Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia Message From the Chair Loren F. Hiratzka, MD Chair, Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia E-mail:
[email protected] encourage all council members to join us in production and of Vivien Thomas’ contributions to Dallas, Nov. 13–16, 2005, for Scientific Sessions cardiac surgical research. 2005. Thanks to our Program Committee, headed I On a local front, I encourage our council members to by Dr. Frank Sellke, we will have an unprecedented become active in their local American Heart high number of abstract presentations, poster Association affiliates. Important initiatives in fund presentations, plenary sessions, cardiovascular raising and public education are carried out at the seminars, meet-the-expert sessions and how-to affiliate level. This funding drives the research and presentations in the areas of cardiac surgery, educational activities of the AHA. In addition, vascular surgery and cardiovascular anesthesia. participation by clinicians and researchers in local Our council’s Vivien Thomas Young Investigator programs greatly improves the lay public’s Awards Competition will provide an opportunity to understanding of the importance of the AHA’s effort hear results from our trainees and young to reduce disability and death from cardiovascular investigators as they participate in cutting-edge diseases and stroke. research. Furthermore, as this is the tenth year of You may check our Web site for more information this competition, we will be highlighting the important regarding Scientific Sessions and affiliate locations contributions of Vivien Thomas at our council’s and activities. Feel free to contact me regarding reception and dinner on Tuesday, Nov.