11/6/2015 Standards: SSWH4 the Student Will Analyze the Importance of the Byzantine and Mongol Empires Between 450 CE and 1500 CE

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11/6/2015 Standards: SSWH4 the Student Will Analyze the Importance of the Byzantine and Mongol Empires Between 450 CE and 1500 CE U.S. History Curriculum Map Unit 4: Medieval Times Enduring Themes: Conflict and Change Time, Change, and Continuity Governance and the Rule of Law Movement / Migration Production, Distribution, Consumption Culture Location Distribution of Power Time Frame: 10/13/2015 – 11/6/2015 Standards: SSWH4 The student will analyze the importance of the Byzantine and Mongol empires between 450 CE and 1500 CE. a. Analyze the importance of Justinian; include the influence of the Empress Theodora, Justinian’s Code, and Justinian’s efforts to recapture the west. b. Describe the relationship between the Roman and Byzantine empires; include the impact Byzantium had on Moscow and the Russian Empire, the effect of Byzantine culture of Tsar Ivan III and Kiev, and the rise of Constantinople as a center for law, religion, and the arts. c. Explain the Great Schism of 1054 CE. d. Analyze the spread of the Mongol Empire; include the role of Chinggis (Genghis) Khan in developing the empire, the impact of the Mongols on Russia, China, and the West, the development of trade, and European observations through the writings of Marco Polo. e. Explain the Ottoman empire’s role in the decline of Byzantium and the capture of Constantinople in 1453 CE. SSWH7 The student will analyze European medieval society with regard to culture, politics, society, and economics. a. Explain the manorial system and feudalism; include the status of peasants and feudal monarchies and the importance of Charlemagne. b. Describe the political impact of Christianity; include Pope Gregory VII and King Henry IV of Germany (Holy Roman Emperor). c. Explain the role of the church in medieval society. d. Describe how increasing trade led to the growth of towns and cities **Highlighted standards = priority standards Unit Essential Question: Why were the Byzantine and Mongol Empires important? How did European medieval society develop with regard to culture, politics, society, and economics? Unit Resources: Unit 4 Student Content Map https://quizlet.com/56272941/sswh04-flash-cards/ https://quizlet.com/64557419/sswh07-flash-cards/ Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3 Concept 4 Concept 5 Byzantine Empire Great Schism Rise of Russian Rise of Mongol Middle Ages (Developments in Empire Empire Christianity) Concept 6 Concept 7 Concept 8 Concept 9 Concept 10 The church in Trade in Medieval Medieval Europe Europe (High Middle Ages) Concept 1: Byzantine Empire Standard: SSWH4 The student will analyze the importance of the Byzantine and Mongol empires between 450 CE and 1500 CE. a. Analyze the importance of Justinian; include the influence of the Empress Theodora, Justinian’s Code, and Justinian’s efforts to recapture the west. b. Describe the relationship between the Roman and Byzantine empires; include the impact Byzantium had on Moscow and the Russian Empire, the effect of Byzantine culture of Tsar Ivan III and Kiev, and the rise of Constantinople as a center for law, religion, and the arts. e. Explain the Ottoman empire’s role in the decline of Byzantium and the capture of Constantinople in 1453 CE. Lesson EQ: Why was the Byzantine Empire important? Know Understand Be Able To Do (DOK 2-3) Byzantine Empire In the 5th century, the Analyze the importance of Justinian Eastern Roman empire Justinian Theodora continued to exist, even o Include Theodora’s Justinian’s Code after the West fell. influence, Byzantium Justinian sought to Justinian’s Code Relationship between restore the Roman and his efforts to Rome and Byzantine Empire and almost recapture the Empire succeeded by the time west. Constantinople of his death. Describe the relationship Theodora supported between the Roman and and influenced Byzantine Empires Justinian’s role and led Explain the Ottoman’s role reforms, as well. in the decline of Byzantium Justinian’s Code Explain the capture of became the basis for Constantinople. most of the legal system in Europe. By the 14th century, the Ottomans expanded their control through the Balkans, with the help of the janissaries. Under Mehmet II, the Ottomans captured Constantinople in 1453. Resources I Do (Teacher Point) We Do (Guided/Differentiated You Do (Independent Practice) Instruction) Introduce Unit 4 Student Content Rise of Constantinople Images Answer EQ#1 on Unit 4 Student Map. Discuss EQ#1 and Content Map in complete breakdown standards. Circle key Byzantine Empire Visual sentences using the vocabulary vocabulary in the standards and Discovery from the standard. preview learning objectives. (can be completed as a carousel, in groups, with a Byzantine and Mongol Empires partner, etc.) PowerPoint (NOTE: This PPT includes all topics from SSWH4, Concepts 1-4). Justinian and Theodora Student Handout Fall of Byzantine Empire Student Handout (These two handouts coordinate with the