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Out of the Box The Midlife Crisis of the Digital Revolution ARS ELECTRONICA 2019 FESTIVAL FOR ART, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY Out of the Box The Midlife Crisis of the Digital Revolution Edited by Gerfried Stocker / Christine Schöpf / Hannes Leopoldseder Ars Electronica 2019 Festival for Art, Technology, and Society September 5 — 9, 2019 Ars Electronica, Linz Editors: Hannes Leopoldseder, Christine Schöpf, Gerfried Stocker Editing: Alexander Wöran, Anna Grubauer, Andrew Newman Translations: German — English: Douglas Deitemyer, Daniel Benedek Copyediting: Laura Freeburn Minion Graphic design and production: Cornelia Prokop, PEFC Certified Lunart Werbeagentur This product is from sustainably managed forests and controlled Typeface: IBM Plex Sans sources Printed by:EN Gutenberg-Werbering Gesellschaft m.b.H., Linz PEFC Certified PEFC Certified PEFC Certified This product is This product is This product is PEFC Certified Paper: Magno Bulk 1,1 Vol., 115 g/m², 300 g/m² from sustainably from sustainably from sustainably This product is from managed forests managed forests managed forests sustainably managed and controlled © 2019 Ars Electronica and controlled and controlled forests and controlled sources © 2019 for the reproduced works by sourcesthe artists, sources sources or their legal successors Published by PEFC Certified Hatje Cantz Verlag GmbH This product is from Mommsenstrasse 27 sustainably managed forests and controlled 10629 Berlin sources Germany Tel. +49 30
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