CONNECTING Improving wellbeing THE DOTS across THE RESEARCH ˜ Background

In 2018 researchers Paul Marshall and Aisling O’Kane were awarded funds by the University of Bristol Faculty of Engineering to work with community organisations in four neighbourhoods of Bristol to explore how linking different communities could have a positive impact on health and wellbeing work happening in each area – and even lead to new collaborative work to address shared challenges.

The four neighbourhoods - , and Withywood, and – share similar characteristics and challenges, particularly relating to the health outcomes of local residents.

Paul and Aisling approached our team at Knowle West-based arts charity Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC) to help facilitate this project. We supported them to run a series of workshops - one in each community - where residents, groups and organisations shared knowledge, current projects and existing best practice around supporting people to improve their health and wellbeing. The workshops also explored how challenges and barriers can sometimes prevent organisations, and the people they support, from achieving the change they want.

We then ran a larger event that brought together representatives of the four different communities to explore possible solutions, potential cross-community collaborations and inspiring creative approaches to health and wellbeing.

Alongside the workshops, we worked with artists Mufti Games to create an interactive engagement tool that was taken onto the streets of Bristol, enabling us to hear a wide range of voices and engage with people who may not feel comfortable attending a workshop session.

This report summarises the outcomes of this work and provides suggestions – based on materials gathered at workshops and from people on the streets – for future collaborative wellbeing work in Bristol.

˜ About Knowle West Media Centre

Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC) supports people to make positive changes in their lives and communities. We do this by exploring how technology and the arts can help us make exciting things happen, come up with creative solutions to problems, and generate new ideas.

An arts organisation and charity based in South Bristol since 1996, we began as a photography and health project. Our many current projects include training opportunities for young people in photography, filmmaking and design, support for entrepreneurs and freelancers to develop their careers, and creative projects working with local people to explore issues ranging from health to housing.

We also run The Factory, an award-winning making and training space based at Green Business Park. The Factory provides access to new digital manufacturing technologies such as CNC routers and laser cutters, offers product design and prototyping services for clients, and delivers a range of free training courses.

Knowle West Media Centre is supported by Bristol City y Council and supported using public funding by Arts Council . ˜ Why work with artists? ˜ Who are the artists?

At Knowle West Media Centre we work with artists Mufti Games create playful and memorable specialising in a range of art forms, including theatre, experiences for all ages. They make and tour their visual arts, craft and film, bringing them together own work and create games for others - to engage with local people in order to imagine and create new audiences in exhibitions, ideas and projects. futures and opportunities. We find that artists are Mufti work with actors, musicians, theatre brilliant at taking risks, creating spaces where directors, producers, designers and makers who imagination and co-design are possible, engaging love to make and play games. people in conversations and bringing people together. Mufti Games have been played at festivals, street Through projects such as the Bristol Approach and events and venues including: Eden Project, We Can Make Homes we have employed artists to Somerset House, Festival Number 6, Bristol Old engage in what we call ‘deep hanging out’: a process Vic, Wild Rumpus and partners on the Northern where artists are present in public community spaces Festivals Network. They have created games for to engage residents in conversations and the the Royal Shakespeare Company, Bristol 2015 generation of ideas through play, chatting and Green Capital, mShed and The Barbican Centre. participatory making. This work often complements more formal workshop programmes and enables a Find out more about their work wide range of people to contribute to a project in at an enjoyable and unpressured way.

Mufti Games have a strong background in participation and creating playful experiences. For this project we were keen to capture the opinions of residents as well as organisations, so we commissioned Mufti Games to create a mobile engagement tool and take it to visit each of the four neighbourhoods in order to strike up conversations about health and wellbeing.

Light up brain game. qA sketch of the mobile engagement tool. Highlighting different parts of the brain relating to wellbeing.

Chalk board to capture what local people would like to see in their area to support wellbeing.

Laser etched cork map for local people to pin where they currently get involved in local activities.

Roll down buildable city for children. THE FINDINGS ˜ A Summary

As a result of the workshops and street engagement, we found that each of the four areas has a wealth of committed community organisations doing successful and respected work in the areas of health and wellbeing. However, the areas face shared challenges, such as:

ß perceived social stigma attached to living in, or being from the area

ß lack of public transport

ß lack of resource-sharing between organisations

ß lack of a central space in Bristol that could support community innovation and greater connections between communities and researchers

qThe mobile engagement tool at The Greenway Centre, Southmead. For example, we found that:

˜Older men’s groups in Easton and Knowle West previously met in a central location (mShed museum) but stopped meeting due to a lack of regular dedicated space. This caused opportunities to share experiences and friendships with men of different racial and ethnic backgrounds to be lost.

