Prabhat Samgiita Glossary
PRABHÁTA SAM'GIITA GLOSSARY and other A’nanda Marga related Non-English words and phrases explained in English ARRANGED AS PER THE ROMAN SAM’SKRTA ALPHABET COMPILED BY P.D.NARAYAN For his own study, reference and revision and the benefit of others through this site. He will be obliged to persons suggesting more appropriate words and translations. ———————————————————————————————— A: Acoustic root (seed or mantra) of creation, controller of seven musical notes (saragam or sur saptaka) but mainly of s’adaja(sa’) equivalent to western note (do or C) and peacock sound, Grammatically prefix indicating negation or absence, ANKHIYA’N: (h) eyes, AUNKA: (s,b,h) lap, mark or sign, line, spot, blemish, draw, sketch, number, figure, counting, delineation, imprint, paint, AUNKITA: (s,b,h) marked, AUNKUR: (s,b,h) sprout, shoot, sapling, germination, AUNKUSHA: (s,b,h) a goading hook, AUNGA: (s,b,h) limb, body, appearance, shape, part, component, item, element, AUNGAN/ A’UNGAN: courtyard, compound of house, AUNGUL/ AUNGULI: finger, AUNGABHU'MI: an area in north Biha’r, India in which Jama’lpur is located. AUNGANE: into the backyard or compound of house, AUNGA’R: charcoal, AUNSHA: (s,b,h) portion, part, share, ANSHU: (s,b,h) ray or beam of light, ANSHU KIIT’A: (s,b,h) glow worm, AUNSHUK: (s,b,h) cloth, garment, fine white cloth, usually silken or muslin, leaf, gentle blaze of light, a mantle, gentle glow, ANSHUMA’LII: (s,b,h) the one radiating ray of light, the sun, AKAN’T’AK: (s,b,h) thorn less, AKATHANIIYA/ AKATHYA: (s,b,h) unspeakable, AKATHITA: (s,b,h)
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