0 WOMEN’S ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS 2021 World Championships Selection Process AUGUST 11, 2021- VERSION 2 P: 613.748.5691 | F: 613.748.5637 | E:
[email protected] 120-1900 promenade City Park Drive, Ottawa, ON K1J 1A3 WWW.GYMCAN.ORG 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to set out the process and criteria that will be used by the selection working group (SWG) of the Women’s Artistic Gymnastics (WAG) Program of Gymnastics Canada (GymCan) to select and nominate athletes and coaches to the 2021 World Championships (Kitakyushu, Japan) with the goal of selecting the best possible gymnasts to help meet the objectives for the program. For clarifications and questions on the contents of this document please contact: Amanda Tambakopoulos, PM-WAG
[email protected] 613-302-3599 The selection document was created in April 2021 during the COVID 19 global pandemic, therefore it is still possible that the current competitive season could still be affected by unforeseen circumstances. If such is the case, GymCan would exercise it’s right to modify the published selection criteria based on the best available information. The notice of modification would be communicated to all affected individuals. This document was updated in August 2021, circulated to all concerned individuals and changes are highlighted in yellow. Event Cancellation Should it be necessary to cancel or postpone any event specified in this selection process that is conducted under the authority of GymCan, such decision shall be made by the relevant person(s) or body within GymCan under whose authority the event was originally to be held, which in the case of GymCan, is the CEO and the WAG National Team Head Coach.