Is Feeneyism Catholic? / François Laisney
I S F That there is only one true Church, the one, Holy, Catholic, EENEYISM Apostolic, and Roman Church, outside of which no one can be saved, has always been taught by the Catholic Church. This dogma, however, has been under attack in recent times. Already last century, the Popes had to repeatedly rebuke the liberal Catholics for their tendency to dilute this The Catholic dogma, “reducing it to a meaningless formula.” But in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, the same dogma was C Meaning of misrepresented on the opposite side by Fr. Feeney ATHOLIC and his followers, changing “outside the Church there is The Dogma, no salvation” into “without water baptism there is absolutely no salvation,” thereby denying doctrines which had been “Outside the positively and unanimously taught by the Church, that is, Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire. ? Catholic Church IS FEENEYISM REV. FR. FRANÇOIS LAISNEY There Is No CATHOLIC? Salvation” What is at stake?—Fidelity to the unchangeable Catholic Faith, to the Tradition of the Church. We must neither deviate on the left nor on the right. The teaching Church must “religiously guard and faithfully explain the deposit of Faith that was handed down through the Apostles,…this apostolic doctrine that all the Fathers held, and the holy orthodox Doctors reverenced and followed” (Vatican I); all members of the Church must receive that same doctrine, without picking and choosing what they will believe. We may not deny a point of doctrine that belongs to the IS deposit of Faith—though not yet defined—under the pretext that it has been distorted by the Liberals.
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