EIBA 2017 Milan Conference
EIBA 2017 Milan Conference International Business in the Information Age 43 rd European International Business Academy Conference December 14-16, 2017 | Milan, Italy Updated November 23rd Legend: Competitive Session Interactive Panel Sessions C2.1.1: The subsidiary in GVCs Track: MNE Subsidiary Strategy, and Inter-Firm and Intra-Firm Business Network Session chair: Sverre Tomassen Time: Friday, 15/Dec/2017: 9:00am - 10:30am Using and disposing of joint venture partners to reap the benefits of multinationality J. H. Fisch, B. Schmeisser WU Vienna, Austria; bioern.schmeisser@wu.ac.at VALUE CREATION IN SERVICES GVCs: MULTIDIMENSIONAL ROLES OF SERVICES IN GVCs M. Stare, A. Jakliö University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; andreia.iaklic@fdv.uni-li.si HOW SUBSIDIARIES GAIN STRATEGIC INFLUENCE IN MNE VALUE CHAINS E. Gillmore, N. Memar Mälardalen University, Sweden; noushan.memar@mdh.se C2.1.2: Innovation and local context Track: Knowledge Management and Innovation Session chair: Isabel Alvarez Time: Friday, 15/Dec/2017: 9:00am - 10:30am Heterogeneous spillover effects from MNE investments: Domestic learning capacity and technological opportunities L. GagIiardi2, A. Ascani l University of Geneva, Switzerland; 2 Utrecht University, Netherland; luisa.qaqliardi@uniqe.ch The role of leading firms in explaining evolutionary paths of growth: Italian and Turkish clusters on the move f. belussi , a. caloffi2 Padua University, Italy; 2 Padua University, Italy; fiorenza.belussi@unipd.it The Role of the Appropriability Mechanisms for the Innovative Success of Portuguese Small and Medium Enterprises F. d. O. Paula, J. F. d. Silva PUC-Rio, Brazil; iorqe1319@qmail.com To share, or not to share? Production sites' motivation to share knowledge M.
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