Council of Trustees June 2021

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Council of Trustees June 2021 COUNCIL OF TRUSTEES JUNE 2021 COUNCIL OF TRUSTEES QUARTERLY MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 | 5:00 PM Kara Alumni House, Booker Great Room Zoom Option: Phone: 646-558-8656 | Meeting ID: 988 2532 3183 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER James Davis II. RECORDING ATTENDANCE Anna Stewart III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. March 3, 2021 – Regular Meeting IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS V. APSCUF COMMENTS Craig Smith VI. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT James Davis A. Nominating Committee VII. PACT UPDATE Stephen DeFrank VIII. UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT’S REPORT Robert J. Thorn IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Academic Affairs Sandra Guthrie 1. Quarterly Update B. Enrollment Management Tony Amadio 1. Quarterly Update C. Administration and Finance Larry Maggi 1. Quarterly Contracts and Purchases (Action Item) 2. University External Financial Support (Action Item) 3. Annual Inspection of Facilities (Action Item) 4. University Budget Update 5. Quarterly Update D. Student Affairs Justin Nwokeji 1. Quarterly Update E. Communications and Marketing Robin Betza 1. Quarterly Update F. University Development and Alumni Relations Barry Niccolai 1. Quarterly Update X. EXECUTIVE SESSION (IF NEEDED) XI. ADJOURNMENT MEETING MINUTES California University of Pennsylvania Council of Trustees Regular Quarterly Meeting Wednesday, March 3, 2021 Note: Meeting held via Zoom. Meeting Minutes I. Call to Order The Council of Council of Trustees at California University of Pennsylvania met in regular session on Wednesday, March 3, 2021, via Zoom. Chair Davis called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Recording Attendance Roll call indicated the following were in attendance: Present: Tony Amadio, Robin Betza, Jim Davis, Stephen DeFrank, Maria Dovshek, Sandra Guthrie, Larry Maggi, Barry Niccolai, and Justin Nwokeji. Absent: James Harris, Sean Logue Robert J. Thorn, Interim University President; Dan Engstrom, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Dave Garcia, Vice President for Enrollment Management; Fawn Petrosky, Interim Vice President for Administration & Finance; Larry Sebek, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs; Christine Kindl, Vice President for Communications and Marketing; Tony Mauro, Vice President for University Development & Alumni Relations; Anna Stewart, Interim Executive Assistant; and Staci Tedrow, Administrative Assistant II. III. Approval of Minutes A motion was made by Trustee Amadio, and seconded by Trustee Dovshek, to approve the minutes from the December 2, 2020 , regular quarterly meeting. Yeas: All Nays: None Motion Passed IV. Public Comments University faculty member, Azi Block advocated on behalf of Dr. Holiday Adair and Dr. Pamela Twiss with regards to the Enhanced Sick Leave Payout program. V. APSCUF Comments Craig Smith, Local APSCUF President, provided remarks about Western Integration / Consolidation on behalf of ASPCUF. VI. Chairman’s Report Chairman Davis welcomed President Thorn to his first official Council of Trustees meeting in the roll of Interim President. An election of officers is held every two years at the September quarterly meeting. Chairman Davis appointed three Trustees to serve on the nominating committee: Tony Amadio, Robin Betza, and Stephen DeFrank. The nominating committee will report the nominees for the respective officers at the June quarterly meeting. VII. PACT Update Trustee DeFrank provided a PACT update. VIII. University President’s Report President Thorn gave a report which included updates on the following: • Spring 2021 Opening • Intercollegiate Spring Sports • COVID testing • Plans for Fall 2021 • Diversity, Equity Inclusion • Western Integration IX. Committee Reports A. Academic Affairs 1. Quarterly Update Interim Provost Engstrom introduced Kristen Majocha, dean of the College of Education and Liberal Arts. Dean Majocha updated trustees on the Art Jewelry Forum, Research Series, Black History Month, Women’s History Month, and the Community Engagement Program. Dean Majocha also reported faculty involvement in these projects. B. Enrollment Management 1. Quarterly Update Vice President Garcia reported on the following: • Spring 2021 and Fall 2021 Enrollment: A 3.15% enrollment decrease (combined undergraduate and graduate) for Spring 2021. He also reported for Fall 2021, a 1% increase in application, a 16% increase in completed applications, a 25% increase in accepted students and a 15% decrease in paid deposits (this number will increase as it is early in the process). • FAFSA: 39.9% increase in seniors completing FAFSA (from October, 2020 until February, 2021) and a decrease of 9.2% year over year. • CARES Act II: $2,213.038 will be distributed to 