Integrating genetic and demographic effects of dispersal on population response to a variable environment

Allison G. Dedrick Dept. of , , and Natural Resources, Rutgers University & Marissa L. Baskett (presenting) Dept. of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California Davis Dispersal is a double-edged sword

↑ Local rescue: • Demographic support • Increase local diversity Mobilized individuals & genes → ↑ response to ↑ Cross-population variability: • Demographic synchrony • Genetic homogenization

What is the relative role of demographic versus genetic dynamics in driving the effect of dispersal? Lenormand 2002, → drivers of +/- roles in response to climate change Abbott 2011 Humans are altering dispersal Habitat fragmentation ↑ Local rescue: • Demographic support • Increase local diversity Transport ↑ Cross-population variability: • Demographic synchrony • Genetic homogenization Including variability in returns for a natural resource

What is the relative role of demographic versus genetic dynamics in driving the effect of dispersal? human impacts^ on Study system: salmon

→ naturally high genetic differentiation Ocean

Waples et al 2004 River Independent & diverse populations stabilize returns

Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus Aggregate returns nerka) to Bristol Bay were 41-77% more stable than individual stocks (Schindler et al.

2010) Catch (millions (millions fish) Catch of

Year Slide courtesy: S. Carlson Increased variability in California

Habitat: Chinook (Oncorhynchus - Current tshawytscha) Sacramento Basin: - Former 8/10 + pairwise (barrier/d correlations am) 4 significant

San Joaquin Basin: 6/6 + pairwise correlations

4 significant Adult production production (thousands) Adult

Year Slide courtesy: S. Carlson Increased variability in California

Chinook (Oncorhynchus

tshawytscha) Adult production production (thousands) Adult

Year Slide courtesy: S. Carlson

Salmon hatcheries

Ocean River Salmon hatcheries: trucking

Hatchery 1950 1960 1970

Nimbus hatchery release sites 1980 1990 2000 Juvenile Redeye Bass Chinook

Satterthwaite & Carlson 2015.; Sturrock et al. 2019; Huber & Carlson 2015 Slide courtesy: S. Carlson 6e+07 a)






4f e+07


r Salmon hatcheries: trucking


e b

2m e+07 u

1N e+07 0e+00 Hatchery 1950 1960 1970 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Release year y

a 1.0


o t



e s

a 0.6



e r




i t

r 0.2 1980 1990 2000


p o

r 0.0

P (all 5 hatcheries) 5 (all 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Year Proportion released Proportion released Bay to

Nimbus hatchery Satterthwaite & Carlson 2015.; Sturrock et al. 2019; Huber & Carlson 2015 Slide courtesy: S. Carlson Trucking increases dispersal between streams


y = 0.1617x + 8.5805 2 80 R = 0.8743


40 Stray Index: Stray 20

0 dispersal between dispersal streams 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Distance (km) of release from Coleman Hatchery CDFG/NMFS 2001; Hanak et al. 2011; Lindley et al. 2009 Slide courtesy: S. Carlson Central questions

• Can increased dispersal (through trucking) explain the increased variability in California’s salmon? o What is the relative contribution of demographic synchrony versus genetic homogenization to increased variability? Model

Reproduction & River A density-dependence Within-river Hatchery A* outmigration River B survivorship and Fry selection Spawners Follow joint demographic- Smolt genetic dynamics Ocean arrival Return migrants time selection


density Population Population Return Genotype & straying Ocean Ocean adults survivorship Model

Reproduction & River A Within-river survivorship H density-dependence Selection strength Hatchery A* outmigration Trucking distance

• Random mating Fitness River B survivorship and • Offspring production Optimal trait Fry Hatchery selection • Density dependence Spawners Phenotype in wild populations transport Trait: migration Hatchery Smolt timing

removal Ocean arrival Fry Return migrants time selection Eggs Outmigrants

Return & straying Ocean Ocean • Natural mortality H straying H adults survivorship • Harvest mortality Trucking distance Trucking increases genetic similarity


Creek w/o hatchery Mean genotype Mean Creek w/hatchery variance Genetic

Proportion of distance trucked Dedrick & Baskett 2018, American Naturalist Population size and variability increase w/trucking

Both spawners spawners

Creek w/hatchery Mean # # Mean

Creek w/o hatchery # in Variance

Proportion of distance trucked Dedrick & Baskett 2018, American Naturalist Trade-off between population size and variability

With Proportion of evolution distance trucked:

1 total returntotal

0.5 Variance of Variance

0 Dedrick & Baskett 2018, 4 Mean spawner population size (x10 ) American Naturalist Genetic homogenization outweighs demographic outweighs homogenization Genetic

Variance of total return Mean spawner population size (x10 population Mean spawner evolution With synchrony effectssynchrony 4 distancetrucked: of Proportion ) 0 0.5 1 Dedrick American Naturalist &Baskett 2018, Conclusions

• Trucking can drive increased variability in salmon o Genetic homogenization >> demographic synchrony in driving increased variability

• For SOTM: o There can be a such thing as too much dispersal, especially: a) Considering genetic differentiation across locations, & b) If environmental variation increases with climate change Acknowledgements

Co-author: Allison Dedrick Funding:

Project collaborators: Stephanie Carlson, Mike Springborn, Amanda Faig, Will Satterthwaite, Steve Lindley, Robin Waples