Extensions of Remarks E109 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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January 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E109 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CELEBRATING NEW FRIENDSHIP his fellow crewmates into space. We felt that PERSONAL EXPLANATION MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH’S flying the banner of the Border Patrol would 100TH ANNIVERSARY be a wonderful symbol to represent our na- HON. DENNY REHBERG tion’s appreciation for the agency’s out- OF MONTANA HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON standing professionals of the past, present, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS and future. Friday, January 29, 2010 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The flag was flown 85 years after the U.S. Mr. REHBERG. Madam Speaker, on rollcall Friday, January 29, 2010 Border Patrol was founded in 1924. As a number 17, 18, and 19 I was unavoidably de- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. fledgling agency, the Border Patrol had only a tained due to flight complications from Billings, Madam Speaker, I rise to today to celebrate handful of agents who patrolled America’s vast MT to Washington, DC. the 100th anniversary of New Friendship Mis- borders on horseback. Today, the agency Had I been present, I would have voted sionary Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. boasts approximately 20,000 men and women ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 17, ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 18, and The church’s theme for its 100th year is ‘‘re- who work to keep our nation secure at 20 sec- ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 19. vitalization.’’ Founded in 1910, the congrega- tors throughout the United States, Puerto f tion of New Friendship has faithfully marched Rico, and the Virgin Islands. on through World War I, a 1928 fire, the Great HONORING COACH TOM DANLEY Depression, World War II, desegregation, and Dr. Danny Olivas and the crew of STS–128 OF THE ANAHEIM UNION HIGH a long list of other historic events that many traveled a total of 5.7 million miles during their SCHOOL DISTRICT other institutions did not survive. This con- mission, at speeds as high of 17,000 mph. gregation has been under the leadership of a Aboard this special journey was the banner of HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ host of the country’s foremost preachers. the United States Border Patrol. OF CALIFORNIA Through their leadership, New Friendship has On January 26, I joined Dr. Olivas and Act- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES built and completely paid off two mortgages ing U.S. Border Patrol Chief Michael Fisher at while always keeping their pledge to be debt Friday, January 29, 2010 free. the National Border Patrol Museum in El Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. Fifteen founding members organized the Paso, Texas, where the flag will be on perma- Madam Speaker, I rise today in honor of Mr. church in the home of their first pastor. The nent display. Dozens of agents, students, and Tom Danley who recently retired after a 42- congregation grew from this small but dedi- community members were present to view the year career with the Anaheim Union High cated group to a congregation of 200 by 1953 newest and most traveled exhibit in the muse- School District. to 500 in 1979 and to today’s active member- um’s collection. During that time, Coach Danley bettered the ship. Under the leadership of the current pas- At the event, Dr. Olivas told students that lives of thousands of students who knew him simply as ‘‘Coach,’’ and earned scores of hon- tor, Reverend Johnny A. McGee, who has there are many ways to serve our great coun- been with the church since 1988, New Friend- ors for his service to students and the commu- try, being a Border Patrol agent, a soldier, or ship has implemented important ministries nity. serving the community, couples, and prison in- an astronaut are but a few examples. He said, He coached varsity basketball at Katella mates, as well as providing food and bus serv- ‘‘It takes everybody taking their own passions High School for 33 years—and his teams went ices for those in need. and putting through efforts to make our coun- to the California Interscholastic Federation The church pastors, deacons, associate try what it is.’’ I couldn’t agree more. playoffs in 31 of those 33 years. ministers and the active members have cre- He encouraged students to follow their Coach Danley was named ‘‘Winningest Bas- ated a strong foundation of love and faith for dreams and told them that he is living proof ketball Coach in Orange County,’’ and was this church to stand. I urge my fellow col- that everyone can achieve their dreams if they honored for his lifetime coaching achieve- ments by being inducted in the Southern Cali- leagues to join me in congratulating and cele- have the desire to do so. Danny claims that as brating the 100th anniversary of New Friend- fornia Basketball Coaches Hall of Fame and a student, he wasn’t the smartest, the most ship Missionary Baptist Church. the CIF Hall of Fame. athletic, or the most talented; he was just your f After his coaching career concluded, Coach average kid. With the love and support from Danley went on to establish a non-profit foun- RECOGNIZING THE MEN AND his parents and a strong interest in machines dation that promotes after-school sports and WOMEN OF THE U.S. BORDER PA- and outer space, Danny worked hard to fulfill activities for local youth. TROL AND NASA ASTRONAUT his dream of one day becoming an astronaut. Thousands of young people have benefited, DR. JOHN ‘‘DANNY’’ OLIVAS As a 261⁄2 year veteran of the United States and will continue to benefit, from the founda- Border Patrol and former Sector Chief, I truly tion’s work, and from Coach Danley’s philos- HON. SILVESTRE REYES appreciate Dr. Olivas’ efforts to recognize the ophy that ‘‘Kids Come First.’’ I urge my colleagues to join me in honoring OF TEXAS men and women of the Border Patrol who Coach Danley. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work hard to protect our nation and to honor f Friday, January 29, 2010 those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in Mr. REYES. Madam Speaker, this week I the line of duty. TRIBUTE TO TOM KALKOFEN was honored to participate in a very special I. appreciation for his support of the Border ceremony that became a part of the proud his- Patrol, Dr. Olivas was designated as an hon- HON. SANDER M. LEVIN tory of the United States Border Patrol. I had orary agent by Acting Deputy Customs and OF MICHIGAN the privilege of joining Dr. John ‘‘Danny’’ Border Protection Commissioner David Aguilar IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Olivas, one of NASA’s great astronauts, in my and was presented with a Border Patrol flag congressional district to unveil a special U.S. Friday, January 29, 2010 Border Patrol flag that traveled with the crew that was flown at all Border Patrol Sectors in Mr. LEVIN. Madam Speaker, I rise today to of STS–128 to the International Space Station the United States and signed by each of the recognize a leader in the field of public health, in August of last year. Sector Chiefs. This honorary distinction has Tom Kalkofen, who has been instrumental in Before his mission to the International been awarded to only a handful of individuals water quality, pollution reduction, and individ- Space Station, Dr. Olivas approached me and in Border Patrol history, and I congratulate Dr. ualized healthcare initiatives in Macomb Coun- generously offered to fly an item with him and Olivas on this honor. ty. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:05 Jan 30, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JA8.001 E29JAPT1 dcolon on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with REMARKS E110 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 29, 2010 Mr. Kalkofen graduated from Ferris State Burlington County. In 1997, Adath Emanu-El embarks on this new path toward increased University in 1971 and began working as a moved its residence from Willingboro, NJ to democracy, improved security, enhanced co- sanitarian for the Macomb County Health De- Mt. Laurel where the synagogue had its first operation, and stronger economic growth and partment. He earned his Masters of Public service with more than 400 people to cele- prosperity. Health from the University of Michigan School brate the establishment of a new house of f of Public Health in 1977 and continued to rise prayer. RECOGNIZING CORNELIUS AND through the ranks of the Health Department, The traditions of Adath Emanu-El, a family MARY DOLLISON OF MUNCIE, IN- holding various positions, until he became di- growing, learning, worshipping, and working DIANA rector in February of 1996. together, are still upheld today. These valu- Under Mr. Kalkofen’s leadership the Health able practices are due to the wonderful leader- Department established effective community ship by Rabbi Andrew I. Bossov, Rabbi Emer- HON. MIKE PENCE coalitions, such as the Tobacco Prevention itus Richard A. Levine, teachers, and most im- OF INDIANA Coalition and Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures portantly, dedicated members to the syna- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Coalition and a minority health outreach office. gogue. Friday, January 29, 2010 Mr. Kalkofen also fought for the continuation In recognition to the many years of dedi- Mr. PENCE. Madam Speaker, as it is writ- of one of the few remaining public health den- cated religious practice and service to the ten in the Good Book, ‘‘Whatever you did for tal programs in the State of Michigan.