3283 students. • Educational Alliance: Reported on current corporate and community partners and pending partnerships. • California was named a 2020-2021 Military Friendly School. C. Administration and Finance 1. Quarterly Contracts and Purchases (Action Item) A motion was made by Trustee Niccolai, and seconded by Trustee Amadio, to approve the contracts and purchases for the period of October 21, 2020 through January 20, 2021, negotiated and/or awarded by the University. A roll call vote was taken. Yeas: All Nays: None Motion Passed 2. Capital Projects Spending Plan A motion was made by Trustee DeFrank, and seconded by Trustee Maggi to approve the Capital Projects Spending plan. A roll call vote was taken. Yeas: All Nays: None Motion Passed 3. 2020-2021 University Budget Review Interim Vice President Petrosky reviewed the 2020-2021 university budget. 4. Quarterly Update Interim Vice President Petrosky reported on the following quarterly projects: New Science Complex, Lilley Softball Field, Veterinary Technology Department, Manderino Library Relocations, and Residence Hall B. She also reported the updated demolition schedule for Azorsky, Morgan, Keystone, and Gallagher. D. Student Affairs 1. Quarterly Update Interim Vice President Sebek reported on the COVID-19 Response Team along with their responsibilities. He also reported on the resource and support provided. E. Communications and Marketing 1. Quarterly Update Vice President Kindl previewed the “View Book.” F. University Development and Alumni Relations 1. Quarterly Update Vice President Mauro reported on a successful fund-raising for this fiscal year to February, 2021. Over $1.7 million was raised in cash donations and pledges which exceeds the division’s nine-year average by over $300,000. He also reported on planned giving, affinity engagement, alumni activities and events. He told the Trustees about the Greek Brick appeal. X. Executive Session None XI. Adjournment A motion was made by Trustee Amadio, and seconded by Trustee Niccolai, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m. COUNCIL OF TRUSTEES REPORT, June 2021 WELCOME FROM DR. DANIEL challenge. I am extremely proud of them. ENGSTROM, INTERIM PROVOST This year will hold many challenges and opportunities. We anticipate having academic classes back to “normal” this fall and spring. The staff is beginning to move desks back to classrooms so they are at pre-COVID capacities. Students who have extenuating circumstances will be able to participate in select classes via remote learning. Finally, I can’t say “thank you” enough to the Academic Affairs leadership and support team. We have all learned to adapt to each other and build mutual respect and vision. I am sure the next year will certainly have its share of challenges, but together we will persevere and move Cal U into a stronger and brighter future. Sincerely, Dan It is hard to believe that a year ago Dr. Bruce Barnhart let me know that he was contemplating Daniel E. Engstrom, Ed.D. retirement. A month or so later, I was fortunate Interim Provost, Vice President for Academic Affairs to be named the Interim Provost at Cal U. Little did I know what challenges awaited related to integration, avoiding retrenchment, continued challenges with COVID, learning a new role and many more. This past spring we were able to offer about 50% of our courses on campus while still allowing students to access the course via remote learning if needed. Our faculty and students did a great job adapting to nothing less than a huge Strategic Enrollment Action Plan Coordinator, MEET DR. YUGO IKACH and Acting Dean of Graduate Studies and Cal U’s Dean of Graduate Studies and Research before being appointed Dean of Research Graduate Studies and Research. There, he manages Graduate Assistants, Graduate Council, Graduate and Global Online programs. Working closely with Program Coordinators, the Dean of Education and Liberal Arts and the Dean Science and Technology, the Director Graduate Admissions, and Director of Marketing, the graduate school has seen enrollment growth of 2020 over 2019 and Fall 2021 looks even more promising. This Growth (8% headcount) occurred during a pandemic and downward enrollment trends from many of our competitors. This year has seen an increase in Accelerated Master’s Degree Programs providing a seamless transition for our undergraduate students to their Masters and doing so by shaving off a year of studies. Talks are underway to provide similar pathways to other Dr. Yugo Ikach, a native of McKeesport, undergraduate PASSHE students. Adding to Pennsylvania pursued his love of music and our existing doctoral offerings (Doctor of performing graduating from Carnegie-Mellon Criminal Justice and Doctor of Health Science) University, the Peabody Conservatory of Johns last Summer saw the addition of our first class Hopkins University and West Virginia of Doctor of Education (EdD)

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