˜There are community ‘hack spaces’* in Bedminster and Knowle West, but they are difficult to access by public transport. These spaces run free courses, such as jewellery design, but many people aren’t able to attend.

˜There are many great courses and meet-ups exploring computer skills, STEM (Science, Engineering, Technology & Maths), music and language that run during the day. However, people who work 9-to-5 jobs can’t easily take part in them.

˜There are community meet-ups and events that occur in the evening that people with children and caring responsibilities cannot attend as they have no informal childcare or support available.

˜Through door-knocking campaigns, community workers have discovered that many people have skills and knowledge that they could share but don’t know how to do so.

These are just a few examples of the rich information that was collected about the experiences of community groups in and around Bristol. We hope this collated knowledge has the potential to inform future partnerships and projects, and lead to organisations obtaining future funding and research opportunities.

*Hack spaces are community operated (often not-for-profit) workspaces where people with common interests can meet and collaborate with a focus on science, technology and art. ˜ Workshop Venues

@symes community building managed by Hartcliffe and Withwood Community Partnership

Learning and research centre at Southmead Hospital

Buzz Lockleaze Cafe

South Bristol Community Links

Knowle West Media Centre ˜ Outcomes from Workshops and Street Engagement

We asked both the workshop attendees and the residents we met on the street to highlight the positive activities and resources available to them in their communities.

Hartcliffe and Withywood

˜Positive activities and resources:

Mentioned by residents: Mentioned by both:

- Lots for single mothers (less for fathers) - Foodbank at Withywood Church - Good access to supermarkets - Good local community buildings - Green Spaces and events - Free and open events - Community Transport - Good transport links - Foodbank support

Mentioned by organisations: - Volunteering - Mental health support CHURCHES: - Healthy eating - Foodbank at Withywood Church - Mowcroft Road Church HARTCLIFFE COMMUNITY PARK FARM: - Addiction support group - Young people’s activities: - All Saints church playgroup Our Bright Future (AWT) - AVT Wellbeing through nature @SYMES: - DHI (Developing Health & Independence) - CATT bus (community transport) - Hawkspring - Hartcliffe and Withywood community choir - Libraries - Jan’s Newsgroup for older people - Foodbank THE WITHYWOOD CENTRE: - Sexual Health Clinic - Age UK Day Centre - Sports groups - Into University - Health champions - Short mat bowling for over 55s - Brave Bold Drama - Healthy Life Styles - Children’s Centre - Befriending - Lifecycle - Wasps play scheme - Gymnastics Centre - Tai Chi - Older People’s Forum - Friends of Groups HARTCLIFFE HEALTH AND - Bristol Ageing Better ENVIRONMENT ACTION GROUP (HHEAG): - Community Café - Kitchen prescription - Vision BME - Gardening group - Dads’ Breakfast - Pop up café - Mental Health groups - Positive Minds - Gatehouse Centre - Roundhouse - Volunteering Matters - Health walks - Drop in craft group - Outreach stalls - Food group - Advice/support/info ˜Reflections from the artists:

Linzy: I was at Withywood Community Centre – passing footfall was not that high and most engagement was with people coming out of sessions, classes and services with organisations based at the centre. People who were waiting for the food bank to open were open to sharing their experiences and were more than happy to chat. The staff at reception were very welcoming as were the staff working in the cafe and on-site health care staff.

"The centre used to run a crèche but that has since stopped."

The centre used to run a crèche but that has since stopped and [this] has apparently limited access to courses at [the] Withywood [Centre] as parents would use the crèche for their children whilst they attended appointments and training. Engagement here was only with adults, with the majority being 50+.

Malcolm: I spent an afternoon outside the library/community centre in Hartcliffe and experienced lots of engagement from young people.

I had a really good chat with a 13 year old girl who gave a different perspective on financial access: she said that if you don’t have money you can’t buy nice clothes or do your nails or hair and that can make you not want to go out, because you feel rubbish about yourself.

"There were positive comments about the amount of green space and the changes after the riots, but there was still lack of amenities. Pubs were talked of as good community hubs."

Also had a really good chat with a single father about the obstacles he faces as a dad, where he sees single mums having lots of access to support.

