The Use of Immobilized Enzymes in the Food Industry: a Review

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The Use of Immobilized Enzymes in the Food Industry: a Review C R C Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition ISSN: 0099-0248 (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: The use of immobilized enzymes in the food industry: A review Arun Kilara , Khem M. Shahani & Triveni P. Shukla To cite this article: Arun Kilara , Khem M. Shahani & Triveni P. Shukla (1979) The use of immobilized enzymes in the food industry: A review, C R C Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 12:2, 161-198, DOI: 10.1080/10408397909527276 To link to this article: Published online: 29 Sep 2009. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 73 View related articles Citing articles: 24 View citing articles Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Download by: [Texas A&M University Libraries] Date: 09 January 2018, At: 11:05 December 1979 161 THE USE OF IMMOBILIZED ENZYMES IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY: A REVIEW* Authors: ArunKilara** Khem M. Shahani Department of Food Science and Technology University of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska Referee: Triveni P. Shukla Krause Milling Company Milwaukee, Wisconsin INTRODUCTION Enzymes are organic substances produced by living cells which catalyze physiologi- cally significant reactions. Enzymes often are defined as biocatalysts, and they possess greater catalytic activity than chemical catalysts. All known enzymes are protein in nature and are generally colloidal, thermolabile, have relatively high molecular weights, exhibit high degrees of stereochemical and substrate specificities, and can usu- ally be isolated from the living cell. There are a wide variety of enzymes which contrib- ute, in part, to the biological diversity observed in nature. The properties and reactions of enzyme catalysis were first recognized by G. S. C. Kirchhoff in 1811; however, the word catalysis was not introduced into science until 1838 by Berzelius. Kiihne in 1878 was the first person to propose the name "enzyme". During the 19th century, a number of enzymic studies were carried out, but the break- through came in the early 20th century when Michaelis and Menten" proposed a hy- pothesis for enzyme action in 1913. It was 13 years after this event before the first enzyme was isolated by Sumner in 1926. Since then, the proliferation of knowledge in the field of enzymology has been phenomenal. At the present time, it is estimated that nearly 1000 enzymes have been isolated and studied. Enzymes and Their Uses in the Food Industry Even though modern enzymology emerged in the 20th century, the application of enzymes in food processing predates biblical times. The art of cheesemaking is believed to originate from the practice of Nomads, who stored milk in containers made from the stomachs of animals. When stored in such containers, the milk coagulated into a Downloaded by [Texas A&M University Libraries] at 11:05 09 January 2018 tasty solid food, presumably due to the action of rennet in the stomach lining. Simi- larly, these people realized that meat wrapped in leaves from certain plants or treated with certain fruit juices became more tender and juicy. It is now known that plant proteases, such as papain, can tenderize meat effectively. Thus, even though the cause or mechanism of action was not understood, our ancestors employed enzymes in the * Published as Paper No. 5549, Journal Series, Agricultural Experiment Station, Lincoln, Nebraska. Re- search was conducted on Project Number 16-026. This work was supported in part by a grant from the Nebraska Water Resources Center, Lincoln, Nebraska. ** Present address: Department of Food Science, The Pennsylvania State University, 111 Borland Labora- tory, University Park, Pennsylvania, 16802. 162 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition processing of their food. With the advancement of science, enzymes were purified, and their modes of action were studied more thoroughly, leading to their enhanced use on food substrates. Accordingly, enzymes play a significant role in food science and technology,"6 and currently, numerous enzymes are employed by the food indus- try, as in Table 1. Apart from the exogenous addition of enzymes, it must be realized that endogenous or inherent enzymes in foods as well as enzymes resulting from micro- bial growth play important roles in food processing. For example, fermented foods are a direct result of microbial enzymic activity. Immobilized Enzymes In the recent past, newer technologies have been developed which involve immobiliz- ing enzymes. Immobilization of enzymes refers to the localization or confinement of enzymes during a process which allows the enzyme to be separated physically from substrate and