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00 Kwajalein Hourglass 00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXII, NO 182 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1985 Held 16 Months In Lebanon Thatcher Calls KIDNAPPED PRIEST FREED Truce After By SUSANNE M SCHAFER Soviets Retaliate Assoclated Press Wrlter By DAVID MASON AP Chlef European Correspondent CONCORD, ~ H -- The Rev to do anythIng that endangers early today that WeIr had been BenjamIn WeIr IS free after a the chances of the other SIX," freed Soon afterward, Reagan LONDON -- BrItaIn called a 16-month kIdnappIng ordeal In Reagan saId at the conclUSIon supplIed the offICIal confIrma­ halt today to the exchange of Lebanon, but PreSIdent Reagan of a speech promotIng hIS tax tIon that WeIr was "back In dIplomatIC expulSIons that be­ saId today that he "WIll not be reform proposal AmerIca, safe WIth hIS famIly" gan when the KGB's top agent satIsfIed" untIl the SIX re­ But WhIte House spokesman Ed­ The AmerIcans who remaIn cap­ In London defected The end maInIng AmerIcan captIves also ward DJereJlan, brIefIng the tIve are WIllIam Buckley, 56, came after the SOVIet UnIon are released press after Reagan's speech, U S Embassy polItIcal offIcer, ordered SIX more BrItons out, WeIr was released to U S saId It became apparent Tuesday Peter KIlburn, 60, AmerIcan UnI­ makIng the score 31-31 authorItIes In BeIrut Saturday, nIght that no more releases verSIty of BeIrut lIbrarIan, the The KremlIn, In ItS fIrst but an announcement was WIth­ were "ImmInent " Rev Lawrence Jenco, 50, Roman major dIplomatIC ImbroglIO held to determIne whether the UnconfIrmed reports about CatholIC prIest, Terry Anderson, SInce MIkhaIl Gorbachev assum­ release of the other AmerIcans WeIr's release surfaced Satur­ 37, MIddle East correspondent, ed power March II, took the mIght also be obtaIned day WIth an anonymous telephone DaVId Jacobsen, 54, AmerIcan unusual deCISIon to retalIate "We were tryIng to keep It call to the Reuters news agency UnIverSIty HospItal dIrector, In equdl numbers to BrItaIn's so qUIet because we don't want The PresbyterIan Church saId Thomas Sutherland, 53, AUB dean expulSIon of 25 alleged SOVIet spIes last Thursday and SIX more Monday REAGAN SAYS SUMMIT FOR SERIOUS TALK, The ForeIgn OffIce saId af­ ter Moscow completed the sec­ ond round today that It would NOT FRlENDSHP--aJLDlNG WITH GORBAa-EV not eVIct any more SOVIets, InSIstIng that It had not back­ By MICHAEL PUTZEL ed down and that BrItaIn had AP Whlte House Correspondent come out ahead WASHINGTON -- PreSIdent Rea­ any negotIatIons that would lIm­ wasn't plannIng to gIve the new The cycle of ejectIons re­ gan says he IS gOIng to the It research, development or CommunIst Party chIef "a frIend­ duced the number of BrItIsh superpower summIt In Geneva not testIng of the so-called "star ShIP rIng " CItIzens In Moscow from 103 to Just to meet SOVIet ledder MIk­ wars" system He saId he expects to fInd 72 and the number of SOVIets haIl Gorbachev but for serIOUS "I've not engaged In a propa­ Gorbachev personable, as ot~er In London from 234 to 203 talks deSIgned to "remove thIS ganda game," Reagan saId, accus­ Western leaders have, but added, BrItaIn started the scrap threat of pOSSIble war or nu­ Ing the SOVIets of tryIng "to "It Isn't necessary that we by expellIng 25 alleged SOVIet clear attack from between us " bUIld an ImpreSSIon that we may love -- or even lIke -- each agents last Thursday on Infor­ But Reagan told a natIonal­ be the VIllaIns In the peace other matIon prOVIded by Oleg A Gor­ ly teleVIsed news conference and that they're the good guys" "It IS only necessary that dievskI, 46, IdentIfIed by the Tuesday nIght he doesn't regard Asked If he would have to ~e are WIllIng to recognIze that ForeIgn OffIce