The Space Infrared Interferometric Telescope (SPIRIT): High- Resolution Imaging and Spectroscopy in the Far-Infrared
Leisawitz, D. et al., J. Adv. Space Res., in press (2007), doi:10.1016/j.asr.2007.05.081 The Space Infrared Interferometric Telescope (SPIRIT): High- resolution imaging and spectroscopy in the far-infrared David Leisawitza, Charles Bakera, Amy Bargerb, Dominic Benforda, Andrew Blainc, Rob Boylea, Richard Brodericka, Jason Budinoffa, John Carpenterc, Richard Caverlya, Phil Chena, Steve Cooleya, Christine Cottinghamd, Julie Crookea, Dave DiPietroa, Mike DiPirroa, Michael Femianoa, Art Ferrera, Jacqueline Fischere, Jonathan P. Gardnera, Lou Hallocka, Kenny Harrisa, Kate Hartmana, Martin Harwitf, Lynne Hillenbrandc, Tupper Hydea, Drew Jonesa, Jim Kellogga, Alan Koguta, Marc Kuchnera, Bill Lawsona, Javier Lechaa, Maria Lechaa, Amy Mainzerg, Jim Manniona, Anthony Martinoa, Paul Masona, John Mathera, Gibran McDonalda, Rick Millsa, Lee Mundyh, Stan Ollendorfa, Joe Pellicciottia, Dave Quinna, Kirk Rheea, Stephen Rineharta, Tim Sauerwinea, Robert Silverberga, Terry Smitha, Gordon Staceyf, H. Philip Stahli, Johannes Staguhn j, Steve Tompkinsa, June Tveekrema, Sheila Walla, and Mark Wilsona a NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD b Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA c California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA d Lockheed Martin Technical Operations, Bethesda, Maryland, USA e Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA f Department of Astronomy, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA g Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA h Astronomy Department, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA i NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, USA j SSAI, Lanham, Maryland, USA ABSTRACT We report results of a recently-completed pre-Formulation Phase study of SPIRIT, a candidate NASA Origins Probe mission. SPIRIT is a spatial and spectral interferometer with an operating wavelength range 25 - 400 µm.
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