There were positive comments about the amount of green space and the changes after the riots, but there was still lack of amenities. Pubs were talked of as good community hubs. Although there are leisure facilities, they often cost so kids tend to play football round by Morrisons, or wherever they can.

The library has good classes, but as with many places, a lot of folk felt they were aimed at specific groups which then, in turn, alienated others.

pThe mobile engagement tool - Baker’s Brain - created by Mufti Games. southmead

˜Positive activities and resources:

Mentioned by residents: Mentioned by both:

- Learning about other cultures - Parks through shared events - Growing projects - Youth work courses - Gardening - Computer classes - Badocks wood - Health and safety courses - Kings Weston House - Eating together - Blaise [Castle estate] - Knowing your neighbours - Green spaces - Volunteering - Cycle and walkway routes - Avon Wildlife Trust through neighbourhood - Library events - Access to bridge - Cooking Course (outside of ward) cycle networks - Churches - Southmead community hub - The Ranch - Greenway Centre - Pub - Churches - Working locally

Mentioned by organisations:

- Cooking lessons in primary schools - Parks, growing projects, ˜Reflections from the artists: - Lawrence Weston nature trail - community centre Linzy: - Children’s centre I was based in the Greenway Centre. [Two ladies] stayed for - Wildlife watching: birds and foxes, etc over an hour talking and engaging with the ideas of the - Food assembly, good food economy, local station and others who came to contribute. good food and links to local people - Places to meet new people, shops, etc The staff at the centre were really friendly and were really keen - New supermarket offering affordable to encourage service users, cafe users and patients to come fresh food and engage with the station and myself. - Lots of community groups - Community gym - Peer support groups Malcolm: - Recovery, diabetes prevention, etc Southmead was quite difficult on the Greystoke Avenue. - Friendly people saying hello, I had very little engagement and not positive. chatting at bus stops - Community farm outdoor "Lots of people said there were targeted space and healthy activities - Quiet cycle routes: less pollution classes for disabled or older residents, and and anxiety from cars that it wasn’t for them." - Places to exercise outside: green gym equipment, tennis courts, measured walk/ People generally felt there was very little and the youth run circuit clubs, etc, weren’t for them. Troublesome young people with - Community spirit/residence, places to antisocial behaviour also proved a big barrier to parents socialise, activities to join in with with children - they didn’t feel safe sending kids out alone. - Meeting your neighbours - Peer support, activity, social groups; Spoke to a couple of teenagers from who had a much relaxed, [helps to] build friendship, more positive outlook. They mentioned pubs as good spaces encourage activity for community. They didn’t usually come to this part of - Place to buy decent fresh food, the Southmead. absence of fast food outlets, local café – deli, community garden - Hills, e.g. Purdown lockleaze

˜Positive activities and resources:

Mentioned by residents: Mentioned by both: Mentioned by organisations:

- Learning at the library - Green spaces - Local walking group - Piano lessons - Stoke Park - Lockleaze Food Community Trust - Karate lessons - Buzz café - Community Orchard - Community meet-ups - Local leisure activities - Scouts (3 groups) - Outdoor seating - The Vench - Local steering group - Lighthouse (Groundwork) - Transport - Facebook groups (including Love Lockleaze) - Singing group - The Hub (art and wellbeing classes for all ages, plus softplay & STEM activities) - Churches – St James, St George and St Mary’s (free school holiday meals and related work to the foodbank) - Honeysuckle Cafe - Online group – Grace’s Healthy Steps ˜Reflections from the artists: - Healthy Schools Awards - St Mungos mental health drop-in Linzy: - Langley Centre Residents in Lockleaze were really open to talking and I felt - Love Lockleaze network monthly meetings like I had the most diverse cross-section of engagement with - Friends of Stoke Park group the public here in terms of age, race, gender and nationality. - Cameron Centre There was definite benefit in being placed outside The Buzz Cafe as the staff there know the local community well and were really supportive in engaging customers with the project and passers-by. Maria who works at the cafe was really up for sharing her experience of the area as she has lived and worked in various different roles for 40+ years.

A group of children designed their ideal playground with the building blocks after a conversation with their parents about the shortened opening hours of the adventure playground.

"The community are nervous about the influence of having a younger, potentially more affluent, student community appearing on the doorstep."

