SchoolSchool ReformReform andand thethe SuperintendencySuperintendency The 4th and 5th Journals of the Northeast Superintendents’ Annual Leadership Institute Volume 4, 2002 The Northeast Superintendents’ Leadership Council, a consortium promoting equity and excellence in American schools, is an organization of superintendents and for superintendents, which explores the many equity and excellence issues surrounding current educational reform. All of these explorations are seen through the special lens of meeting the educational needs of diverse student groups. For information about the numerous professional development and networking activities of the council, contact: The Northeast Superintendents’ Leadership Council The Education Alliance at Brown University 222 Richmond Street, Suite 300 Providence, RI 02903-4226 Phone: 800.521.9550 or 401.274.9548 Fax: 401.351.9594 Web: Many of the council’s activities are supported by the Northeast and Islands Regional Educational Laboratory at Brown University (LAB). The LAB, a program of The Education Alliance at Brown University, is one of ten regional educational laboratories funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Research and Improvement. The goals of the LAB are to improve teaching and learning, advance school improvement, build capacity for reform, and develop strategic alliances with key members of the region’s education and policymaking community. The LAB develops educational products and services for school administrators, policymakers, teachers, and parents in New England, New York, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Central to our efforts is a commitment to equity and excellence. For information about LAB programs and services, contact: LAB at Brown University The Education Alliance at Brown University 222 Richmond Street, Suite 300 Providence, RI 02903-4226 Phone: 800.521.9550 or 401.274.9548 Fax: 401.421.7650 e-mail:
[email protected] Web: Copyright © 2002 The LAB at Brown University.