Neuregulin-4, an Adipokine, As a Residual Risk Factor of Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease
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EDITORIAL Neuregulin-4, an Adipokine, as a Residual Risk Factor of Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease Tatsuyuki Sato,1 MD and Shun Minatsuki,1 MD (Int Heart J 2019; 60: 1-3) ver the past 30 years, treatment strategies for patients with CAD. In their analyses, the serum Nrg4 classical risk factors of coronary artery diseases level did not correlate with age, body mass index, low O (CAD) such as hypertension, hypercholestere- density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, high-sensitivity C- mia, and diabetes mellitus have advanced remarkably. reactive protein, or glycosylated hemoglobin A1c, but did However, ischemic heart diseases still remain the leading correlate with the SYNTAX score, suggesting that serum cause of heart failure and cardiovascular death worldwide, Nrg4 is a predictor of CAD severity. ROC curve analysis and identification and treatment of the residual risk factors revealed that serum Nrg4 levels had both high sensitivity is essential.1) Adipokines are gaining attention as residual and specificity for the identification of patients with se- risk factor candidates and as novel treatment targets of vere CAD. The present study suggested the potential of CAD. The association between adipokines such as Nrg4 as a residual risk factor and as a novel therapeutic interleukin-6, adiponectin, leptin, and tumor necrosis fac- target for CAD.14) tor alfa and CAD is being studied. In addition, the drugs However, two important questions remain to be an- that affect the adipokines are also being examined as po- swered in order to understand the effect of serum Nrg4 on tential therapeutics.2-8) CAD: (1) is there any causal relationship between the in- A recently identified adipokine, neuregulin-4 (Nrg4), creased level of serum Nrg4 and the presence and the se- is one of the four neuregulin family proteins: cell-cell sig- verity of CAD; and (2) what accounts for the changes in naling proteins that possess an EGF-like domain and bind serum Nrg4 levels and what is the possible intervention to to the ErbB family tyrosine kinase receptors.9) Nrg4 was alter the levels? first identified as a neuregulin family protein enriched in Although the present study and the aforementioned the pancreas,10) but recently Rosell, et al. reported that population studies only show an association between Nrg4 Nrg4 is highly expressed in brown adipose tissues (BAT) and CAD with no information on the causality, data from as an adipokine; its role in atherosclerosis has been gain- a rodent model suggest that serum Nrg4 affects the forma- ing attention.11) Jiang, et al. showed that serum Nrg4 lev- tion of atherosclerosis. Clement, et al. showed that ErbB4, els were lower in patients with metabolic syndromes, and the receptor of Nrg4, increased dramatically in the endo- Cai, et al. showed that serum Nrg4 levels inversely corre- thelium of a rat carotid artery injury model.15) In the same late with carotid intima-media thickness. 12,13) study, treatment with neuregulin-1 (a member of the neuregulin family proteins which can also activate ErbB4) attenuated neointima formation.15) Signaling via ErbB4 ty- Article p.45 rosine kinase receptors shows an anti-apoptotic effect via In this issue of International Heart Journal, Tian, et stimulation of the Akt/PI3K pathway,16) which reportedly al. have expanded these previous findings to include the inhibits endothelial cell apoptosis and prevents the pro- association between serum Nrg4 levels and the presence gression of atherosclerosis.17,18) These indirect findings are and complexity of CAD.14) The authors reported for the not conclusive, however, and further human cohort studies first time that serum Nrg4 levels were significantly lower and biological studies are therefore required. in patients with CAD. Logistic regression analysis re- The mechanisms of the regulation of serum Nrg4 lev- vealed that serum Nrg4 level was a predictor for the pres- els and the possible therapeutics to increase that level are ence of CAD, independent of the patients’ blood pressure, unknown. Nrg4 is highly expressed in BAT, and the low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, and smoking amino acid sequence of Nrg4 codes a transmembrane do- status, thus indicating serum Nrg4 as a possible residual main and an EGF-like domain, with a putative proteolytic risk factor. They also showed that a higher SYNTAX cleavage site in between, suggesting that the cleavage is score was associated with lower serum Nrg4 levels among required for the formation of mature secretory Nrg4.10) From the 1Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Address for correspondence: Tatsuyuki Sato, MD, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8655, Japan. E-mail: [email protected] Received for publication November 15, 2018. Revised and accepted November 15, 2018. doi: 10.1536/ihj.18-654 All rights reserved by the International Heart Journal Association. 1 IntHeartJ 2 SATO, ET AL January 2019 Figure A possible model of the effect of Nrg-4 on coronary artery disease. Alterations in the amount of brown adipose tissue, the expression of Nrg-4 within the brown adipose tissue, or the secretion of Nrg-4 from the adipose tissue may contribute to the de- creased serum Nrg-4 levels, resulting in increased endothelial cell apoptosis and coronary artery disease. Nrg-4, Neuregulin-4. The key determinant factor of serum Nrg4 levels may be Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention Statistics the amount of BAT, the level of Nrg4 expression within Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Heart Disease the BAT, the proteolytic cleavage and secretion of the and Stroke Statistics-2018 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association. Circulation 2018; 137: e67-492. Nrg4 from the BAT, or the removal of Nrg4 from sys- 2. Kuo LT, Yang NI, Cherng WJ, et al. Serum interleukin-6 levels, temic circulation, and drugs that can modulate each factor not genotype, correlate with coronary plaque complexity. Int have the potential to increase serum Nrg4 levels (Figure). Heart J 2008; 49: 391-402. As a drug used to increase the amount of BAT, the 3. Ridker PM, Rifai N, Stampfer MJ, Hennekens CH. Plasma con- PPARγ agonist rosiglitazone has been identified;19) the centration of interleukin-6 and the risk of future myocardial in- drug also reportedly restores Nrg4 expression in adipo- farction among apparently healthy men. Circulation 2000; 101: cytes.20) However, although there are many conflicting re- 1767-72. 4. Kajikawa Y, Ikeda M, Takemoto S, Tomoda J, Ohmaru N, Kusa- sults, the drug has safety concerns especially for conges- chi S. Association of circulating levels of leptin and adiponectin tive heart failure patients and thus its use in patients with with metabolic syndrome and coronary heart disease in patients CAD may require caution.21) Recently, a cyclin-dependent with various coronary risk factors. Int Heart J 2011; 52: 17-22. kinase inhibitor, roscovitine, was reported to induce 5. Kawagoe J, Ishikawa T, Iwakiri H, Date H, Imamura T, Kita- browning of the adipose tissue, enhance energy expendi- mura K. 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