In recognition of the economic and cultural value of film, the UK Government, national administrations and the European Union provide financial support to film in the UK through a variety of channels. The biggest sources of public funding in 2014/15 were the film tax relief, the National Lottery and government grant-in-aid.

FACTS IN FOCUS Total estimated public funding for film in the UK in 2014/15 was £414 million, an increase of 3% on 2013/14.

The principal sources of public funding were the film tax relief (61%), the National Lottery (15%) and grant-in-aid (8%) from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).

The European Union contributed £8.7 million to film in the UK in 2014/15 (through the structural funds and MEDIA sub-programme), and a further £6.6 million to support UK film exports to other countries in Europe.

In cash terms, funding was greatest in but per capita investment was highest in Northern Ireland.

Film production benefited from two thirds (68%) of the total financial support available in 2014/15, followed by education, young people and lifelong learning (10%). PUBLIC INVESTMENT IN FILM IN THE UK BFI Statistical Yearbook 2016 3 The European (EU)The Union contributed £8.7 million to UK film activity, which £3.8 of million came from MEDIACreative sub-programme Europe’s and £4.9 (see 1) to Table million in note 2014 was via the structural funds funds, These the in which European include 2014/15. Regional Fund and Development European Social Fund, a substantial saw increase over the period. figure The reflects 2014/15 for a Fund managed by and support Screen for Content Yorkshire to the commitment renewed Yorkshire Creative England and Northern Film & Media. The NorthernThe Ireland Executive in investment reduced film while between funding and 2014/15, 2013/14 increasedin from £2.8 million to £3.6 million. certain possible is for to not say It the whether level from investment theof Scottish Government changed in this period as funding the Library for National Moving Image Archive ’s of was unavailable the time at publication. of Publicly owned national broadcasters and their film arms also substantial made investments: Film4/ invested £15.2 million in UK film Films/BBC and BBC million. £10.4 Total public funding public Total film for is inestimated 2014/15 million, beento have £414 from up £403 million in largest The 2013/14. single source funding public of in the year was the UK film tax which relief, provided £251 million the of total). (61% Thiswas by followed the Lottery National (£63 million, of 15% the £33 total) of and grant-in-aid million (8% the of total) from the Department Culture, for Media and Sport (DCMS) to the BFI, Arts Council England (ACE) and the Film National School (NFTS). and Television an year increase saw The £2.4 of millionin with DCMS compared grant-in-aid 2013/14; part this of is by changes for accounted in the recording investments ACE in of film and the moving image. Table 1 outlinesTable the estimated funding public levels of investedin film in the UK from 2012/13 to (The figures2014/15. types some include not do research local of authority, council, higher further or education funding.) PUBLIC FUNDING FOR FILM IN THE UK BY SOURCE FILM IN FUNDING FOR PUBLIC 4 BFI Statistical Yearbook 2016 PUBLIC INVESTMENT IN FILM IN THE UK Table 1PublicfundingforfilmintheUKbysource, 2012/13-2014/15(rankedbyspend) Source: Namedfundingsources, BiggerPicture Research analysis Film4/Channel 4 Foreign andCommonwealthOffice (ACE) andNFTS DCMS grant-in-aidtotheBFI,ArtsCouncilEngland National andRegionalDevelopmentAgencies BBC Films/BBC funding Total publicsectorselectiveandautomatic UK filmtaxrelief Total publicsectorselectiveinvestment Other publicsector Department forBusiness,Innovation&Skills Local government UK Trade &Investment Skills InvestmentFundtraininglevy Department forEducation Higher Educationfunding Scottish Government Ireland Executive Northern Welsh AssemblyGovernment EU MEDIAsub-programme Other European Union(EU) Arts CouncilEngland National LotteryDistributionFund 20 4 2 16 18 5 10 15 11 13 9