as the KGB sta­ hIS plan to develop a space­ lIke Gorbachev In order to do everyone WIll be better off tIon chIef In BrItaIn who de­ based nuclear defense as "a bUSIness at the Nov 19-20 sum­ If we can co~e to some deCISIons fected recently and receIved bargaInIng ChIP" and ruled out mIt meetIng, Reagan saId he about the threat of war " polItIcal asylum Pentagon Says Soviets Conducting Campaign To Acquire Western Technology By NORMAN BLACK AP Mllltary Wrlter WASHINGTON -- The SOVIet Although PreSIdent Reagan UnIon IS conductIng a campaIgn saId durIng a press conference to acqUIre Western technology Tuesday that he was not Inter­ that has been so successful ested In engagIng In a publIC that the West IS "SUbSIdIZIng relatIons war WIth the SOVIets the SOVIet mIlItary bUIldup," before that meeting, the Penta­ the Pentagon saId today gon study appears aImed at re­ The Pentagon report, re­ mIndIng U S allIes of the leased thIS mornIng by Defense threat posed to Western mIlI­ Secretary Caspar W WeInberger, tary forces and Industry saId "only recently has the Accordlng to the report, the full extent of Illegal SOVIet SOVIets have dlvlded thelr tech­ technology collectIon efforts nology-dIverSIon efforts be­ become known " tween two programs The fIrst WhIle there are SIgns that IS managed by the SOVIet MIlI­ efforts by the UnIted States tary IndustrIal Commlsslon, and ItS allIes to stem the dI­ draWIng on agents of the KGB, , verSIon of technIcal Informa­ the mIlItary Inteillgence dI­ tIon have made lIfe more dIffI­ rectorate known as the GRU and Passing On The Crown cult for the SOVIets, much "surrogate" agents from the full 1984-85 TV year "Gold­ more must be done because "the Warsaw Pact (AP) -- ~ISS AmerIca 1985, en GIrls," starrIng Bea Ar­ SOVIets' appetIte for Western The second program IS man­ Susan AkIn of HISSISSlPPI, thur, Betty WhIte, Rue technology WIll contInue to be aged by the SOVIet Mlnlstry of gets her crown ,dJusted from McClanahdn and Estelle Get­ voraCIOUS," the report con­ Forelgn Trade and focuses on last year's HISS AmerIca, ty, fInIshed flrst wlth a cludes the acqulsltlon of so-called Darld Rogers, In AtlantIC 25 0 ratIng (percentage of The document was descrIbed "dual-use eqUIpment" -- eqUIp­ CIty, N J , Saturday nlght the natIon's 85 9 mIllIon TV hy the Pentagon as an update ment deSIgned for one purpose AkIn called her coronatIon homes) and 43 share (per­ of a May 1982 study submItted but capable of beIng used In walk down the runway "the ul­ centdge of sets on that are to Congress Much of the In­ the productIon of weapons as tImate e<perlence" In a 15- tuned In) formatIon contaIned In It has well year quest for the rhlne­ NBC's follow-up commedy, been dIsclosed preVIously, al­ The IndustrIal commISSIon stone and Lry~l,l crown "227," ranked thIrd In ItS though the report does contaIn and the ForeIgn Trade MInIstry In the NIelsen ratIngs re­ openIng broadcast WIth a more examples of how the SOVI­ are qUIte speCIfIC In theIr leased today, four women 23 8 ratIng and a 40 share ets go about collectIng Infor­ goals, targetIng the technIcal WIth wrl~klcs who weren't The "HISS AmerIca Pageant" matIon dnd products and what documents and products they paradlng around In bathIng was fourth WIth a 23 7 rat­ they do WIth the technology WIsh to obtaIn, the report SUltS and 51 MISS Amerlca Ing, 44 share Wlth the No when they succeed saId Much of the Informatlon contenders who were got the 2-rated "Cosby Show" gIVIng The study's release comes deslred can now be obtalned VIewers' votes ~aturday ~Bl the four top-ranked pro­ almost two months before Pres­ outSIde the UnIted States be­ nIght and boosted NBC to a grams Jast week, the network Ident Reagan and SOVIet leader cause of coproductIon agree­ bIg ratlngs VIctory 10 the flnlshed fIrst