product for reuse. An enzyme catalyzing a reaction in a beaker is con- fined, but not immobilized, because substrate and product cannot be added or re- moved. Classically, enzymes have been immobilized by associating them with a water- insoluble material; hence, insolubilization is sometimes used erroneously as a syn- onym. Although it is thought that immobilized enzymes are relatively new, their origin preceded the isolation of urease by Sumner. In 1916, Nelson and Griffin100 adsorbed invertase on charcoal and on alumina and demonstrated that this adsorbed enzyme was active even in the "immobilized" form. Unfortunately, this finding was not attrib- uted any significance, and four decades elapsed before the concept of immobilization of enzymes reemerged. Between 1954 and 1961, McLaren and Estermann86-87 and Zit- tle1" worked on the adsorption of enzymes onto inorganic carriers, whereas Bar-Eli and Katchalski5 and Mitz and Summaria'5 approached the problem of covalent attach- ment of enzymes to organic copolymers and cellulose, respectively. In the post-1961 era, the field of immobilized enzymes gathered great momentum. The reason for the concentrated effort stems from the advantages offered by immobilized-enzyme systems which have been summarized by Messing93 as follows: (1) multiple or repetitive use of a single batch of enzyme, (2) better process control — enzyme can be separated from reactants, (3) enhanced stability — contributes to stabilization of tertiary structure and antiturbulence factors, (4) products are enzyme free, (5) long half-lives and predictable decay rates, and (6) good model to study in vivo kinetics of enzymes. Numerous articles have appeared in recent literature dealing with immobilization of enzymes. For a more thorough treatment, articles by Falb33, Gabel and Porath35, Mos- bach97, and books edited by Messing'3 and Zaborsky160 are recommended. Methods for Immobilizing Enzymes There are numerous methods for achieving the immobilization of enzymes. For the 143 Downloaded by [Texas A&M University Libraries] at 11:05 09 January 2018 sake of clarity in understanding, Weetall classified the techniques into the following groups: Adsorption — Enzymes can be absorbed on materials, such as charcoal, organic polymers, glass, mineral salts, metal oxides, or silica gel. Although this method was first employed by Nelson,100101 the mechanisms involved in adsorption are not well understood. This method of immobilizing enzymes has the advantages of being inex- pensive and chemically simple, since no reagents are required, and the process involves only a minimum of activation steps. Additionally, the enzyme is less likely to be den- atured during the process of immobilization when compared with chemical methods of immobilizing enzymes. It has been speculated that the binding forces involved in adsorption are hydrogen bonds, coordinate bonds, and Van der Waal's forces. The weak nature of the binding does lead to some disadvantages. For example, desorption December 1979 163 TABLE 1 Use of Enzymes in the Food Industry Industry Enzymes used Common sources Ref. Milling and baking o-Amylase Fungal /3-Amylase Malted grain. bacterial Proteases Fungal, bacteria]. plant Lipoxidase Cereal grain, de- fatted soy flour Lactase Fungal Pentosanase Fungal Corn starch and syrups cr-Amylase Bacterial 84 /3-Amylase Fungal Glucoamylase Fungal Glucose isomerase Bacterial, fungal Dairy Catalase Animal, bacterial 110 Rennin Animal, fungal Pepsin Animal Lipase, esterase Animal, fungal, bacterial Lactase Fungal Fruits, fruit products, and wine Pectinase Fungal 102 Pectin methylester- Fungal ase Polygalacturonase Fungal Glucose oxidase Fungal Catalase Bacterial Naringinase Fungal Hesperidinase Fungal Pectin glycosidase Fungal Protopectinase Fungal Distilled alcoholic beverages o-Amylase Malt, fungal 15 Transglucosylase Fungal Beer a-Amylase Fungal, bacterial Amyloglucosidase Fungal /3-Glucanase Bacterial Proteases Plant, animal Meat and other proteinaceous foods Proteases Bacterial, fungal. 14 Downloaded by [Texas A&M University Libraries] at 11:05 09 January 2018 plant, animal Miscellaneous Beer Diacetyl reductase Bacterial 115 Tea Tannase Fungal Beet sugar o-Galactosidase Fungal "Humanizing cow milk" Lysozyme Hen's egg white Bean Stachyase Fungal Shellfish Cellulase Fungal Sugarcane juice Dextranse Bacterial, fungal 164 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition of the bound enzyme can occur due to changes in temperature, pH, ionic strength, or presence of substrate. Further, since the support does not selectively bind the enzyme, other extraneous matter can also be adsorbed onto the matrix which can cause a variety of problems including denaturation of the enzyme. Entrapment — The enzymes can be trapped by processes such as the enveloping of an enzyme by
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