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O P E N R O D Vol: 1 Issue 8 Your Community Newspaper Working For You Tuesday, July 19, 2016 The Fair At A Glance The 2016 Elmore County Fair & Rodeo kicked off on Sunday, July 17th. The youth and open class partici- pants have been working hard to get their projects ready to show. In addition the Fair Board and County Com- missioners have made several improvments to the fair grounds. The 2016 Fair & Rodeo will have many new attrac- tions. The BIG news is that Brown’s Amusements from Mesa, Arizona, will be providing great carnival rides on the midway. In addition, Jukebox Express from Meridi- an, will be providing additional midway attractions. The midway for rides will open on Wednesday. Pre-sale tick- ets are available until Wednesday at noon for $20 per ticket at Southside Market, Corner Market and Smith’s Hometown Hardware in Glenns Ferry, and at D & B Supply, Albertsons, Canyon Creek Produce and Moun- tain Home Pro Real Estate in Mountain Home. Addition- al rides and other activities will be available and facili- tated by local civic organizations, which will keep 100% of the proceeds to go back into the organization’s fund to donate back to the community. The mechanical bull, which was a huge success last year, will be back again this year. There will be nearly twice as many vendors as in previ- ous years. There will be shows by Al the Balloon Guy and also Reptile Adventures. Winners of the Elmore County’s Got Talent will perform at different times dur- Photo courtesy of Dale Jeffrey ing the fair as well. Wednesday is Military Appreciation Day, and Thurs- day is Family Day (no alcohol). The horse shows will run through Tuesday. The market, small animal and breed- ing projects show Wednesday and Thursday. The Exhib- it Building opens on Wednesday. The Junior Rodeo is scheduled for the Thursday at 6:00 p.m. The main rodeo is taking on a new look this year. It will be an Open Rodeo on Friday and Saturday nights at 8:00 p.m., and is the largest Ranch Bronc Rid- ing event in the State. Other rodeo events include Sad- dle Bronc Riding, Bull Riding, Barrel Racing, 30 Pt Women’s Steer Stopping and Local Team Roping. The top 5 riders in the Ranch Bronc event will do a “ride-off,” the winner of which will walk away with a Henry’s Gold- en Boy rifle. Come out and support the youth of Elmore County. Watch them show their projects and ask them ques- tions. They will be happy to visit and explain what they have done to complete their project(s). Then on Satur- day, come to the livestock sale and support the youth. Fair admission will be $3, as always (does not include rodeo). by Rena Kerfoot Community Booth Volunteers R Needed O Volunteers are still needed to work at the Community Booth at the Fair. The O booth sells their world famous scones, corndogs, chicken sticks and a variety P of other delectable fair treats. All pro- D ceeds go to the Community Christmas Basket fund to help provide holiday E cheer in the form of food and gifts to E those in need in our community. Any- one wishing to give of their time should contact Traci at 573-2164. N O Photo reprinted from Elmore County Fair Website Mountain Home Country Music Festival 29-31 Jul Glenns Ferry Times & Seasons, July 19, 2016 Letters to the Editor Fire In The Nar- rows Follow-up Calling All Cowboys The Times & Seasons We received a letter to the editor for inclusion in this reported on a fire in the Be Part of History issue, but it was submitted by email without a name or Narrows on June 18th. We Three Island Crossing Resurrected After Six Years contact phone number for verification. As stated in our were able to obtain the fol- policy, anonymous letters will not be considered for lowing additional details on Outriders Needed publication. We attempted contact with the sender on that fire: The fire started at Riders Welcome two separate occasions, but received no response. We 4:30 p.m. and burned 150 regret that we cannot publish a letter submitted under acres, 148 acres of BLM Individuals Must Participate in Practices these circumstances. The Editor land and 2 acres of private To Cross on Saturday, August 13th at 12:00 Noon property. Two battalions of firefighters, 1 dozer and 6 Practices Held on July 31 and August 7 engines (2 from Hammett, Interested Parties Should Call Dale Jeffrey 2 from Bruneau, 2 from Boise) were deployed to 208-869-1002 Your letter to the editor could fight the fire. The blaze was finally controlled at 4:30 p.m. the following day. The have gone here. Want to sound cause of the fire was deter- Services