Queensland Brands Directory for 1945-1948 Ref

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Queensland Brands Directory for 1945-1948 Ref This sampler file contains various sample pages from the product. Sample pages will often include: the title page, an index, and other pages of interest. This sample is fully searchable (read Search Tips) but is not FASTFIND enabled. 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This file is fully searchable (read search tips page) Archive CD Books Australia exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available on CD to genealogists and historians, and to co-operate with family history societies, libraries, museums and record offices to scan and digitise their collections for free, and to assist with renovation of old books in their collection. The Queensland Brands Directory for 1945-1948 Ref. AU4040-1945 This book was kindly loaned to Archive CD Books Australia by Genealogy Sunshine Coast http://home.bigblue.net.au/~scgen/ Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use Acrobat Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages, alternatively use the INDEX bookmark to search for specific information and then use the bookmarks and Acrobat’s page buttons (or slide bar) to go to the relevant page. Use Acrobat Reader’s bookmark functions to jump to highlighted sections. To activate bookmarks click on “Window” and then “Show bookmarks” (or press F5) Searching this CD This book has been formatted to be searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader. • Adobe Reader 6 or later is recommended for more advanced searching capability within a file or across multiple files. • Generally 95% - 99% of the words can be searched. Where the original type was poor the words may not be recognized for searching. • For more detailed explanation and tips to get the best search results click here The technical advancements that allow this searching bring a wonderful finding aid but there is still no substitute for reading the book! Copyright ©2006 Archive CD Books Australia Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved For more books on CD from Archive CD Books Australia, see the web pages at www.archivecdbooks.com.au THE QUEENSLAND BRANDSDIRECTORY 1x45-4 s. ARR.A.NC-ED =N 1%T=NE PAR T93. PAGES. TABLE OF POSITIONS AND ORDER FOR BRANDING HORSES, CATTLE AND CAMELS ... 3 INSTRUCTIONS ISSUED IN CONNECTION WITH THE EARMARKING OF CATTLE WITH CATTLE EARMARKS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 3-5 Noar .- In each case where a Cattle Earmark is registered in conjunction with a Brand the code description of the Earmark follows the Brand in Parts I., II., III ., IV., VI., and VII. All Earmarks registered , the plier marks for which are not included in the Index , are described as unclassified. PART I. LIST OF BRANDS REGISTERED TO GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS AND PUBLIC POUNDS ... 7-8 ALSO LIST OF ALL BRANDS, CONSISTING OF LETTERS AND NUMERALS IN THEIR NATURAL POSITION, THUS :- AA1, REGISTERED TO 31ST DECEMBER, 1948, ARRANGED IN ALPHABETICAL AND NUMERICAL ORDER ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9-166 PART II. 1ST OF ALL BRANDS, CONSISTING OF LETTERS AND NUMERALS, THE SECOND LETTER 11EING HORIZONTAL, THUS :- A > 1, REGISTERED TO 31ST DECEMBER, 1948, ARRANGED IN ALPHABETICAL AND NUMERICAL ORDER ... ... 167-287 PART III. LIST OF ALL BRANDS IN SCRIPT CHARACTERS, CONSISTING OF LETTERS AND NUMERALS IN THEIR NATURAL POSITION, THUS:-_R,_4 1, REGISTERED TO 31ST DECEMBER, 1948, ARRANGED IN ALPHABETICAL AND NUMERICAL ORDER ... ... ... 289-425 PART IV. LIST OF ALL BRANDS, CONSISTING OF LETTERS AND NUMERALS, THE FIRST LETTER BEING HORIZONTAL, THUS :-¢ A 1, REGISTERED TO 31sT DECEMBER, 1948, ARRANGED IN ALPHABETICAL AND NUMERICAL ORDER ... ... ... ... 427-551 PART V. LIST OF ALL QUEENSLAND SYMBOL BRANDS REGISTERED TO 31ST DECEMBER, 1948; ALSO CHEEK BRANDS AND EARMARKS REGISTERED UNDER "THE BRANDS ACT, 1898" 553-628 PART VI. LIST OF BRANDS HAVING TWO LETTERS AND A DESIGN OR A LETTER, NUMERAL, AND A DESIGN IN THEIR NATURAL POSITION ARRANGED ACCORDING TO DESIGN, vIz., DIAMOND, HEART, SPADE, AND CROSS, REGISTERED TO 31ST DECEMBER, 1948 629-726 PART VII. LIST OF BRANDS HAVING TWO LETTERS AND A DESIGN OR A LETTER, NUMERAL, AND A DESIGN IN THEIR NATURAL POSITION ARRANGED ACCORDING TO DESIGN, VIZ.: r1 (CRANK HANDLE),Ar (SPUR OR ROWLOCK), n (TENT), AND V (TRIANGLE), REGISTERED TO 31sT DECEMBER, 1948 ... .. 