Bristol University are in the process of building new student halls just off of the square and the community are nervous about the influence that having a younger, potentially more affluent, student community appearing on the doorstep will "Buzz is fantastic: loads going on have to local current community and area. Would be curious including allotments, games club, to talk to the residents again a year on, post-student accommodation build. singing group and crafts – a barrier to engagement was Malcolm: simply going inside." We started at the Hub on our first visit and found it very quiet. We chatted to one lady who said there was some As Linzy said, Buzz is fantastic: loads going on classes at the Hub, but bemoaned the fact that the Buzz Cafe including allotments, games club, singing group had stopped provision. I went over to find that they had not and crafts. A barrier to engagement was simply stopped and were thriving. This turned out to be a confusion going inside - I chatted to one chap for a while for the lady, as she had attended IT classes at a centre near who had never been in. As soon as I showed him the cafe. The classes had stopped and she had a) assumed the allotments he was amazed! I’m not sure they were run by Buzz Cafe and b) assumed that meant all everyone feels welcome but that’s not for want classes had stopped ‘due to funding cuts’. It was odd as she of trying from Buzz. I think it’s an assumption still went to the cafe. that ‘it’s not for me’. knowle west

˜Positive activities and resources:

Mentioned by residents: Mentioned by both: Mentioned by organisations:

- Football in the park - Spaces for kids to play - Gardening at Filwood Community Centre - Cinema - The Park Centre – facilities - The Park Centre and classes - Salvation Army - Knowle West Health Park – facilities - Man Alive group and programmes - Filwood Park cycle track / open space - Knowle West Media Centre – facilities at Whitchurch airfield and programmes - Filwood Café - re:store - South Bristol Community Links - Health Champions - Walking groups - Fit & Fab - Parents groups, e.g. mother and toddler ˜Reflections from the artists: - Filwood Library - Allotments, e.g. Springfield Linzy: - Filwood Hope Chatted to a few people and others came by to look and see - Churches what was going on in passing but did not want to stop and - St Barnabas gardening group engage. Not being attached to a centre or cafe here felt very - Our Time group much like the project was more separated and less integrated - Rising High bread group with the existing community. I felt people were noticeably more - CAIRN sceptical and less willing to engage. - Inns Court Centre - Fruit / flower shop by KWMC I think with it being a Sunday afternoon there were also fewer - Green Gym people around and had it been a weekday there would have - Boxing clubs been more engagement and footfall from post-school pick- - Martial arts at Filwood Community Centre up parents and young people. I found it personally harder to - Slimming World engage with people as not being directly associated with an - The Northern Slopes existing element of the community. - Street Space

"People…wanted more investment in making the area a nicer place to spend time in."

The overriding feeling from the people engaged was that they wanted more investment in making the area a nicer place to spend time in - wanted to see local parks looked after better and for there to be more retail and leisure facilities that are more accessible so that they don’t have to travel to the centre of Bristol. ˜ Shared Challenges

Both the workshops and street engagement invited people to explore challenges that can affect people’s health and wellbeing in each area. These have been collated and grouped by theme to provide an overview of the challenges affecting all of the areas.

Community Issues: Individuals uninterested/disconnected from community Local environment – cleanliness, dog waste, litter and fly tipping

Preconceptions / Stigma: Feeling of shame/lack of pride in the area Fear of crime

Lack of agency / participation: Lack of transport options and location Limited evening events/economy

Personal barriers: Lack of self-esteem/confidence Poverty Fuel Poverty Social isolation / anxiety / poor mental health Physical isolation Housing issues Informal childcare Time commitments - personal and professional

Opportunities (e.g. a lack of opportunities / opportunities not being relevant): - Limited training and skills courses on offer - People don’t know what’s out there

Issues affecting organisations: Funding, including changes and the pressure of funders’ expectations

By comparing the views gathered during street engagement with the challenges identified by local organisations we found strong support for increasing access to and use of green spaces. Local residents highlighted that parks were often dominated by older children and teenagers and there was a limited alternative offer of activities for their age group.

Both organisations and residents highlighted that people can experience low confidence and a lack of pride in their areas but agreed this could be remedied by changing several factors, including improving transport links and making it easier for people to get around the city, and supporting the evening economy in the communities.

Improving access to healthy food and strengthening the network of local shops were mentioned by people in both workshops and street engagement sessions. It was suggested that if residents could buy healthy produce in their area and learn more about nutrition, they may feel more connected to their community and empowered to make informed and healthy choices about food.

When asked about community activities and groups in their area, residents we spoke to during the street engagement commented that it was not easy to find out what was going on and how to get involved. These comments were often followed by reflections on self-confidence and general lack of affordability.