Directory mined to be equipment off about something that’s both- malfunction, which could Assisted Living and In-home Care be a dragging chain, a cat- Poplar Grove Assisted Living and In-home Care 366-2631 alytic converter or over- Agriculture ering you? This is where to do heated wheel bearings. The Permaculture Designer, 599-4919, [email protected],Wilder fire started in the median Bee Swarm Removal it. Just follow the rules. area at mile marker 115 Chris or Nate, 577-0853, 599-1160 and quickly jumped across Electrician the westbound lanes due Frank’s Electric, 366-2627/599-4232, King Hill, Frank to the wind. Handyman Volunteers Urgently Needed Both the BLM and local J & L Services, 208-366-3356, 1-360-921-0391.Jerry Fire Departments wish to Hardware To Help With Crossing Event emphasize how easily fires can be started by equip- Smith’s Hometown Hardware, 366-2227, Scott or Lynda There has been a lot of excitement over the fact that ment that is not properly Housekeeping the Three Island Crossing re-enactment will take place serviced or maintained. In J & L Services, 208-366-3556, 1-360-921-0391,Linnette again this year. One of the primary reasons it was dis- this case, inattention to Lawn Care continued 6 years ago was the lack of volunteer partici- one detail ended up caus- Sheila & Mary Ellen, 591-0280, Sheila pants for the re-enactment. The success of this event ing a fire that consumed J & L Services, 208-366-3556, 1-360-921-0391, Jerry depends upon volunteer participation not only for the re 150 acres. Please be care- Lawn Sprinklers -enactment portion, but for every aspect of the celebra- ful! by David Payne Franks Sprinklers, 919-3102, Frank tion--craft and food vendors, marketing, set-up and Lodging clean-up, traffic control, entertainment, and most im- Unless otherwise annotated, all River Roads B&B, 208-590-3354, [email protected], June portantly attendees. We live at a prominent point on the photos in this publication were Transportation Oregon Trail and should take pride in helping celebrate taken by David Payne. Many of the historical significance of the Three Island Crossing J & L Services, 208-366-3356,1-360-921-0391, Linnette of the Snake River. Anyone who would like to help get the anecdotes come from the this celebration back off the ground and make it a suc- internet and the authors are He was so ugly he had to sneak up on a dip- cess is invited to call the Three Islands Crossing Com- unknown. mittee President, Rich Wills at 366-7408. He will have per to get a drink of water. something meaningful that you can help with. Those interested in participating in the re-enactment should She’s so ugly she contact Dale Jeffrey directly at 208-869-1002. For safe- could back a buzzard ty reasons, all participants in the actual crossing must off a gut-wagon. also be at the practices on July 31st and August 7th. What You Missed at City Council General Manager & Editor……..David Payne, 350-1946 Advertising & Sales ……………Lori Pratt, 208-420-8777 Councilman Larry Stevenson conducted the July 12th Glenns Ferry City Council Office Phone: 366-4395 Meeting in the absence of Mayor Connie Wills. Mayor Wills suffered what medical au- Email: [email protected] thorities believe was a bug bite near the end of June that has resulted in a severe infection that has been difficult to control. Most recently she has improved enough to POLICY be able to come home from the hospital to continue her recuperation, which may be Letters: The Glenns Ferry Times & Seasons wel- lengthy. comes letters to the editor of 400 words or fewer and During the public comment portion of the meeting, Jak Krieger voiced concerns will print them as promptly as possible as space al- over inoperative flashing safety lights on both sides of the barricaded bridge on 4th lows. All letters will be published at the editor’s discre- Ave. He also suggested that with the Chamber Visitor’s Center open regularly, it is tion. The editor reserves the right to decline any letter. time to re-paint crosswalk markings at the intersection of Commercial St. and 1st We reserve the right to edit letters as necessary for Ave. Rosa Elena Rodriguez, after receiving ordinance compliance letters from the city, brevity, grammar and taste. is concerned that neighbors aren’t being held to the same standard in the clean-up. Political Letters: Letters of endorsement, in opposi- She said her family is making progress with the clean-up effort, but sees no progress tion to, from or about elected officials or candidates in neighboring properties.
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