GAZETTE Fifth Avenue Yesterday in the Big- Gest Easter Gathering in the Nation

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GAZETTE Fifth Avenue Yesterday in the Big- Gest Easter Gathering in the Nation Energy Tip of the Day New violence in Jerusalem kills two Arabs ENERGY CONSERVATION IS WASHINGTON (AP)--Today, President incident--calling it the act of a charges the attack was part of an Reagan will be meeting at the White "mentally ill" person. effort to "force the people of the THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERYONE' House with a delegation of Jewish In Beirut, a rocket slammed into occupied territories to surrender leaders. It's likely that Reagan's the U.S. embassy earlier today, and to political formulas." guests are concerned about yester- a caller to the "Voice of Lebanon" The Mideast already had been Check that your automobile day's events in Jerusalem. radio station said it was in res- tense with rumors that Israel was wheels are properly aligned. A rifle attack yesterday by a man ponse to the shooting incident in planning an attack on Palestinian Improper wheel alignment can identified as a Jewish immigrant Jerusalem. An embassy spokesman guerrilla bases in southern Leban- cause unnecessary tire wear, from the United States sparked says no one was wounded in the em- on. But U.S. officials say Prime as well as increase fuel use. Jerusalem's bloodiest rioting in bassy attack. Minister Begin has assured American A regular alignment check is years. Two Arabs were killed when Moslem leaders have responded to Ambassador Samuel Lewis that his a good idea. the gunman opened fire at one of yesterday's killings by calling for country has not yet decided whether Islam's holiest shrines. Israeli a week-long general strike in the to launch such an attack. A spokes- officials, including Prime Minister Israeli-occupied territories. Je- man said Begin is refusing to com- enachme Begin, have deplored the rusalem's Moslem Supreme Council ment on this report. ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART? .M News Digest * NEW YORK CITY (UPI)--Thousands of people strolled down Manhattan's GAZETTE Fifth Avenue yesterday in the big- gest Easter gathering in the nation. Brookfield Zoo in suburban Chicago Guantanamo Bay, Cuba dressed up an elephant, horses, goats aid Llamas for an Easter pa- rade. Once Chicago hotel chef created a four-foot, 110-pound Volume 37 Number 69 Monday, April 12, 1982 rabbit made entirely of almond paste, chocolate and sugar. HASBROUCK HEIGHTS, N.J. (AP)--There British blockade Falklands; no shooting yet have been lodge conventions and political conventions. Now, a two- FALKLAND ISLANDS (UPI)--Britain has on an island airport. Haig is expected to pressure Bri- day convention of mothers is sche- begun a blockade of the Falkland Is- On the British side, the "New tain to accept a 72-hour truce so duled to get under way in Hasbrouck lands--but, so far, there have been York Times" reports the archipelago he can continue his diplomatic mis- Heights on April 30th. Kay Willis, no hostilities between Britain and has been mined. The newspaper also sion without worrying about open the woman organizing the meeting, Argentina. said that military sources have warfare--at least for the immediate feels that mothers no longer have That planned British blockade of confirmed the presence of four future. role models to turn to, and that the Falkland Islands has been in British subs in the area off the they need to communicate with each effect since last night without any coast of Argentina. A large British other. Mrs. Willis, incidentally, reports of hostilities between fleet is heading to the zone--but New York has new is a mother of ten. British and Argentine forces. isn't expected to arrive for at Observers say the chances of an least a week. OAKLAND, Calif. (AP)--Authorities open confrontation were greatly re- In London, Secretary of State Problem: 'fare sucking' in Oakland hope that by today duced when Argentina withdrew near- Haig is meeting with Prime Minis- they'll be able to re-open the Cald- ly all of its navy to its own coasts ter Thatcher, in ongoing diplomatic NEW YORK (UPI)--New York youths have ecott Tunnel. The tube was shut before the blockade began at 11, efforts to end the dispute. Haig come up with a new way to make money down after seven people died last Eastern Time, last night. But the is in London for the second ti1me illegally, it's called "fare sucking." week in the explosion of a gasoline crisis is far from over. since the crisis began. In between, Transit Authoity police say a 12- .tankertruck. A film of soot still Argentina has put some 9,000 he visited Buenos Aires, where he year-old boy was nabbed, recently for covers the 3,700-foot tunnel. troops entrenched on the disputed received a proposal