727-835 PART VIII. LIST OF ALL BRANDS, CONSISTING OF SIGNS OR CHARACTERS AND NUMERALS, REGISTERED FROM 1876 TO 1880, AND QUEENSLAND BRANDS, REGISTERED TO 31ST DECEMBER, 1948, WHICH HAVE ALSO BEEN REGISTERED IN NEW SOUTH WALES FOR THE USE OF THEIR OWNERS IN THAT STATE ... ... ... 836 PART IX. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF NAMES OF ALL OWNERS OF HORSE AND CATTLE BRANDS REGISTERED TO 31sT DECEMBER , 194 ... ... ... ... ... ... 837-1Q73 Nom.-The word " off " refers to the right or milking side , and the word " near " to the left side of Stock. Registrar of Brands' Office, F. T. GIBNEY, Brisbane , 27th June, 1949. of Brands. BRISBANE:E: BY AUTHORITY : A. H. TUCKER, GO1' ERNMLNT PRINTER. " The Brands Acts, 1915 to 1945." Table of Positions and Order for Branding Horses , Cattle , and Camels. POSITION AND ORDER OF BRANDS ON HORSES AND CAMELS. inches nor more than two and a-half inches from and directly underneath the last preceding brand imprinted on those stock. If there is not space sufficient First Position - J `Near shoulder" underneath that brand, the second or subsequent brand must be imprinted on Second do. "Off shoulder" the next succeeding position. The positions follow in consecutive order as Third do. "Near quarter" or "near thigh" shown in the above table, the first position succeeding the sixth in respect of Fourth do. "Off quarter" or "off thigh" horses and camels, and the first position succeeding the fourth in respect of Fifth do. "Near ribs" cattle. Sixth do. "Off ribs" Attention is particularly drawn to the fact that when a_ second or any subsequent brand is imprinted on cattle it must e place on t e same si e 0 POSITION AND ORDER OF BRANDS ON CATTLE. t e east as t e immediately preceding brand, thus con rang t e randing o First Position-' I Neck" cattle to one side. Second do. "Rump, hip, or thigh" The owner of a symbol brand may be allotted, upon application to the Third do. "Ribs" Registrar, a specified position upon which such symbol brand may be imprinted Fourth do. "Shoulder or top of arm" in the case of purchased stock previouslybranded. NOTE.-The word "off" refers to the right or milking side, and the word All symbol brands must be accompanied by aRdot to the right of and in a< `near " to the left side of stock. line with the lower part of the symbol brand. Size of Brand to be not less than one and a-quarter inches in length or more than two and a- alf inches in length for Horses and attle. There is not Registered symbol brands may be imprinted on horses, cattle, or camels, either instead of or in addition to the owner's three-piece brand. to more t an one inc space between each c aracter in a rand w e4 imprinte . ize o sym o ran to e not ess t an one an a-quarter inc es (c) In the ease of stock which are only branded with a symbol brand on in lengthin or more than t Tree inches in length. the cheek, the next succeeding brand may be imprinted on any one of the positions defined in the above table, but any subsequent brand must be imprinted RULES OF BRANDING. in the order defined in the preceding paragraph (b). (d) All horses, camels, or cattle shall be deemed branded with the ORDER OF IMPRINTING BRANDS-PENALTY. registered brand which appears to be the last brand according to the prescribed (a) The breeder or person imprinting the first Horse and Cattle brand order. upon his stock may imprint his registered three-piece brand upon any one or (e) Any person failing to comply with or offending against any of the other of the positions defined in the above table. above ruleg of branding shall on conviction for every such offence forfeit and Or, The breeder or person imprinting the first Horse and Cattle brand upon pay a sum not exceeding fifty pounds. his stock may imprint his registered symbol brand upon any one or other of the The breeder or first brander may imp ri nt numerals under his registered brand for stud positions defined in the above table, or upon the cheek. or herd book reference , or to dent the age of such hors(S or cattle, or may have registered (b) The second or subsequent brander must, if there is space sufficient, without fee on application to the Registrar of Brands, B ri sbane, a distinctive Brand to be imprinted on the cheek to denote the age , class, or description of his stock , or any other imprint his brand on his stock at a distance of not less than one and a-half circumstance which he may require to mark.
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