (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) a. Text book i. Single author (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) ii. Author of chapter/s (Supportive documents in Hindi/English translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) b. Indexed National Journals i. Research articles (Nursing) (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) ii. Health related articles (Supportive documents in Hindi/English translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) c. Indexed International Journals i. Research articles (N ursing) (Supportive documents in Hindi/English translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also tobe enclosed) ii. Health related articles (Supportive documents in Hindi/English translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) d. Independent or collaborative research (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) 4. ORGANIZER / RESOURCE FACULTY / PAPER PRESENTER- CONFERENCE, SEMINAR, WORKSHOP a. Organizer - Local/State level (Supportive documents in Hindi/English translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) h. Organizer - National / International level (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed)

25 I P a g C ! c. Resource faculty / presentation - Local/State level (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) d. Resource faculty / presentation - National/International level (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) 5. CONTRIBUTIONS AS MEMBER / OFFICE BEARER IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS / STATUTORY BODIES / ACCREDITING AGENCIES ETC. a. Local/State level (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) b. National / International level (Supportive documents in HindilEnglish translated version if it is in local language. Local Language certificates also to be enclosed) 6. RECOGNITION / AWARDS RECEIVED a. Local/State level (Copy of certificates to be enclosed) b. National level (Copy of certificates to be enclosed) c. International level (Copy of certificates to be enclosed)

7. WORKING IN TRIBAL / REMOTE AREA / DIFFICULT AREA Working with tribal community, in remote areas where no / lesstransport, electricity and basic amenities are available, difficult areas such as travelling by foot / boat for long distance to reach people for providing service (Certified by competent authority*)

*In the absence of certified copy of competent authority, place of posting will be considered.

26 I P age 31jcl~"'ICJ> V / Annexure-V


~ gxx"CJ>lx ~ ~/~ mfffif ahl ciJ \3s:AlCillIfclll ciJ ~ ~ 3l2ffif xii5ll1CJ> Pt~~ICJ> (~)/\3lT Pt~~ICJ> (~) IDXT ~ ~ ~ I ~/~ mfffif ahl "$I ~ ~ ~ "$I ~ cRrfr 3iR ~ ~ 'iliiR~cl ~ g,<'{"CJ>I,


~ ~ ~ ~ -q Ptkj~R9d ~ m:• The State level Selection Committee will comprise of: _

1. ~,~3lR~~ - 3lUla1 Secretary, Health & Family Welfare Chairman

2. Pt~~ICJ>, ~ mrr/Pt~~ICJ>, RlFcPf{il fuarr - ~ Director of Health Services/Director of Medical Education Member

3. ,

4. 3lUla1/~, tT.\['l.-q-.~. (~ ww) ~ President/Secretary, T.N.A.I. (State Branch)/ Member State level nursing association

5. ~ mrr Pt~~llclll CJ>llIh.>!lI -q ~ ~ - ~~ fi!5ll1cp Pt~~lcp (~) j\3lT Pt~~lcp (~) Member Secretary Chief Nurse in the Office of Directorate Health Services (ADHS Nursing / Deputy Director Nursing)


~ ~ ~ ciJ 'd6d' ~ ~ ~ ~ \YlT ~/~ mfmr ehIT IDXT 3lj~iffld ~ ciJ ~ "$I ~ ~, -q Ptkj~R9d ~ WT:- ' The Central Selection Committee under Indian Nursing Council, whichwill examine the applications of the candidates recommended by the State GovernmentlUnion Territories will comprise of:-

27 I P age \, ~ <'(j11l1Rl ~ (jT. ~ ~, ~ ~, \3i5ijdli <'(jllllC"lll - 3W11ff .) Hon'ble Justice Shri V Gopala Gowda, Former Supreme Court Judge Chairman

2. 3W1~,~~~ - ~ President, Indian Nursing Council Member

3. \3qli5IPJ~~ICj) (~),~ li5IPJ~~11C"I1l WIT - ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ li"'?lIC"lll Member DDG (Medical) Dte.G.HS, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

4. ~ (~), ~ ~ ~ ~ li"'?lIC"lll - ~ Director(Nursing), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Member

5. li51'

6. ~,31R.~.~. ~ ~ - ~ Principal, RAK, New Delhi Member

7. 3W11ff,tt~.~.~. - ~ President, TNAI Member

28 I P age

"'~~".' ..