Formal and informal childcare were discussed by both groups in all of the areas, particularly the lack of support and acknowledgment that extended families received for the increasing childcare they provide.

The provision of cultural activities and entertainment facilities were deemed vital to supporting greater community cohesion, individual learning, and the sharing of creativity and success. Lack of funding, ‘red tape’ bureaucracy and limits on individual and organisational capacity, among other factors, were identified as barriers to growth in that area. OUTCOMES & IMPACT

˜ Recommendations for Groups and Organisations

The final sharing event at Knowle West Media Centre brought together representatives from each of the four communities to review the feedback and learning from the workshops and street engagement.

The assembled group drew up the following recommendations for organisations and community groups working in health and wellbeing and wanting to explore opportunities to connect with other neighbourhoods:

˜ Ensure you’re using a range of ways to make people aware of the opportunities that already exist in their area (e.g. signage, print material, social media, cross-promotion, listing your work in directories). This could include using existing resources or developing new ones, depending on your priorities and audiences.

˜ Consider how you could showcase the work of your organisation and community more widely using physical and digital platforms and networks (e.g. organising or taking part in neighbourhood networking, forums, online groups and cross-community events).

˜ Consider how your projects and work can help people address their personal barriers, challenge stigma and reduce isolation.

˜ Share administrative templates and processes where possible (e.g. how to apply for an event notice, write a risk assessment, organise a road closure) to avoid small groups having to do everything from scratch and be put off from organising positive activity due to bureaucracy.

˜ Consider how arts and cultural activities could act as a catalyst for engaging people (e.g. could an artistic activity help you reach people who wouldn’t come to a meeting or ‘community’ event? Could a creative session help others in their learning?).

˜ Think about the legacy of any physical and digital assets you create, such as apps or products (e.g. how will these things be maintained after the end of a project? Will others be able to use them?).

˜ Evaluate the impact your activity and the difference it’s made for people, and reflect how this learning could be taken forward into other things.

˜ Take part in city-wide events where relevant (e.g. Celebrating Age Festival, Bristol Doors Open weekend) to raise the profile of the activity and neighbourhood.

˜ Offer opportunities for people to create their own events based on their interests – and support them to do it where possible.

˜ Draw up a list of groups and organisations operating in each area and a summary of what they are working on, then share this where people from across the city can access it. Bristol City Council formerly had an organizational directory and others may already exist – could we make use of these?

˜ Connect the community-based networking groups that already exist such as Knowle West Together and Love Lockleaze, and explore setting up a community network if your neighbourhood doesn’t have one but could benefit.

˜ Share feedback and learning from conversations you’ve with residents where possible to avoid duplication of work and enquiry (‘consultation fatigue’) and ensure more organisations know what really matters to local people.

˜ Continue to meet both within and between communities, to discuss similarities, challenges and priorities. ˜ Recommendations for Researchers & Academics

The workshops and street engagement also resulted in a number of recommendations and proposals for University of Bristol, which are detailed below. Although they are specific to this context within Bristol, we hope this learning will be useful to other researchers and academics who want to design more inclusive spaces and practices, and develop and finance collaborative research projects with communities.

˜ Building Plans at University of Bristol Following the workshops and street engagement sessions and informed by the research findings, Paul and Aisling contacted the team designing University of Bristol’s new Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus (TQEC) to share the following recommendations.

They recommended:

1) A maker/hack space, accessible to members of the public.

2) Areas for community use and working together - all at ground level and visible as soon as people enter the building. This was important for people to feel welcome and confident that they belong in a building associated with the university – an institution that some didn’t associate with inclusivity. These spaces should also have a flexible design so they can be rearranged to suit the activity taking place there, and be made private for events with sensitive subject matter that require anonymity or privacy.

3) Hosting community meet-ups on weekdays, evenings, and weekends to enable as many people as possible to access the space.

4) Setting up a temporary crèche to support parents, particularly single parents, in accessing and engaging with projects and meet-ups.

5) Branding the community spaces at TQEC with an identity that is distinct from, but complementary to, the University brand, such as a ‘Community Innovation Hub’. This could help to encourage engagement from communities across Bristol that don’t currently engage with the University.

It is unclear at this stage to what extent these suggestions will be taken up.

