HOWARD KAZANJIAN Executive Producer 1613 Chelsea Road San Marino, California 91108 (626) 441-0031
[email protected] Howard Kazanjian is an accomplished film and televi- $VDQRWHG3URGXFHU.D]DQMLDQ¶VYDVWH[SHULHQFHRI sion producer and entertainment executive. Kazanjian the motion picture industry has earned him the repu- has produced several blockbuster films including tation of delivering the most value on screen for the Raiders of the Lost Ark and Star Wars Episode VI: least amount of money. Kazanjian is known for tran- Return of the Jedi. During his seven years as Vice scending the traditional producers role. He is in- President of Production at Lucasfilm Ltd., Kazanjian volved in all aspects of filmmaKing from script selec- also oversaw the production of Star Wars Episode V: tion, casting, location search, production, special ef- The Empire Strikes Back. fects, post-production, to distribution and merchan- Throughout his 40 years in the film indutry, Howard dising. of Roses Parade. Kazanjian has been priveliged to worK with some of In 2004 Kazanjian authored a biography of American FLQHPD¶VILQHVWGLUHFWRUV Kazanjian advanced his heroes Roy Rogers and Dale Evans titled The Cow- craft on many films as an Assistant Director and Pro- boy and the Seniorita. He followed up with Happy ducer worKing closely with legendary filmmaKers Trails: A Pictorial Celebration of the Life and Times such as: Alfred HitchcocK, Billy Wilder, Sam Peckin- of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans in 2005. In October pah, Robert Wise, Joshua Logan, Elia Kazan, Clint of 2006, Kazanjian authored a biography of John Eastwood, Francis Ford Coppola, Steven Spielberg, Wayne, titled The Young Duke.