for the 16th Gorbachev are scheduled to ments wlth al1les and a number next-to-last week of the tl me In 17 weeks meet for theIr fIrst summIt of U S fIrms that have sub­ meetIng In Geneva SIdIarIes overseas AROUND ISLAND PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, WED~ESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1985 Kentron Presents Service Awards From ALVIN R KAHOLOKULA PRC Kentron Guy DaVIS, PRC Kentron SIte Manager, presented serVIce awards to the follOWIng PRC Kentron employees for attaInment of one to 15 years of serVIce durIng a cere­ mony held Aug 28 N Jackson, 15 years, B George, 10 years, and R ChIldress, one year The follOWIng employees were not pres­ ent for the awards ceremony but were rec­ ognIzed for one to 15 years of serVIce D RobInson, 15 years, B Scott, L Maples, S Green, E Rlzner, and M FredI­ anI, one year - -~~------------------~ Le Jeune Spot Gears Up For 1985-1986 The new school year slgnals the beglnnlng of a new year of actlvltles at Le Jeune Spot The newly elected Teen Center Councll members gather at one of the cen­ ter's booths to dlSCUSS upcomlng plans for 1985-1986 The offlcers plctured left to rlght are Patty Stetson, presldent, Jayne Bar­ nard, secretary, Llsa Sahl, treasurer, and J P Corey, Vlce presldent (Photo by NATE JACKSON, Kentron Photo Lab) Below are some of the recent non-fIC­ CMU Announces Class Schedules tIon books receIved by the Grace Sherwood From EULA JOURDAN LIbrary, avaIlable for checkout Adult Educatlon Cpnter "Once Upon a TIme," by GlorIa Vander­ bIlt GlorIa VanderbIlt's autobIography Central MIchIgan UnIversIty IS offerIng mIssIon to the programs can be made through tells her story from her earlIest memorIes, a unIque opportunIty to KwaJaleln reSI­ the Adult EducatIon Center, Room I, George through the custody trIal, to her endless dents -- the possIbIlIty to complete a Seltz School, or by contactIng Eula Jour­ search for connectlon WIth her always elu­ bachelor's or master's degree whIle con­ dan, 82800 or 82350 Resldents Interested Slve mother GlorIa llved In a SOphIStI­ tInuIng your present employment oblIga­ In audItIng
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    1978 Replay Final Stats Package Table of Contents Page 2…Final Standings 3…League Leaders 8…Individual Batting Stats 19…Individual Pitching Stats 26…Team Batting Stats 27…Team Pitching Stats 28…League Championship Series Stats 30…World Series Stats MLB Standings Through Games Of 10/1/1978 American League East W LGB Pct Boston Red Sox 106 56-- .654 Detroit Tigers 94 6812.0 .580 New York Yankees 94 6812.0 .580 Milwaukee Brewers 89 7317.0 .549 Baltimore Orioles 84 7721.5 .522 Cleveland Indians 71 8833.5 .447 Toronto Blue Jays 57 10448.5 .354 American League West W LGB Pct Kansas City Royals 109 53-- .673 Texas Rangers 91 7118.0 .562 California Angels 89 7320.0 .549 Minnesota Twins 69 9340.0 .426 Chicago White Sox 63 9845.5 .391 Seattle Mariners 59 10149.0 .369 Oakland A's 55 10754.0 .340 National League East W LGB Pct Philadelphia Phillies 96 66-- .593 Pittsburgh Pirates 88 737.5 .547 Montreal Expos 88 748.0 .543 St.Louis Cardinals 87 759.0 .537 Chicago Cubs 68 9428.0 .420 New York Mets 61 10135.0 .377 National League West W LGB Pct Los Angeles Dodgers 110 52-- .679 San Francisco Giants 81 8129.0 .500 San Diego Padres 80 8230.0 .494 Cincinnati Reds 72 8937.5 .447 Atlanta Braves 72 9038.0 .444 Houston Astros 68 9442.0 .420 Final League Leaders AL Runs American League Batting Leaders Jim Rice BOS 118 AL Batting Average Rod Carew MIN .345 Don Baylor CAL 107 Al Oliver TEX .332 Bobby Bonds TEX 106 Ken Singleton BAL .315 Amos Otis KC 102 Fred Lynn BOS .313 Fred Lynn BOS 99 Amos Otis KC .309 Larry Hisle MIL 98 Hal McRae KC .308 Jason Thompson DET
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