designed to sucking tokens out of a subway turn- islands on full alert. And Argen- head off a war between the two na- stile, he was caught with his lips CHICAGO (UPI)--Civil Rights leaders tine warplanes are standing ready tions. on the machine. have announced a marathon march from Authorities say it's not an iso- D.C., begin- Alabama to Washington, lated case. In fact, they say it's ning Friday. The Rev. Jesse Jack- New Guatemalen government promises reforms been going on for years. The scam son of Chicago and Dr. Joseph Low- works like this--youths "fix" sev- ery of the Southern Christian Leader- GUATEMALA (UPI)--The leader of tions with the U.S. eral turnstiles by jamming the slots ship Conference say they expect Guatemala's new military government In a speech welcoming Costa Rican with cardboard slugs. Riders insert thousands to join the marched aimed says the ruling junta has cleaned uo President Rodrigo Carazo to the a token, which refuse to go in at pressuring the government to ex- corruption in politics, removing southern town of Rivas yesterday, properly, in disgust--they give up tend the 1965 Voting Rights Act. the reason for the country's bud- Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega also and leave. The youths return to the ding leftist guerrilla movement. challenged Washington to make a turnstile, suck the tokens out of WASHINGTON (AP)--The cost of taking Gen. Edrain Rios Montt told a sign proving the U.S. wants to ease the slot and use them or sell them care of your health went up faster national broadcast audience yester- tensions. back to clerks. last year than in any other year day the corruption ended with the Ortega went on to praise proposals Police say they know of twin since WWII. Government figures arrest of more than 20 senior offi- put forth by Mexico and Panama, in boys about 14-years-old who are show the cost of medical care rose cials of the ousted regime of form- an effort to ease tension between making a career out of "fare suck- 12.5 percent in 1981--while the Romeo Lucas Garcia. 'Both er President Nicaragua and the U.S. pro- ing." They overall inflation rate was 8.9 make about 75 dollars Montt called the arrests an act posals have several points in com- a day. percent. There are various theories of "justice, not vengeance" that mon with a U.S. nlan for improved about what's causing the soaring has undermined the root of the ties. medical costs. Some say there's guerrilla movement. Will budget deficit be not enough competition among hospi- In other Central American news, The eight-point American plan was tals and doctors. Other cite health the co-ordinator of Nicaragua's presented to the Managua government insurance coverage, a shortage of ruling three-man junta says his by U.S. Ambassador Anthony Ouainton $100 or $70 billion? nurses and expensive technology. nation is ready to improve rela- last week. WASHINGTON (AP)--It was last week that Budget Director David Stock- man estimated that the deficit for LANT FLT announces Caribbean exercise the current fiscal year would top $100 billion. The Commander in Chief of the ations will be conducted in the Operations in the Gulf of Mexico, Tax-cut supporters in the adminis- tlantic Command, Adm. Harry D. U.S. Virgin Islands. May 3-7, will also be under the tration have since suggested Stock- Train II, USN, has announced the Caribbean operations, April 27 direction of Commander, U.S. Forces man may be suppressing figures that command will conduct a joint train- through May 16, will be under the Caribbean. Navy and Air Force air- indicate the deficit would only be ing exercise in the Caribbean, the direction of the Commander, U.S. craft, flying from bases in Florida $70 billion. But Stockman's chief Gulf of Mexico, and the southeast Forces Caribbean, Rear Adm. Robert and Georgia, will conduct operations spokesman, Edwin Dale, is denying U.S. from April 27 through May 6. P. McKenzie, USN, who will direct against a carrier battle group in that, and says the budget director Ocean Venture 82 will emphasize the exercise from his headquarters the Gulf. The aircraft will also really does expect the deficit to command and control of forces in a in Key West. Fla. Events will use live ordnance ranges at Eglin come close to the record $100 bil- simulated combat environment include: Air Force Base and Avon Park, Fla. lion mark. Carrier battle group operations Unconventional warfare training Meanwhile, an analyst for a con- More than 45,000 active duty and at sea. exercises will be conducted at servative research group has con- reserve men and women from each of Reinforcement, base defense and military installations in Florida cluded that this year's federal the armed services will participate, non-combatant evacuation exercises and Georgia.
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