6 7 8 1 14 12 19 17 3 £ million 364.7 205.6 159.1 27.9 67.4 18.1 12.7 0.03 2012/13 1.6 9.4 1.0 1.2 2.2 2.2 2.3 5.6 1.2 4.4 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.6 100.0 >0.1 18.5 56.4 43.6 7.6 0.4 5.0 2.6 3.5 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.5 0.3 1.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 % £ million 402.9 231.8 171.1 30.6 73.1 15.6 10.6 0.01 2013/14 1.2 9.2 1.0 1.1 4.1 3.2 2.8 4.3 5.7 7.2 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.8 100.0 >0.1 18.1 57.5 42.5 7.6 0.3 3.9 2.3 2.6 0.2 0.3 1.0 0.8 0.7 1.1 1.4 1.8 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 % £ million 413.8 251.3 162.5 33.0 62.8 15.2 12.7 10.4 0.01 2014/15 1.2 1.0 1.1 2.1 2.4 3.6 3.8 4.9 6.8 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.9 100.0 >0.1 >0.1 >0.1 15.2 60.7 39.3 8.0 0.3 3.7 3.1 2.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.9 1.2 1.6 0.1 0.2 % PUBLIC INVESTMENT IN FILM IN THE UK BFI Statistical Yearbook 2016 5 Includes funding from all Scottish government agencies to strategic bodies/projects. The figure for 2014/15 does not include investment in for 2014/15 does not The figure government all Scottish bodies/projects. agencies to strategic Includes funding from Moving Image Archive. Scotland’s the National Library of plus Higher Education institutions to support and Scotland, Wales Higher Education Funding Councils for England, Includes investment from educational funding councils agencies. It does not include payments from and other strategic Skillset film academies, film archives Creative or further education. to other film courses (film studies, etc) in higher by collected and re-distributed of UK public funding, based in the UK or in receipt either all film productions Made up of contributions from was carried grants was £264,676 (the remainder through while expenditure levy income in 2014/15 was £863,824, Skillset. Total Creative over into 2015/16). in by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy investment. BIS was replaced Includes Employer Ownership of Skills Pilot 2 July 2016. Allocations to the BFI, Creative Scotland, Ffilm Cymru Wales (via Arts Council of Wales) and Northern Ireland Screen (via Arts Council of (via Arts Council Screen Northern and Ireland Council of Wales) (via Arts Ffilm Cymru Wales Scotland, to the BFI, Creative Allocations projects. for film-based Lottery awards Lottery Fund and Big plus Heritage Northern Ireland), NFTS. 4 investment in the investment and Channel production Includes Film4’s and film-related projects Arts) into moving image Grants for the (for example from National Lottery investments Includes ACE Strategic projects. for the cultural, creative the new EU programme Europe, Creative of in 2013; MEDIA is now a sub-programme ended The MEDIA programme years it does not calendar year 2014. For consistency with earlier is for film investments only and is for The figure and audiovisual sectors. in Euros Data provided 2. in Table film exports to the EU reported sales agents and distributors handling UK to non-British include the awards 2013 €1= £0.8107; 2014 €1= £0.8486. pounds. Exchange rates: 2012 €1= £0.8683; and converted to British Notes: 1.  2.  the UK. Agencies throughout Development National/Regional agencies from to screen 3. Contributions archives. in the NFTS and film BBC investment investment, BBC Films’ production 4. Includes 5.  