JS CORPORATION COMMISSION Notice of Public Meeting Regular Meeting

This meeting is being conducted in compliance with the Open Meeting Act, as amended by SB 1031

Notice is hereby given to all persons that the Oklahoma Corporation Commission shall meet and conduct business as follows:

Time, Day and Date: 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Place: Chairman J. , Vice Chairman and Commissioner Dana Murphy will each participate remotely by teleconference. However, any of the Commissioners may change their participation to physically appear from Room 301, Jim Thorpe Office Building, 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105

Teleconferencing In light of COVID-19, this meeting is being conducted via and/or teleconferencing and/or videoconferencing. Instructions are below Videoconferencing Capabilities:

Purpose: Conducting of daily business enumerated in the items below

Posting Division: Chairman J. Todd Hiett


Item Topic

I A. Call to order B. Announcement concerning public notice C. Determination of quorum

II Discussion and possible vote(s) to extend order number 716932 in Cause No. CD 202100238, Joint Application of Brandy L. Wreath, Director of the Public Utility Division, and Robyn Strickland, Director of the Oil & Gas Conservation Division, Oklahoma Corporation Commission, for an Order of the Commission Authorizing an Emergency Increase of the Statewide Proration Formula for Unallocated Gas Wells in Response to the Existing Severe Weather Disaster Threatening the Public Health, Safety and Peace

III Adjournment

Any individual interested in providing comment by either teleconference or videoconference MUST register. Viewing and participation instructions are included on the Commission’s website at www.oklahoma.gov/occ, sent by GovDelivery notice to subscribers, or may be obtained by email request to [email protected], or by calling the Commission at 405-521-2211 or 405-521-3848. Public meetings are recorded and may be accessed at this link.

This notice was posted prominently and publicly at the principal offices of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission at the Jim Thorpe Office Building, 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 at p.m.1:00 p.m., March 1, 2021.