Byzantine and Mongol Empires PPT) Legacy of Constantinople PowerPoint The Fall and Influence of the Byzantine Empire Graphic Organizer (NOTE: complete “Fall portion” and finish “Russia” portion during Concept 3). Hagia Sophia Video Clip 1 Hagia Sophia Video Clip 2 Sample Assessment Items: “Oh justice! The deed of the supreme high priest! Nay, of one who claimed to be the leader of the whole world as indeed the Latins asserts and believe, but this, too, is a bit of their boasting. For when the imperial seat was transferred from Rome hither to our native Queen of Cities, and the senate and the whole administration, there was also transferred the arch-heiratical primacy.” -From “The Alexiad,” written by Anna Comnena in the 12th century The transfer described in the passage probably refers to a. transfer in cultural leadership from Rome to the Normans b. an increase in trade between Rome and Kievan Rus c. a decrease in Rome’s prosperity during the Crusades d. a shift of power from Rome to Constantinople Which statement best explains why Constantinople became so wealthy? a. Constantinople formed an alliance with the wealthier empire of Kievan Rus b. it carried out successful military campaigns against the Sassinads c. the use of Justinian’s Code protected the rich against peasant revolts d. the city’s location on key water route’s made it a center of trade “Western Europe owed a debt of gratitude to the Empire that for almost a thousand years ensured the survival of Christianity during a time when Europe was too weak to accomplish the task.” Which Empire is referred to in this quotation? a. Hellenistic b. Mongol c. Byzantine d. Ottoman Concept 2: The Great Schism (Developments in Christianity) Standard: SSWH4 The student will analyze the importance of the Byzantine and Mongol empires between 450 CE and 1500 CE. c. Explain the Great Schism of 1054 CE. Lesson EQ: Why did Christianity split between East and West in 1054, and what were the effects of the Schism? Know Understand Be Able To Do (DOK 2) Great Schism The Christian Church Explain the Great Schism Roman Catholic Church split in 1054 between of 1054 CE. Eastern Orthodox Church the Eastern Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire in the East and the Roman Catholic Church in Western part of the empire. Pope Leo IX did not like the use of icons in the Eastern Church and ordered them to stop. The Eastern patriarchs did not think he had authority over them, only over the Western church. Ultimately, they excommunicated each other and the church formally split into the Roman Catholic Church in the West and the Eastern (Greek) Orthodox Church in the East. Resources I Do (Teacher Point) We Do (Guided/Differentiated You Do (Independent Practice) Instruction) Unit 4 Student Content Map. Compare and Contrast the Answer EQ#2 on Unit 4 Student Discuss EQ#2 and breakdown Church in the East and West Content Map in complete standards. Circle key vocabulary in Chart sentences using the vocabulary the standards and preview from the standard. learning objectives. Great Schism Graphic Organizer Byzantine and Mongol Empires (goes with The Great Schism Power PowerPoint (NOTE: This PPT Point) includes all topics from SSWH4, Concepts 1-4). Great Schism Student Handout (This handout goes along with Byzantine and Mongol Empires PPT) The Great Schism Power Point Great Schism Chart (goes with the Great Schism Power Point) Sample Assessment Items: Schisms, the foremost threat to the Christian church in the Middle Ages, were a. disputes between bishops concerning church lands. b. formal divisions over differences in doctrine. c. disagreements between kings and church leaders over the extent of secular power. d. disagreements between priests and lay followers about the wealth of the clergy. 2. The schism of 1054 (the Great Schism) between the Eastern and Western churches was caused primarily by disagreements over a. how mass should be celebrated. b. the jurisdiction of the western papacy. c. monophysitism. d. The Crusades. Concept 3: Rise of Russian Empire Standard: SSWH4 The student will analyze the importance of the Byzantine and Mongol empires between 450 CE and 1500 CE. b. Describe the relationship between the Roman and Byzantine empires; include the impact Byzantium had on Moscow and the Russian Empire, the effect of Byzantine culture of Tsar Ivan III and Kiev, and the rise of Constantinople as a center for law, religion, and the arts. Lesson EQ: How was the Russian Empire impacted by the Byzantines? Know Understand Be Able To Do (DOK 2) Russian Empire Eastern Slavs (who Describe the impact of Kiev were settled in modern Byzantium on Moscow and Moscow day Ukraine and Russia) the Russian Empire Constantinople made contact with Describe the effect of the Tsar Ivan III Vikings around 800. Byzantine culture on Tsar Viking ruler Oleg Ivan III founded Kiev (collecting Describe the effect of the of city-states) in the Byzantine culture of Kiev early 900s. Byzantine empire sent missionaries to convert the people of Kievan Rus (Kiev) to Orthodox Christianity.
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