Internet Social Networking Risks
U.S. Department of Justice Preventive Measures at Work: • Disable Global Positioning System (GPS) encoding. Federal Bureau of Investigation Many digital cameras encode the GPS location of a • “Defense in Depth” – use multiple layers of security photo when it is taken. If that photo is uploaded to a throughout the computer network. site, so are the GPS coordinates, which will let people • Identify ways you have lost data in the past and know that exact location. mitigate those threats. Educate employees about • Whenever possible, encrypt communications with those threats and how to change their behavior, if websites. It may be a feature social network sites necessary, to prevent future loss. allow you to enable. INTERNET SOCIAL • Constantly monitor data movement on your network. • Avoid accessing your personal accounts from public • Establish policies and procedures for intrusion computers or through public WiFi spots. detection systems on company networks. • Beware of unsolicited contacts from individuals in NETWORKING RISKS • Establish policies about what company information person, on the telephone, or on the Internet who are can be shared on blogs or personal social web pages. seeking corporate or personal data. INTERNET-BASED SOCIAL NETWORKING Enforce the policy. • Monitor your bank statements, balances, and credit • Educate employees about how their own online reports. SITES HAVE CREATED A REVOLUTION behavior could impact the company. • Do not share usernames, passwords, social security IN SOCIAL CONNECTIVITY. HOWEVER, • Provide yearly security training. numbers, credit cards, bank information, salaries, computer network details, security clearances, home CON ARTISTS, CRIMINALS, AND • Ask employees to report suspicious incidents as soon and office physical security and logistics, capabilities OTHER DISHONEST ACTORS ARE as possible.
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