Fund. Regional Development Social Fund and European 6. Investment via the European 7.  government Welsh agencies to strategic bodies/projects. all 8. Includes funding from government Northern all to strategic bodies/projects. agencies Ireland 9. Includes funding from 10.  11.  funding of ‘in-country’ events (outside the UK). Excludes partnership activity. 12. Funding for UK-originated British Council 13. Includes funding for the BFI Film Academy. 14.  in July 2016. by the Department for International Trade 15. Funding for export support. UKTI was replaced agencies. screen England and other English regional Creative archives, film 16. Investment by local authorities in regional 17.  agencies. screen public sector agencies, mainly made to national/regional a range of (under £10,000) from small awards 18. Very reserves. 19. Does not include transfers to and from provisional. are 20. 2013/14 and 2014/15 figures 6 BFI Statistical Yearbook 2016 PUBLIC INVESTMENT IN FILM IN THE UK 8.  7.  6. Includesfilmexpenditure Film&Media,Screen onthepartofNorthern SouthandScreen Yorkshire. 5.  4. Includesfilmexpenditure onthepartofCreative Scotland. 3.  2.  1.  Figures/percentages maynotsumtototals due torounding. Notes: Source: Namedagencies,BiggerPicture Research analysis 2014/15 byagency, spend film Table 2Net million). (£13.5 England Council Arts and million) (£14 Screen Ireland Northern million), 4(£15 Film4/Channel million), (£90 BFI the followed by relief), tax for film million 2014/15 in (£251 net spender on largest film the was HMRC years, previous in As SPEND BYAGENCY HMRC Into Film BBC Films/BBC NFTS British Council English regional filmarchives Film London BFI Creative England Scottish agencies EU MEDIAsub-programme Big Lottery Creative Skillset Film 4/Channel4 Welsh agencies UKTI Other Englishagencies Northern IrelandNorthern Screen Heritage LotteryFund Arts CouncilEngland Total publicagencies higher thantotalpublicfundingfor filminthe2014/15year(£413.8million,Table 1). by agenciesaswellincomederivedfromearned publicsectorsources. Forthesereasons thetotalspendingbyagencies (£465.4million)is The spendingtabulatedaboveincludes nettransferstoandfrom reserves andspendingfinancedbycommercial income(egfrom filmrights) North West FilmArchive, Screen Archive SouthEast, SouthWest Film andTelevision Archive andtheYorkshire FilmArchive. Includes filmexpenditure onthepartof EastAnglianFilmArchive, MediaArchive forCentralEngland(MACE),NorthEastFilmArchive, investments bytheWelsh AssemblyGovernment. Includes filmexpenditure onthepartofFfilmCymruWales andtheFilmArchive ofWales (partoftheNationalLibraryWales) anddirect British pounds.Exchangerates:2012€1=£0.8683;2013£0.8107; 2014€1=£0.8486. EU through schemesproviding grantstonon-UKdistributorsandsalesagentshandlingBritishtitles.Dataprovided inEuros andconvertedto The figure isforfilminvestmentsonlyandcalendaryear2014.Italsoincludes£6.6 milliongrantedinsupportofUKfilmsexportedtothe strategic investmentsattributabletofilmandthemovingimage,based uponACEcalculations. Includes ACENationalLotteryinvestments(egfrom GrantsfortheArts) intomovingimageprojects, plusNationalPortfolioOrganisationand counting. Net spendmeansafterdeductinggrantsandawards tootherorganisationsinthisTable. Figures are presented nettoavoiddouble 5 4 2 6 8 3 7 1

£ million 465.4 251.3 10.4 13.5 10.0 10.7 90.0 15.0 14.2 8.7 2.4 4.2 6.2 8.4 1.1 5.6 7.4 0.9 4.9 0.3 0.2

100.0 >0.1 54.0 19.3 2.2 2.9 1.9 0.5 0.9 1.3 2.1 2.3 1.8 0.2 1.2 1.6 0.2 1.1 3.2 0.1 3.1 % PUBLIC INVESTMENT IN FILM IN THE UK BFI Statistical Yearbook 2016 7 % 4.0 3.8 2.8 0.6 1.6 5.2 4.0

68.0 10.0 100.0

2.7 7.4 2014/15 18.5 17.7 13.1 46.4 24.4 18.6 465.4 316.6 £ million % 4.2 4.2 2.2 0.7 2.4 9.4 1.7 7.6 67.5 100.0 9.2 3.1 7.3 2013/14 17.7 17.7 10.3 39.6 31.8 420.9 284.2 £ million % 4.9 3.4 2.6 0.4 2.7 8.3 3.5 7.2 66.9 100.0 strategic plan from goals whose 2012/13, of is one 1.6 2012/13 19.5 13.5 10.5 10.9 33.5 14.2 29.0 401.4 268.7 £ million 4 6 2 5 3 1 National Film and Television Archive, national/regional screen archives (except Scotland’s Media Image Archive) and Heritage Lottery Fund Media Image Archive) (except Scotland’s archives screen national/regional Archive, National Film and Television investment. support MEDIA sub-programme Europe and Creative British Film Commission, British Council, locations services in the nations and regions for non-British sales agents and distributors handling UK film exports in the EU. was supplemented by 1) as expenditure than total public funding (£413.8 million, Table (£465.4 million) was greater 2014/15 total expenditure reserves. and transfers from trusts and foundations sponsorship, grants from earned/self-generated income, commercial Source: Bigger Picture Research, Creative Cultural Associates Creative Research, Bigger Picture Source: Notes: may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Percentages spend in 2014/15 was £65.3 million. production 1. Non-tax relief 2.  and technical skills academies. Skillset film/craft training investment, Creative agency screen 3. Skills Investment Fund, national/regional 4.  companies. independent production agency investment: primary beneficiaries are screen 5. National/regional 6. Training and skills Training investment promotion Export and inward Development public film expenditure Total Education, young people and lifelong learning Production Business support Administration and services to the public Distribution and exhibition Archives and heritage Archives Production has consistently benefited from the largest share spending, public of primarily to the due fundingautomatic available through the film tax although the relief, total has spend fluctuated in line with the film changing production. of In 2014/15, volume £317 for production accounted million - 2014/15 (ranked by 2014/15 spend) 3 Activities supported by public spend on film, 2012/13 Table ­and 2014/15. (68% the of total). In the same learning financial and lifelong people young the had education, year, largestsecond 10% (£46 share at spend public of million). This is the third consecutive year that learning and lifelong people young haseducation, been which in is in place largely the second Table, a Film the of BFI’s Forever theresult of implementation Publicspending distribution on and exhibition activity, archives and heritage and feature film than in level was 2014/15 a lower was in it at 2012/13, while supportdevelopment training for and skills and export has risen and inward promotion investment over the same period. ACTIVITIES SUPPORTED BY PUBLIC SPENDING ON FILM ON SPENDING PUBLIC BY SUPPORTED ACTIVITIES 3 describesTable the areas activity of supported film by on spend public in the UK between2012/13 the expansion opportunities of film for and learning. education 8 BFI Statistical Yearbook 2016 PUBLIC INVESTMENT IN FILM IN THE UK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 £ Figure 1PercapitainvestmentinfilmtheUKnations,2014/15 4. Includesinvestmentfrom FfilmCymruWales, Wales FilmArchive, ArtsCouncilofWales andWelsh direct AssemblyGovernment expenditure. 3. Investmentfrom Creative Scotland. 2. Investmentfrom Ireland Northern Screen Ireland. andArtsCouncilofNorthern 1. Includesinvestmentfrom Creative England,Englishregional screen agencies,Englishregional screen archives andArtsCouncilEngland. Notes Source: BiggerPicture Research, ONS Table 4InvestmentinfilmtheUKnations,2014/15 at person £2.00. spend per highest Wales, level next in had the which the four times at highest £7.89 the was Ireland almost however, person, per levelterms, of Northern investment the in capita per In investment). nation-specific total of the or 49% (£27.5 level of million funding greatest the received England 2014/15. in level nations of terms, cash investmentthe In UK dedicated each of to the Table 4shows Screen). Ireland Northern and Wales, Scotland Creative Cymru Ffilm investment from (eg nations UK individual the to particular However, are UK. of the some funding throughout sources film intended of relief, are benefit for the tax film the as such of public investment for sources Many film, SPEND ACROSSTHEUKNATIONS Spend perperson(£) Source: BiggerPicture Research, ONS Nation Scotland³ Ireland Northern England Wales 4 1 2 Total dedicated investment En gland 0.51 (£ million) 14.2 27.5 6.2 8.7 Norther n Ir eland 7.89 Population (million) 54.3 3.1 1.8 5.3 Scotland

1.64 £ per person £ per 2.00 7.89 0.51 1.64 Wa 2.00 les PUBLIC INVESTMENT IN FILM IN THE UK BFI Statistical Yearbook 2016 9 % 0.2 0.3 4.1 3.8 3.8 9.9 6.9 6.8 0.07 0.07 46.7 17.9 11.8


£ million £ 3.8 1.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 £ million £ -

Markets Initial training Games Markets MEDIA Initial training scheme(s) MEDIA scheme(s) MEDIA Audience development Single project and slate Single project Film festivals and Europa Cinemas Film festivals and Europa Selective, automatic, sales agents and online Selective, automatic, Training & skills: new media & skills: new Training New media sub total Total Activity area production Television sub total Television Business support: new media Development: new media Distribution Development & skills Training Education Exhibition Business support Total Activity area Source: Creative Europe Desk UK, Bigger Picture Research analysis Research Desk UK, Bigger Picture Europe Creative Source: and converted to British pounds. Exchange rate: €1 = £0.8486 in Euros Note: Data provided 2014 investment in television and new media in the UK, MEDIA sub-programme Europe 6 Creative Table The MEDIAThe sub-programme also supports UK television media and new (including video games). UK television production benefitedfrom £3.8 million and £0.3 in 2014, million was invested in media new (Table 6). In to this, addition £6.6 million was invested in support UK of films exported to other countries in the EU, through providing schemes grants distributors to non-UK and sales handling agents British titles. Source: Creative Europe Desk UK, Bigger Picture Research analysis Research Desk UK, Bigger Picture Europe Creative Source: and converted to British pounds. Exchange rate: €1 = £0.8486 in Euros Note: Data provided investment in film in the UK, 2014 MEDIA sub-programme Europe 5 Creative Table Creative Europe’s MEDIACreative sub-programme Europe’s supports European film and other audiovisual industries CREATIVE EUROPE INVESTMENT IN THE UK IN INVESTMENT EUROPE CREATIVE supportCreative programme Europe is the the European for culturalUnion’s and audiovisual sectors. It was in with launched January €1.5 of billion a budget 2014 from the and follows on for period 2014-2020, the previous Culture and MEDIA programmes. by and distribution funding promotion the development, the European MEDIA of In works. 2014, sub-programme invested £3.8 million film in UK-based activity, half and nearly this of into (47%) went film distribution 5). (Table 10 BFI Statistical Yearbook 2016 PUBLIC INVESTMENT IN FILM IN THE UK were made, half of which were for £1 million or more. million of made,were for were which £1 half 16 Table awards in total, In shown 8. 2015 are in BFI made the by of £250,000+ for awards film The large Percentages maynotsumto100duerounding. BFI awards dataare forcalendaryear2015. Notes: Source: BFI Table 7BFILotteryawards, 2015 million. of value acombined £25.5 2014) with in 385 from (up 2015. in BFI total There made in the 393 were awards awards by Table Lottery the 7shows BFI LOTTERY AWARDS 2015 Source Film Fund­ Film Fund–Pre-production Film Fund­ Film Fund–Completion Film Fund–Documentary Film Fund – Vision AwardsFilm Fund–Vision Film Fund–International Film Fund–AnimationDevelopmentLab Distribution Fund– Distribution Fund – International FestivalSalesSupportScheme Distribution Fund–International Partnerships –­ Partnerships – Film Academy Partnerships –FilmAcademy Total awards – Development – Production Audience Fund Audience Fund Number of awards 107 158 393 26 11 16 30 24 5 5 5 3 3

Total value Total value (£ million) 14.9 25.5 2.4 0.1 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.1 0.2 1.4 0.2 4.0 0.7

BFI Statistical Yearbook 2016


871,000 833,469 785,715 775,000 350,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 2,000,000 1,780,000 1,451,975 1,200,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 award(£) Amount of of Amount Bill Project Free Fire Free Mindhorn Early Man Dark River Journeyman Ethel & Ernest I, Daniel Blake Viceroy’s House Viceroy’s American Honey City of Tiny Lights A United Kingdom Fanny Lye Deliver’d Fanny Lye Swallows and Amazons The Girl with All the Gifts The Girl with All the Versus: The Life and Films of Ken Loach Versus: Source Film Fund – Production Film Fund Film Fund – Distribution Film Fund – Documentary Table 9 shows the agency public service and public leading Table in investment British broadcaster films for investors public frequent most were the The BFI withthe calendar years projects 102 2013-2015. and BBC Films/BBC with projects These estimated had 85. £264 combined budgets of million and £272 million figuresrespectively. (The budget are the the for total of films, budget including the share budget of provided by other investors, public private investors and pre-sales.) IN BRITISH FILM PRODUCTION, 2013-2015 LEADING PUBLIC INVESTORS Source: BFI Source: for calendar year 2015. data are Note: BFI awards Table 8 Large awards (£250,000+) for film made by the BFI, 2015 the BFI, made by for film (£250,000+) awards 8 Large Table 12 BFI Statistical Yearbook 2016 PUBLIC INVESTMENT IN FILM IN THE UK 1.  budget row. In somecasesmore thanonepublicagencycontributedfundingtothesamefilm,sothere isdoublecountingofbudgetsandhencenototal Notes: Source: BFIproduction tracking Table 9LeadingpublicinvestorsinBritishfilmproduction, 2013-2015 Creative Europe Northern Ireland ScreenNorthern Government Welsh agencies//Welsh Irish FilmBoard European agencies Scottish agencies BBC Films/BBC Creative England BFI Public funder agencies English regional screen Film4/Channel 4 Norsk filminstitutt. Examples ofEuropean filmfundingagenciesincludeDeutscherFilmförderfonds, LeCentre nationalducinémaetdel’imageaniméeand 1 Number 102 15 18 23 23 25 85 26 26 37 58 Estimated Estimated (£ million) budget budget 272 264 164 323 23 33 37 47 28 28 90

The Legend of Barney Thomson; Sunset Song; What We Thomson;SunsetSong;WhatWe The LegendofBarney American Honey; Dark Horse; The Duke of Burgundy; American Honey;DarkHorse;TheDukeofBurgundy; Alone in Berlin; The Danish Girl; The Habit of Beauty; Alone inBerlin;TheDanishGirl;HabitofBeauty; Did onOurHoliday;Where You’re MeanttoBe;Una How To Talk toGirlsatParties;ARoyalNightOut Notes onBlindness;Spooks:TheGreater Good Brooklyn; The Hallow; I Am Not a Serial Killer; Brooklyn; TheHallow;IAm NotaSerialKiller; The Canal;DanyWenallt (UnderMilkWood); 45 Years; 20,000DaysonEarth;Suffragette; Swallows andAmazons;AUnitedKingdom High-Rise; IAmBelfast;TheSurvivalist Adult Life Skills; The Levelling; Norfolk; Adult LifeSkills;TheLevelling;Norfolk; City of Tiny Lights;CoupleinaHole; City ofTiny Ethel & Ernest; TheLibrarySuicides Ethel &Ernest; The LadyintheVan; ALittleChaos; Bill; FarFrom theMadding Crowd; ’71; Await Further Instructions; ’71;Await FurtherInstructions; The Lobster;MoonDogs This BeautifulFantastic The Salvation;Theeb Macbeth; Youth Examples

Research & Statistics Unit 21 Stephen Street, London W1T 1LN