SINGING GAMES IN THE UPPER ELEMENTARY Aug. 19, 2015: Eastern Washington Education Conference Christopher Roberts –
[email protected] Children + play + music = singing games! There is perhaps nothing more playful in music class than singing games. Yet students in the upper elementary grades are going through social and emotional transitions that can make them hard for music teachers to reach: indeed, they are becoming “too cool for school.” Because of this, not all games are successful. What makes a good game for upper elementary students? Where can they be found? And most importantly, can we play some? Why play singing games in the elementary classroom? Potential challenges: n get students singing n overwhelming rambunctiousness! n allow time in class for students to re-focus n elimination games: what happens to students n create community in the classroom who get out? n use songs to extract elements for literacy n getting students to sing n sing multicultural music(s) n bad sportsmanship n have fun! n hand-holding What do students in upper elementary like? How to teach: n games with movement n step by step n games with competition n layer challenges n tunes with syncopation n differentiate instruction n tunes with minor/modal/blues-y melodies n decide: game before song, song before game, or n games that pose a challenge both at the same time Aquaqua Israel # 2 j Œ & 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ A- qua - qua del- a omar- qua, qua, qua, Del si- ma tri- co 7 # ‰ j j j Œ & œ œ œ œ œ œ ™ œ ™ œ œ œ œ œ œ tri- co, tri- co, tra Va lo,œ va lo,œ va lo,œ va laœ va la, va lo, Source: First grade students of Givat Mordecai, in Jerusalem, Israel; September, 1979.