˜ Teaching at University of Bristol The workshops have directly fed into a proposal for a Centre for Doctoral Training in Health and Care. Paul and Aisling explain: "by engaging with so many community groups covering a diverse set of activities related to health and wellbeing and in different locations across the city, some of the challenges that these communities face were strikingly similar. Overall, a lack of support and connections to researchers was clear, and the potential for the university to use these community resources without giving back was something that could strain relationships and budgets. As such, as part of the university’s bid to train a cohort of more than 50 PhD students over 8.5 years in Digital Health and Care, there has been budget set aside for supporting community groups and individuals who choose to work on these research projects."

˜ Current Research at University of Bristol There is a growing worldwide trend in Do-It-Yourself health and wellbeing that the University of Bristol is engaging with. Paul and Aisling explain: "at the university, we are examining community innovation in our digital health research, such as grassroots groups creating their own hearing technologies, HIV apps, diabetes software/hardware solutions, and Parkinson’s Disease technologies and sharing them in community groups and online. We now see that there are many groups already engaging in developing their own solutions in their communities, and there are opportunities to support them and learn from them. We hope this will be leveraged by new facilities at Temple Quarter, and also supported by collaboratively written grants to work with community groups as partners." ˜ Potential Future Research at University of Bristol Paul and Aisling reflect: "it is clear from these community workshops that there are a lot of ideas out there about how to improve health and wellbeing, and there is often little support to realise these potential projects.

The university and its researchers can sometimes provide support for that first step, and there are existing programmes that could support this, such as the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute’s Research for Health Challenge Fund (, a scheme to encourage healthcare practitioners, patients, the public and University of Bristol researchers to work together to develop innovative thinking around healthcare problems.

The website has information on upcoming events that are open to the public, as well as specific funding and partnership opportunities.

There is also the ‘Ideas Exchange Fund’ run by the Brigstow Institute ( to support emerging, interdisciplinary networks and partnerships that are co-designed and co-run with external partners. Community groups and organisations could consider calling on university researchers who may be able to assist in supporting projects, so that the groups, organisations and the residents they support can act as co-designers and co-researchers."

qSharing event at Knowle West Media Centre WHAT’S NEXT?

The team at University of Bristol will continue to work with communities and highlight relevant funding opportunities. Some of these opportunities will relate to the Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus (TQEC) development and others to projects supporting wellbeing through the use of technology.

Knowle West Media Centre is currently running a programme called Our Digital City, funded through the Bristol Impact Fund. Our Digital City aims to improve access to information, services and opportunities for people across Bristol, so they can develop new skills and become more active in their communities. This involves connecting people using new technologies, supporting social change at community level and developing resources and toolkits that can be shared across the city.

KWMC is currently working closely with organisations and groups in Hartcliffe and Withywood, St Pauls, Easton, Barton Hill, Lockleaze and Southmead. Through Our Digital City, we can offer support to organisations in these neighbourhoods through the following offers:

DIGITAL SKILLS: courses, workshops and events helping people get the most out of their smartphones, use apps and websites, and learn about online safety. We also help organisations set up their own digital skills activities.

DIGITAL MANUFACTURING: training and workshops supporting people to use digital making techniques to design and create their own products.

COMMUNITY JOURNALISM: a programme of classes enabling people to write for local publications and websites and have their voices heard. Includes news and feature writing, interview skills, web management, editing, photography, podcasts, social media and blogging.

CITIZEN SENSING: opportunities to explore sensor technologies and how they could be used to gather data that can help people better understand and tackle community issues.

We’re also keen to support collaborations across communities and this project has highlighted the need and benefit to continue thinking collectively about wellbeing in Bristol and to share practices, knowledge and recourses. If you would be interested in collaborating with us then please get in touch by contacting [email protected] or [email protected] or calling 0117 903 0444. collaboration WITH THANKS TO


˜ Buzz Café (Lockleaze)

˜ South Bristol Community Links (Knowle West)

˜ Southmead Hospital (Southmead)

˜ @Symes (Hartcliffe & Withywood)

Organisations involved in the workshops:

˜ Ambition Lawrence Weston

˜ Avon Wildlife Trust

˜ Boing! Softplay (Based at Lockleaze Community Hub)

˜ Bristol City Council (Health Improvement Team and Community Development Team)

˜ Community Access Support Service (CASS) based at Knowle West Health Park

˜ Hartcliffe Health and Environment Action Group (HHEAG)

˜ Hartcliffe and Withywood Community Partnership

˜ North Bristol Advice Centre

˜ Southmead Development Trust

˜ Southmead Hospital (Sustainable Development Team)

˜ Withywood Centre

And all the residents who shared their views both in the workshops and on the streets!

KWMC is supported by: